View Full Version : Big Hill-The Loser

Black Jack
05-30-2003, 11:45 AM
Here is just another reason why this nazi pig has no class. Be proud of your party gents be proud.


let me know if it does not come up

Black Jack
05-30-2003, 11:50 AM
Looks like you will just have to type it in if you want. It works that way.

05-30-2003, 11:58 AM
That's much worse than the CIA doctoring evidence of WMD so we could lie to the world about our reasoning for attacking another country.

Who cares about Hillary, anyway?

Black Jack
05-30-2003, 12:06 PM
Just shows the lady....again....has no class....kinda typical though of her political party.....Maxine Waters....Al Sharpton....Senator Byrd.....Clinton....

When that uber pig starts dragging her slime trail towards the big seat it sure will start to bother more people.

As it is she uses any chance to ***** about big daddy Bush. She just wishes she had a *****.

Royal Dragon
05-30-2003, 12:33 PM
Hillary will be in after Bush as the First Female Pres of the US. Her admin will make Billy boy's look like a Sunday walk in the park.

You heard it first right hear on KFO.

David Jamieson
05-30-2003, 12:36 PM
thta guyis just using her name to sell his book that he can't sell because he doesn't understand what a non-disclosure agreement means and how he is bound by it.


typical rw rhetoric hahahaha.
what do i care actually?.... hmmmn, come to think of it, i don't care about his book and what he has to say. He's a minor player with a peanut sixed role in teh scheme of things.


Black Jack
05-30-2003, 01:02 PM
I put will take that bet and say Hilary will NEVER be president EVER.

05-30-2003, 01:03 PM
I don't think we'll see a chick or minority in the white house in our lifetimes.

KC Elbows
05-30-2003, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by MasterKiller
I don't think we'll see a chick or minority in the white house in our lifetimes.

If that's the case, I suspect we'll be in sad shape by the time we're old, because I can't picture either group endlessly putting up with such a glass ceiling without repercussions.

05-30-2003, 01:18 PM
kung lek -- what do YOU care? you're up north anway. :p

master killer -- actually, $20 says that's what colin powell is being "groomed" for, either by his party or by his own design. why did he take a job as secretary of state instead of defense or something else? he's a former general with acres of experience in that realm.

it's because secretaries of state can get into the white house. secretaries of defense just retire or go on the lecture circuit.

odd to think that the first black president will probably be a republican.

05-30-2003, 01:20 PM
Just because he runs, doesn't mean he will be elected.

Heck, just because you get the overwhelming majority of the popular vote, doesn't necessarily mean you'll be elected.

This is America, remember?

KC Elbows
05-30-2003, 01:21 PM
Powell's too moderate. The party would never support him.

Chang Style Novice
05-30-2003, 02:27 PM
KC is correct.

Royal Dragon
05-30-2003, 02:38 PM
I put will take that bet and say Hilary will NEVER be president EVER.

I hope you are right, but the general populace seems to really like the "Commie" Liberals for some unfathomable reason. If she runs, and enough of people are tired of being at war, she'll walk in and get comfey like she never left.

05-30-2003, 03:00 PM
mk -- the popular vote argument hasn't been useable since dewey/truman, and even truman wound up having more than anyone else -- by a few million when all was said and done. i still haven't heard anything remotely legitimate about bush not getting the most votes, much less overwhelming. i continue to hear a lot of whining and sour grapes, but nothing tangible.

don't get me wrong -- i voted for gore. i believe that george h.w. was a smart man, but he and barbara seem to have raised some impressive morons for sons.

i know you're not happy with the current administration, but at least be thankful for two things:

1. at least it's not jeb in the white house :D
2. love your electoral college. because if we didn't have it, and every elligible voter in alabama and arkansas and a few of those other "brilliant" states turned out on election day, they could possibly elect someone of david duke's calibre all on their own.

Christopher M
05-30-2003, 03:34 PM
You like Bush better than Shrub, Buddah? :eek:

Man... I really hope you're right about Powell being groomed for the prez... that would be truly excellent. And assuredly more excellent than the current alternatives. Fear Jeb with his finger on the button! :eek:

05-30-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Christopher M
You like Bush better than Shrub, Buddah? :eek:
if you're asking if i like daddy george more than sonny boy, yes. at least daddy kept at least one eye looking back at domestic issues instead of keeping both diverted from hs own country. sonny boy doesn't seem to know how do depart from the conservative end of stock answers:

republican answer to an ailing economy: tax cut
republican answer to a booming economy: tax cut

democrat answer to an ailing economy: spend more on social programs to help those who need it most
democrat answer to a booming economy: spend more on social programs to help those who need it most

seems pretty straightforward, no? ;)

Christopher M
05-30-2003, 03:47 PM
Ah... some of us like that republican answer though. :p

Shrub is actually the first Republican pres I've liked. I have serious problems with both Bush and Reagan.

For Bush, I simply can't excuse how he handled the conclusion of the Persian Gulf war.

05-30-2003, 04:14 PM
he had a ton of international pressure and chose to acknowledge it and work with it. his son, on the other hand, just ignores it. :P

i never said i particularly LIKED daddy-o, but i think he was more capable of sitting in the big chair than sonny-boy is. dad had plenty of international experience before he took the top spot. his son stills seems rather ignorant with how the world works. i hope he pays attention during his current trip around europe and the middle east -- he could learn a lot from whom he's meeting.

i do have a few issues with someone who doesn't do much on an national/international level prior to being the president. his dad was veep for 8 years and his previous experience with the CIA was full of exposure as well. but leading a whole country with a governorship as your biggest piece of résumé fodder will leave some definite gaps in what one has to offer.

Christopher M
05-30-2003, 04:28 PM
Ah, see... I don't much care what someone's resume says, nor how much they bow to lobby groups, international or otherwise; don't care how worldy they are either... am only interested in what they do.

05-30-2003, 04:33 PM
agreed. good results are always a nice thing.

but such things on a resume typically play out in their term, and my concern over gwb's weak points has only grown in the past two years.

ah well. at least we have a president who can jog for a mile and not stop for a big mac. that counts for something, i think.

Christopher M
05-30-2003, 04:40 PM
Yeah, but he can't play sax. You got to respect the horn.

Anyway... let's hope Powell stays in the game. We need to be saved from these crazy neocons, and he's a man that can do it.

05-30-2003, 04:52 PM
I don't understand what fantasy world BlackJak lives in. Under Clinton we had record employment, under Bu$h jobs are being lost by the tens of thousands. Clinton cut the deficit, Bu$h is spending cash like he was born a millionaire. We never lost a man under Clinton but we just lost 160 under president dimwit so his corporate pals can finish looting the treasury. How many trillions are missing from the pentagon budget?

BlackJ you hated world peace under Clinton, but you love 'permanent war" under Bu$h? you are outta your mind. You hated a booming economy under a president with a brain, but you love seeing it tank under this never-worked-a-job-in-his-life retard?

Having the Clinton's back would be a miracle. Instead we get wwIII and great depression II.

-Jess O

Christopher M
05-30-2003, 04:57 PM
Rockwood - your impression of Clinton is utterly wrong. When I have the time, I'll write up an article with links addressing each point.

05-30-2003, 05:04 PM

you're right. the horn must be respected.

now why do i think we stumbled upon one of clinton's pickup lines? :confused:

the powell idea is interesting, but he's been too busy doing gw's assignments to really show off his own character. i'd like to see him get a chance to speak without having the party line to follow. problem is, i've heard him say nothing outside of his secretary of state lines that everyone else in the admin is fed.

regardless, we're stuck with "shrub" for another 19 months. they'll be interesting ones, to say the least.

05-30-2003, 05:27 PM
Under Clinton we had record employment, under Bu$h jobs are being lost by the tens of thousands. What bills did Billy boy sign or initiatives did he push to create the internet bubble? That's bubble not boom.

Clinton cut the deficit, Bu$h is spending cash like he was born a millionaire. Explain how Clinton did that.

We never lost a man under Clinton but we just lost 160 under president dimwit so his corporate pals can finish looting the treasury. Let's see the USS Cole, Kobaar Towers, the two embassy bombings in East Africa, the Black Hawk Down incident, The WTC.

Jeeze Rockwood you really have to get your facts straight.

05-30-2003, 05:46 PM
The economy was good under Clinton, but how much of it was real growth? Seems like a lot of the successful big tech buisnesses are colapsing in scandal now... While I don't think Bush can be blamed for the downward trend in the economy(who knew the Towers would be destroyed?), I still don't understand how the tax cuts will help anybody.

There's no way in hell HC is going to be our next president :rolleyes:

Beth S.
05-30-2003, 09:20 PM
I don't really like these political topics, but I wanted to mention that Powell was urged by the Rep. party to run for Pres before, but he wouldn't accept the nomination. So, unfortunately, I don't think we'll see him in the running unless he's changed his mind since then. Too bad. He seems more like a statesman than a politician; we need more of those.

It seems like a Catch 22 nowadays--the people who might be good presidents are too principled to do what they need to do in order to get elected. Those who get elected have, by necessity, already been willing to do so much crap that they're no longer worthy of the office. (I'm pessimistic, huh?)

05-30-2003, 10:55 PM

you're right -- he was urged to run. back then, he had popularity, but little political clout. the fact that he's bush's man in the field is giving him that clout, as well as setting up some relationships for further down the road. i don't question the idea that they're thinking a couple terms ahead, and even if bush doesn't win in 2004, powell could be an easy candidate in 2008.

indeed, he said no last time, but if i remember correctly, he said no to a variety of positions, even from those who did win last time who felt he would be good on their cabinet.

my gut tells me he will run eventually, and if we're thinking purely about potential non-white candidates, i'd hate to see the quality of life in this country if jesse jackson ever won.

then again, david duke got his ass laughed out of the running, so i think there's plenty of satisfaction in that. :)

now, back to real candidates -- when's dukakis making a comback? :D

Black Jack
05-31-2003, 08:36 AM
Rock you totaly live in a fantasy world man when it comes the Clinton era. Guy was major league scumbag.

Does not suprise me though. I know dimwits visit cyberspace to.

btw- Anybody who thinks that Gore got the VAST majority of votes is driving north and smoking to much Canadian grass.

05-31-2003, 09:29 AM
Jack, you said Hill and big loser in the same sentence. I'm reporting you to the department of redundancy department.