View Full Version : i got the best price on turnips.

05-31-2003, 02:37 AM
seriously .... i got the lodizzel on tunizzels.

chen zhen
05-31-2003, 02:44 AM
Fershizzel ma dizzel
for yo' big fat muddafuggingtunipfizzel

uh, congrats, if it's true... Iguess:confused:

Chang Style Novice
05-31-2003, 08:18 AM
Radishes would choke out turnips.

05-31-2003, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
seriously .... i got the lodizzel on tunizzels.

What's "lodizzel?"

Can't figure that one out.


05-31-2003, 02:02 PM
lowdown ma nizzel.

chen zhen
05-31-2003, 02:16 PM
Don't get bizzel wit' Ironfizzel

05-31-2003, 02:56 PM
you know this is bull****. typical day in the life of mike.

i wake up and there's no life cereal. so i start screaming about it and my girlfriend starts in with all this stupid babble about asking me if i needed anything when she went shopping last night. what makes bit ches think they can back talk like this? if they aint sayin i'm sorry, suppers ready, or how bout a blow job they ought not be sayin nothing at all. i tell her she ought to know what we be needing and she said that i ought to go to the store with her like she's been asking me to do for the past two years. i tell her that she dont go to the work with me so i shouldnt have to. nough said.

so i look around our life lacking cereal selection to see like 50 boxes of marshmallow sh it, 30 boxes of cheerios, and 0 boxes of life. man i could have punched a hole in the wall.

after some more screaming i decide to have some cheerios. i really didn't want to use a lot a lot of sugar to wake them o's cheerios, but i did notice that we had strawberries. you know how in the commercials the strawberries are always floating in with the cereal .... well thats bullsh it. they sink straight to the bottom and you got to go mining for the fu ckers. it didnt taste anything like i expected it to either. strawberries kinda suck.

to top it all off she lets satan out right as im getting ready to poop. she tried to say it wasn't her fault but i know better. eveything's her fault. so im standing there crippled over with poop-soon pains screaming for satan. he wants to go for a car ride though and just stands by suzis car ignoring me. suzi brings him up to me and still needing to poop i have to wipe his paws cause it was raining outside. i finally think ill be able to make it to the toilet when she yells that she needs a towel because satan got the car seat muddy. the towel i used to wipe his paws wasn't good enough so i have to go all the way to the bathroom, look at the toilet i aint shi tting in, and then run the towel out to her. i would have made the bi tch do it herself but adora was in the car already and the neighbors are kidnappers. or maybe they just have kids, im not really sure.

fu ck it ... time to drink a couple beers and go back to bed.

chen zhen
05-31-2003, 03:01 PM
that sucks.


shaolin kungfu
05-31-2003, 03:22 PM
I love GDA's stories:D

06-01-2003, 12:58 AM
the story about his flat tire is even better. c'mon, gda, tell us about the flat.

06-01-2003, 07:57 AM
If Bruce Lee was a vegetable he'd be a turnip. Turnips are the ultimate fighters among vegetables.

06-01-2003, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by rogue
If Bruce Lee was a vegetable he'd be a turnip. Turnips are the ultimate fighters among vegetables.

Now that's just too far, man.

GDA - beautiful story. I love you, you sick little gimp.

06-01-2003, 06:22 PM
The dude makes it through chemo and he losses it over a box of cereal and a poop. Only GDA.:p

06-01-2003, 08:47 PM
the story about his flat tire is even better. c'mon, gda, tell us about the flat.

hey now ... dont be hatin. :)

playa's gotta do what a playa's got to do.

The dude makes it through chemo and he losses it over a box of cereal and a poop. Only GDA.

lol ... i never looked at it that way but you're right .... that's funny.

oh ... and when trying to trim my goatee last week i screwed it up and had to shave it all off. logically if you shave off your goatee you should also shave off all other hair on your head including your eyebrows. was just like the good old days. the good thing is that i finally got myself a picture that i can put on a shirt with "got cancer" underneeth. yay.

06-01-2003, 10:08 PM

06-01-2003, 10:20 PM

norther practitioner
06-02-2003, 12:43 PM
neighbors are kidnappers. or maybe they just have kids, im not really sure.


gda, you're too much man, thanks.....

oh, hope the crap was worth the agony...

06-02-2003, 12:54 PM
and the neighbors are kidnappers. or maybe they just have kids, im not really sure.

makes me laugh.
Funny funny stuff.
I just snotted on my keyboard.
Stupid GDA Making me laugh too hard with a stuffy nose.

06-02-2003, 08:22 PM
What strikes me is that if even half the stuff GDA posts is true, or the way he really feels, than he is the type of person that made Columbine a reality, the type of person that winds up on a bridge or rooftop with an assault rifle. Sometimes his posts seem like a cry for help. And what does it say about the posters here who encourage him? Or say nothing? And if what he writes is said in jest, well, that says alot about him too. I don't think he's a bad guy, but I do wonder about him and his welfare.

06-02-2003, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by nothingness
What strikes me is that if even half the stuff GDA posts is true, or the way he really feels, than he is the type of person that made Columbine a reality, the type of person that winds up on a bridge or rooftop with an assault rifle. Sometimes his posts seem like a cry for help. And what does it say about the posters here who encourage him? Or say nothing? And if what he writes is said in jest, well, that says alot about him too. I don't think he's a bad guy, but I do wonder about him and his welfare.

We all wonder about him.

But it's the quiet ones you gotta watch. GDA's got a beautiful daughter to look after - he ain't gonna fuk up on her. Not to mention his hot and sassy girl.

06-03-2003, 10:43 AM

that made my day.

06-03-2003, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by nothingness
What strikes me is that if even half the stuff GDA posts is true, or the way he really feels, than he is the type of person that made Columbine a reality, the type of person that winds up on a bridge or rooftop with an assault rifle. Sometimes his posts seem like a cry for help. And what does it say about the posters here who encourage him? Or say nothing? And if what he writes is said in jest, well, that says alot about him too. I don't think he's a bad guy, but I do wonder about him and his welfare.

Oh great go hug a tree you hippy. So what if he ends up on on a bridge or rooftop with a rifle the herd needs to be thinned out a little. At least that's what I was thinking yesterday when I pushed this annoying tard in front of a bus.

06-03-2003, 12:27 PM
tx is 100% correct.

also, i have always respected tx for being just as sick and fu cked as myself. he's just not as vocal and over the top (read attention starved) as i am.

norther practitioner
06-03-2003, 01:15 PM
read attention starved


06-03-2003, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
tx is 100% correct.

also, i have always respected tx for being just as sick and fu cked as myself. he's just not as vocal and over the top (read attention starved) as i am.

Not many are as fu cked up as we are I've been warned on other boards for my comments. hell my last warning was for a much tamer comment. someone asked advice about how to approach this girl he liked. just gave some simple advice ....walk up to her slap the b itch in the face with your c ock.

I agree with your earlier comment

if they aint sayin i'm sorry, suppers ready, or how bout a blow job they ought not be sayin nothing at all.

I like to mess with them when I'm drilling them. I'll ask who's your daddy and when they answer... I slap the b itch and tell her that's not one of the 3 things she can say.