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Former castleva
05-31-2003, 03:55 AM
Someone´s reaching the age of fully developed sternum.Besides such a remarkable osteological factor,now it is a good time to move around a bit.There may be endocrinological shifts and you may start degenerating a bit if you do not work out.
Besides all this fun,happy birthday.

quiet man
06-01-2003, 12:14 AM
Kiitos ;), FC. You're a pal. :)

Nobody else?

If I wasn't already seriously depressed, this would really bring me down.

Former castleva
06-01-2003, 06:06 AM
This should not bring you down.
Why depressed?

quiet man
06-01-2003, 09:42 AM
What brings me down is the fact that GDA's thread on turnips got more replies than this one. Knowing you're less interesting than a vegetable isn't the best ego-booster in the world. :D ;)

Why am I depressed? :sigh: ...

As our friend Xebsball so eloquently puts it: wimmins. And some other things too...

Former castleva
06-01-2003, 10:05 AM
This may not be your favourite answer but I suggest studying some biology and related arts and their extensions.It may not take the pain away,for whatever sometimes humiliating reason it is there for,but it can help you to deal with it.

Best wishes.

You do not have to take my words literally.

06-01-2003, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by quiet man
What brings me down is the fact that GDA's thread on turnips got more replies than this one. Knowing you're less interesting than a vegetable isn't the best ego-booster in the world. :D ;)

That's nothing to be sad about...GDA gets more attention because he's usually got something off-the-wall or outragious to say.

Lets's see if we can fix that...Hmmm....:D This should work...

(go check out the new quiet man B-Day thread)

BTW - Happy Birthday!!!

shaolin kungfu
06-01-2003, 11:10 AM
Happy birthday!:)

quiet man
06-01-2003, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Former castleva
This may not be your favourite answer but I suggest studying some biology and related arts and their extensions.It may not take the pain away,for whatever sometimes humiliating reason it is there for,but it can help you to deal with it.

Best wishes.

You do not have to take my words literally.

Thanks again, FC. You have a really kind heart (in contradiction with your sig :)).

This may be just a coincidence: although I'm not a "natural" scientist (mathematics, physics, chemistry etc) but a "social" one (I am a lawyer to be and a student of languages and ethnology and such in my free time), biology has always been very dear to me. If I had to choose one "natural" science as an occupation, it would certainly be biology.

However, enough with studying biology, right now I want to practise it a little :D ;).

chen zhen
06-01-2003, 12:43 PM
HBD quiet man

you got something MA-related as a present?


quiet man
06-02-2003, 01:41 AM
Yes, my sifu kicked my a$$.

But judging by that, every day is my birthday.

Mr Punch
06-02-2003, 02:48 AM
Happy birthday Quiet Turnip.



Quiet Man.

Don't let women get you down. Let them go down.


quiet man
06-02-2003, 03:07 AM
ROTFL Mat :D ... Quiet Turnip indeed... :D reminds me of a classical Black Adder episode:

Percy: ... we came across a turnip that was exactly the same shape... as a thingy!
Edmund: ... a "thingy."
Baldrick: ... a great big thingy! It was terrific.
Edmund: Size is no guarantee of quality, Baldrick. Most horses are very well endowed, but that does not necessarily make them sensitive lovers.
Baldrick: I found it particularly ironic, My Lord, because I've got a thingy that's shaped like a turnip!

or this one:

Edmund: "Yes, Baldrick. I've been meaning to ask you: do you have any goal in life other than the acquisition of turnips?"
Baldrick: "No."
Edmund: "So if I gave you a thousand pounds, what would you do?"
Baldrick: "I'd buy a little turnip of my own."
Edmund: "And what would you do if I gave you a million pounds?"
Baldrick: "Oh, that's different. I'd get a great big turnip in the country."

Thanks for the advice, but my problem goes beyond sex. ;) :D

Mr Punch
06-02-2003, 03:17 AM

I was thinking of those exact quotes...

Beyond sex... ? That's deep indeed!!!;) :D

quiet man
06-02-2003, 03:35 AM
Originally posted by Mat

I was thinking of those exact quotes...

Beyond sex... ? That's deep indeed!!!;) :D

It is deep, isn't it? Coz I've been having all these romantic feelings lately :D ;) ... I'm starting to worry about it. :D