View Full Version : Why is it so important??

Laughing Cow
06-01-2003, 10:08 PM
Reading KFO and other boards the following questions always pops into my mind.

"Why is it so important ...

1.) What other styles/schools/teachers do.
2.) If an Instructor at another school is legit
3.) If style A could beat style B
4.) If modern Wushu can fight
continue the list with your favorite subject/topic.

Maybe I have been influenced too much by asian influences, but most of the discussions and arguments I hear about MA are a waste of time.

Who cares who will be the next succesor to a system, unless you might be it.

IMHO, all this guesswork and discussion remove a MA student further away from true MA study.

What are your thoughts??

06-01-2003, 10:21 PM
I think we all agree with you, but then all we'd have to talk about would be GDA's rotting orbs (and realistic, thoroughly boring topics such as Marc Macyoung articles and uh...can't think of anything else right now...).

What fun would that be? None. Though I must say, nothing lifts my spirit more than reading a whole thread about turnips.

06-01-2003, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by Laughing Cow
Reading KFO and other boards the following questions always pops into my mind.

"Why is it so important ...

1.) What other styles/schools/teachers do...

I find this more of curiousity, maybe by some chance I could go there and do a friendly spar with some of the students. I might want to go spar with the Hung Gar students that are about 5 miles from my house, or the Ninjutsu school near my father's house about 6 miles away, or the Bagua guys that train a mile from me. It's just a curiousity. We like to keep our minds open to the other schools and styles in case we want to go train with them to expand and see what we lack in our training.

06-01-2003, 10:33 PM
philbert ... i dont think thats what he meant. what your doing is exploring other styles in a coporal and tangible way ..... i think what he meant is how people on here are constantly mouth boxing about who's school does what. i hear the wingchun guys are good for that, but i stay out of those threads.

06-01-2003, 10:34 PM
and there's nothing wrong with discussing my infected sack in great length.

my starfish is good dinner conversation as well.

Laughing Cow
06-01-2003, 10:54 PM

GDA already replied, but I would like to add a few sentences.

Look at the X-Kans and their obsession with rank, other schools, etc for a perfect example.

I love to share my MA knowledge (little as it may be) with fellow MA and love to compare concepts, ideas and techs.
For me it is another way of learning and testing my understanding of concepts and principles I learned.

Unfortunately there are few boards where this really happens, most of those actually don't have that many members and tend to be more style specific.

Sometimes the behaviour of MA online seems to a direct reversal of what it is when you meet them in person.
But that is another thread alltogether.

06-02-2003, 04:32 AM
If by rank, you mean belt rank, when did belt rank start having a big significance in the Bujinkan?

Hatsumi has been anti-"belt rank ego" since he appeared on the martial arts radar scene. I loved it when he gave away BB's in the early days and I loved it even more when he started promoting people passed 10th dan. The message he was trying to send out was that rank is meaningless in many cases- particularly if your self-satisfaction leads to you slacking in your training.

I'm not a member of any X-kan, but I have met a fair number of Bujinkan people in my time in martial arts. I could be wrong (because I'm an outsider), but that would definitely go against my personal experience and Hatsumi's recorded statements on the subject.

I agree with the spirit of your post, if not all the examples.


Laughing Cow
06-02-2003, 04:49 AM
Originally posted by Stranger
If by rank, you mean belt rank, when did belt rank start having a big significance in the Bujinkan?


I agree with the spirit of your post, if not all the examples.


Head over to E-Budo and read some of the threads there.

06-02-2003, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
philbert ... i dont think thats what he meant. what your doing is exploring other styles in a coporal and tangible way ..... i think what he meant is how people on here are constantly mouth boxing about who's school does what. i hear the wingchun guys are good for that, but i stay out of those threads.

My mistake :p

I too try to stay away from bashing threads, unless its funny, immature, joking bashing and not serious, immature bashing.

06-02-2003, 09:08 AM
There is no Bujinkan forum at e-budo. It is a Genbukan hosted site. If Bujinkan members are there, they represent their own views, not the organization which they are a part of. I can't speak for the rank and file members of any X-kan, but Hatsumi has been quite clear about how insignificant belt rank is. His opinions have been published on the subject. If your teacher specifically states belt rank is insignificant, and you still think it is, than you aren't listening and you aren't learning.

Laughing Cow
06-02-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Stranger
There is no Bujinkan forum at e-budo. It is a Genbukan hosted site. If Bujinkan members are there, they represent their own views, not the organization which they are a part of. I can't speak for the rank and file members of any X-kan, but Hatsumi has been quite clear about how insignificant belt rank is. His opinions have been published on the subject. If your teacher specifically states belt rank is insignificant, and you still think it is, than you aren't listening and you aren't learning.
