View Full Version : OT: Gettin' on the Map

06-02-2003, 07:00 AM
Let's hear it for Asheville (and Murphy) NC !!

If you're on the FBI's most wanted then we've got the best hills for hiding in.

Just learn how to survive off what you can hunt and gather and stay away from the dumpster diving.

Sounded like he was ready to come in though, didn't put up much of a fight in the end.

The brought him in from the Murphy Airport to Asheville Regional this morning and closed down the roads from the airport to the courthouse and had swat countersnipers on all the overpasses.

kinda wierd.

06-02-2003, 07:30 AM
I had no idea what you were talking about, haven't seen the news lately, until I went to CNN.com. Now I have a confused idea.

Chang Style Novice
06-02-2003, 07:32 AM
The people of Austin Texas owe a tremendous debt to Charles Whitman for putting us in the eyes of the world!


06-02-2003, 07:40 AM
ok, well then, I guess we're not THAT much on the map.

big doin's here;)

as usual the media is picking the most countrified people they can to talk to. but they hunt down the most stereotypical people from any

nice shot as well of the 6 Murphy cops all standing around (probably the whole force) not a one of them less than 200 lbs and none of it in the chest or arms.

06-02-2003, 08:35 AM
Very glad they caught that butt munch. Wonder what ever happened to Richard Jewel?

06-03-2003, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by Oso
as usual the media is picking the most countrified people they can to talk to. but they hunt down the most stereotypical people from any

But the story would be as good with out at least one person telling the world how ashamed they are of some criminal diggn' in their trash.
"We never knowed that we wuz aid'n and abedd'n some murderer with Marge's good left over fried chicken. If we'd'a knowed that, we would'a et if our selves..." :D

06-03-2003, 07:56 AM
becca, I guess you mean't to type 'wouldn't' instead of 'would' ??

you're right, it's kinda funny...see a story about new york city and you get the epitome of the nasal dock worker...the midwest gets the corn fed farm boy...and down here we get all the inbred looking hillbillies.

we do have 2 colleges in town and a pretty fair arts scene, probably better than fair...and the biggest street festival of the south


it's a blast, ya'll come visit, y'heer;)

06-03-2003, 08:07 AM
'S Ok. We get Yuppies fried out on too many trips to the oxogyn bar. "Woh, that body they found in the resivor? Yay man, his karma must have been all wrong. You gotta watch out for Karma theives."

Haven't figured out why, but they seem to find a lot of heads and headless bodies in our resivors here.:confused: Probalbly 5 or 6 a year. And yuppies. We got more than our share of those.:mad: They actually had a big to-do year befor last when some artist displayed a statue made of dill dos in front of the Boulder County Library.

A concerned parent stole it and the yuppies were all in a rage about freedom of expression. They claimed the artist had more right to display something vulgar than the parents did to protect their kinds from vulgarity.:mad:

06-03-2003, 08:25 AM
Heads and headless bodies eh?
Wierd. Maybe were people with secrets and bad attitudes??
A Statue made of *****'s? Now thats funny :)
Wierd azz yuppies... Lots of people on that whole "karma"
bullsh!t trip down here now too... Pizzes me off.

06-03-2003, 03:45 PM
Oso, hehe, you must have some real crazy stories living in a place like that. All the interviews I have seen so far, that place should be called Nutville!!

norther practitioner
06-03-2003, 03:50 PM
Think I saw a porn by that name once....:D :eek:

I'd have to agree w/ Becca on our demographics here, bunch of weird yuppies, and even weirder hippies... Then everyone else..

06-03-2003, 03:52 PM

06-03-2003, 03:55 PM
yea, I get to hear a few. The school I'm training jj at has quite a few cops training there. The APD is being called out on some stuff they did during some war protests.

On the one hand we have The Cove (Billy Graham's training center) and all the hard right religiousness that connotates. And on the other we are the Boulder, CO of the east: all the hippies and you could want and an extremely large population of gays/lesbians.

It's fun to live here. Starting in April we have at least one large music festival a month within 30 miles of downtown, Bele Chere (see above link) in July. The Mountain Sports Festival is next weekend (where I will embarass myself in a race). The Brewcrafter's Brewgrass Jam is in Sept: $25 for all the beer you can drink in 6 hours.

06-03-2003, 03:56 PM
what sort of race? Weren't you biking or something Oso?

06-03-2003, 04:02 PM
yea, it's a time trial race, only 3 miles but it's real technical. It's set up as a dual run and you can take the best time. They laid out the course last week and I ran it Sunday and Monday, raining today. I haven't ridden as much as I've wanted to, it's been really wet...so I've been out in my canoe a bunch. Did my first class IV river a couple of weeks ago, got hammered in a couple of rapids pretty good:D

norther practitioner
06-03-2003, 04:05 PM
Road biking...

Haven't really ridden too much lately, been on the mountain bike, but it is something I'd like to get into again, such a great lower body and cardio workout...

06-03-2003, 04:11 PM
MTB is what I'm referring to. Roadies suck! :D ;)

yea, you should have some great opportunities out there in CO.

I'm a little disappointed. Last years race was longer and NORBA affiliated so you could get points. I'm not sure what's up. They also had a downhill race but aren't this year.