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View Full Version : Better stretching?

06-02-2003, 03:17 PM
Hey all,

I've been running a lot lately and now I've sort of hit a problem where my usual stretching routine isn't working well enough to prevent my muscles from tightening up and torquing my leg wierdly between running days. In other words, my stretches aren't working, and now my legs are begining to hurt more.

I'm taking a few days off to let them rest, but in the mean time, can anyone point me towards a good resource on stretching, so I can see if the problem's in how I'm doing my stretches or the stretches themselves?

thanks in advance.

06-03-2003, 01:48 AM
This is quite comprehensive: http://www.cmcrossroads.com/bradapp/docs/rec/stretching/

Have fun!

06-03-2003, 07:26 AM
Are you drinking enough water?(on your off days too)
That could be a problem also.

06-03-2003, 09:35 PM
aedolon- Thanks for the link. I'm going to sit down and read through it after I finish my finals on Thursday

SD-- hadn't really thought about that, and with it being a high stress time and all, I've probably been drinking less water than I should.

Thanks for the help, guys.