View Full Version : Pullups question

06-04-2003, 02:17 PM
Do you think it's good to do the pullup so that the top of your chest nearly touches the bar? In other words, so that your chin is way over the bar? Why/why not?

Cheese Dog
06-04-2003, 10:28 PM
Yes, definetely. I have found that pulling to the chest gives me a much better contraction in the lats than just getting my chin to the bar. Seems to work the back of the shoulders better too.

06-05-2003, 08:42 AM
Since I've gotten back to pullups I've found that as my strength increases, I just want to explode up for the first 5-6 reps or so. That takes me up to that higher level of the chin. Also I think it's because I've been doing some bent-over rows and my rhomboids are stronger.

09-26-2003, 09:01 AM
There was some talk about proper technique on Supertraining, but I didn't quite follow the point of it. I don't relax into an absolute dead hang at the bottom, i.e the angle between upper arm and torso is slightly less than 180 degrees, because that doesn't feel good in my shoulders.

Form wise, is there anything I need to know that most people don't?

09-28-2003, 05:04 PM
You should drop to a dead hang between each rep, or go down really slow until you are just almost but not quite in a dead hang. This prevents you from using the elasticity of the muscles to return. Always pull up so that your chest reaches the bar for better ROM and as described above. It's good to explode up and then descend really slowly. And do sets with various grips, close and far apart and pronated and supinated.

A really good one to work towards is to do a regular pullup, then, when you are at the top, extend your legs forward and try to lift your body to a level, horizontal plane, with your belly facing the sky (or ceiling, etc.) Then slowly lower yourself to a vertical position, then slowly lower the pullup. Give it a go - it's awesome! ;)

09-28-2003, 05:05 PM
Or, with a close supinated grip (palms towards you) try doing the pullup then pulling your body up and trying to lift your legs over and touch the wall behind you with your toes. Then slowly uncurl and then slowly lower the chin up. Another awesome one! ;)