View Full Version : Funny paragraphs.

Black Jack
06-04-2003, 08:20 PM
I just thought this was a funny paragraph in a novel I am reading. I have a idea that the author does not like Aikido due to a few other passages.

This paragraph is about a lady name Brett telling a guy Hap about her kid. Just thought it was funny.

"Bret told me she had a twenty-seven-year old son named Jimmy who lived in Austin and was into Taoist philosophy and the martial art of aikido. Jimmy believed the source of his energy came through the center of the earth and moved through his colon and all around inside of him. He had lots of internal energy. What the Japanese call ki power. Three people couldn't lift Jimmy off the ground because of his ki. He could hold his arm out and you could swing on it. For all this internal energy, however, he lacked common sense and didn't have a bank account. He wrote back to Brett at least twice a month for money, and last time she heard he was in love with a former cocaine addict turned Christian Scientist who was healing an unexplained open wound on her leg-more of a running sore, actually-with prayer. Jimmy said he was certain in time his girlfriend could cure it right up. For the time being, however, she had also consented to the use of gauze, peroxide and adhesive tape, though this was not common knowledge she shared with the church."

Later the main character wondered about how old Jimmy could deal with a left jab to the nose and a swift kick to the gonads.

Just thought that was funny.


06-04-2003, 08:24 PM
Hey BJ, turn on the Daily Show, Madeline Albright is on speaking about world affairs. Way too funny.:D

Former castleva
06-05-2003, 05:24 AM
"Bret told me she had a twenty-seven-year old son named Jimmy who lived in Austin and was into Taoist philosophy and the martial art of aikido. Jimmy believed the source of his energy came through the center of the earth and moved through his colon and all around inside of him. He had lots of internal energy. What the Japanese call ki power. Three people couldn't lift Jimmy off the ground because of his ki. He could hold his arm out and you could swing on it. For all this internal energy, however, he lacked common sense and didn't have a bank account. "

I especially fancy this last sentence.