View Full Version : Beef, it's whats for dinner™

06-06-2003, 11:41 PM
Ok, on eating ground beef, how much should you cook it? What if you cook it straight through however the interior is still rare to medium rare? Should it be cooked inside as well as outside a good brown? Oh can you just cook the outside and the inside be warm but pink still?

I find myself cooking my dinner A LOT lately since I got my new job and come home super late and I eat ground beef alot and dont know how well the inside should be cooked. I usually aim for a medium to medium well, but occasionally get a medium rare, but the inside still warm.

06-07-2003, 12:26 AM
A normal steak can be cooked extremely rare, because any bacteria is on the outside; all you need is a bit of searing to kill all the germs.

Ground meat, however, gets the surface bacteria mixed through it because of the grinding. So you should cook it thoroughly. Medium is what you should aim for, although a little pinkness isn't bad.