View Full Version : Miss Me Anyone????

Yung Apprentice
06-08-2003, 01:19 AM
I bet half of you don't even know, and the other half forgot me. Well, in case there is a select few who do remember me, I'M BACK !!!!!! I haven't been on this forum for a long time. I guess maybe, because I stopped what little training I had (there is a reason, and I'll get to that), and I felt like I had no buisness being here. But, I used to love this message board, in fact it was the first one I signed up for when I first got the internet. The people on here are really cool, and even the mods were cool. KUNG LEK IS AWESOME!!!!!!!

Well, this is what's up with me now. The last time I was on here, I was getting ready to train in Kung Fu. Lama Pai Crane/JKD/BJJ under Sifu Jack Soiderberg. I trained under him only for a month. I lost my job at the airport, and couldn't afford classes.:( Which really sucked, because I learned more about combat in a month with him, then I did with two and a half years in TKD, literally.

So, I hit the job market, for four months I went out five days a week, eight hours a day, looking for a job. Wonderful timing I had, because the job market was at it's lowest, and unemployment was at it's highest that it had been in a while. Imagine filling out an application for a mimum wage job, only to find out there are 20 other candidates ahead of you. That frustrated me a lot.

Bout midway thru my job search, the war starts. My good friend gets shipped off to Kuwait.(marine) Towards the end of my job search, I realized, how am I ever going to go to college, if I'm pulling down six bucks an hour???? I don't want to get that high of a student loan. My grades weren't good enough for a scholarship.(due to slacking off) I lost a lot of confidence in myself.

Well, I decided to join the Marines. I've always had this way back in the back of my mind as an option. But it wasn't till recently that I figured it was the best fit for me. I have yet to process, looks like I'll be doing that at the end of this month, or the end of next. And i'll ship out for boot in November.

Thats my update. Not too much to it. But I am glad to be back on here. Once I return from boot, I do plan on going back to Sifu Jack.

Diamond Dragon
06-08-2003, 01:40 AM
Well I don't know you but I'm new here. Anyway...welcome back

06-08-2003, 01:49 AM
You going Reserves? Otherwise, you likely won't be any where near your Sifu. Jar Heads usually get stationed in Cherry Point, NC, San Diego, Hawwaii, or Japan.

06-08-2003, 02:35 AM
Welcome back.
The marines huh. :cool: , all the best .

06-08-2003, 11:16 AM
"I bet half of you don't even know, and the other half forgot me."

And believe it or not some of us didn't give a sh*t one way or the other. However, congrats for joining the Marines, I respect that and wish you well and hope you stay okay.....

Yung Apprentice
06-08-2003, 01:41 PM
Ah, yes, I remember Budokan! But yeah, it's the reserves.

06-08-2003, 03:04 PM
Welcome back, dude! And good luck in the Marines. Be well. ;)

Former castleva
06-08-2003, 03:47 PM
Welcome back.

I do not remember you very well.