View Full Version : wanna KTFO this dude…

06-11-2003, 07:13 AM
so I take the day off yesterday and enjoyed the nice weather… had a great day overall… even got a free beer when I went out to eat… but some folks really irk me…

so I go for a nice mid-day workout… my boxing coach happens to be there working out and some other dudes… so what I thot was going to be a solo thing made a turn for the better… so I get a good workout in… I'm cleaning the gear up and this 'famous'(ie, expensive) trainer comes in with his clients... wife & young daughter... he comes up to me like... " i'm GOING to turn the music down..."... WTF?!?!?... i'm like..." I'm about to leave... I got it..."... and he proceeds to just turn it down... first off... how you just gonna come in here and take over the room like yo' sh!t don't stink... just b'cuz he got 2 minute of fame on the local crappy news morning show... a couple of "famous" clients and charges people outrages fees for crappy advice and watches people as they do boring exercises... you can just come up in here and start demanding sh!t...

if I wanted to be an Azzhole… I woulda stayed around and kicked the bag until they had a hissy fit… but I stayed cool… packed my sh!t and balled out… but I see me and Mr Spandex shorts anr gonna have issues… and I honesty think I can take him…

06-11-2003, 07:30 AM
sounds like roid rage to me man. You wanted to hit him up because he turned the radio down when you were going to anyway? Were you having a bad day?

06-11-2003, 07:38 AM
naw… actually I was having a great day… you just had to peep his attitude with it… and DON’T TOUCH MY FU(KING MUSIC… car… home…gym… what Chris Rock said…

:D@ 'roid rage...

Former castleva
06-11-2003, 07:41 AM
Just take it easy.

Royal Dragon
06-11-2003, 07:47 AM
So your saying he was a ***** about it? Seriously, unless he had a major attitue, I think you over reacted.

06-11-2003, 07:49 AM
I KNEW there had to be a reason the gym was so quiet tuesday mornin :p

The next time he makes a B-Line for the stereo, gimme a signal and I'll go ahead and shut the door. ;)

I really don't think that gym situation is working out. Think we could go work out with the Ruskies? :D

06-11-2003, 07:51 AM
I cool about it really… just wanted to vent more than anything… but dude is an azz… on most occasions that I run into him… I'm always accomadating to people that use the room when I'm in there… but some of these trainers think they run things… and I wouldn't mind... um... how shall we say... crossing hands with a couple of them...

06-11-2003, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by Jowbacca
I KNEW there had to be a reason the gym was so quiet tuesday mornin :p

The next time he makes a B-Line for the stereo, gimme a signal and I'll go ahead and shut the door. ;)

I really don't think that gym situation is working out. Think we could go work out with the Ruskies? :D OH SH!T:eek: ... my bad... don't you hate when that happens... I'm all good for Thursday AM...

yeah... its a deteriorating situation... that i don't know how its gonna play out... if folks knew how badly we get played out in that place... than they would understand... unna'stan...

06-11-2003, 07:58 AM
These are also the same people that made complaints about our timer a day or two before it went "missing". :rolleyes:

And I'd bet the same people who lobbied for that wooden floor to be installed (I guess no longer letting us have nice, thick, skin-burning carpet to fall on)... :confused: :mad:

I'll make that video my priority for tonite after the gym. We need to get the message out to the people and let them know of our oppression! :D


Don't worry about it. I managed to wake up and make it there but I was feelin like garbage. I ended up just lifting some weights and doin about 10 min of cardio. I just thought it was super ironic that when I finally was able to wake up, it was everyone else's day off. lol

06-11-2003, 08:01 AM

06-11-2003, 08:02 AM
LOL! I was just teasin you suntzu, I can understand that. For some reason, everytime I see some guy cut in front of the line for the bus in front of women and old people, I want to punch them very hard. It makes it even worse when they sit in the old peoples seats!

Black Jack
06-11-2003, 08:02 AM
I get what you mean. For some reason certain personal trainers believe that they have dead rights to the gym equipment more than you do. As if they own the gym or when they come around to use a piece you got to go.

Which is not the case at all and total bs. Last week a trainer tired that when I was working on kettlebells on the open floor which is where the kettlebells are kept and all the other off-the cuff equipment. I just made them work around me which I think ****ed him off.

Tuff titties.

06-11-2003, 08:23 AM
I feel you dude. Back when I was younger, meaner and more arrogant, I was getting some gas and had the windows down, t-tops off and was jamming out. This guy walked up and just said "Hey turn that fuc$ing **** down". I replied "you know, had you asked nicely I would have been more than happy to turn it down, but since you had to be a complete fuc$ing d*ck about it I'm going to turn it up. If you don't like it then do something about it you fat fuc$". I then turned it up a few notches. I really would have turned it down if he had asked nicely.

When arrogance goes up intelligence goes down. Both in his case and mine. :)

06-11-2003, 08:40 AM
E - u got mail... as in Eric...

06-11-2003, 09:59 AM
No way man, i'm totally with you on this one.

I used to work out in this gym in my building and i'd be playing music and people would walk in and turn on the tv and fukking blare totally drowning it out.
Then these same jerks would turn around and when I'd go in and say, "can i put on the stereo, i'll keep it down"
"No! I'm watching a movie"
watching a movie!!!?!?
Give me a break, the reason you're fat and need to workout is cuz you spend your time on your fat a$$ in front of the tv anyhow!!!

ps no i don't use roids

Black Jack
06-11-2003, 10:12 AM

You should of shot in, tackled the guy, mounted him, licked his face, and stuck a pencil in each of his ears.

Then scream at his deaf arse......"DANZIG RULES!!!!!"

Shuul Vis
06-11-2003, 10:16 AM
I got it man. Tell him you need someone to hold the thai pads for you to practice some kicks. Tell him youll even throw him some dollars since he is mr fancypants. Then plow his ass with some muay thai kicks.

Chang Style Novice
06-11-2003, 10:17 AM
Speaking solely for myself, I'd just as soon stick a pencil in each ear if I'm gonna be listening to Danzig. And anyway, I like stuff that's equally noxious to non-fans.

But there is very little in this world more obnoxious than someone coming into and ignoring what was already underway to do whatever they do (if it interferes with what was already underway.)

I'm thinking specifically about my family here, whom I don't have the option of treating like they deserve when they pull that cr@p.

Chang Style Novice
06-11-2003, 10:18 AM
Oh, nice one, Shuul!

06-11-2003, 10:45 AM
agreed ... i like shuuls suggestion. if you got a mean spinning back kick that'd be even better. i remember i was winded by one of them the very first time i held the shield .... was shuuls actually ... maybe i pi ssed him off that day :)

norther practitioner
06-11-2003, 01:45 PM
I think Shuls advice takes the cake this time.....:D

Shuul Vis
06-11-2003, 02:16 PM
Aw, you guys make me feel all warm and fuzzy. No wait, thats the dead squirrel im holding.

norther practitioner
06-11-2003, 03:26 PM
Wouldn't that make it cold and fuzzy..... oh never mind.