View Full Version : Vibrating Palm

Judge Pen
06-13-2003, 07:29 AM
Any opinions on this? I was reviewing some older threads and saw this referenced and was curious as to anyone's experiences/opinions.

Ford Prefect
06-13-2003, 09:07 AM
I'd never leave my appartment.

Dark Knight
06-13-2003, 11:50 AM
I have had a couple girlfriends who loved it. We have used many different vibration devices and they cant get enough of them.

Judge Pen
06-13-2003, 12:04 PM
All right fellows, go take a cold shower.:p

I do have a serious question though. I've heard that this technique involves harnesing or transferring energy from the earth or themselves or whatever and transfers it into another person via the palm causing damage. Personally it sounds hoaky to me, but I want to know if anyone has had any experiences with anyone who claims to know this technique.

Now I am one of thoses guys who thinks chi is real, but I don't buy into many of the outrageous and esoteric claims that some people make. I'm just wondering what basis this technique allegedly has.

06-13-2003, 12:51 PM
WOuld this be the same as Iron Palm or differnent and if so in what manner? Is it the training that makes it different? The result of smashing someone with it? Does it only cause internal or external damage or both? Does it train with bags of iron shot or just with chi gung? Does it incorporate chi gung if it does bag training, if not, why?

There, those are all the questions that need to be answered, Judege Pen. I know nothing about Vibrating Palm. However, I have begun training in novice level Iron Palm and it feels great!:D

Shuul Vis
06-13-2003, 12:57 PM
I dont know man, my magery level isnt high enough to cast that yet. :)

Techniques like this are lost to time and not for this age. Its the Age of Kali man. The age of confusion, argument and strife. Most humans alive today cant even stop the chorus of chaos in thier head for even a few seconds, let alone long enough to try to develop such things. Thats my opinion though.

Judge Pen
06-13-2003, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by WinterPalm
WOuld this be the same as Iron Palm or differnent and if so in what manner? Is it the training that makes it different? The result of smashing someone with it? Does it only cause internal or external damage or both? Does it train with bags of iron shot or just with chi gung? Does it incorporate chi gung if it does bag training, if not, why?

There, those are all the questions that need to be answered, Judege Pen. I know nothing about Vibrating Palm. However, I have begun training in novice level Iron Palm and it feels great!:D

I don't know. That's why I'm asked the question in this thread. I train in iron hand through conditioning and herbal treatments, but my impression is that VP involves more qigong and primarliy does internal damage. I was curious as to the mechanisms of training myself.

06-13-2003, 04:59 PM
Courtesy Matial Atrs Mart (http://search.store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/nsearch?catalog=karatemart1&query=vibrating+palm&.autodone=http%3A%2F%2Fstores.yahoo.com%2Fkaratema rt1%2Fnsearch.html)

I saw a special on Discovery a while back that hap a spot on it. Don't remember much about it, though. Only that the last time it was use was in the '30s? And the guy who used it was about 80 , the guy he used it on did die of massive heart failure a few hours later, and had no history of health problems. Hope that helps.:)

06-13-2003, 06:41 PM
WOuld this be the same as Iron Palm or differnent and if so in what manner? Is it the training that makes it different? The result of smashing someone with it? Does it only cause internal or external damage or both? Does it train with bags of iron shot or just with chi gung? Does it incorporate chi gung if it does bag training, if not, why?

Ok I know that my Sigung had it and I know that Sifu has it so I will try to answer your questions despite the fact that I don't know it. So grain of salt people.

Depends what your iron palm method is? It is different to hitting a bag full of your level of material sitting flat on a table.

It does train with bags of material but the method of striking is different. In YKM the three levels of iron palm (heavy hand, vibrating palm, cotton palm) co-inside with the three internal forms. I know there is a seated meditation that goes with our first level for the hands. I don't know if there is a different one for the other levels.

I also know that other systems certainly do have it and they have other methods of training it (using water if I remember correctly). Don't know if we do that as well.....

Sifu tells us about how Master Leung Cheung would shake large trees to the top leaves with Monk Disrobes using his vibrating palm....that would not be fun for your internal organs.

And there you go. Take what you will.


06-14-2003, 09:08 AM
My friend knows that techniqe. When you get hit you feel like you get hit three times in one shot (beleive it or not) It's a type of internal strike. When I get hit it makes me feel nauseus [sp?] and if you get hit full power you will definitely puke. With that type of hit you don't feel it unil 3 seconds later and it feels like there's some type of pressure building up inside of you until you feel like your going to vomit and hurts from inside.

It's good to use if you know how to use it porperly but you need to find a knowledgeable person to rtain under. However it can be very dangerous and injure somone very badly.