View Full Version : Might be doing Kung Fu again :o

06-13-2003, 10:32 AM
My my such strange things happen. I've been doing pretty much BJJ only for a while now, but i've only got two classes a week and usually i'm either teaching or co-teaching, so i don't have many "classes" anymore and i'm getting out of shape. Turns out a group from work is trying to get together and go to morning classes in Taiji, i have no idea what style it is or what kind of teachings will be done, but i DO know the place they are going to has a lady that has some degree in wushu from beijing university or whatever it's called. Supposedly very skilled.

So whatsup? I've never done Taiji, will i sweat? Will it be a nice workout? Will any of it be combat applicable coming from a wushu instructor? I think this is my first post in over a year (first post that is, not just reply), yay for me.

06-13-2003, 10:36 AM
oh btw i think this is her doing taichi (some form anyway) on the bottom of this page: http://www.heilsudrekinn.is/album/index.htm

So if she's doing something horribly wrong which tells you "OMG SHE'LL KILL YOU!" please do tell.

chen zhen
06-13-2003, 10:40 AM
You're not gonna train with small children, are you?:D
I don't know how good she is, can't judge it from the pics, but the small-childrens-class makes me suspicious.. there might not be much combat-application training there.

did'nt know there where chinese people on Iceland..

06-13-2003, 10:41 AM
we got lots of asian people here, mostly thais, but some chinese, got some good chinese friends. But no i won't be with the kids ;) Bear in mind she's only been here for a few months so what you see in those pictures aren't exactly advanced students.

chen zhen
06-13-2003, 10:46 AM
It does'nt look like it's tai chi she teaches the kids, maybe some contemp. wushu to make them have a little fun:cool:

So what language does she speak if she's only been there for a few months, I mean, the kids properly can't speak english or chinese with her.

06-13-2003, 10:52 AM
I can say for sure that it'll be a good workout, you'll sweat even on cold days (wait a minute -- you're in Iceland, isn't like EVERY day cold there? :D ). As far as combat apps I can't say. Contemporary wushu has a reputation for not teaching application, but I recently took a seminar with a wushu master and she had no problem showing application for each move.

chen zhen
06-13-2003, 12:28 PM
Sure, they might be able to show app, but those kids are propably not trained to do that:p

06-13-2003, 12:41 PM
True that. But I bet that one-legged stance they're doing develops great balance for snowball fights. :D

chen zhen
06-13-2003, 12:54 PM
I don't think there's snow up there now, it's mostly rocks and cliffs that is visible now. Maybe a few gletchers:cool:

Laughing Cow
06-13-2003, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by qeySuS
So whatsup? I've never done Taiji, will i sweat?

Yes, you will.

Will it be a nice workout?

Yes, it should be. Your legs will be tired.

Will any of it be combat applicable coming from a wushu instructor?

If she is from Beijing she should know them.

Looks like she is doing Yang or derived forms.


06-13-2003, 03:04 PM
Hey qeySuS, long time since I saw u here.. I'm starting BJJ soon too (and maybe mix it with some shooto). I've tried Taji and it's fun. It's not that hard but you develop some serious balance skillz :)

06-14-2003, 04:51 PM
whoopsie late response, thx for the responses, and yes she's teaching wushu to the kids (my nephew takes the class and loves it). The Taiji is during the morning, and she has adult/kids Wushu classes (propably contemp).

I think i'll give it a shot if someone can be bothered to give me a ride haha, i'm so lazy i dunno how well i'll do at waking up 2 hours earlier then i have to (usually i wake up 2 minutes late and jump into my clothes).

Btw she propably either has a translator or talks english, most kids can understand basic english here (thank you american TV shows and movies!).

Whatsup Kristoffer? If memory serves me sweden has some good BJJ schools, should be great fun, you going gi or no-gi?

06-15-2003, 02:09 PM

Well the club I'm checking out has a few different styles to offer but I don't know if it's only gi training or mixed. Check it out:
Hmm.. I guess if u don't speak swedish this won't mean much.

But you did Kung Fu b4 didn't you? How was your first impression of BJJ training compared to the old 'Fu'? :)

06-15-2003, 03:44 PM
qeySuS, I was doing TC last year and loved it. Never fully learned the Yang short form as the group was more into push hands and working application from just small sections of the forms. I didn't get anything out of the forms movements until I had done a lot of push hands. But that's just me.

06-15-2003, 09:11 PM
I know danish so i could kinda understand the site :P I think it's an Alliance affiliate which would make it primarily Gi, but i know the London place (Roger Brookings teaches there) does no-gi as well. My teacher (Chris Brennan) said that Roger Brookings was his best teacher (Roger is an alliance black belt).