View Full Version : OT: Happy Fathers Day

David Jamieson
06-15-2003, 08:54 AM
For all you Dad's out there.

have a nice day :D

eat your pancakes, those kids destroyed the kitchen for you.


p.s (get you practice in too!)

06-15-2003, 09:29 AM
Happy fathers day to the rest of y'all as well

chen zhen
06-15-2003, 10:26 AM
An american tradition which has been tried to be imported to here.. but has'nt stuck!! hahaha stupid americans!:D

06-15-2003, 04:02 PM
Thanks KL, just got back from The Outback. Steaks and coconut shrimp!

Laughing Cow
06-15-2003, 04:16 PM
Thanks, KL.

We don't celebrate it as such, even though I got taken out for a nice dinner by the Family.

06-15-2003, 04:47 PM
Rogue sez-

Thanks KL, just got back from The Outback. Steaks and coconut shrimp!

Really? Number two son took me out to Black Angus- I had their filet mignon and coconut shrimp! Good taste Rogue. Number one son didnt coordinate in time- but he is a father himself. In a way no one missed out- with some pieces of a good tradition.

Began the day before 4 am... by while keeping my distance-surprising and chasing a burglar away from
behind a neighbors house before romping and being dragged around a big park by my sled pulling Alaskan Malamute... who caught and swallowed a desert dove and stole a BBQ chicken quarter,
a beef steak and a pork rib left ona picnic table, and he got a quick swim in the lake...stilla full moonwith the sun rising....his thoughtful contribution to father's day.
I didnt miss doing my wing chun forms and drills and supplementary activities either. A good day- so far.
Gender equality is great- but still nothing like having had a great father and trying to be one and giving advice (sometimes without being asked) on how to be one. Keeps the wheels of life turning.

06-15-2003, 06:16 PM
Coconut shrimp are a major vice for me, that and margaritas.:) Jeeze Joy your day was more exciting than mine. I mowed the lawn and after The Outback one of my sons got hit with the runs and I had to clean the little fellow up. Happy Fathers Day to me. :D Goodness I love this job!:)

06-15-2003, 06:43 PM
My boy made me a card. Well...actually it was doodling on a piece of paper, but my wife wrote "Happy Father's Day, Love (Little Radh)" in the corner. He was very proud to have participated in making a card. We went out to La Fiesta Mexicana for lunch...which is odd since that's my wife and son's favorite place, not mine. Guess you can only push this "day for dad" stuff so far...not like it's an IMPORTANT day like Mother's Day. ;)

06-16-2003, 06:15 AM
Happy belated fathers day to all you old fogies.
Bought the pops a card, buying him lunch today. Not sure where yet.
Outback is good - but you aint seen shiiiot till you try my Q skillz.