View Full Version : Training w/Stupid Shoulder

06-16-2003, 06:52 AM
Yes, I have a stupid shoulder. It will not heal. The muscles are torn, must have surgery. Cannot lift weights with left arm, and I dont want to be lop sided so I have basically quit training with my right arm too. Do iron palm w/both hands, but no more heavy bag hitting, weight lifting, basic power training. :( This makes me very sad. Anyone know of a training method for the biceps/triceps that wont rape my stupid hurting shoulder? (the muscles in the back of it, just behind where the socket is, are torn and feel like bruised fruit) Anyone trained with a similar problem? Albeit my kicks are getting hella deadly, and sparring 1 handed is going to make me extremely proficient with 2, I can see my hand speed and power going to sh!t. :(
Any suggestions would be nice.

06-16-2003, 07:05 AM
Ask on the TCM forum!!!!!

06-16-2003, 07:07 AM
Try that too.

06-16-2003, 09:42 AM
Your legs and hips are twice as important as your arms and shoulders anyway. Heal your shoulder, train your lower half and your gut.

06-16-2003, 09:43 AM
#1 rule of rehabilitating injuries:

Do NOT be in denial of the fact that you have an injury.

Got it? That means forget about your stupid bicep and tricep. Get your shoulder fixed. Do not spar. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Go directly to MA Jail and don't come out until your shoulder is better.

Leg training and ab work are the only things you should consider keeping up. Take it from someone who's had more than a few injuries.

Do not be in denial.

06-16-2003, 09:45 AM
Oh, believe you me, Im not in denial. I know full and well that my shoulder is royally f*cked, and any time I start to forget, a nice stabbing pain so helpfully reminds me.
It just really bothers me, as I can already see a decrease in the size of my upper body since I hurt myself 3 weeks ago. :(

06-16-2003, 09:58 AM
At least you have weed :p

Forget about your upper body. Next year, man. You'll get it back. But not if you keep tweaking your injury. Then you will just go into a slower decline, but not get any better.

06-16-2003, 10:01 AM
Just bought a 3 section staff too... is very hard to learn to begin with, teaching myself only using one hand is **** near retardedly hard.....
And yes.... at least I have my pot. But someone stole my last pipe the other night.... Felt so betrayed. Seriously. That was pipe #7 since february when I moved in to my house... and my 200$ Bong got broke.

06-16-2003, 11:16 AM
There are few garauntees in life, but two of them are injuries and broken bongs.

Former castleva
06-16-2003, 01:02 PM
What fa-jing said.