View Full Version : Improvised Weapons

06-19-2003, 12:14 AM
Inspired by this (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=23194&pagenumber=2)thread, I wondered what sort of improvised weapons people knew about or had considered. There could well be a situation where you might need more than just your empty hand skills to defend yourself.

I'll start with the weapon I mentioned in that other thread:

The Millwall Brick:

There got to be so much violence in football (soccer for the Yanks) matches, that they started by banning weapons (obviously) and then moved on to actually searching peoples pockets and bags at the gates. This led to an enormous haul in knifes and bottles and sharpened coins, etc. so the enterprising hooligan had to get creative.

Try this at home - you'll be amazed how good it is. Take a regular newspaper and lay it down flat. Now fold over the long edge by about 2 or 3 inches (6 to 8cm). Now keep rolling that over and over until you've got one long, thick, narrow newspaper. (You can try this with a regular sheet of paper just to get the idea). OK, so now you've got a long, thick roll of newspaper, right? So, now you bend it in half so that the two ends meet. Hold it by the "loose" end so that the folded end sticks out as if you're holding a club. Now feel how hard and solid the whole thing is. Bloody mad, huh!

Originally developed by the nastiest of hooligan crews, the Millwall "supporters", hence, The Millwall Brick. Seriously, if you get hit with one of these it's like getting hit by a short baseball bat.

So, what others can you think of?

Mr Punch
06-19-2003, 01:28 AM
Think I'd prefer a real brick meself.

Actually no, they are heavy, difficult to hold and cut your hands...

I'd just use any handy chairs, pencils or midget violinists for weapons, or spare Black Jacks for a shield...:D ... to paraphrase Fat Freddy's Cat on roaches... 'plenty more where that came from!'.

06-19-2003, 01:51 AM
There are so many things you can use, almost anything around you - pen, gloves, book, briefcase, glasses, jacket, etc, etc

Vasiliev's video "Improvised Weapons" has plenty of good ideas.

Mr Punch
06-19-2003, 02:37 AM
Dunno bob, I find videos a bit limiting... OK if you hit someone with them hard enough, they'll break and cut the skin... but otherwise...:D

06-19-2003, 02:48 AM

Maybe sharpened DVD's would be better....

Mr Punch
06-19-2003, 04:22 AM
Originally posted by bob10

Maybe sharpened DVD's would be better.... LOL! Who's da ninja in da house!

Problem I've got with Serpent's original masterplan is just when do you do the origami? If you have to stop and make a lethal bloody paper crane before the fight it's hardly improvised now is it?!

Anyway, back to sharpening my DVDs, just in case...!

shaolin kungfu
06-19-2003, 05:25 AM
"Magazine spike"

take a magazine and hold it as if you were going to read it. Fold the top right corner down to the left side of the magazine. Now take the right side (it should now be on an angle) and roll it to the left, making sure to keep the point pointy.

It won't look or feel sharp enough to work, but it will. I tried it on a cardboard box and got the magazine to go half way in. National Geographic works well.

chen zhen
06-19-2003, 05:43 AM
Banana peels:cool:

06-19-2003, 07:20 AM
syringe to compliment snake style

06-19-2003, 07:21 AM
Not trying to state the obvious here.

But for us, why bother trying to improvise a weapon when the two best weapon is already availiable............. Our Body and our mind

06-19-2003, 07:28 AM
In colder climates, large icicles make great weapons.

Shuul Vis
06-19-2003, 07:37 AM
GDA and i drove around tossing AOL cds at people. They work well and are free almost anywhere.

Former castleva
06-19-2003, 07:51 AM
Definitely banana peels,yes.
They will land hard...

Related fruits and vegetables can be useful too.

Never forget about ice cream,if properly produced,can be used as an ice pick.



Black Jack
06-19-2003, 08:03 AM
The local hardware store is a gold mine for this sort of thing if you are looking to make improvised weapons.

Some things, carpenters pencil acts as a cheap kubotan, electric cable or phone cords for garrotte and whipping, extra large ball bearings which are good for throwing and fist loads, carabiners make good fistloads, you can get rebar cheap and sharpen it like OSS spikes for stabbing, smashing or throwing, PVC is also real cheap and makes good kubotans, their is also chains, claw hammers, screwdrivers, garden awls and hand rakes, scissors to act like a punch dagger, household chemicals in a a pump bottle, plus standard mag-lites.

A clenched zippo is a easy access fistload and impact weapon. A credit card is good for darting, slashing and pinching if held the right way. If you have blasted your attacker with O.C. spray you can go upside his head with the can using hammerfist strikes.

Tons of stuff.

06-19-2003, 09:11 AM
Belt with metal buckle.... wrap around fist and keep the buckle loose for range. Good for striking and whipping at peeps. Can grab loose end for rear choke...

06-19-2003, 09:37 AM
Was about to say belt :)
whipping with the buckle will bust someones face right open.
But I have a nice heavy 6" piece of steel attached to my keyring, bout as big around as my middle finger, on a nifty keyring that pulls off from the rest of my keys. Makes a great fist pack, the ends both stick about 1" past my hands to knocking pressure points, or holding it by the end makes it like a small club that would easily break skin, esp over the eyes giving a definate advantage. It also works great as a bottle opener if a lighter or real bottle opener isnt available. Or you can open beers if you are wearing a ring......

06-19-2003, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Mat
Problem I've got with Serpent's original masterplan is just when do you do the origami? If you have to stop and make a lethal bloody paper crane before the fight it's hardly improvised now is it?!

You have to remember that this was developed so that you could get past a search and still have a weapon. Walking into a foot yground carrying the paper is hardly dangerous looking. Then, get inside, roll up the paper and keep it handy for when the hooligans start to go off.

11-18-2015, 10:05 AM
Selfie-defense: Martial arts class teaches tourists how to use selfie sticks as weapons (http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/11/18/selfie-defense-martial-arts-class-teaches-tourists-how-to-use-selfie-sticks-as/)
Published November 18, 2015 FoxNews.com

A new class shows how to use selfie sticks for self-defense. (Hannah McKay/PA Wire/Press Association via AP Images)

Members of a martial arts class in Moscow are learning the art of "selfie-defense" to beat back criminals who may want to snatch their smartphones while taking pictures at the world’s most popular tourist hotspots.

A class at the M-PROFI martial arts center is aimed at helping tourists fend off criminals by using their selfie sticks.

“Unfortunately very often a selfie stick is the only weapon a tourist has when travelling abroad, and it has the advantage of often being at hand,” spokesperson Daria Lapshina told Yahoo News.

The five-lesson course also includes elements of mixed martial arts and Thai boxing, and organizers say the selfie sticks are perfectly legal to carry onboard planes.

"We teach people to use the handles if the selfie stick has a phone attached, and it is a very effective defensive weapon,” Lapshina said.
I could see uses for a selfie stick if my phone wasn't attached. But if the phone was attached, it would be like attacking someone with my wallet. :rolleyes:

11-18-2015, 10:22 AM
Reviving a classic Gene!