View Full Version : Extreme begginer?

06-19-2003, 09:04 AM
What would you reccomend for an extreme begginer to start learning to do. Let me exlpain that a bit better, i am interested in learning kung fu (i am 14), i am not planning on joining an actual group yet for various reasons. So i wondered what you great people would reccomend that i could do on my own, i have been browsing the forums and have heard about things like special stances and other things. Any help would be much appreciated.

06-19-2003, 09:13 AM
Honestly? Research. Find out strengths, weaknesses and especially myths of martial arts in general, and specific styles. Many of us have made mistakes, and wasted time and money because we did not have the information that is available today. Since you are young, I just read a very interesting article on how the russians used to train their athletes. It makes great sense and I only wish I could turn back the clock. Here's the link to the article:


06-19-2003, 09:18 AM
Thank you for that i will check that link out now.

Diamond Dragon
06-22-2003, 09:55 AM
Watch movies. Some are realistic and some aren't but the main thing is that they can give you great inspiration on different styles, training etc.

06-29-2003, 06:39 AM
Well, i reckon the best thing to do is to research around for your local kungfu schools in your area, then from those look around, as some schools offer an introductory lesson, or see if your able to watch the classes, and then after all that actually try a style and participate in the class, then from that you will actually see if your going to enjoy it or not. Then i guess you can practice what they teach you, otherwise anyone can pretty much practise anything by themselves, but its probably better to join a school, then see where you go from there...Good luck :)

06-29-2003, 07:56 AM
I'd say just start going to schools and checking them out, like fidon said. Any legitimate/decent instructor will allow you to observe a class or two. In fact, many of them will flat out invite you. This way you get an opportunity to see different styles as well as be able to compare the different schools.

I'm curious, what are your reasons for not wanting to join a school yet?

06-29-2003, 11:03 AM
I'm curious, what are your reasons for not wanting to join a school yet?

I just dont really have the time or money to get involved, im going to try my best to teach myself as much as possible first.
But thankyou all for your advice, it is much appreciated.