View Full Version : what's your favorite fight on video?

06-19-2003, 10:38 PM
My brother owns a really cool video store in L.A. and is considering giving me a budget to create a fight section. Thing is, I'm not sure where to go to buy this stuff and also need recomendations. Probably gonna start with classic boxing matches but will be free to include anything I think will rent. (or maybe just anything I've always wanted to see but didn't have the money to buy myself)

Not instructional stuff, I want to see FIGHTS!!!


come on, i gotta plug his store at least once: www.cinefilevideo.com

Repulsive Monkey
06-20-2003, 02:50 AM
How about the amazing fight of Willem Dafoe in The Last Temptation of Christ between the duality of Jesus's Human nature and that of his divinity?

06-20-2003, 03:06 AM
Repulsive Monkey has caught both the gay! :D


Try this question at MMA.TV. I'm sure you'll get a ton of answers. Of course, you'll have to do the legwork and watch them.

The first few UFC's are always fun for beatdown factor and for watching little guy Royce prevail. Regardless what you think of him or BJJ, it's cool to watch the little guy win.

There is a transition period in there where the UFC's were terrible, but theyve been pretty good for awhile.

Pride is almost always fun. The Pride GP's are usually pretty good.

Any IVT event is usually good watching--no biting, no eyegouging, everything else is legal and I think it's bareknuckle. Brazilian event. This was the introduction of Mark "The Smashing Machine" Kerr, back before the addictions. I think Coleman gets some nasty headbutts in on those vids too.

I agree that classic boxing would be great! Most K-1 events are usually pretty good, but sometimes a bit slow paced--AVOID THE NORTH AMERICAN K-1 tapes. Just awful. You want the finals.

Chang Style Novice
06-20-2003, 09:53 AM
The best ever is the Ken Shamrock/Dan Severn Superfight!:p

06-20-2003, 10:52 AM
I would start and end with the PRIDE dvd's

06-20-2003, 07:52 PM
You autta stock all the UFC fights you can get your hands on, especially the ones that most people don't think are good. Those are the hardest ones to find, and if you advertize what you've got, you're bound to get responces from people who want to watch it again to see some example of technique or other.

06-20-2003, 10:10 PM
Repulsive Monkey... Thank you... Totally awesome fight... :D

06-21-2003, 04:35 PM
Merry Pranktser,
Thanks. I hadn't though about MMA.TV. I don't generally go there. The guys at emptyflower gave me some great reccomendatoins for boxing.

Pride's good, but you can't make a section of just Pride.

And someone said, "all the UFC's you can get your hands on"? lol
You can get your hands on ALL of them if your buying from a distributor and there's no way I'm gonna buy what? 30? 40+? of just one venue all at once. Finding the Shamrock/Sevren was a good idea. Anyone know which on that was?


Chang Style Novice
06-21-2003, 04:51 PM
Omar - I hope you know I was joking about the Shamrock Severn superfight. It's about the worst thing I've ever seen.

06-21-2003, 05:35 PM
whadda bout the Shamrock/Gracie superfight? One Shamrock punch and 2000 kidney taps by Royce's heel?

06-21-2003, 08:04 PM
Pride would get my vote an K-1 as well. Almost garenteed good fight action with them:)

06-22-2003, 11:21 AM
Here's my fave:

Two or three years ago on TV there was a show about MA. It showed a clip of a MA making a movie and right after shooting the scene on the street the camera swerves to a real-life pimp slapping his real-life crack ho around off stage. The MA says something to him and the pimp comes up to the MA mouthing off. The pimp twitches a hand or makes a threatening move and the MA slides into a front stance and slams a ridge-hand strike right at the pimp's left temple. Mouthing pimp slumps to the hot concrete while crack ho with bruised lip comes running up to the pimp and starts squalling over him. She helps pull the mouthing pimp to this legs and he walks off, knees rubbery, about to puke his living guts out right on camera. Funny as h*ll because it was real....

David Jamieson
06-22-2003, 11:59 AM
If you can find the golden age of boxing series, those are pretty cool.

They used to run the series on cable.
The ufc,nhb stuff is mostly carp imo though there are one or two decent matches.

mostly flailing and grabbing, lot's of poor form and many guys who jsut shouldn't be there at all. lol. it's like watching MTV's J A C K A S S, but the only focus is "idot gets @ss kicked by crazy man". :D

but that goilden age of boxing series, well, ALL those fights are sweet. Sweet science that is!

doh! There is no good Kungfu fights on film :( except for movie fu.


06-22-2003, 01:05 PM
Kung Lek has caught the insanely incorrect. He hasn't seen any UFC/Pride action for years, obviously.

David Jamieson
06-22-2003, 01:09 PM
Merry, thas true. i was so blahed by it after the first 2 years, I just stopped watching.

You can always, always count on pro boxing to be a pretty good watch though.
