View Full Version : Hurt foot. Advice please.

06-21-2003, 10:52 PM
My dumb ass got hurt playing on a giant trampolene tonight. I'll spare you the details, but it involved me doing two forward flips and landing on the ground.

Anyway, now my right foot is pretty swollen. It's not my ankle at all, however. All the pain is in the top of my foot and it goes into my toes. I think what happened was when I landed my toes got curled under my foot too much and it stretched the tendons (ligaments?) on the top of my foot. That's what I would guess, because it's swollen on top of my foot.

It hurts when I stand on it. It hurts when I put pressure on it (I have to limp now). It hurts on the top of my foot when I curl my toes up or down. As I said before, the ankle has no pain whatsoever.

I iced it, but that made it feel stiff so I quit. I've taken a few ibuprofin (anti-inflammatory, I think) and that's it. I really want to put heat on it, but aren't you supposed to wait 24 hours for that?

Ok, advice please.

Oh yeah, nothing's broken.


Shuul Vis
06-22-2003, 12:09 AM
You have what is referred to as an "ouchie" or an "owwey" in medical circles. This type of condition is usually treated with a heavy dose of "quit your whining".

06-22-2003, 12:37 AM
lmao ... maybe im really drunk but i thought that was some funny sh it.

i'm gonna tell you the same thing your mother's gonna ... get a friggen xray. if you dont want to go to the dr just take care of it the best you can and you'll be fine eventually.

06-22-2003, 12:59 AM
Stay off it for now, elevate foot on a pillow, ice (no heat for I think 48 hrs, but not sure). I guess I would want to know how much of a rip/stretch it is and whether there are small bone fractures. I don't like to go to docs, but it would be worth it to avoid a possible chronic foot problem.
You're right to take an anti-inflammatory.
I would guess that the stiffness is probably caused by a combo of swelling and spazzing out (normal). Icing is important, imo. I might put a not too tight elastic bandage on it too.

sorry this happened. heal fast!


tsunami surfer
06-22-2003, 01:27 AM
Ifit stilldoesnt work right in another day go see a doctor

06-22-2003, 10:27 AM
Try the twenty rep squat program. That should do the trick. :)

06-22-2003, 01:01 PM
GO TO THE DOCTOR!!! Many times, a minut stress fracure will hurt below the injury. I fractured my anke about ten years ago, but thought it was just a nasty sprain. By the time I got to the doc's, he couldn't do anything for it; it had already healed wrong and you often can't reset that type of fracture :(

But. Untill you get there:
Mineral Ice works great on that type of injury. Once the swelling is mostly gone, you could also put Bengay on it. Does pretty much the same thing as Mineral Ice, but it stinks more and burns a bit. And keep it elevated. Don't walk on it at all, if you can help it. Ace wrap it if you do need to walk on it.

Former castleva
06-22-2003, 01:27 PM
Becca put it pretty well.

I´d just add that what you described sounds exactly like the condition I had with my foot last summer.
Basically carelessly kicked a heavy bag (the bottom of) with my instep (correct word I assume)
The pain was remarkable but healed on it´s own in a day or two.

06-22-2003, 02:45 PM
Cut it off!!!:D
Dull rusty things work best!!!:p :eek:

06-22-2003, 11:33 PM
Ow, it's a day later and it still hurts. I've got some big bruises forming. I'm going to try to go to the University Health Services tomorrow and see if I can still get free x-rays and visits even tho I already graduated. My foot is still freaking huge. I'll try to take some pics of it tomorrow and scan them. Hehe.

I tried some Mineral Ice but it kind of burnt and froze at the same time, and it also turned my foot blue which I thought was massive bruising and I freaked out.

My ex-girlfriend who just got her Physical Therapy degree said it sounds like pulled tendons, but it doesn't sound like anything is broken (knock on wood). I just described it to her over the phone, though, she didn't get to see it yet. She said the toes get all funny when the metatarsals break, and my toes are pretty normal (except for the fact that I can't really move them too much cuz it hurts). I borrowed a pair of crutches from my friend, so I can keep pressure off of the foot.

When do you guys think I should start putting heat on it. My ex said ice it for a week(!), but I thought it would make more since to only ice it until the swelling begins to go down (I've been measuring it to check, actually). What do you think? I iced it for a while yesterday but it got all stiff and I couldn't really move anything so I stopped. I iced it again tonight, and I put Mineral Ice on it twice during the day.

Ok, done now.


06-22-2003, 11:41 PM





You should have been following this since you did it, but it could well be too late now. You should ice it for a few minutes, then take the ice off for about 15 minutes, then repeat.

Definitely see a doc or something - it's easy to break the meta's and they could bug you for ages if they are broken.

Oh yeah, also, YOU IDIOT! ;)

06-23-2003, 11:52 AM
Chainsaws work good........:D

norther practitioner
06-23-2003, 03:36 PM
I'll spare you the details, but it involved me doing two forward flips and landing on the ground.

Sounds like fun......:D

Yeah, RICE until you can get to a doc (very recomended)....

Chang Style Novice
06-23-2003, 03:37 PM
I recommend breaking your other foot as well. Symmetry is VERY important.

06-23-2003, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by IronFist
Ow, it's a day later and it still hurts. I've got some big bruises forming. I'm going to try to go to the University Health Services tomorrow and see if I can still get free x-rays and visits even tho I already graduated. My foot is still freaking huge. I'll try to take some pics of it tomorrow and scan them. Hehe.

I tried some Mineral Ice but it kind of burnt and froze at the same time, and it also turned my foot blue which I thought was massive bruising and I freaked out.

My ex-girlfriend who just got her Physical Therapy degree said it sounds like pulled tendons, but it doesn't sound like anything is broken (knock on wood). I just described it to her over the phone, though, she didn't get to see it yet. She said the toes get all funny when the metatarsals break, and my toes are pretty normal (except for the fact that I can't really move them too much cuz it hurts). I borrowed a pair of crutches from my friend, so I can keep pressure off of the foot.

When do you guys think I should start putting heat on it. My ex said ice it for a week(!), but I thought it would make more since to only ice it until the swelling begins to go down (I've been measuring it to check, actually). What do you think? I iced it for a while yesterday but it got all stiff and I couldn't really move anything so I stopped. I iced it again tonight, and I put Mineral Ice on it twice during the day.

Ok, done now.


Yep. That's the way to use Mineral Ice. And Icing your foot will make it stiff. But rather than icing for 1 hour, try 10-15 minute stints and the 10-15 minutes with out ice. Don't use heat on it 'till the swelling goes down, and stop trying to wiggle it. The tendons need to rest to heal right. Be pacient. It takes time to heal.:)

06-23-2003, 06:36 PM
I just went to the doctor.

She said the x-rays didn't look like anything was broken, but she's going to look at it again in the morning. She said the pain is caused from excess blood putting pressure on my tendons.

The pain has gone down a bit today. I can actually put weight on the heel without it hurting, and I didn't need crutches today.

I now have bruises at the base of my first 3 toes (the ugly kind of bruises that look like the kind associated with torn ligaments, not the normal "ow I got punched in the arm" bruise), and I also have long skinny bruises on each side of my food on the edges as well as one right in the center of the bottom of my foot. Time for more ice I guess.

But the swelling has gone down a bit from yesterday.

Why the **** are like half the replies to this thread sarcasm?

Thanks for the advice.


06-23-2003, 06:45 PM
It wouldn't be KFO if at least half the posts were to tell you what an idiot you are :D

Hope your foot gets better soon.

06-23-2003, 07:07 PM
The bruises on the sides of your foot are from blood pooling at the lowes point, and is normal. Glad to here you didn't break anything.:)

Chang Style Novice
06-23-2003, 07:54 PM
All I had to offer was sarcasm because you'd already gotten the right advice several times: see an MD ASAP. I'm glad you did.

06-23-2003, 08:52 PM
You d@mn near smashed your foot f#$%ing about on a trampoline and you wonder why half the replies are sarcastic!?
