View Full Version : kung fu tournament in atlanta this weekend

06-23-2003, 11:54 AM
Hello everyone, I just wanted to let everyone know there is a kung fu tournament in Atlanta, Georgia this weekend (June 27-28). "The Art of War", presented by Master (Shawn) De Ru Liu. Masters demo at 7:30pm friday the 27th, kung fu tournament at 9am on the 28th followed by US team qualifier for san shou, plus some pro san shou bouts. For more info you can visit Master Liu's web site at www.liuinstitute.com.

06-23-2003, 01:23 PM
Putting amateurs with very little experience in the ring without equipment so they look "professional" still doesn't make it PRO San Shou my friend. Is Cung Le, Marvin Perry, Rudi Ott, Scott Sheeley, Jason Yee, Lee King, Moti Horenstein, Yousef Taghizadeh or Chris Overby fighting? Answer: NO.

It isn't even the top amateurs. The event is a scam....

06-23-2003, 01:43 PM
C'mon... coach... let it out... don't hold back.... tell us how u really feel....:D

06-23-2003, 02:19 PM
the cow excrement is going to hit the rotary oscillator pretty soon on all the nonsense. While the big 7 is trying to organize the sport and move forward, a certain person with very questionable motives and morals is trying to become a tyrant

06-23-2003, 02:57 PM
ikfmdc, so those 9 people are the only pro sanshou fighters in the world?:eek:

06-23-2003, 03:08 PM
Not the only ones...but the ones with the best record and the largest number of folks that would come to participate.

If you have a Sanshou event and Cun Le, Marvin Perry, and Rudi Ott are not there working or bringing a team or fighting themselves...and it is in the US, it is probably NOT a major event or one that represents the top Sanshou folks.

06-23-2003, 03:11 PM
It doesn't look to me like it's a major sanshou event, it just mentions some qualifiers and a couple of professional bouts.

06-23-2003, 05:55 PM
OK, there is also Paul from Azerbaijan, Shonnie Carter, Mike Altman, David Marinoble, Peter Kaljevic, Reaza Abassi, Mohammed from Egypt, KJ Noons. Are any of them on this card?

NO they are not....

Are these the top amateurs? Let's go through the list

Jose Palacious
Ian Morgan
Elan Schwarz


Mike Norman
Richard Acosta
Nizar Balghitti
Max Chen


Josh Beaurgard
Scott McClain
Xavior Ross


Ray Neves
Andras Gal
Allen Eggburt


Adam Resnick
Brad Burrick
Derek Smyzt


are you seeing the point or do I need to go on?

SanShou Guru
06-24-2003, 07:03 AM
I'll let you know how it goes. The only real attraction for the event is the Team Trials. Only 1 big 7 is brining a full team.

norther practitioner
06-24-2003, 07:45 AM
lkfmdc, man, whats all the beef...
It just sounds like they have a few bouts they'll be paying people for.... If you have so much beef about whos fighting, why don't you bring down your team? I know there are a few different directions for cma right now, but you guys seem to be looking for events, why not go down?

Chang Style Novice
06-24-2003, 07:54 AM
His beef is that they're calling it a pro event when it obviously is not. Regional sanshou tourneys with unknown amatuer fighters are obviously good for the sport, but they need to be honest about what they are, or the good they do goes out the window.

06-24-2003, 08:02 AM
Putting inexperienced, unknown amateurs up and calling them pro world title bouts is bull hockey. The entire event is full of crap. They're trying to push it as one of the big events, but as Guru just said, it is NOT being supported by the major teams because the promoter has consistently screwed all of us.

Why don't I bring down my team? Because I've been consistently lied to by the promoter and he'd rather put his students up for titles and duck my guys. In case you haven't been paying attention, I have an extremely strong team in US San Shou. In any event that was truly going to feature the best in the US, like ABOC for example, you'd see my guys, we were HALF the card in Ohio.

norther practitioner
06-24-2003, 08:02 AM
I see pro fight and just think, oh, someone is getting payed, not, oh maybe one of the top guys in the world is going to be there. I guess it just depends on who is seeing it. I have only seen the crap brochure on the internet, I saw they had a few "pro" fights, but whatever, let them pay a few bucks out.

I'm not trying to defend them per se`, just didn't see what the big deal is.... I don't know the history between these camps, and why lkfmdc was all worked up.... just seemed he's jumping down these guys throats...

06-24-2003, 01:58 PM
Regardless of what has been said here, it still looks pretty interesting. I wish I had enough money laying around to go with my wife and kid, but 20 bucks a ticket, plus food and other stuff is too steep for me on short notice =(.

norther practitioner
06-24-2003, 02:01 PM
I thought the wife was there to watch the kid so you could go....lol I'm just joking. It's too bad though, tournies can be fun to watch.

06-30-2003, 10:02 PM
That's right folks, I just returned from said event two days ago...maybe I can shed some light on the subject...

First of all for all you cats who said this event wasn't going to be that good:

Some of your points were good but let me set you straight on the facts: Paul DID fight, he was in the main freakin' event. He got kicked in the head and when I watch it it almost makes me sick.
Several of the other fighters that have been listed here as not fighting were also fighting, they did not fight pro b/c they wanted to try to qualify for the national team. Rudi Ott and Cung Le DID bring a team. There were two Brazilians there that cleaned up. So there were definitely some tough cats there.

On the other hand, you guys do have a point that some of the cats that were in the pro fights weren't ready. Some of these cats were lucky they didn't leave the Convention CenterTM in an AmbulanceTM. Who the bloodclot ever heard of a pro fight featuring shin guards and disallowing knees? I have, I heard of it on saturday night. Ruslan had to wear shin guards and couldn't knee, and some people paid good $$$ for this? kiss my @$$. Some of the fighters were apparently great mixed martial artists, but apparently they got tooled when they tried san shou.

As for you questioning the promoters motives...?How Dare you Sir! How dare you doubt and honest man who was kind enough to spare an entire village a grizzly death despite the fact that they were trying to rip him another @$$hole (see IKF article: "Man Takes @$$ Whooping, Millions Saved").

Now also for you who were not so sure of this event, you will probably also be interested to know that the pro fights did not take place in a ring, but on a le tai. Why you ask? Well maybe if you would stop doubting that this one guy could take an entire county I will tell you...The first fight of the night featured this dude from Brazil vs. "The Untouchable Burger" actually his last name was burger and his nickname was untouchable so I call him the Untouchable Burger. Any the Brazilian slams the Untouchable Burger into the canvas creating a giant crater in the ring (when Sun Tzu gets his pics developed we will post it online). After my coach had the ingenious idea of moving to the Le Tai, it took about 4 hours to get everyone situated. By this time, cats who paid $250 to sit at ringside found themselves in the back row and cats that paid $20 to sit miles away found themselves sitting "Le TaiSide".

All in all, the most enjoyable event I have attended, some great fighters; true there are some fighters out there who would tool the guys who did fight, but can't we say that about just about any tournament other than WMAC Masters?

07-01-2003, 07:41 AM
People who don't have any idea of the background issues really shouldn't spout so much crap.

<b>Shawn Liu’s USASKF National Tournament</b><br>
Reported by various participants at the event<p>

The reality of this event was that there was nothing “national” about it. It was local, poorly organized, and poorly attended. The so-called “national” tournament competition had around 30 competitors, and <b>NONE</b> from the established programs. Compare that to the Arnold Classic which had over 150 competitors including representatives of all of the original “Big 6”. The reality was that if Shawn Liu had not conspired with USA WKF president Anthony Goh to have the US national team trials at the event, <b>NONE</b> of the major programs would have attended at all. The coaches had protested prior, resented Anthony Goh’s final decision, and the result was a total lack of support for all the other aspects of the event.<P>

We really hope that no one who won this event considers themselves “national champions”. They are in for a very unfortunate reality check when they step onto a Lei Tai or into a ring with the real national champions.<P>

Once again, the so-called “Professional fights” Shawn Liu offers left a lot to be desired. Putting amateurs with little experience in no gear so they look “professional” and offering up titles to them is exactly what is wrong with the sport of Kickboxing and San Shou. Faced with a total lack of participation from the traditional “Big 6” programs, this card featured two matches in which people who had never fought San Shou faced experienced champions from Brazil among other amusing things! Additionally, had the Brazilian team not shown up there would have only been <b>TWO</b> fights.<P>

The so-called “main event”<P>

Andre Assis (Brazil) <br>
Jason Miller (USA)<P>
The first fight of the night began with a throw at 8 seconds that <b>BROKE</b> the ring. The audience jeered as the matches had to be moved to the Lei Tai platform after a huge delay. The Brazilian, with vast San Shou experience, secured an easy decision win.<P>

Ruslan Adryuschenko (European Champion)<br>
Unidentified local MMA fighter (?)<p>
These fights were all supposed to be under professional rules with knees and no equipment, yet the unidentified MMA fighter insisted on no knees and began the match with shin guards on. Why would a supposedly professional MMA fighter not want knees and be fighting in shin guards? We don’t know. More importantly, we also don’t understand why Shawn Liu then found it necessary to stop the match in the middle of the first round and insist that Ruslan wear shin guards as well. But wait, it only gets better folks<P>

Ruslan’s corner complained. They noted, <b>CORRECTLY</b> that wearing shin guards was not in the contract. How did Shawn Liu, supposedly the president of the federation and the coach of the US team, respond? Shawn Liu had security remove the corner man from the building. Yeah, real professional. It didn’t matter, won by 1st round KO.<P>

Eduardo Fujihara (Brazil)<br>
Unidentified local MMA fighter (?)<P>

For those who don’t know, Eduardo Fujihara is one of the most dangerous San Shou fighters on the planet. He has won world championships both in San Shou and Lei Tai (which features bare knuckles, elbows and knees). Have we mentioned that he is also undefeated in Vale Tudo in Brazil? So we can’t help but ask why he as matched up with a man who admitted that it was his first stand up fight? NO surprise here, Fujihara by 2nd rd TKO<P>

Patrick Barry (USA)<br>
Paul Gurevidius (European Champion)<p>
The final match of the night was the only one that at least made some sense to it. Patrick Barry by 2nd rd KO.<P>

More on the team trials as we receive it. But the big question is that they ended up with <b>SIX</b> winners and didn’t pick the final A team (which is five people) on the site. How the final team is chosen could raise more questions.<P>

07-01-2003, 07:58 AM
People who don't have any idea of the background issues really shouldn't spout so much crap.

I don't pretend to know anything about the issues involved, I was just stating who was fighting in this tournament. And I know the dude lies, that was the purpose of my reference to him saving the village.

And heck no I don't go around thinking I'm the national champion b/c I beat the two cats that were in my weight class. I had fun, got experience, and next time I do fight somebody who is a national champ I can make a little bit better showing.

OK now let me commit some sort of ad hominem attack by illustrating why this tournament wasn't nearly as bad as others. Next month me and Sun Tzu will be fighting in Kuoshu. People who win at Kuoshu call themselves world champs, going so far as to call themselves "World Champion in Beginner Point Fighting". Kuoshu people also believe Kuoshu is super tough. There are no shin guards, little gloves, and the head gear with the mask. Not nearly as rough as fighting w/ boxing gloves and sans head gear. I've seen guys dominate at kuoshu and then they come to one of Liu's events and they do very good, but they are not nearly as dominant.

07-01-2003, 08:04 AM
Everyday, Shawn Liu is sinking deeper. He's alienated every major person in the US San Shou community. He's been giving numerous chances, he only confirms the worst with every action he takes. The crap is going to hit the fan soon. Talk about lies? You have no idea really, the man is full of it

07-01-2003, 08:10 AM
I think I smell a few refunds/lawsuits...people losing $250 front row seats, fights being changed at the last possible minute...Who was this Jason Miller? I thought the guy that got slammed through the ring was this "Untouchable" Burger dude...maybe I am wrong...One thing is for sure I had been looking forward to Patrick vs. Paul for a long time and could not have been more dissapointed...

SanShou Guru
07-01-2003, 08:30 AM
Look for Patrick Berry vs Marvin Perry late next year. If we can set it up it could be a good one...at least for a while.

07-01-2003, 08:34 AM
San Shou needs some TV time... too many good match up are going unnoticed... evenif we are the only ones that know who they are... or atleast put the videos to market... look at how many buy the King of the Cage DVD's...

King Of Sanda
07-09-2003, 08:37 AM
I think Marvin Perry will destroy Patrick Berry, it will be a huge miss match :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D