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06-23-2003, 01:19 PM
Link to article. (http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2003-06-22-abuse-usat_x.htm)

Judge Pen
06-23-2003, 01:23 PM
I had an ex get mad and swing at me once. I never tried to hit back and just shed off her slaps until she calmed down. Interesting article.

06-23-2003, 02:52 PM
not me ...i beat my bi tch every time she asks for it. like if she opens her mouth. i slap her and tell her she better shut the door on that co ck garage.

06-23-2003, 02:55 PM
Actually, this is interesting. We were starting to notice at the festival I work at, that often domestic voilence was more a mutual thing then anything else. This may be that mutual domestic aggression may happen more often in public, where domestic violence involving one aggressor may be more private.

Actually the irony here is that Rogue posted this article so we would stop picking on him about his girlfreind kicking his a$$ all the time.

Former castleva
06-23-2003, 03:31 PM
Works not,the link.

06-23-2003, 07:40 PM
Actually the irony here is that Rogue posted this article so we would stop picking on him about his girlfreind kicking his a$$ all the time. If I had a girlfriend my wife would be cutting my throat after stuffing my huevos in my mouth. You don't mess with Mrs Rogue! :eek:

I've seen and heard about mutually abusive relationships for years. Had a very pretty girl friend who was wired that way, I am not so I didn't play and the relationship fell apart quick. Also very dangerous to get in between people in that kind of relationship.

My dad (NYPD) told me stories about big tough guys whose woman would beat the crap out them using frying pans, kitchen knives, boiling water or anything else they could get their hands on. Rarely did the men ever press charges and the man would leave the house so the broad could cool off then head on back to do it all over again.

06-23-2003, 07:52 PM
some people deserve a slap

06-23-2003, 07:55 PM
boys and girls should be separated at about 3 years of age and not allowed back together until, say 40 or so when they have sorta reached a balance with each other mentally and physically. it's the silly childish crap during puberty that starts these bad cycles.

06-24-2003, 06:50 AM
Abuse is abuse whether it's man to woman, woman to man, or other combinations. Men very often will not admit that the woman is abusing him because of pride. Men are socialized to be tough and to think of women as harmless. This is a tremendous disservice to men. They think, then, that even the mental abuse that many women dole out is not abuse because it's coming from a "harmless woman." Yet, when a man gives a woman mental abuse, that is immediately considered abuse.

We need to be socialized a bit differently. While men are physically stronger, women are not "harmless."

06-24-2003, 06:59 AM
women are far from harmless, especially if they train MA and are good at it too :eek:


06-24-2003, 07:01 AM
That's cuz most women practice "Hit'em Up" style. A black eye heals in a week, but a bank account can never recover from a spurned woman's rampage.

06-24-2003, 08:12 AM
agree completely with Robinf.

I've known of two cases of spousal abuse in which woman played a major role.
One had to do with an apartment manager and his wife. She was on drugs and used to hit him (bad back) and cause him misery. Eventually, they parted. He limped off. She skipped town, wanted by the cops; I don't remember the charges. No one knew until he sat down and talked about it one day. That's when I became aware that this sort of abuse is not just from male to female.
Next one, I suspected. No proof. Then, months later, I was told by a family member that the man would sleep with a knife cause he was so afraid of his wife. I know he was verbally abusive to her. I mean, telling your wife every time you're cavorting at brothels amounts to that. And, I saw her face when he said it. It was his way of feeling free and getting back. two-way misery.

I guess it is a matter of the man always needing to feel masterful, in control. That is something that is demanded in our culture. How can such a man, especially one who is very able to defend himself, admit that he can't against a woman? I think that physical strength is one thing. There is also the issue of emotional vulnerabilities which can make someone a victim and unable to fight back, prevent the abuse, leave, or effectively ask for help.

We do need to be "socialized" differently. We need to be taught to respect each other's hearts and bodies. And we need to be taught that love is not possession. No one is an object.


06-24-2003, 08:26 AM
Robinf and cody both have good points, but pride is not the entire picture, or if it is, then it doesn't always play out that way.

I've run into more than one case where the man simply would not hit back or respond in any other constructive way. He would just take it; not because he was stupid or anything but because he was socialized to never hit a woman. Maybe thats pride, but I don't know.

This also had a variation: 'if I hit back, then I go to prison.' Often, this was correct. Another variation: 'nobody will believe me'. Often true, actually, but the police are begining to change.

Mostly, these were older guys. I've also seen a case where the woman was beating the guy from a wheelchair and then she would call us [social worker team] to have him removed as an abuser. The accusation and legal stuff, incarceration and 'treatment for anger management' was an extension of ways to abuse, for her.

Complicated thing. Abuse takes two ppl and every abusive relationship is still a relationship- it didn't begin on the first date or anything, they grew intio it.

06-24-2003, 09:59 AM
He would just take it; not because he was stupid or anything but because he was socialized to never hit a woman. Maybe thats pride, but I don't know.
This also had a variation: 'if I hit back, then I go to prison.' Often, this was correct. Another variation: 'nobody will believe me'. So has anybody come up with a solution for a man to defend himself in this kind of situation? You hit her you lose, you don't defend youself you lose. What about something like PPCT?

Black Jack
06-24-2003, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by rogue
So has anybody come up with a solution for a man to defend himself in this kind of situation? You hit her you lose, you don't defend youself you lose. What about something like PPCT?

PPCT could still be considered assualt.

The best defense is if it is a spouse is to get her into therapy as soon as possible, if she will not go f@ck her and move on as you don't need that kind of crap.

When attacked defend yourself from harm and call the cops. Have her taken to jail. Situantional awareness goes for domestic abuse as well as street danger. Don't put yourself in a situation with a person like that.

Judge Pen
06-24-2003, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by Black Jack

PPCT could still be considered assualt.

The best defense is if it is a spouse is to get her into therapy as soon as possible, if she will not go f@ck her and move on as you don't need that kind of crap.

When attacked defend yourself from harm and call the cops. Have her taken to jail. Situantional awareness goes for domestic abuse as well as street danger. Don't put yourself in a situation with a person like that.

As long as your woman has no real martial traiing or is not beefed up on steriods you should be able to absord whatever abuse whe dishes. (kitchen knives excluded). Then have her arrested or therapy depending on whether you want to stay with this woman.

06-24-2003, 10:48 AM
Tony M. Yes, it is old news. But, like a lot of data, suddenly makes a "New" appearance. typical of modern media.

Zim. I think the jail concept does have merit, though that doesn't stop some.
I am wondering if a reluctance to use physical force against a woman is the opposite side of the coin of groups where it's condoned. where a woman's value as a human being is not equivalent to the man's, to put it mildly. As human beings who have joy and suffering......, there is a normal kind equality which we expect here. That brings a social pressure upon one who would consider himself a gentleman. There can be a healthy pride in that. But, having the need to actually defend against the lady, rather than put her in her "place" first, might be a problem for some. I'm not advocating the latter, just thinking of different points of view.
Thinking one might not be believed, but accused instead by the woman who acted like a raving lunatic, but now gives an Oscar-winning presentation of helplessness and points the finger in the man's direction, is also a consideration. I've seen that in a slightly different context.

I think that allowing one's self to be Continually victimized, which includes not being able to exit effectively, has more to do with individual state of mind and the relationship itself, rather than with local societal norms When physical and mental cruelty are discouraged or considered illegal. Yes, it does take two to have an abusive situation. In the case where one promises it won't happen again, the other can "believe" this and go into denial. In this state of denial the little lady is pure as the driven snow. Amazing how this can happen over and over. complicated dynamics.

Bottom line is that a man can feel just as downtrodden, not worthy of love, deserving of punishment, mentally imbalanced to the point of feeling weaker than his spouse under certain circumstances, as a woman. Men are people too.
As some stereotypes become less compelling and men and women can be seen as people who have differences on an individual basis within a general continuum, I think the difficulties each face apart and together can be more candidly addressed. Or, it's not so important anymore who is hitting or threatening who, it's Why does it happen and how can we stop/prevent it in our own lives and in our communities? Intervention by an individual is risky.


What's PPCT?

Black Jack
06-24-2003, 11:33 AM

Pressure Point Control Tactics

If its a chick I don't know on the street she gets the same principles of defense everybody else gets. I would hit a chick just as fast as I would hit a guy if I am being attacked. Remove her as a threat and skip out.

06-24-2003, 11:55 AM
Cody- maybe i'm misreading a post. Wouldn't be the first time.
Zim. I think the jail concept does have merit, though that doesn't stop some I meant that the man was being further victimized by sending him to jail. As a wider issue, yes, fear of jail [or knowing that the current laws favor sending the accused to jail with no questions asked] does prevent larger conflict, but it may not be the most appropriiate solution. Currently, a social work DV specialist is sent with sherrif teams in parts of NY, just so we can sort these things out on the spot.

I think that allowing one's self to be Continually victimized, which includes not being able to exit effectively, has more to do with individual state of mind and the relationship itself, rather than with local societal norms Maybe. In the case of the man being victimized by the woman in the wheelchair, this was not entirely the case. They were elderly-ish, and he had no where else to go, it was his home. He feared us more than her, actually. I admit I didn't see it, but my co-worker picked up on it, then I just talked to him about his fear of us...then we alerted the police to the real situation. Don't know what became of it all.

Its interesting to see how women go about abusing. Often, they plan it out.. they might get the man drunk, for instance, then kick him in the balls repeatedly. Often it has a component of getting the man in a vulnerable spot, then taking it out viciously, then screaming bloody murder if they're caught [or acting coy, whichever]. The point of it ususally has to do with making the other feel as miserable as they do. Not just 'blowing off steam' or getting angry. There's a specific pattern here.

WRT PPCT and use of force: AFAIK [& IANAL] there are specific laws that relate to trained individuals and how the use of force is regarded in a court of law. This takes it all away from the realm of defense into that of assault. And that follows you.

Honestly, I feel that the way the laws have gone in relation to DV and defense of self have left men [and not women] in a position very similar to that of a woman in the same situation in the 1950's: it was your fault, you're not a good 'homemaker', go apologize and take it. If you don't, no one will want you ever again and you'll be out on the street. Or at least. so goes the message society is sending...

06-24-2003, 03:08 PM
Thanks, Black Jack.

ZIM, amazing how many ways the words can be read. I had missed your point. Thanks for the explanation, and for going a bit further. good perspective. I appreciate it.

My point of view is sometimes skewed by where my interests in abuse have been concentrated, DID, known as multiple personality. So, part of what I think of is revictimization of an adult by a mate, from which my second example above was derived.
The wavelengths are similar: that of getting the man in a weakened state, maybe even pressing a few buttons, and then letting the bloke have it. Agreed.
I had been thinking of the psychological state of abusing vulnerable personalities in what would appear to be a person who could take care of himself. Albiet, though this is on the extreme end of the scale of abuse, I find it interesting to draw parallels when I am able, between these extremes and the more usual examples of how people see themselves and each other.

Along these lines, you take a vulnerable monomind and put him psychologically where he can't or is reluctant to offer resistance; combine that with societal restrictions against men using force against women. On the other end of the scale, we have common hen pecking, bossing around.

Hen pecking has a comedic quality, up to the point where the guy gives lip service and does what he wants, only to have the sweet girl he married turn mean when she finds out and he's full of guilt and takes his punishment. That's one scenario where we can see why a man would take his punishment, and the woman's response "has to do with making the other feel as miserable as they do." Some people turn mean; some don't. I find that interesting as well.

Your last paragraph, dealing with blame, is well taken. And, the attitude towards the woman who had to meet all sorts of standards in order to be a fit wife might have contained a followup clause, understood but not codified in this culture: if you don't meet these standards, the punishment is your fault, or "go apologize and take it." Where is this setup for the modern day male? Men didn't require a whole movement to get the vote and so forth. Their credibility was pretty much a given, with a disadvantage in custody issues. If people don't believe the reports of abused husbands, it is not because of their lesser status, but because of disbelief of how this could have occurred (unthinkable). Assumed or real advantages in physical prowess which might make even defense against a spouse questionable follow in those footsteps.
Here, I might be misreading you, as I feel you are saying something I'm not picking up. Really opened up the discussion for me though. Looking forward to what you have to say.


06-24-2003, 04:21 PM
You've got a pretty good 'bead' on what I was writing. Only things to address:

Hen pecking has a comedic quality, up to the point where the guy gives lip service and does what he wants, only to have the sweet girl he married turn mean when she finds out and he's full of guilt and takes his punishment. That's one scenario where we can see why a man would take his punishment, and the woman's response "has to do with making the other feel as miserable as they do." Some people turn mean; some don't. I find that interesting as well. Yes- this shows up a lot. Where do you draw the line, though? When does it 'turn mean'? I see this with children a lot... the parent tells the kid 'you're worthless, you're stupid'. Is that joking or abuse? I say abuse... or at least abusIVE. That means I can begin to look for other patterns, other things that confirm or deny the abuse. This where you [general you] have the most leeway to intervene, even on your own behalf. If someone is abusive, this is where it starts- so stop it right there, if you can. If you can't, then get away. If you can't do that, say something to somebody until somebody listens.

All stuff they told me in 3rd grade...

Where is this setup for the modern day male? Men didn't require a whole movement to get the vote and so forth. Their credibility was pretty much a given, with a disadvantage in custody issues. If people don't believe the reports of abused husbands, it is not because of their lesser status, but because of disbelief of how this could have occurred (unthinkable). Now, this is complex- partly because of different histories... this situation, as I outlined previous, is a new one.

Males don't start with lesser percieved status, at least not within a family unit. Accusations of abuse, swearing out a warrant or protection order CAN, however, lessen whatever status the male has. Conversely [or perversely] a womans status can be raised by making the accusation, at least within very limited, specialized contexts.

In some ways, it depends on his role in the larger world. Having such a complaint can, and has, led to: firing, suspension from work, jail time, loss of access to children, loss of custody, loss of domicile, loss of property, monetary penalties, separation from family of origin [that is, the man's mother, for instance, takes the 'side' of the woman], etc. All of this without a trial having yet taken place. Harsh.

Another thing: where are the 'battered men's shelters'? Clinics for treatment? Outreach by social workers saying 'you don't have to take it'? None of that- and men wouldn't do it anyhow. What recourse is there? Thats why I'm saying its analogous to the situation [not status] of women in the 1950's.

But anyhow, who's complaining? :p It is a thankfully rarer event, just sticky when it happens.

06-24-2003, 05:06 PM
It is the deed that is unworthy, not the person. When a parent tells a kid he's nothing or worse, that identity sticks beyond that particular set of circumstances. It can be kept alive and kicking on the introject shelf, even without awareness that feelings of not being capable or good or worthy of accomplishment have come from a parent's words. Yes, that is abuse. If said once, it can be an error and corrected. If continued, that parental attitude is opposed to the ideal, and what should be considered the norm. Nurturing and building of a positive identity structure.

The analogy of men not being able to secure help they need. No recourse, and the threat of reduced perceived and actual status if he does belt her in actual self defense. The parallel is clearer.

Fine discussion.
