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Chang Style Novice
06-24-2003, 08:03 AM
The Hulk!


06-24-2003, 08:22 AM
ya know, after i saw the movie, i was pretty disappointed. but after a few days, thinking about it, it grew on me.
i think the thing is, it's not a normal "superhero" type movie. if you go in there expecting "spider-man" or "xmen" or something, you WILL leave disappointed... Hulk isn't that type of character.
he's disturbed, unpredictable, and holds some pretty deep and powerful emotions in that bottled up personality. so i think the movie was pretty true to the character overall. it wasn't pretty or approachable, or easy to watch at times, but then again like i said...neither is Hulk himself.
there's some symbolism in the flick, and tons of repressed memories and father/son (and sometimes father/daughter) tension. i think the story revolves around Bruce/Father and Betty/Father more than anything... it's not just about the Big Green Guy.
so if you go into it expecting a different story and just let Ang take you for a ride... you may be more apt to enjoying the flick than those who go in there expecting a rehash of other movies. you might also leave a bit disturbed and ambiguous-not really knowing WHAT you thought of the movie. i think , in a certain way, Ang was INTENDING that to happen, though.

06-24-2003, 08:49 AM
I haven't read the review yet, but I think the movie kicked arse. They HAD to have as much background info and plot to the movie as they did, or non hulk fans woulda been lost. I don't think that the lack of action (compared to the likes of spiderman and x men) hurt the movie at all. And I was actually glad they did it the way they did... To much computer animation may have crapified it, but I think they did it just right. The fight with the dogs and the fight with his father were excellent.

06-24-2003, 08:51 AM
Who cares about the good writing, the competent directing, or the above average CGI? Jennifer Connely was scrum-diddli-umptious.

06-24-2003, 09:08 AM
My roommate hated it, the critics didn't like it, but I have to say I enjoyed the hell out of it! And I have to second Masterkillers assessment of Jennifer Connelly!

06-24-2003, 09:11 AM
the critics didn't like it


Yahoo Movie Reviews (http://movies.yahoo.com/shop?d=hv&id=1807592188&cf=critic&intl=us)
Seems most did, though it did catch some flak.

Chang Style Novice
06-24-2003, 09:11 AM
I personally know one professional movie reviewer who was expecting to hate it, but thought it was pretty good. And another guy with the same assessment who isn't a pro but a d@mn smart movie buff and excellent writer.

I wasn't interested in seeing it until I heard Ang Lee breaks up the screen like a comics page. That I'll watch.

06-24-2003, 09:23 AM
CSN, that was one of the things I think was the coolest! It really didn't start to happen until a little into the movie but once Bruce makes his first change, then it stats to happen a lot more, especially during the hulk smash scenes.

quiet man
06-24-2003, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by red5angel

And I have to second Masterkillers assessment of Jennifer Connelly!

I have to third his assessment. In fact, I was the first to give such assessment (see here (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23334)).
And her picture adorns my desktop even as we speak :D.

So, I think it's fair to say I'm the biggest JC fan on KFO. Or the biggest loser.

06-24-2003, 10:00 AM
I didnt like the fight with his father because it was too dark to understand wtf was going on.

06-24-2003, 01:43 PM
i will wait and get my hands on an illegal copy before wasting money seeing it on the big screen.

my main problem with it from the previews isn't just the crappy cgi, but the fact that the hulk was no where near as big as they made him in the movie. i mean christ he's huge. im not a huge comic buff or anything, so i did have to double check this after i got into an argument with a buddy at work, but turns out im right. felonious monk ... if anyone remembers him ... has a copy of the marvel encyclopedia and his stats have him at 7 foot tall as the hulk. he looks like 20 from the previews. this just doesn't sit right with me for some reason.

06-24-2003, 01:46 PM
So what exactly does the Hulk do in the comics? OK, he gets mad and smashes stuff...but that would get pretty old after about 3 issues. Why does he fight bad guys? Or does he?

06-24-2003, 05:25 PM
I bet this thred will eventually make it to the Martial media section.
In the Hulk thred there (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23334) I sort of outlined a brief history of the Hulk.

He changes size & shape fairly frequently and Has been as large as 20 feet in size.

he does Fight super villians, as well as super heroes for that matter. He's often on the run or rampaging. He is also a MAJOR sourse of "power" and has thus attracted the attention of a variety of power hungry types.

06-24-2003, 05:34 PM
I will have the hulk pirated within 5 hours.

06-24-2003, 05:42 PM
I like how he's portrayed in The Ultimate marvel line of comic books... Going on a jealous rampage killing innocents in the streets, eating nurses... he's great :D

In the movie I was hoping for more HULK SMASH!!! type action. I really coudn't stand the non Hulk scenes. The dialouge was sooooo bad, and so was the acting(Nick Nolte was kind of cool though.) The audience spent most of the movie laughing, lol.

06-24-2003, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by MasterKiller
So what exactly does the Hulk do in the comics? OK, he gets mad and smashes stuff...but that would get pretty old after about 3 issues. Why does he fight bad guys? Or does he?

Dude, you have GOT to read the Ultimates. Get the first 6 issues in the trade paperback at your local bookstore. In issue 5, Bruce Banner takes the super soldier serum mixed with Hulk DNA and turns into a grey Hulk. He calls his exgirlfriend (who was having dinner with Freddy Prinze Junior) Betty Ross and tells her what he did before he passes out and is rushed to the hospital. On the way there he turns big and grey. He retains some pretty good intelligence, speaks normal and all (though still says Hulk smash). But it is freaking hilarious.

At the start of the battle (when The Ultimates, think Avengers, go into New York to fight), Nick Fury (who is now looking like Samuel L Jackson) tells the Ultimates that Hulk is trying to steal a pair of pants off a dead fat guy. He screams out he loves Betty and not Freddy Prinze Jr. He says he is going to eat Iron Man's head, beats the crap outta Captian America, gets flashed by the Wasp while she asks if Betty has a nice of a rack as she does, gets his ass handed to him by Thor and says "Stupid hippy. You make Hulk *****." Then finally they get him knocked out (after Wasp flys into his brain) and Captain America walks up and says "Don't worry Bruce, you're one of us. Im just hear to be sure that gash on your cheek gets treated well" and Bruce goes "But I dont have a gash on my cheek" and Captain America kicks him in the face and replies "You do now son."

Anyhoo, that is one of the funniest comics ever, Hulk Does Manhattan. Just pure gold in humor and action.

As far as what all he does, originally Hulk was grey, and lasted like 1 issue. The problem was in 1962, grey did not print well, so they turned him green. He didnt turn grey again until like 1982. When he first appeared, it was a night time thing, he only turned into the Hulk at night, instead of when he was angry. The grey Hulk retained most of the intelligence, though was way more cruel and cocky.

He had a wide assortment of villains ranging from the Abomination (a Soviet spy turned into an ugly Hulk) to The Leader (some janitor who was exposed to gamma rays and got incredibly intelligent). In issue 376, the Grey Hulk and Green Hulk duked it out inside Bruce's brain to see who would be the dominant Hulk. Finally after hynosis, Doc Savage was able to mix the green and grey with Banner. He turned into an 8 foot tall green Hulk with the brain of Bruce Banner and the strength of the Hulk.

Now there is some new thing going on, Banner can turn into the Hulk when he pleases, and even has the Hulk's strength in human form. He fought the Abomination and broke his nose when he was in his human form, then beat the Abomination down by instantly turning into the Hulk.

I cant believe it censored cocky and *****.

06-24-2003, 09:39 PM
The hulk is now pirated.


06-24-2003, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by Shaolin-Do
The hulk is now pirated.


And I am a Federal Agent and you are under arrest.

Just kidding :D

06-24-2003, 09:44 PM
oh no.



I have the new matrix as well, and house of 1000 corpses.
But I only keep them for 24 hours to decide if I want to go watch them.

06-24-2003, 09:46 PM
Now I'll probably get busted for impersonating a Federal Agent :D

06-24-2003, 10:00 PM
I havent been able to locate the authentic version of the Matrix Reloaded. I got Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (deleted since I own it), 8 Mile (deleted, I hate that movie), Scooby Doo, etc. I usually keep them until I can buy them on video or DVD.

Shaolin-Do, check your PM.