View Full Version : Testing the formula today

Royal Dragon
06-25-2003, 11:05 AM
Ok, I drank this stuff about 1-1/2 hours ago and it had some rather unexpected results.

1. It was bitter as hell, and took me about an hour to drink it.

2. Really wierd this one is. Since my collaps just under 2 years ago, I have had stiffness in my jaw, and it is prone to making loud "Poppping" noises when it moves, like as loud as snapping fingers. About 45 minutes after I finnished the tea, my jaw totally loosened up, and it feels like I'm a completely normal guy again. I havent felt like this since before my collapse.

3. This "looseness" progressed down my back one section at a time, and right now, my back injury feels like it never happened. I have had stiffness, if not downright pain since the whole incedent happened, and I feel TOTALLY normal, like I could do back flips if I wanted.

4. I ground my knees up years ago training hard during Gout attacks (for those that don't know, Gout is when your joints develop a sandlike crystilin powder in the cartiliage that grinds them down like sandpaper sands away wood). Right now, my knee feels completely normal. It's loose, smooth, and it feels like someone shot some fresh oil in there.

5. Gout pain in my foot is competely gone. Normally, even if I'm not having an attack, the center of my left foot is tight, as are both my big toes. Right now, I feel completely normal.

6. Energy wise, I feel bright, alert, itching to go, but very relaxed at the same time. Right after I took it, I actually got very sleepy, and crashed into the deepest, most rejuvinating sleep I've had in years for about an hour. The I woke up, and here I am.

I'm going to go to the woods now and do some stance training, I'll fill you guys in when I get back.

06-25-2003, 11:15 AM
So what was in it again?
Vicadin mushrooms and pot?

06-25-2003, 12:19 PM
It's amazing how you feel when you accidentally drop a valium in a beer.


Black Jack
06-25-2003, 12:44 PM
Is the titty milk from a cat in it?

norther practitioner
06-25-2003, 01:57 PM
Seriously dude... sounds like you just ate some mescaline or something....

06-25-2003, 02:28 PM
either that, or he's been dipping into african tiger's stash.

what are you drinking, rd?

Laughing Cow
06-25-2003, 02:35 PM

I told you that recipe for Absynthe was no good, the ingredients are wrong.

You need extra wormwood in it.

norther practitioner
06-25-2003, 02:47 PM
LOL at Laughing Cow....
good refference..

"Should I really be on my 6th bottle of Wormwood."

Laughing Cow
06-25-2003, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by norther practitioner
LOL at Laughing Cow....
good refference..

Just remembered the movie "From Hell" when I read the thread.

Royal Dragon
06-25-2003, 03:47 PM
Actually, the formula was pretty good.

The warmup was easy. Normally, I'm pretty winded by it, but today I actually did more yet was relaxed and almost comforatble.

My stance work was ALOT stronger in the first half of my set, and a little bit stronger in the second half.

I recovered in half the time too.

I'm going to do the exact same workout Friday, with no herbs, just to make sure it wasn't because I actually got stronger or something.

African Tiger
06-25-2003, 07:37 PM
No way, Rub. Ass, cash or gas, but nobody smokes off me for free!!!!

Royal Dragon
06-25-2003, 07:37 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention flexibity because I was late for work. Normally, I have to sink into a stretch for a good half minute before I am at my full range. Today, I was at full flexibility imediately.

Also, I'm still energized. I feel like I could practice for a few more hours tonight. That's at about 10 hours after I took it.

I understand now how the ancient masters were able to train for 9-10 hours everyday, and develop so much skill now.

African Tiger
06-25-2003, 07:37 PM
Oh God, I just dated myself....

and I didn't even give myself flowers! :D

Cheese Dog
06-25-2003, 10:19 PM
RD, how's your heart rate? Hands shake? Are your thoughts "jumpy" or attention span seem short? Just wondering---I remember that you said the formula was meant to be a "yang tonic". Does this mean it would make your body more yang, which could increase performance short term but long term probably be bad for your health, or that it would just "balance out" your yin/yang ratio?

Sorry about all the questions, just curious! :)

06-25-2003, 11:32 PM
i think he's either high or ****ting us.

Royal Dragon
06-26-2003, 05:03 AM
RD, how's your heart rate? Hands shake? Are your thoughts "jumpy" or attention span seem short?

No, not really. Infact just the opposite, I was really calm and relaxed. My heart rate was actually LOWER at the end of my warmup than normal, by a noticable "seat of the pants" feel. I recovred from my workout faster too.

I have a heart rate monitor, i'll have to do some comparisons of my heart rate during different loads both with and without it.

As far as my thoughts, I was thinking faster, and had better, more foucused, concentration. I was spontaniously "Multitasking" quite a bit yesterday, like I used to do when I was about 10 years younger. I don't know what you mean by "Thoughts jumpy", but I'd have to say I was able to foucus on multiple things at once with clarity, rather than jumping from one thought to another and losing track of what I was doing. I don't know if it was the herbs, or just because I had alot of work to do so I was more motivated, but I did get alot done yesterday, more than usual.

I slept VERY soundly lastnigt, but only about 7 hours, maybe more like 6-1/2 Normally I don't sleep this deep, or at least I haven't since I was under 30. Also, normally I need about 9-1/2 hours a night. If I don't get it I'm either sluggish during the day, or I nap. I feel really good right now, like I got all 9+ hours, on a bit less than 7. It's going to rain today, I bet I'll be napping on the couch next to an open window by noon. I always get sleepy in weather like this anyway, and I didn't sleep too long last night. That could just be because I had a really strong workout yesterday though, that has the same effect. Herbs or no herbs, In need my "Beauty rest".

Royal Dragon
06-26-2003, 05:08 AM
I remember that you said the formula was meant to be a "yang tonic". Does this mean it would make your body more yang, which could increase performance short term but long term probably be bad for your health, or that it would just "balance out" your yin/yang ratio?

It felt really balancing to me. It was more like everything was working right for the first time in years. I've had some life altering health issues in the last few years, yeasterday is the first time since it all happened that I felt "Fully balanced". I've had times when I felt really good, and almost normal again, like when I finnish a good Tai Chi lesson, but yeasterday was the closest I've been to the me I used to know, since the collapse.

Cheese Dog
06-26-2003, 11:33 AM
RD, market this stuff. I'll buy it!

Royal Dragon
06-26-2003, 01:59 PM
I'm not sure what the liability's would be in doing that. It's not a bad idea though.

Golden Arms
06-26-2003, 04:40 PM
Royal, I have a friend that is an herbalist as well as my sifu himself..if you pm me the recipe, I will have them check it out and let you know what organs it effects, if its cooling or heating, etc. PM me if you are interested.

Royal Dragon
06-26-2003, 08:39 PM
I already ran it by my guy here. It is mostly a Kidney tonic and a blood mover. That expains the effect it had on reducing my gout. Gout is a Kidney deficiency related thing.

06-26-2003, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Golden Arms
Royal, I have a friend that is an herbalist as well as my sifu himself..if you pm me the recipe, I will have them check it out and let you know what organs it effects, if its cooling or heating, etc. PM me if you are interested.

RD!!!! Don't give it to him!!! He is just trying to steal your magical elixir for himself!!!!! :D :D

Royal Dragon
06-27-2003, 05:45 AM
LOL!, I have decided to keep it as the "Secret formula" that only senior members of my school get to learn, possibly only family members. Since my school is down to oly 6 Tai Chi students, it's going to just be for me I think.