View Full Version : Can WCK be anything....

06-26-2003, 08:06 AM
Can WCK be anything one think it is?
IF yes why?
If no then what is the Critirion to verify it is a WCK?
What is the un negotiable which without it it is no longer WCK?

What do you think?

06-26-2003, 11:20 AM
All good martial arts share the following characteristics:
1. Simple
2. Direct
3. Efficient

If a BJJ guy have these characteristics in his fighting, is that BJJ or WC concepts in BJJ chothing? WC by any other names would feel as good. Doff off the names, You are WC! Do what you will.


06-26-2003, 03:24 PM
wing chun is a training system to develop attibutes to maximize your bodies natural potentional in a combative situation.
the skill of self knowledge
how one uses that skill is very personal .
all other arts also stride for this skill, but wing chun seems to be the most effecient system to attain it .
so once you got it and learn to use your body in the most effecient way who is to say what it should look like

06-27-2003, 03:32 AM
This is not an easy question. Through the years I have seen many people write that "if you are not doing X, then you are not doing WCK." This is usually aimed at another lineage that does things differently from the lineage of the author. Some might say that if you aren't doing the 3 empty hand forms and the dummy, then it isn't WCK. But Pin Sun WCK doesn't do the "standard" 3 forms. Some might say that if you aren't adhering to a specific WCK concept, then it isn't WCK. But not all lineages define the concepts the same way. I just recently read an article on another website about the YGKYM being used to receive energy (tun) and send it back (tao) that stated if you weren't using your YGKYM this way then you weren't doing WCK. I know some very legitimate and well-respected WCK instructors that don't use this concept. So how WCK is defined depends entirely upon who you are talking to. Is Chee Sim Weng Chun WCK? Different versions of WCK can vary widely. My feeling is that if the basic concepts guiding the application and the structure of the techniques are not recognizable as WCK by someone familiar with WCK then there may be a problem. Otherwise, I don't think we can narrowly define what WCK should and should not consist of. We can be branch specific.....we can say what Yip Man WCK should consist of, but even that will have some variation depending on who you talk to. Not a very easy question. :-)


06-28-2003, 10:25 AM
Let's see what was written in the past.....


Using stillness to subdue the motion
Listerning and Tracking constantly,
Keen in issuing instantaneous penetrating Jing,
neutralization and offensing simultaneously,
Technic: concise, agile, elegant, and airtight.
Expert in close body gates....

The core set is Siu Lien Tau (the essence training about details)...... practicing Chi Sau .....


rapid fire to centerline.....
Tan Bong FOk.....
This kiu and that kiu....

when is all these add in and who adds them in?