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View Full Version : Recommended Videos

06-29-2003, 04:07 AM
I recently purchased Benny Meng's series of Wing Chun videos that he did for TCMedia (parent compay of Kung Fu/Qi Gong Magazine and this website). You can read about them here:


Sifu Meng narrates the videos himself and along with student Jeremy Roadruck does the demo's himself. These videos are well-done, and for $25 each are hard to beat. He does a good job of explaining concepts and applications for each of the empty hand forms. Each "form" tape is followed by a "technique" tape that shows Chi Sao and other drills and methods for that level. He has also done two Biu Jee level tapes that are not yet listed here on the website. This is Moy Yat's version of YMWCK, but Sifu Meng points out that the choreography of the forms varies between families and does not make a big deal out of doing things exactly as demonstrated. Its the concepts that count and he does a good job of explaining a lot of them. So this tape series is good for anyone doing YMWCK. I learned several things about Biu Jee level that I hadn't seen before.

I am in no way affilitiated with Benny Meng, the VTM, or TCMedia. I just enjoyed these videos and would recommend them to anyone interested in YMWCK.
