View Full Version : O/T: corrupt mp3's are bull****

06-29-2003, 02:01 PM
I'm trying to download some new songs, but people are changing the files so you don't get the right version of the song.

Consider a song that goes like this:


A = verse
B = chorus
C = solo or bridge or something

People are editing mp3's of new songs so instead of going ABABCB, they're going AAAAAA.

But it's bull**** because they're doing a good job of it, the timing is perfect and the quality is perfect, and you can't tell it was edited aside from knowing that parts of the songs are missing.

Must be either ****ed off fans or members of the band trying to screw with the mp3 community.

I've found the following songs to be affected already:

Disturbed - Liberate
POD - Sleeping Awake

I'm sure there's more, though.

It took me a while to find mp3's that hadn't been hacked.

So here's a big middle finger and "**** you" to the people who are changing these songs. Spread the word.


Laughing Cow
06-29-2003, 02:07 PM
Corrupt MP3's are ofen uploaded by the record companies hoping that you get so ****ed off that you buy the song or to swamp the online sites with corrupt copies.

Same way that most "unlicenced" top-quality fan-sites are actually run by the licence holders or the groups themselves.


06-29-2003, 02:14 PM
I figured it was something like that. The editing job was too good for it to be a random person I guess.


Chang Style Novice
06-29-2003, 02:53 PM
I've run into that as well. Annoying.

06-30-2003, 08:32 AM
If Orrin Hatch had his way your computer would have been destroyed for attempting to download "illegal music". :rolleyes:

06-30-2003, 09:06 AM
MP3 is a great way to open your eyes to new music. I sure as hell buy alot more cd's after I find alot more groups/artists I like. So this is a big **** You to everyone who think's programs like kazaa should be stopped. F you