View Full Version : dont play with matches

07-01-2003, 04:23 PM
it's been one long fu cking day since last tuesday.

thanks for all the good wishes on shuuls thread. i wouldn't wish me well if i were you, but who am i to judge.

as shuul said everyone is fine, including all my pets, and we didn't actually lose anything even to water damage. the fire was set in the attic and was put out very quickly. all the water that pored down to the first floor went right into the middle of the bedroom. well, some of it went into our kitchen closet and ruined some food, but not a lot of it and its hardly worth mentioning considering. and yes that's right i said set the fire. my house was on the news sunday for "arson on the island" where they made it sound like wheeling's fire department would actually figure out who did it. if i find out, they can't put that fu cker in jail long enough.

we made out as fire victims but it sucked having to suddenly find a new place to live. we must of looked at twenty places and called twice as many adds. most people hung up on me as soon as they heard i had a shepherd. there ended up being just one thing wrong with each place that made it impossible to live there. we weren't being picky, but i can't live in a place with 3 flights of outside steps for adora to pitch herself off of. no yard rules it out too. we ended up taking the open one bedroom apartment nextdoor for now. it smells like pi ss. i would have liked to have looked more but i had to have something by yesterday. i already spent half a week bouncing here and there and watching a 90lb shepherd for longer than a day is a pretty big favor to ask. the day i moved all the necessary furniture i decided that we would just have to stick it out a little while as there was no fu cking way i was doing that again in two weeks. this feeling was greatly augmented by carrying my big ass couch five minutes after puking up bacon and eggs and then having to brush my teeth with barbie bubble gum tooth paste cause mine was at my buddies. but after spending 5 hours cleaning someone else's filth in a bathroom the size of a small vending machine (literally) i have decided that i am ready to move again today. if we can get rid of the smell i could handle it until my house loan goes through in a couple months, but otherwise ill be moving asap.

there is a bright side to all of this. as you all know gda always looks for the bright side in everything. my cup is always half full. of pi ss.

if anyone shouldn't have an attack dog its me. satan is going to be an attack dog. seriously. after he jumped out of suzi's people's screen window to chase of a stranger they decided they couldn't keep him anymore. he didn't try to bite the guy, but got between him and the door and wouldnt let him near it. so i went my buddy mounts to see if me and satan could stay there until i could put him in a kennel the next day. i hated the idea, but i checked it out and it was just this lady nearby with a huge yard and a section of her house they could go in and out of at will.

the next morning mounts dad shows up and mount introduces us. when i mention the kennel he looks at me like im the biggest as shole on the planet. i told him i was out of fu ckin options. he looks at his wife and asks if they can take him for a couple days which she seems more than happy about. im like wtf ... you guys don't even know me and you're going to take my dog? mounte convinces me to go down to there house and it was unbelievable. ****ing yard that's probably a couple acres surrounded entirely by a six foot fence. walk inside and there's shepherd statues, and paintings, and 3 huge portraits of the shepherds they had owned above the fireplace (last one died a year ago). i also noticed an article about a dog finding a body on his fridge . his dog. he's fu ckin schutshund certified ... the german protection dog sh it. that's what the yard's for. he trains police dogs. he's also got his akc certs but i wasn't real interested in anything that didn't involve satan sic balls. mounte sr. said he'll be more than happy to work with me on training and after spending time with him said that he's going to be an easy dog to train. this excites me.

if anyone actually read this far i'm sorry for rambling so much. i had a lot to say.

07-01-2003, 04:40 PM
Sorry to hear your life has been made so miserable GDA. Glad to hear things are going for your dog though :)

07-01-2003, 05:09 PM
Why don't you get the guy to train your dog to attack police? Rather than a police attack dog, you could have an attack the police dog.

That'd be sweet.

07-01-2003, 06:05 PM
If its trained to GDA then it will attack whatever he tells it to.


Good to hear your alright.
Good to know your dogs gettin trained, and your house smells like ****. or not good. Maybe you should **** in the office and demand that they clean the smell in your apartment.
Possibly defecate in the front lawn of the apartment complex?
Anyhow, good luck finding a proper non-urine smelling dwelling, and having a vicious attack dog. We trained my friends boston terrier to attack on command, but hes small so instead of frightening its just really f*ckin funny.
Ima go eat.

07-01-2003, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by Shaolin-Do
If its trained to GDA then it will attack whatever he tells it to.

Yeah. It was a joke. Dumbsh!t.

Of course, you practice Shaolin-Do, so we all know you can't recognise a joke when you see one.

07-01-2003, 06:08 PM
But it would be even better if you could train it to automatically attack cops without you having to tell it to? :D

07-01-2003, 06:08 PM
We in shaolin-do have no sense of humor.


07-01-2003, 06:10 PM

Chang Style Novice
07-01-2003, 06:57 PM
Looking for homes that are appropriate for kids and dogs suxors, GDA. My sympathies again.

07-01-2003, 06:59 PM
So...GDA is living like a dog....and his dog is taking fighting lessons...

Glad to hear you're OK

07-01-2003, 10:15 PM
It still smells like pee after you cleaned it?!? What kind of niebors did you have? :( Good luck on the home search. Places that are kid and large dog friendly are either expensive or non-existant, I know...

07-02-2003, 05:24 AM
glad youre ok and hope things get back on track soon :)


Water Dragon
07-02-2003, 07:15 AM
Don’t attack train the dog. Seriously. I went through this whole thing with my AB last year. If you get the dog bite trained, you’ll have a good attack dog, but you wont have a pet anymore. Get yourself a Schutzhund and you can’t trust that dog around your little girl. Even more, you wont be able to let the dog around other kids.

Once you bite train a dog, you MUST keep the training going for the rest of the dogs life. The dog needs to be leashed wherever you go. The dog needs to be confined whenever company comes around. If you’re going to teach a dog that it’s OK for a dog to bite somebody, you have to be responsible for the dog so that he doesn’t bite somebody. That’s a whole lot of work GDA. Also, you need to take into consideration that one of the main reasons GSD’s are used by the police is their willingness to bite.

Have the guy help you train the dog, but don’t do the Schutzhund training. If you have a pet, you just don’t need it. If you DO still want to do the training, I suggest you do a LOT of reading on the subject and talk to a LOT of trainers. Don’t be the guy whose dog ripped a child’s face off because you didn’t know exactly what you were getting yourself into.

Chang Style Novice
07-02-2003, 07:18 AM
I agree with Waterdragon about Satan.

07-02-2003, 07:51 AM
Sorry to hear about the fire GDA, I feel for you man, it sucked when my families house burnt down to, and no insurance!!!

07-02-2003, 08:13 AM
GDA: There's usually a cheap storage place around; you could put most of your heavy furniture in there while you bounce around from house to house. That way you can still move around a lot looking for a better place, and when you finally find one that's really good, then you can go get everything.

07-02-2003, 10:43 AM
fatherdog .... couldnt do that with satan though. people are only going to want to watch him for so long plus i missed him.

waterdragon ...

i think a big part of the problem is people who train the wrong dogs. this guy refuses to train an aggressive or shy dog. either would bite so they have to be friendly. his 3 shepherds were all great family pets that he volunteered to the police as needed.

that said, i understand your concerns and have thought about them alot myself. you also have to consider i got a long way to go before i even get to that point. if after obedience and tracking training i know for sure i can put the time into him then cool. if not ill have a well behaved dog that can fetch anything you tell it to and find my keys for me. they have to pass tests after each phase before moving on to make sure they will come and heel under any circumstances. his could be sent on someone and called off at the very last second and they'd shoulder block the guy if they had too much momentum to stop. he also would refuse the protection training if he didn't feel that i could keep up on it.

where my daughter is concerened ill certainly be doing more reading and speaking with experienced trainers, but at this point there's no way he'd ever bite her. ever. wherever she goes he goes ... when they run around in the park he will not leave her side. we usually go at nite so he can go down the slide and everything with her. if anyone he doesnt know is around he's immediately between them and her and he stays that way until he feels comfortable with them. as for having company over your absolutely right. my concern is that he would bite someone being over protective of adora after training. he's already not alowed around other kids if adora is around. i seriously doubt he'd bite a kid but i dont take that risk. he's extremely friendly and great with kids under all other circumstances, but he don't mess around when it comes to adora. however, if he does do the training he will be kept from other children peirod.

Water Dragon
07-02-2003, 11:24 AM
OK, sounds like you understand what you're getting yourself into more than I thought. If it's something you want to do, cool. But make sure you know exactly what you're looking at for the next 10-15 years. It's a responsibility I know that I chose not to have.

Good luck on the new spot. Have you guys considered renting a house instead of an apartment?

07-02-2003, 12:31 PM
My wife and I have been going thru a similar ordeal with wanting to get a dog. We started out wanting a rottie, then decided on a doberman, and now we've pretty much decided on a black lab. By the time we actually get around to buying the dog we'll probably be down to a rat terrier.

You still headed this way WD?

Water Dragon
07-02-2003, 12:35 PM
Yup, I should be there late Sunday. Have yopu guys looked at American Bulldogs? I'll never own another breed myself.

07-02-2003, 12:36 PM
yeah i read a lot about it when i first got him. i have always loved dogs and wouldnt even be considering all this if he wasnt the right temperment. my goal with satan is level 2 but who knows ... hes smart as hell so if i got the time maybe i could get him to 3.

we looked at anything but the only thing we found was a townhouse that wanted 525 a month rent which is a ton for this area. we could swing it without any real worry but its a year lease and that's a year or more of house payments. its still an option im considering but i was already scheduled for classes to get a first time home buyers loan before all this **** went down. if we could get rid of the smell this place could be liveable till autumn when i could hopefully purchase a duplex. if not we're gonna rent a house or another apt. until we can find a house of our own.

07-02-2003, 01:50 PM
"we've pretty much decided on a black lab"
Black lab bit my left eye when I was 4 years old.
Generally sweet dogs, but some (mostly females for some reason) have a nasty mean streak.

American bulldogs - excellent dogs, extremely dangerous if used for attack dogs. Were used for hunting back in america's hayday.

I myself was thinking about an AB, until my friend got a boxer. By 6 weeks old, this boxer knew how to sit, stay, lay down, shake, stand up, and roll over. It was un f*cking believable. Now I want a boxer hella bad. :)
Wanted a pharaoh hound, but they are hard as hell to find, and very very expensive.

07-02-2003, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Shaolin-Do
Generally sweet dogs, but some (mostly females for some reason) have a nasty mean streak.

That sums up all females of any species.

Chang Style Novice
07-02-2003, 02:16 PM
I had boxers when I was a kid. Smart, sweet critters they were. Their f@rts could be classified as WMDs, though. Just goes to show that nobody's perfect.

07-02-2003, 02:27 PM

07-02-2003, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity

You are correct.

07-02-2003, 03:54 PM
spurred me to read some interviews for some reason and i came out with a really funny quote:

"I've learned one thing: Arguing with Christians doesn't get you anywhere, and I'd rather resort to violence" - glen benton

07-02-2003, 03:57 PM
I enjoy picking on christians as much as you folk enjoy picking on SD.
Not so much picking on... but debasing.....
They get mad when I say that god is god, that jesus is just a christian figurehead.

07-02-2003, 05:07 PM
You should have a go at themeecer - he's S-D and a Christian! *shudder*

07-02-2003, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Serpent
You should have a go at themeecer - he's S-D and a Christian! *shudder*

But MA are the work of the Devil!

07-03-2003, 06:37 AM
I'm a christian. What's the big deal anyway?

07-03-2003, 06:43 AM
Originally posted by GunnedDownAtrocity
spurred me to read some interviews for some reason and i came out with a really funny quote:

"I've learned one thing: Arguing with Christians doesn't get you anywhere, and I'd rather resort to violence" - glen benton

yeah he does have quite a radical view LOLOL

Kill The Christian

You are the one we despise
Day in day out your words compromise lives
I will love watching you die
Soon it will be and by your own demise

Buried in hypocrisy
Lacerate your faith in god
Morally diseased
On the cross of Calvary your body bashed, defeated, stabbed

Blessing as you hate
Loyal to your enemies
Monetary faith
As him you'll pay for the lies of your prophecy
Satan wants you dead

Kill the Christian, kill the Christian
Kill the Christian, kill the Christian
Kill the Christian, kill the Christian
Kill the Christian

Armies of darkness unite
Destroy their temples and churches with fire
Where in his world will you hide
Sentenced to death, the anointment of Christ

In due time your path leads to me
Put you out of your misery

The death of prediction
Kill the Christian

Kill the Christian...dead!

07-03-2003, 06:45 AM
"I've learned one thing: Arguing with Christians doesn't get you anywhere, and I'd rather resort to violence"

Actually what's really lame is watching people try to argue WITH christians. Talk about a worn out and tired hobby. I was talking to some of my pagan freinds the other day and even they are getting sick of hearing losers with nothing better to do then be bitter about the whole christianity thing. I say get over it.
What I find really ironic, is that most of these people who like to argue with christians about their beliefs are people who will claim to be open minded, especially much more open minded then those christians they are arguing, meanwhile shutting all the mental doors on listening to christians and what they might say or believe.
Even more lame, is that while people of "alternative" religions, specifically the so called pagan beliefs the buffet religion aren't any different from these christians they claim to be better then.

07-03-2003, 06:46 AM
This world would definitely be a better place if everyone thought like glen benton . :rolleyes:

07-03-2003, 06:49 AM
What probably annoys most non-christians is when so-called christians try and force their beliefs on them , or try telling them that what they believe is wrong. That is considered wrong by the bible itself.

07-03-2003, 07:04 AM
I see it go both ways all the time, thats why it's so lame to me. As a matter of fact in my own experience over especially the last 10 years or so, the trend seems to definitely be the other way. All these trendy pagan peeps out there trying to convince christians of their "mistake":rolleyes: Not to mention the retarded as arguments that are parroted by most people on both sides....

07-03-2003, 07:08 AM
Religion is an entertaining industry. I always love to hear the "free" thinking Anton Levey satanists argue the follies of organized religion. So let me get this straight you're a "free" thinker yet you follow a religion, Let some other man telll you the best way to live your life? Hmmmmmm sounds rather fishy to me.
But then to me christianity and religion are 2 different things.

07-03-2003, 07:16 AM
I think free thinking and religion can coincide to imply differently means that belonging to any sort of organisation precludes free thinking.

and how are christianity and religion two different things cause I am prepared to shoot holes in that theory from about a 1000 yards...

Chang Style Novice
07-03-2003, 07:25 AM
Sane honest Christians are just fine by me. I seem to run into a lot of the crazy lying Christians, though.

07-03-2003, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by red5angel
I think free thinking and religion can coincide to imply differently means that belonging to any sort of organisation precludes free thinking.

and how are christianity and religion two different things cause I am prepared to shoot holes in that theory from about a 1000 yards...

I guess it depends on what your view that christianity is really. Not everyone who's religious is a christian in my opinion. Satan believes in God does that make him a christian is the view that I have. But then it's my opinion and it doesn't really matter, beside this thread is becoming too deep and philosophical for me. It's not my mission in life to convice peopel that what I think is right I'm going to go crawl back under my rock. This OT thread is going way OT.

07-03-2003, 07:34 AM
aw come on tx, thats not very sporting!

Satan is not by definition a christian because he knows all about jesus and God, that argument has always been fundamentally flawed. Being a part of the christian religion requires more then just knowing God exists or Jesus exists.

07-03-2003, 07:37 AM
Satan is not by definition a christian Nope! Satan is by definition: GDA's Dog. :)

Chang Style Novice
07-03-2003, 07:43 AM
And GDA's dog backwards is God s'adg. Or Natas. Or something.

07-03-2003, 07:45 AM
I find that people whom are confident in their faith tend not to argue. I think arguers are trying to convince themselves.

07-03-2003, 07:48 AM
amen to that TonyM ;) or they feel they have a score to settle, some sort of bitterness towards "the man"

Chang Style Novice
07-03-2003, 07:49 AM
Mostly when I get all arguey, it's because I don't want to let lies and disinformation go unchallenged.

07-03-2003, 07:53 AM
CSN I have to ask, what do you mean by lies and lying?

Chang Style Novice
07-03-2003, 07:56 AM
Well, yesterday for example with themeecer claimed there's nothing in the US Constitution about the seperation of church and state. That is a blatant falsehood, as anyone who reads the First Amendment can tell you. I posted this fact, and called him on his lies, and he hasn't stuck his mendacious cowardly ass in the thread since.

07-03-2003, 07:58 AM
but that would appear to me to be a personal ignorance and not a "Christian" thing.

Chang Style Novice
07-03-2003, 07:59 AM
It's a myth propogated by those who want to move the country closer to a theocracy, ideally ending with Ralph Reed installed as a hereditary king (possibly a slight exageration.)

07-03-2003, 08:05 AM
could be, I have never really heard it espoused by other christians so I guess I couldn't say.

Chang Style Novice
07-03-2003, 08:09 AM
Suffice it to say, I've heard it plenty.

07-03-2003, 08:36 AM
There is no religion. There is what is.

Anyway, themeecer is actually correct. "Seperation of Church and State" is not fully elucidated in the 1st amendment. The first amendment just says that there won't be any official state religion, unlike, for instance, England at the time, and the other writings of the "founding fathers" make this more clear. It doesn't say anything one way or another about prayers in public school, Bush's faith-based initiatives, school vouchers, or whatever. That's all extrapolation. OTOH, it is very common for people to ascribe notions to the Constitution that don't exist. Even subtle grammatical changes have been introduced by those pushing there point - for instance, "the right to keep and bear arms; to form a militia etc." is almost always printed by gun-control advocates and liberal newspapers with a comma instead of a semi-colon. Anyway my opinion of the Constitution is that it is a dated document that those in power use as a sort of mystical relic to justify their actions. We are brainwashed from school to treat it as a sacred document, when in reality lawmakers and judges exercise creative interpretation to do pretty much anything they want.

I'll shut up now.

Chang Style Novice
07-03-2003, 08:44 AM
All you're really saying there is the statement "church and state shall be seperated" isn't in the first amendment. If we think about what establishing religion or preventing the free excercise thereof means, though, we inevitably come to the conclusion that for religion to be excercized freely, gov't must have no control over it, and to prevent gov't from changing that we must prevent religion from controlling the gov't. That's seperation of church and state.

07-03-2003, 10:11 AM
The first amendment just says that there won't be any official state religion
That is a key point and is very often misinterpreted.

07-03-2003, 10:19 AM
Churches should either stay out of political issues OR *pay taxes* if they want to get into them.

07-03-2003, 11:35 AM
natas was a skater.

07-20-2003, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
Well, yesterday for example with themeecer claimed there's nothing in the US Constitution about the seperation of church and state. That is a blatant falsehood, as anyone who reads the First Amendment can tell you. I posted this fact, and called him on his lies, and he hasn't stuck his mendacious cowardly ass in the thread since.

Excuse me? Son, I am not a coward. Posting on a message board doesn't make one brave or not brave, that is absurd. I just get tired of arguing with close minded people. And I stand on my statement of the first amendment not saying anything about the separation of church and state. To save you some time let me post it here:
Amendment I - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Do you see separation of church and state? No, don't think so. Move along. You along with many liberals are relying on a tactic that Hitler spoke about "If you tell a lie long enough, the people will believe it; and the greater the lie, the more people will believe it." If you keep yelling about separation of church and state being in the constitution, people will believe you.

What amazes me is what the first amendment does say. It tells me there should be no law exercising the free exercise of religion. So if a student wants to pray over his food at school, constitutionally he is allowed. The same people that are lying about what is in the constitution are trying to take actual constitutional liberties from us. I read time and time again where a student has been prevented from praying over his food or a student Christian organization with volunteer admissions being banned from school campuses.

07-20-2003, 07:07 PM
i have only one problem with christianity itself.

gandhi (http://www.engagedpage.com/new-5.gif) is not going to hell.

and if he is fu ck god. i'll find better company.

07-20-2003, 10:09 PM
You are under the assumption that good works should account for something. The problem is that our best works are as filthy rags to God. He is so good that the best person in the history of the world is evil when compared to him. We can not be good enough to work our way into heaven. We all deserve to go to hell. He did give us a way out. Through the death of his son. Jesus said he is the only way. So if Gandi found his peace with God before he died even on his deathbed, then he will be heaven. If he didn't he won't be there.

Edit: The reason for this is not because God is a mean spirited person and wants to punish those that don't come to him. There are two things God cannot do, 1) He cannot lie and 2) He cannot be around evil. These are impossibilities for him. The only way we can be around him is if our "evil" has been covered, been taken care of. The only way for that is through Jesus. Therefore those who don't come to God will be left in a state without God. Hell has been called an existance without God. Anything good and pure will be withheld from hell since these only pour out from God. Those who go to hell go willingfully because they have chosen not to be with God.

Wow, I used the word God a lot in that paragraph. :)

07-20-2003, 10:16 PM
If Heaven is like a family reunion that never ENDS!

I shudder to think what HELL must be like...

07-20-2003, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by themeecer
You are under the assumption that good works should account for something. The problem is that our best works are as filthy rags to God. He is so good that the best person in the history of the world is evil when compared to him. We can not be good enough to work our way into heaven. We all deserve to go to hell. He did give us a way out. Through the death of his son. Jesus said he is the only way. So if Gandi found his peace with God before he died even on his deathbed, then he will be heaven. If he didn't he won't be there.

Edit: The reason for this is not because God is a mean spirited person and wants to punish those that don't come to him. There are two things God cannot do, 1) He cannot lie and 2) He cannot be around evil. These are impossibilities for him. The only way we can be around him is if our "evil" has been covered, been taken care of. The only way for that is through Jesus. Therefore those who don't come to God will be left in a state without God. Hell has been called an existance without God. Anything good and pure will be withheld from hell since these only pour out from God. Those who go to hell go willingfully because they have chosen not to be with God.

Wow, I used the word God a lot in that paragraph. :)

I love literal interpretations of the Bible ;)

07-20-2003, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
I love literal interpretations of the Bible ;)
Well it sure beats when readers take the opposite meaning of very simple statments because it has to be "interpreted correctly." There is a reason Christ said his word is hidden from the wise and revealed to children.

Personally I get a kick out of literal interpretations of biology books. ;)

07-20-2003, 10:47 PM
themeeker, I don't understand. While it is incorrect to derive the rulings of seperation of church and state by as found by the supreme court, how does that relate to anybody saying anything about a prayer over lunch while at school? I don't get the correlation.

As you pointed out, the constitution says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

What this is saying, despite your odd example, is that the law making arm of our country will not create laws in regards to a religion. I think the logic afterwards was that in order to not create a law that effects a religion, government factions, like public school, will leave religion out completely. You do have a choice, though, and that is to send your kid to private school or home school. I've never heard of kids not being able to say a private blessing, or a voluntary group blessing over their food. The only problem that I could see is if someone is chastized, picked on, diminished etc. because they choose not to participate. For example, a kid is told he can't play football because he didn't join in the team prayer.

BTW, that quote on the roman empire is only half true, which means that it is also half false. Those are the trickiest kind of lies, and I guess if you say a lie often enough...

07-20-2003, 10:48 PM
I don't really want to get into an argument over the Bible. My only issue with literal interpretation is that it relies on the accuracy of a) writings of the followers of Jesus and b) the translation of the Bible.

Don't get me wrong, if that is what you choose to believe then that is fine. These are only my reasons for seeing things the way I see things :)

07-20-2003, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by Ralphie
BTW, that quote on the roman empire is only half true, which means that it is also half false. Those are the trickiest kind of lies, and I guess if you say a lie often enough...

Really? So you're saying that Victor never said that? If you want the source I got that from that proves he said that, I will find it for you. Now whether you believe his quote is a matter of interpretation. ;)

Originally posted by Joedoe
I don't really want to get into an argument over the Bible. My only issue with literal interpretation is that it relies on the accuracy of a) writings of the followers of Jesus and b) the translation of the Bible.

Don't get me wrong, if that is what you choose to believe then that is fine. These are only my reasons for seeing things the way I see things

I can respect that. I agree with you, how good is your info if the source is corrupt? What if we got Jesus' second cousin, Leroy's account, who happened to be quite the trickster? "I know .. lets make them all shove each other under the water to get to heaven. And deny them of premarital sex. Haha" I even questioned this years ago. After researching this on the internet and reading several books I came up with some very good answers, for me at least. One of the books I read was one I mentioned on another thread "The Case for Christ." If you are honestly curious about the subject, that is a great book to read. It is the retelling of the events a former athiest went through in questioning the validity of scriptures written 2,000 years ago along with the historical record of Jesus. His journey resulted in him becoming a believer. Do I think this will convert you or others? I'm not sure. But I do know it is a highly informative read. If nothing else, it will allow non-believers to "know their enemy." It is kind of like cross training. :D

07-20-2003, 11:16 PM
Thanks for the reference. If I get the time I might have a look. To be honest though, I was brought up as a Christian and I guess I have strayed :). Too many things about the way the Church goes about things didn't sit right with me. I guess I am going to hell :(

07-20-2003, 11:32 PM
We're all going to hell.


07-20-2003, 11:54 PM
Or are we already there? ;)

07-20-2003, 11:57 PM
Hell yea!!!

07-21-2003, 12:53 AM
our best works are as filthy rags to God
that's not my problem.

Jesus said he is the only way
did he? i doubt it. fu ck'em if he did.

The reason for this is not because God is a mean spirited person and wants to punish those that don't come to him.
let's get this straight. i clone some dogs, but never let them see me. i send one dog in to say i exist. when all the other dogs think hes full of sh it i punish them for eternity. fair enough.

The only way for that is through Jesus
bullsh it. that's my main problem with christians right there. so people who have never heard the word christ burn in hell for all eternity? that's fu cking retarded. and if it's true then god is retarded and i want nothing to do with him. if there is a god i doubt he's as big of a fu ck up as you claim.

Those who go to hell go willingfully because they have chosen not to be with God.
if there is an ounce of truth to any of that stupid bullsh it, then that last statement is absolutely correct as far as i'm concerned.

07-21-2003, 09:26 AM
Double post

07-21-2003, 11:16 AM
This is just my own opinion, don't mean to offend anybody. But, I don't form an opinion on Jesus by what is written in the bible. I like to give him the benefit of the doubt, that some of that stuff is wrong/he didn't quite say that, etc. Because there is a lot of good stuff there, revolutionary ideas for the time. But the bad stuff, as others have said, is bad. I bet that alot of the negative stuff got in there from the author's own prejudices. Jesus didn't write any of those books, nor did he command his followers to do so, or they would have got written alot sooner.