View Full Version : Favorite Target?

07-03-2003, 09:58 AM
I am slowly becoming more convinced that the throat is the best target in just about any situation. It might be a little extreme buyt it sure as hell works as a deterrant to someone who might want to hit back.

Chang Style Novice
07-03-2003, 10:04 AM
The weak, the very young, the very old, the infirm, the slow.

07-03-2003, 10:08 AM
dont really have one... i havent trained for a while so im lucky if i get in a position to hit ANYWHERE :)

but i do like the throat chop we use in wing chun a lot, as for my build its quite difficult to see coming.


Shuul Vis
07-03-2003, 10:13 AM
I love the solar plexus. Whether i plant a kick deep into it or reach in with a punch, i love the feeling. Its like being a nausia fairy. When you touch them, they fall over and puke.

07-03-2003, 10:13 AM

Throat's a great target. I include 'neck' within that, used as a lever/control target sometimes. After that: knees, elbows- you know, typical.

Christopher M
07-03-2003, 10:21 AM
Sides: of head (below or behind ear), or torso (under armpit or floating ribs)

Black Jack
07-03-2003, 10:38 AM
Full head and neck area and the knee for low line strikes.

Total "prime" striking targets would be:

Head- (ears-eyes-nose-under chin-temple-jaw hinge-just bash the crap out of the whole shishkabob)

Neck- (Vegas Nerve-Trachea-Carotid Artery-Back of Neck-Collar Bone included)

Knee- (side-front-back-shin-ankle-foot stomp included as well as a knee strike to the outer thigh "irish toothache")


Other strikes I pick them up when I can-strike to the bicep-under the armpit-floating ribs-kidney-just when they are their.

norther practitioner
07-03-2003, 10:47 AM
I like:
The low hook kick to the side/back of the knee.
The front kick (or any strike really) to the solar plexus.
The fist (or open hand) to the neck.

07-03-2003, 10:56 AM
I like blondes, but brunettes are better! :D

Hmm, my favourite target would be the throat with a panther fist and solar plexus with a front ball kick (when sparring).

chen zhen
07-03-2003, 11:07 AM
The target that gets the job done. The one that will bring the opp. down.

But else, maybe a low hook to the abdomen (if not hardened) or to the ribs.

07-03-2003, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
The weak, the very young, the very old, the infirm, the slow.


07-03-2003, 11:30 AM
rabbits and squirrels. And there's something empowering about annihilating an unsuspecting rolley polley.

07-03-2003, 11:31 AM
changstyle -- forgot to mention anyone not paying attention.

07-03-2003, 11:35 AM
or 9 50 lb midgets

07-03-2003, 11:41 AM
i dont think people attack the ankles enough ... you obviously have to be very careful when sparring, but i still think it's a highly underrated target in general.

also like the throat, plexus, and floating ribs. eyes if they arent too much taller.

07-03-2003, 11:42 AM
and ears ... i go after them fu ckers every time i get a chance.

show someone their ear an it'll take the fight right out of'em.

Chang Style Novice
07-03-2003, 11:44 AM
GDA makes a good point. People with poor root or footwork are loads of fun to sweep up, knock the feet from under, etc..

07-03-2003, 11:52 AM
knee strike to the outer thigh i like this as well, even a knee to the INNER thigh, is especially good to rock their foundation and disrupt the guard. Also hurts quite a fair bit too :)


07-03-2003, 12:00 PM
I like the solar plexus. A nice knife hand there and the opp gets knocked unconcius!!!:D

chen zhen
07-03-2003, 12:12 PM
Of course, you're a Karateka. I bet you do it with a "Hiiyaaaa", while your face looks like you're taking a dump.
;) :D

07-03-2003, 12:26 PM
my favorite is a lesser known strike that is as good as the sp for shutting down one lung.

but i'm not sure I'm gonna tell anyone.:p

07-03-2003, 12:28 PM
spoil sport :mad::(


07-03-2003, 12:35 PM
it might be the only thing I have going for me if I ever meet up with any of you guys...

actually, I was talking w/ serpent a few threads ago and was surprised that he didn't know these two points.

they are on either side of your waist, kinda in the crease of your stomach when you bend over and about a hands width, maybe a little more, to either side of the bellybutton. with the proper type of power you can spasm muscles in the torso that will clamp down on the lung on that side.

but, I'm not going to tell ya how to strike 'em, you'll at least have to search for the thread where I gave it all away;) :p

07-03-2003, 12:45 PM
I have a good kick for shutting down both your testicles....

chen zhen
07-03-2003, 12:56 PM
Most kicks would do that, I guess.

07-03-2003, 01:04 PM
I also have a low elbow capable of shutting down your rectum quite nicely as well.

07-03-2003, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by chen zhen
Of course, you're a Karateka. I bet you do it with a "Hiiyaaaa", while your face looks like you're taking a dump.
;) :D
You know it!!!:D
But it doesnt look like i'm taking a dump!!!:mad: :D :p

chen zhen
07-03-2003, 01:53 PM
Chuck Norris does.:cool:

07-03-2003, 01:59 PM
chuck norris does because, at his age, he could be taking a dump any minute.

he's lucky if he's even aware of it when it happens. :o

ah well. he could still kick my white ass back to tuesday.

chen zhen
07-03-2003, 03:16 PM

07-04-2003, 06:47 AM
I do Kiai for about a half an hour though!!!:D :D

chen zhen
07-04-2003, 06:54 AM
Some lungs u must have..

In one long breath, or...:D

David Jamieson
07-04-2003, 07:07 AM
favourite target:

inside knee, outside knee (both at the joint)

tip of the chin, bend of the jaw, bridge of the nose, eyes.

clavicle(collar bone) and ribs.

the dan tien, the solar plexus, the sternum, the rhomboids and the kidneys.

these are all what I call "stop em" targets :D

I avoid the throat, but it is a deciding target in for real fighting.

stop forward motion, stop the breathing, stop blood flow. Any target that will do these is a good target in fighting.


07-04-2003, 10:52 AM
Three main targets against anyone. Doesn't matter who or what type of opponent your up against.




you can train, weightlift, do drugs, whatever, all you want, in hand to hand combat, nothing will prevent me from blinding you temporaily and if I can help it for life.

If they're on drugs and can't feel your attacks, how can they hurt you if they're suddenly blind and can't see you?

There are two kinds of fights: The ones you fight dirty, and the ones you loose.

Train to defend these vital areas on yourself first and formost.

Sparring is friendly competition, on the street it's a different matter.

"Better a friend cut you down as a lesson, than an enemy cut you down for good."

07-04-2003, 12:43 PM

07-04-2003, 05:27 PM
(Front) hip~