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View Full Version : Traditional Frog Jumps

07-05-2003, 01:12 PM
How many frog jumps can you guys do? I can do abou 90 in a 10 minute period. My legs stay sore for a couple of days though.:o

07-05-2003, 10:03 PM
I'm talking about the ones where you jump all the way up kicking your butt and land on the ball of your foot. Your feet should be pointing outward 45 degrees. My goal is to do 100 of them with eaze. Are you a student from the sioux city school?

German Bai Lung
07-06-2003, 01:55 AM
No matter what kind of Jump or Hopping:

if u guys do them regularely, your knees will be damaged in 5-10 Years. With a little "luck" earlier! They will then feel like knees of your grandpa ... nevertheless your legmuscles are strong then .. ;)

chen zhen
07-06-2003, 05:28 AM
can someone please explain how you do them? or have a link to a site that shows how?


07-07-2003, 01:33 PM
I think they are talking about...
Squat till your butt is close to floor.
Jump as High as you can.
Knees touch chest. (gives a more full legged workout as opposed to kicking you own @ss.)
Back to squat.

07-08-2003, 10:03 AM
Hopping along… this is a good but costly exercise, as with any jarring type movement hopping can take it’s toll. I’m not sure if there is any sort of traditional frog jump, but you can do all sorts of levels with out straining the body i.e. joints. In the kids class at our school they do the hop much like a frog or the same as you would in the game leap frog. You don’t have to get that low to achieve an effect. I like to do an exercise I learned as “fat man” from a horse stance hop as high as you can. Hop across the room do pushups hop back do sit ups, repeat xxx times. I like to do this exercise up and down stairs. Another really good one my Sifu taught me some time ago and I still can not do it… Place a #2 pencil on the floor in front of you and hop over it, oh ya, don’t bend your knees. This will work your lower leg but if you bend your knee it doesn’t count!!!

Good Hopping :D


07-08-2003, 10:22 AM
Just tried the pencil thing and cleared it. This is very hard on the knees since they are locked out luckily I can’t go that high. I’m thinking it might not have been a pencil I will check tonight. Still if you do this sort of exercise in moderation you should be alright. Doing leg dips with weights works the same muscles and may not be as hard the knees. If your joint become a problem they do have things like Gluocosamine Chondroitin that is suppose to rebuild cartilage. Check with your doctor of course. I used this stuff for about 6 months and it definitely helped but it was not so good to my stomach and I stop taking it.


07-08-2003, 05:40 PM
take it from the frogman!

Jotaro Joestar
07-08-2003, 09:15 PM
We had a teacher that used to train with one-legged frog jumps up and down his school, until he really messed up his knees severely. He had to drop out of competition for a few years. He has just recently started competing again, and BTW has won the last few tournaments. You can still see that he has week knees though. I am all for training as hard as you can, but some of us are not made for it.


07-09-2003, 04:23 PM
I myself have had knee problems for ever. An inherited condition.

The frog jumps in which you drop your torso to the ground and jump as high as possible then return with your torso close to the ground did a number on my knees for a while. I have since learned to control my descent and they are not hard on my knees.

The trick for me has been to slow my descent as soon as my feet can reach the ground. And to stop doing them as soon as my knees hurt. When I get tired I don't catch myself as well.

If you are hurting your knees, do things without as much bounce. Take a nice slow walk around with lunges.

German Bai Lung
07-10-2003, 03:04 AM
I don´t see the reason why to risk hurting the knees?
Frogjumps, Frogmoves or Duckmoves are all bad to your knees...

If you wanna get strong Legmuscles than try this:
- always stay in a clear "Bu/Bo". Train the Forms more often slow!
-Train Kicks v e r y Slow, especially the reverse! Hold the Kick for a few seconds!
- always train hard kicks with a pad! (or a oponent! ;) )

And for explosive Strength:
- do Counter jumps (not to deep!)
- get on a chair or something and do drop jumps
- get in Ma Bu/Bo and jump over something and stay afterwards in Ma Bu/Bo. Without moving the body then ....

These exercises trains very well the strength of your legs without hurting the knees!

So please: quit jumping like a frog! ;)

07-10-2003, 07:51 AM
Absolutely right!!! Though part of most traditional trainings frogjumps will kill your knees at all!