View Full Version : Holy Smokes! Cung Le is a TKD guy!

04-02-2001, 04:19 AM
I always thought he did some sort of CMA. Turns out the San Shou champ does TKD with cross training in Mongolian wrestling.

Hey Robin, guess the CMA guys can't pick on us any more.

Kong Jianshen
04-02-2001, 04:29 AM
There has never been anything wrong whatsoever with TKD or other martial arts, only the people who ignorantly critisize them or have false authority teaching them. (I.E. Phonys)

I saw a very small TKD guy break some guys eye socket with a heel kick in a bar once and the guy outweighed the TKD guy by a good 150 pounds.

Always seeking to learn,
Kong Jianshen
Humble disciple of the Warrior Arts

04-02-2001, 08:58 AM
Now thats what I call skill, the TKD guy kicks the other guy in the heel and the force travels all the way up and ruptures his eye socket, wow! :D :D :D :D :D :D

"And the crowd called out for more"

04-02-2001, 02:40 PM
What is Mongolian Wrestling - sounds like another name for Shuai Jiao - Which is a Chinese Martial Art. Cung has also trained in CMA.

It is NOT at all uncommon to find a CMA person in the US who has ALSO done TKD. If you pick up the yellow pages and look under Martial Arts, in many cities, what you find is 100 TKD schools and 5 'Other' types.

If someone doesn't know what there is out there, often they will go and pick what's closest to them and then after they see more, they find something else.

04-02-2001, 03:22 PM
Nice to add a brother to the list. Thanks, rogue.


Surrender yourself to nature and be all that you are.

04-02-2001, 05:25 PM
Hehehe...actually he uses THAI BOXING kicks more than TKD kicks...he was a very young BOY when he did TKD and only got up to yellow or green belt then quit. His fighting style is a combo...of muy thai kicks...boxing...freestyle wrestling and other grappling techs.


04-02-2001, 05:44 PM
Hey robin havent seen you post in a while :) Nice to see you again.

Free thinkers are dangerous.

04-02-2001, 06:29 PM
Thanks, qeySus.

I haven't had much to post about. I've also had a lot going on, so not much time to think freely.

When's your competition?


Surrender yourself to nature and be all that you are.

04-02-2001, 07:15 PM
This weekend, and Master Park (the guy from the states that's kinda the master of the school) is coming tomorrow, so he'll be supervising my first belt test which is this thursday. Been training a lot and i've never been in this good physical condition, plus since i'm just a yellow stribe i really dont have any pressure on me to do good, so i feel pretty good about the whole thing :)

Free thinkers are dangerous.

04-02-2001, 07:45 PM
I don't know why you guys are always bad mouthing TKD. It is the best art for kicking and people like to bad mouth it cause they never been to a real good TKD school.
Yes it is commercialized but more and more strikers are taking good TKD classes to build up their leg flexabily.

So what is the real reason people bad mouth TKD? In my eyes, its the lazy people who can't lift their legs up and just throw punches.
Nothing wrong with punches and wing chun guys can get 6-9 punches in a second and tkd guys can almost the same kicks in a second too.
Don't be lazy, use your legs and find a good TKD instructor and build on your kicking.

04-03-2001, 01:32 AM
I’ve been feeling much better about my TKD since taking Aikido. Aikido is awesome but so is TKD! Sometimes I don’t want to hold onto anyone, or get too close. TKD allows me to execute technique from a safer distance. In fact, TKD can intimidate an Aikido guy or get me knocked on my ass. It all seems to depend whether your opponent can predict what will happen or react quick enough. I love to sidestep and kick the upper leg (dead leg). Roundhouse, side kick, front kick, it doesn’t matter. I love to back off - then quickly explode into an opponent with a spinning back kick! Bam! Then, if they’re still standing, I would execute a joint lock or throw.

Enjoy your TKD, QeySuS! Good luck at the tournament. Relax when you are waiting to compete. Relax when you bow to the judge and your opponent. Be aggressive the second the competition begins (don’t sidestep and kick the upper leg, though) and don’t give up!


04-03-2001, 06:09 AM
A few of the 8 Step Sifu's out there are former high ranking TKD blackbelts and say they say that the kicking is equal, we do the same combos and footwork in 8 step. Good kicking is good kicking, period.

However those competition kicks kill the knees.

What if the Hokey Pokey is what it's all about?

share kung fu vids....www.imesh.com

04-04-2001, 02:44 AM
The article is in the new KFI.

04-14-2001, 06:19 PM
Legend, Cung Le did get his Black belt in TKD. What CMA style did he study?


04-15-2001, 02:28 AM
Just saw Cung Le being addressed as "sifu". Sifu of What?? Not meant to bad mouth his skill. He's got nothing but skill. Thought he was kinda full of himself in the beginning but he sure can back it up. Skill is Skill.

Makes me wonder what the future of "Traditional" martial arts will be. Perhaps since we are really going towards what china has been doing for over 10 years we should start using their protocol and titles as well. (forms over here and fighters over there. Very few who do both in the middle)

How about Go Lean? Coach :)

04-15-2001, 02:38 AM
anyway, he's way more compitent than 90% of the instructors out there. He's a Sifu, A sensei, a coach, whatever. He knows what it takes to win. I wouldn't go to him to learn new techniques, but I'd go to him to get in condition to fight.

don't worry be happy

04-15-2001, 02:57 AM
The world is going to end. There are signs of the end approaching. The best rapper in the world is white. The best golfer in the world is black. The best striker in the world is a TKD guy.

"Then he was above me. He attacked critial point ver well. I was near death." --- Takada after his fight with Rickson

04-15-2001, 04:46 AM
Cung le did train in tkd a long time ago, he also trained in sambo, shuia jiao, muay thai, and wushu (in the real sense of the word...) He is by no means simply "a tkd fighter"

Master Shawn Liu Xiangyang (or Master De Ru) is the 31st generation disciple of the Shaolin Temple, and was Cung Le's teacher for sanshou and wushu(CMA)

In fact, Cung will be going back to the Liu institute for a camp there in the next couple months, June I think.

Something else.....most seasoned martial artists, do have TKD experience, I also have a black belt in TKD, I do not consider myself a TKD fighter either. Just some food for thought.

"From one thing know ten thousand" - Miyomato Musashi, Book of five rings

04-15-2001, 04:51 AM
Master Sun talked with him and told him some sweat places to hit to take tendons out of commision.

I'm guessing his focus is san shou as a sport rather than any style in particular.

don't worry be happy

04-15-2001, 04:56 AM
Master Alexander Tao, founder of Jing Quan Do, teaches seminars at Cung Le's school. I'm sure there has been an exchange of information in that relationship.

"Luminous beings are we."

04-15-2001, 05:38 AM
I have always believed that it is the martial artist him/herself that makes the martial art. What I mean is that, if there is a black belt karate sensei who has no means and no will to fight, and a man who only is a white belt in karate but has the strength and will to fight and win. Then, the white belt will win. It all depends on the fighter, the martial art is simply a system for the fighter to follow. The outcome of the fight will ultimately depend on the fighter, and not the martial art.


04-15-2001, 06:53 AM
Who said he's the best striker in the world??

04-15-2001, 02:42 PM
Who said it? I said it. He very well may be the best striker in the world. I can't think of anyone off the top of my head that is a better striker. If he's not the best then he is definatley in the top 5 on planet earth. And so far he seems to be #1.

"Then he was above me. He attacked critial point ver well. I was near death." --- Takada after his fight with Rickson