View Full Version : Five Days Out To Competition

Brad Souders
07-13-2003, 11:40 PM
I thought this would be an excellent time to post my mental state with a competition only being five days away. To let those who are thinking of competing in on how i prepare this close to go time.

First off if your cardio is not ready by now then it's not gonna be. If the cardio is good keep your rountine but lightin it a little bit. Don't want to over burn the muscles when its time to compete. I usually lighten my wieghts and lower my sets to get the sweat going but not make the muscles sore.

Second off is the certain techniques are not there, they are not gonna be ready in five days. This is the time to polish what works best for you and get your confidence on what u do best and hope u can ride it out. Now til saturday i'll probably roll light everyday for an hour or two. Workin on technique more then trying to beat my partner.

Third off it's time to get your mental state ready. From now til then i eat,sleep, and breathe this match. I've already decided win or lose this match doesn't matter. I'm in there to prove to myself i got balls enough to step up and go against any odds. I learn from any lose i've ever had and will continue to do so.

This Saturday i will have to do weigh ins,match make,referee, score keep, and i have match against a world class grappler in Julius Park. A purple belt in BJJ under Danny Ives indirect from Renzo Gracie. I look at this match as a learnin experience. Can i beat Julius? Well if he twists his ankle and taps yes otherwise i'm not at his level this stage in my game. He is a hell of a grapple and is excellent at what he does. It's his life and it's what he trains for. Me myself i'm focused more on being a "mma" fighter in the next couple months and i'll use this match as a vessel to prepare myself for future competition.

On a personal note after this i would love to train with Danny Ives and Julius as they are experts at what they do.

So wish me luck i thought i'd give u a look at what i do to get ready for this match like i've done for about eight years now. I wish my opponent all the luck in hte world and hope someday we can train together. And be prepared on October 25th my attitude changes as this 145 pound kid is coming to fight mma.

Later, Brad

shaolin kungfu
07-13-2003, 11:44 PM
Good luck man!:)

07-13-2003, 11:46 PM
Good luck. But start thinking like a winner. You can think like a loser if you lose. Meanwhile, every day picture different ways that you can beat this guy then go and make one of them real.

Again, best of luck!

Brad Souders
07-14-2003, 12:02 AM
3 X 10 minute rounds, equalling 30 minute total.

1: cleans+push presses every 20-30 seconds for ten minutes

2: squat thrusts OR Russian lunges (1:1, activity to rest) for 10 minutes alternating between thrusts and lunges

3: wind sprints for ten minutes sprint up jog back down

Later, Brad