View Full Version : Bwahaha!! kung fu(?) site...

07-15-2003, 06:45 AM
Have a look at this pretty dumb UK site...


I like how they're all in Shaolin monk robes and the guy says his favourite weapons are the katana and tanto. (he he he)

Also, what is a master of the 8th rank? One of his students is a master of the 9th rank? How does this work?

They seem to know a helluva lot of styles and I thought Fatal Flute was a form - not a style in itself. (Chan Pui's book maybe?)

Do any other UK guys know of this club? Maybe I'm being a bit unkind and am willing to be proved wrong....


07-15-2003, 11:11 AM
seems interesting... they mention doing wing chun Chi Sau as well - no idea how it fits in to Shaolin :confused:


07-15-2003, 11:16 AM
dezhen, a lot of guys and gals out there like to study wingchun "hands" thinking they are going to get out of it what someone studying wingchun is going to. They don't realise that wing chun hands, aren't unless thereis wingchun body, legs, arms head, and the rest behind them.

However in their defense do they say wingchun chi sau? I know a lot of styles that do a sticky hands type of drill and call it chi sau or something close.

07-15-2003, 11:46 AM
Frederick achieved the Rank of Master at the Shaolin Temple aged 16 and has since progressed to Master 8th Rank. He opened his first school in 1970 and has taught continuously for the last 32 years.

Hmm, amazing, considering that the Shaolin Temple was mostly in ruins in 1970, and all but 3 monks driven off or in hiding. Also, considering that foreigners would have had a hard time traveling out to Songshan at that time.

Most of the "styles" /forms that were listed are readily available in books, VHS or DVD. Could be that Mr. Frederick is teaching whatever *actual* style he learned at 16, with this material sprinkled in. Not that there's anything wrong with that. :rolleyes:

07-15-2003, 12:23 PM
It looks a little weird to me.....and whats with the terminator???:p

07-15-2003, 01:15 PM
Come now. You shouldn't be so disrespectful when you truley don't know anything first hand ! You certainly wouldn't like anyone bashing you or your school like this without the opportunity to defend yourself.
I say you just go take on "Zippy" and "Tricky ****y" and see for yourself ! He11, there names alone are enough to scare ya .............. aren't they?

.....BTW, what's a "light continuous colored belt" ??

07-15-2003, 01:29 PM
dunno. maybe it has a long-lasting halogen bulb?:confused:

07-15-2003, 03:15 PM
I like this as well....

"His preferred weapons are his highly devastating hands."

Highly devastating.......as opposed to merely devastating?

Seriously though - I'm not in the habit of dissing schools so if anyone knows this school post up your thoughts. They might be really good and it could all just be an unfortunate use of english.....

07-15-2003, 03:27 PM
.....BTW, what's a "light continuous colored belt" ??
My guess is that would be light contact continuous point sparring for all ranks under blackbelt.

07-15-2003, 04:20 PM
red5: "chi sao" and wing chun are listed seperately on the site? :confused:
