View Full Version : OT: Waiting for the bang.

Laughing Cow
07-15-2003, 04:26 PM
Hi All.

He had quiet a bit of fun last night around my Apartment.

Close to it is a famous shop that sells Figure garage(resin) kits, now one idiot decided unless they release a kit he wants he is going to blow this joint and another one further down the road.

So cops everywhere, everybody running around being scared, etc.

Fun and games. :D

07-16-2003, 09:48 AM

07-16-2003, 10:04 AM
All I wanted was a Pepsi.

Royal Dragon
07-16-2003, 10:07 AM
What is a Figure garage(resin) Kit?

07-16-2003, 10:07 AM
"he is going to blow this joint and another one further down the road"

Sounds like anytime I drive somewhere.


norther practitioner
07-16-2003, 10:22 AM
These? (http://www.wonderfest.com/gk-what.htm)

Yeah, unless I get my Xena I'm freakin'!

07-16-2003, 02:10 PM

where is that "all i wanted was a pepsi" line from?

it's sampled in a song by machines of loving grace, and your quote reminded me that i need to break that song out.

on the flip side, that same song is chock full of insults from "two moon junction," a pretty blah movie that every teenage boy should see. :D

07-16-2003, 02:15 PM
suicidal tendacies

07-16-2003, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by rubthebuddha

where is that "all i wanted was a pepsi" line from?

it's sampled in a song by machines of loving grace, and your quote reminded me that i need to break that song out.

on the flip side, that same song is chock full of insults from "two moon junction," a pretty blah movie that every teenage boy should see. :D

Suicidal Tendancies the song is Institutionalized

07-16-2003, 02:17 PM
my life is complete now. thank you gentlemen. :)

Laughing Cow
07-16-2003, 02:21 PM
So far no "bang", police are still trying to identify the guy.

No worries here.

07-16-2003, 02:23 PM
You just need to come to America. Things like that don't happen here.

07-16-2003, 02:23 PM

07-16-2003, 02:24 PM
People dont do crazy sh!t like that here.
They just kidnap your teenage daughter and make her their sex slave.
Or pull the fire alarm and shoot at kids.

Laughing Cow
07-16-2003, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by ewallace
You just need to come to America. Things like that don't happen here.

Why, not really worried about it, had things been blow up around me before.

Atleast over here our working colleagues don't go on a shooting spree through the company or similar.

07-16-2003, 02:30 PM
Atleast over here our working colleagues don't go on a shooting spree through the company or similar.
Just wait. It seems to be the in-thing to do nowadays. Threatening to blow things up when you don't get your way is so "old-school".

shaolin kungfu
07-16-2003, 02:31 PM
C'mon now, everyone nows that the "cool" thing right now is squirrel fisting.:eek:

chen zhen
07-16-2003, 02:36 PM
The words "porn" and "squirrel-fisting" on the same board makes me head confused..

:eek: :confused: :confused: :eek: :confused: :eek: :eek: :confused:

I need to sleep..

07-16-2003, 02:53 PM
LC- Where is "over here", btw?

Laughing Cow
07-16-2003, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Shaolin-Do
LC- Where is "over here", btw?


07-17-2003, 11:53 AM
First it's Central Europe, now it's Asia? I know you don't live in Turkey!

07-17-2003, 12:26 PM
Maybe LC has a laptop and a cell phone and squats in empty houses.


Russia? Czec republic? Korea? North Korea? China? Tonga?


Out of all the continents you had to name the biggest one...

07-17-2003, 12:49 PM
LC won't name names because he doesn't want anyone to be able to discount his anti-American stances based on where he lives.

07-17-2003, 12:53 PM
I dont really care... just curious. I have lots of questions about different places, best to get first hand answers. Ive never been out of country except to mexico... :(

Laughing Cow
07-17-2003, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by fa_jing
First it's Central Europe, now it's Asia? I know you don't live in Turkey!

Where I was born and raised is not where I live.


Far East.

Reason why I don't like to name my place is because too many people will judge you on that alone, nor do I want to make personal information available publicly.

But if you read my posts I have both mentioned my current palce of resident and home-country.

BTW, feel free to pm me with questions, I have lived and travelled across 4 continents.


P.S.: Correct on Laptop and Cel-phone.