View Full Version : MMA/Grappling comp. question

Ray Pina
07-16-2003, 07:18 AM
I've just begun learning my master's ground game and I have to say, it's more fun than I thought it would be.

I have a question purtaining to something I learned last night: In a BJJ or grappling competition, say a scenario happens where someone is applying a gi joke on me and I can stay it with one hand, can I use my other elbow to clock them upside the head or is this illegal? Am I abliged to "get out" and sink my own "dead" lock?

I know this does not purtain to NHB. I'm talking Kung Fu type tournaments held in University gyms and what not.

One thing I have experienced so far, is that ground work is not so dissimiliar to chi sau, in that you have to adhere and listen to the other's movement, there's just the whole weight factor. I'm intrigued though. My master's style focuses more on dealing with locks, getting out of them, gaining position, then striking. But he's starting me at ground zero which is always the best I guess. I'm learning armbars, wrist, elbow and shoulder locks, as well as how to get out of them. We're even incorporating gis which I haven't wore in ages. Little by little my master is building me up and keeping it more than interesting.


07-16-2003, 08:39 AM
One thing I have experienced so far, is that ground work is not so dissimiliar to chi sau, in that you have to adhere and listen to the other's movement, there's just the whole weight factor.

We keep telling people that, but nobody listens :P

My master's style focuses more on dealing with locks, getting out of them, gaining position, then striking. But he's starting me at ground zero which is always the best I guess. I'm learning armbars, wrist, elbow and shoulder locks, as well as how to get out of them. We're even incorporating gis which I haven't wore in ages. Little by little my master is building me up and keeping it more than interesting.

Exactly right. Positioning before anything else. Position, Position, Position.

In answer to your question, in a grappling tournament, strikes are forbidden. In MMA, the elbow thing depends.