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View Full Version : Why the obssession with guns?

07-16-2003, 08:11 AM
Some martial artists feel that it is so necessary to learn how to use a gun. Some martial arts discussion forums show pictures of people pointing guns. Well, what is up with this? A gun can go off without you wanting it to, it is hard to control the amount of damage you can do with it, and you can accidently shoot someone that you did not intend to. So why the obssession with it? Yes, I know they have saved people's lives, but I do not see why people feel that everyone needs one. It actually really saddens and scares me. Thanks in advance.

07-16-2003, 08:21 AM
phantom, pictures don't tell the whole picture. Are these real guns? Are they loaded? In hollywood they have a great way to make it look like you are pointing a gun at someone when you are not.
Besides I think like everything else, there are some people that like them and some who don't. I don't own one, don't feel the need to but I don't mind that my freinds do.

Black Jack
07-16-2003, 08:23 AM
Your post seems baised from the get-go but I will put in my 2 yen.

A firearm is a critical self defense tool. As a tool it has a time and a place to be used. To be properly used like any martial science it needs training and practice. If a person is really claiming to be teaching practical self defense skills then sidearm/longgun training should be a facet of his teaching either in techincal skill or base philiosophy.

If not he is lying to his students and to himself.

Best advice for those which are "afriad" or "confused" about firearms is to get into the training hands on. Go take some courses at a local NRA training club or a tactical school such as Thunder Ranch.

Come out with first hand knowledge and not media pushed bullsh!t.

07-16-2003, 08:26 AM
Black Jack, I agree iwth everything but this :" firearm is a critical self defense tool."

How so?

07-16-2003, 08:36 AM
The hoodlum does not have the patience to become proficient at Kung Fu. He prefers to buy a weapon that he will not always have rather than develop one that will never leave.

Fred Sanford
07-16-2003, 08:40 AM
The hoodlum does not have the patience to become proficient at Kung Fu. He prefers to buy a weapon that he will not always have rather than develop one that will never leave.

there are plenty of law abiding citizens that own guns. firearms training can be pretty involved there is a lot more to it than just pulling the trigger.

sorry phantom, but you sound totally uneducated and ignorant about firearms and I don't feel like educating you.

07-16-2003, 08:43 AM
Besides, this thread is about 350 years too late.

07-16-2003, 08:43 AM
Masterkiller is just afraid of guns. Most people who live in Oklahoma are people who really wanted to live in Texas, but were afraid of the guns.

Chang Style Novice
07-16-2003, 08:46 AM
I live in Texas and haven't handled a gun since summer camp between seventh and eighth grade. That was just about twenty years ago, popping haybales with a 22 rifle. Never held a small arm.

Target shooting looks like it could be fun, though. I think archery might be even more fun (and certainly better excercise.)

Black Jack
07-16-2003, 08:47 AM
Two reasons,

Number one is that we do not live in the Ming Dynasty no matter how hard some would want for that to be so and the second is that most martial arts material should be used as a last resort because of its low chance of success in terms of attributes for the everyday citizen and often just because of sheer bs.

A housewife is not going to be able to aikido throw a determined attacker with murder on his mind but with some training she can send tactical lead down his way.

It gives equal and realistic stopping ability to those of all attributes, sexes, ages, and creeds.

Fred- I second that. Firearms training like martial arts can be very indepth. As indepth as a person wants to take it.

Chang- To second that as well. Their is also more to firearms than home/self protection. A lot of people target shoot or benchrest.

Just as people take martial arts for fun, which I hope we all do, shooters shoot because they enjoy the skill, same as archers.

Royal Dragon
07-16-2003, 08:50 AM
Besides all that, Guns are really cool!! :D

Chang Style Novice
07-16-2003, 08:59 AM
So is Randomly capitalizing Words!

07-16-2003, 09:12 AM
And if you can dive while shooting two guns at the same time you are fully qualified for the next John Woo-directed film.

Chang Style Novice
07-16-2003, 09:14 AM
Unless you're allergic to dove feathers, that is.

07-16-2003, 09:14 AM
Masterkiller is just afraid of guns. Most people who live in Oklahoma are people who really wanted to live in Texas, but were afraid of the guns. That's partially true. People in Oklahoma do want to live in Texas, but we stay here so we can root for a football team that actually wins championships.

Judge Pen
07-16-2003, 09:16 AM
I own a gun. I grew up around them and am proficient with rifles and sidearms. I don't ever intend to use a gun in a self-defense situation anymore than I intend to use my martial arts. Having said that, I like the security of knowing how to handle myself either way.

Chang Style Novice
07-16-2003, 09:18 AM
And Texans stay where we are because we like knowing most of the people we meet will have teeth numbering in the double digits.

07-16-2003, 09:26 AM
And Texans stay where we are because we like knowing most of the people we meet will have teeth numbering in the double digits. Oklahoma is just a big suburb of Texas. We all have teeth, but our cities are smaller and the girls aren't as pretty. ;)

Chang Style Novice
07-16-2003, 09:33 AM
I gotta admit, though. When you're in the mood to wrestle giant catfish, OK is OK!

07-16-2003, 09:50 AM
This is obviously a new and innovative topic that will in no way lead to a prolonged flamewar, complete with America-bashing and resultant jingoism.

07-16-2003, 10:06 AM
ewalleye, don't forget long flowing coats and owning a black humvee.

Black Jack, I think for the average citizen a gun isn't the answer either. They still need some pretty serious training to be used well, especially in a high stress situation. I don't have a problem with people carrying them mind you, I just don't think your average citizen is more able to use one then they are to learn martial arts.

I used to live in the smarter part of Texas...Louisiana. ;)

Chang Style Novice
07-16-2003, 10:10 AM
Hey, at least we Texans don't invite people over for the express purpose of p!ssing and vomiting in our streets.:D

07-16-2003, 10:13 AM
hehe, maybe you have never been to Austin on a friday night ;)

07-16-2003, 10:14 AM
"A housewife is not going to be able to aikido throw a determined attacker with murder on his mind "
Or shoot her husband in an uncontrollable fit of rage....
Just curious, but does anyone have statistics of hate crimes commited with guns?
I think guns are cool, but on the same card, I hate them more than anything in the world. That and hard drugs. :)
But as to not be redundant, Ive already said how I feel on another thread...
Id rather teach my woman kung fu than gun usage. Have infinate more respect for someone who can nail a bulls eye at 20 feet with a throwing hatchet than someone who can nail a bullseye at 200 yds with a rifle.

Chang Style Novice
07-16-2003, 10:21 AM
Red - Them's is native pukers. (But you're right, I avoid the drunken teenybopper hell that is 6th Street on the weekends whenever possible.)

07-16-2003, 10:23 AM
hehe, I did notice the crowd there seemed to be a little on the young side...but where else am I going to get chicks to hide in my basement prison for 3 months to 6 years?

07-16-2003, 10:24 AM
ugh... weekend 6th street is crap.
Stubbs bbq has some great concerts....
go there all the time. :)

Austin has enough parties to not have to go to 6th street.

Chang Style Novice
07-16-2003, 10:34 AM
The best thing about a concert at Stubb's outdoor stage is you can just hang out on the Waller Creek bike trail right outside and hear the whole thing for free. If you're not interested in the stage show, at least.

Still, for my money the best you can do is hang out in little dives more off the beaten track: Saxon Club, Elephant Room, Ginny's Little Longhorn Saloon, Continental Club, Ego's - like that.

Black Jack
07-16-2003, 01:41 PM
Red- I totally disagree with the bit on how a sidearm is somehow as hard to learn as a traditional martial art. Factual data speaks far different in terms of the lifes that are saved every week with firearms alone where the player has no extensive training.

Shaolin- I have already stated how absurd I believe that line of thinking to be so I will not rehash it here. Killing is killing buddy be it with a hachet or with a .45 colt. The difference being that real life is not about what you "respect" in terms of martial skill but it is about the survival of those who do not have the matrix movie like attributes to kill people at 20 yards with a hachet.

Such as most of the world in general.

07-16-2003, 01:50 PM
Didnt say I condone killing... hehe
Unlike a great gun and non gun weilding majority of the world, I understand the value of human life.

Once again... Anyone got statistics on Violent crimes to Violent crimes commited with guns? Or statistics of positive gun use (saving lives) to Negative gun use? (taking lives....)

07-16-2003, 02:08 PM
Once again... Anyone got statistics on Violent crimes to Violent crimes commited with guns? Or statistics of positive gun use (saving lives) to Negative gun use? (taking lives....)

These kinds of statistics would only be relevant to an abstract discussion about whether the world would be better without guns, not to whether an individual living in the world we actually live in would be better off with or without firearms training.

If you live in a culture where there are firearms, it is unrealistic to believe you have a complete repertoire of self-defense skills if you do not know how to use firearms.

07-16-2003, 02:22 PM
Of course I know how to shoot a gun.
My major issue is people who carry guns.

The Willow Sword
07-16-2003, 02:36 PM
non gun owners should watch the documentary film made by Micheal Moore "Bowling for columbine" this will open your all s eyes to some realites here in this country and the gun ownership. you know i used to advocate owning a gun and i used to be a 2nd amendment advocate. but after really seeing with clarity the fultility of owning a gun and carrying one. i can be justified in making a strong statement against gun ownwership.

just what is it that makes us so gung ho for a gun? possible answers?: Media,,violence in hollywood,,mental illness, paranoid delusional apocalyptic militants?

if you are a decent law abiding citizen then what is the use of carrying one anyway? black jack says that this is not the ming dynasty where we carry swords. but i should remind him that this is ALSO NOT the wild west where you holster a six shooter.

i highly reccommend EVERYONE seeing "Bowling for columbine"

i know this will spark alot of responses and fantasy scenarios of "what if's"
if ye be all the disciplined martial artist students and disciples out there then maybe its time to walk that talk and avoid the places and people where crime is more evident. Avoid the machismo attitude of getting in to it with someone cause they bumped into you in line at the Mickey D's. and ESPECIALLY when you are out on the ROAD driving. use that zen discipline to be courteous to other people on the road no matter what.

Many Respects,,The Willow Sword

oh and one more thing. the next time a ballot comes out in your town wanting to vote on having less patrol cars out there on the streets you vote "NO";)

shaolin kungfu
07-16-2003, 02:40 PM
Guns are shiny, they make my peepee bigger

07-16-2003, 02:48 PM
Mmm.... Nothing like the feeling of cold steel on your hip to stroke that ego...

Havent seen Bowling for Columbine yet WS, but id really like to. Seen the trailers, looks like a great movie.

Sifu ryan said hello btw, and thx again for the help once upon a time.

Black Jack
07-16-2003, 02:48 PM
Micheal Moore is the biggest fat liberal idiot in the world and that is saying something in a big world full of liberal idiots. Bowling for Columbine was horrible hollywood tripe. Using him as a pulpit for your anti-self defense viewpoints is WAY off kelter and actually pretty uneducated.

Anyone who is against the 2nd Amendment and the Bill of Rights is a traitor....period.....you are not only a traitor to the core rights of the country you live in but to your fellow citizen as you strive to take away a method of self-defense because of your own insecurites, control issues and wild west daydreams of blackguards and knaves who are intent on world wide genocide.

Get a grip on yourself.

07-16-2003, 02:51 PM
Guess your right.
Lemme put on my sh!t kickin boots and plate sized belt buckle and lets have us an NRA party! We can play some good ol chip tossin games! YEEEHAW!


What could have been a potentially interesting thread has turned into very *cough* mature personal attacks at one another intelligence.
How different... Or not.

Edit - That was an attack at the NRA as an association, not the people involved in it, more the people that run it.
and some of the people in it.

shaolin kungfu
07-16-2003, 02:53 PM
Wouldn't carrying a gun be more under the heading " first strike" rather than "self defense"? I mean, if the other guy has a gun, and his pointing it at you, wouldn't the self defense approach be to give him your shlt? If the other guy doesn't have a gun, wouldn't it be a bit much to plug a few holes in him?

Black Jack
07-16-2003, 02:54 PM
I would bet you don't know jack crap about the NRA, its members, who by the way are people from ALL walks of life, its functions, or how it is run.

What if games are not what I am going to get into....what if I had a car that could go underwater.....what if people could leap around like in crouching tiger hidden dragon.....what if I had three testicles......

07-16-2003, 02:55 PM
Exactly why I said people who carry and pull guns are weak and incapable....
It could be argued that it takes balls to pull the trigger, but it doesnt. It takes lack of thought and ability to squash jiminy cricket on your shoulder.

Black Jack
07-16-2003, 03:00 PM
Shaolin- That last comment was so f@cking off the charts ignorant you must be high. Only a pot-head could say something so assine. Maybe it is time to move up to black tar heroin or some nice crack as you are wasting my oxygen.

Grow up and get some first hand education in the subject matter. Don't watch Bowling for Dog Sh!t as a method of enlightenment.

07-16-2003, 03:06 PM
you guys, dont listen to BJ, he is a totalitarist

gun shooting looks like its fun, but i wouldnt own a gun cos i could end up shoting myself in the head or something

shaolin kungfu
07-16-2003, 03:11 PM
For what it's worth blackjack, I have profound respect for guns and do enjoy shooting. I frequently hunt with my friend on his game farm.I have fired a colt .45, 12 gauge(sp) shotgun, 20 gauge shotgun, .22 rifle, semi auto sks rifle(****ed if i know the calliber, or where it comes from), and .22 pistol.

So what exactly do you mean by saying i should get educated? If you mean learn how to kill a human, and practice that, i'd rather not.

07-16-2003, 07:05 PM
Micheal Moore's documentary film "Bowling for columbine" is no documentary in the definition it is neither factual nor objective.

It is a mix of lies and spliced film trying lead the beliver that the NRA is a group of blood thirsty killers.

They should take the oscar away from him because he broke Rule 12 of the rules for the Academy Award: a documentary is a non-fictional movie.
His film is just propaganda for the brady gang,it is very deceptive,let the viewer beware.

1. Lockheed-Martin and Nuclear Missiles. Bowling contains a sequence filmed at a Lockheed-Martin manufacturing facility near Columbine. Moore intones that the missiles with their "Pentagon payloads" are trucked through the town "in the middle of the night while the children are asleep." Moore asks whether knowledge that weapons of "mass destruction" were being built nearby might have motivated the Columbine shooters.

After Bowling was released someone checked and found that the Lockheed-Martin plant does not build weapons-type missiles; it makes rockets for launching satellites.

Moore's website has his response:

"[T]he Lockheed rockets now take satellites into outer space. Some of them are weather satellites, some are telecommunications satellites, and some are top secret Pentagon projects (like the ones that are launched as spy satellites and others which are used to direct the launching of the nuclear missiles should the USA ever decide to use them). "

Nice try, Mike.



The Willow Sword
07-16-2003, 08:21 PM
with anger and war mongoring as Black jack (RNWTPOS) and tnwingstun(RNWTPOS). its no wonder we have a severe anger problem in this country, and these guys carry guns and advocate and old amendment that was written up in TIMES OF WAR WITH ENGLAND AND CIVIL WAR.

it is people like you who give this country a bad name. it is people like you who make other countries hate us so much.
it is people like you who do not have ANY real sense of what Liberty and feedom is. Your sense of whats right is about as empty as your fundamentalist rhetoric is. calling me a traitor to my own country. how dare you make such an accusation you red neck piece of sh!T.

The Willow Sword
07-16-2003, 08:57 PM
i am proud to be in this country and i am proud to live in it. what i am not proud of is the LAck of integrity that this government has shown in its dealings with foreign powers and on the home front.

to question the government and voice opinions and state views on things is the very nature of what being an american AND a Patriot is all about.


07-16-2003, 09:40 PM
>it is people like you who give this country a bad name. it is people like you who make other countries hate us so much.
it is people like you who do not have ANY real sense of what Liberty and feedom is.<

Oh blow it out yer hippie arse willow sword,the thing about people like you is once the facts hit you straight in the face ya got to resort to name calling.
And what does me advocating owning a gun have to do with me having a severe anger problem and war mongoring???

I put a mad face on my post because this jerk Micheal Moore is nothing but a propagandist and you're nothing but one of his brainless lackeys.

I'd like to see ya spend some time in North Korea(the workers paradise) then you would know just what freedom is.:rolleyes:

shaolin kungfu
07-16-2003, 09:49 PM
Geez man, right wingers are mean. First black jack wants me to die of a heroin overdose, and now you want to see willow sword in north korea. Ouch! Thats harsh.

Before you get all mad, I'm just kidding.

Anyways, lets get the thread back on topic, which is, if i remember, guns. Not michael more and what the world dislikes about america. Although I do see the connections. But this is headed down the river shlt.

07-16-2003, 09:56 PM
On this,


I'm one click up and one click to the left.

shaolin kungfu
07-16-2003, 10:11 PM
7 clicks down and 7 clicks to the left. making me a libertarian socially, leftist economically.

But what does this have to do with guns?

07-16-2003, 10:14 PM
On this,


I'm one click up and one click to the left.

shaolin kungfu
07-16-2003, 10:16 PM
What with the double posting?

07-16-2003, 10:21 PM
Don't know,maybe a slip of the finger,good thing it wasen't on the trigger!!:rolleyes:

A little while ago an 80yr old man plowed his buick into the farmers market crowd in santa monica-8 dead 20-30 wounded - in the blink of an eye! the dead included a 2yr old little girl - broke my heart as have one the same age- i say outlaw all old people who cant responsibly handle their **** cars!

These motor vehicles are designed for high speed use and far too dangerous
for use by the general public.

There is no legitimate use for a 5000 lb motor vehicle capable of speeds in excess of the speed limit.

I propose that such high speed racing vehicles be restricted to law enforcement only.

A High Speed Racing Vehicle shall be defined as any vehicle capable of speeds in excess of the posted maximum and which is equipped with 2 or more of the following characteristics:

Posi-traction differential
Speedometer capable of readings above 70mph
Hood scoop
Rear spoiler or wing which conspicuously protrudes above the plane of the trunk
Dual exhaust pipes
Flame or lightning themed paint schemes

A Semi-automatic transmission


A "High-Capacity" gas tank.

Come on. Do it for the children

"But what does this have to do with guns?"

You called me a right-winger

BTW cheese grower,your sig is wrong,scarface didn't have a bazooka under each arm,he had one M-203 which is a M-16 with a 40mm grenade launcher,big difference

shaolin kungfu
07-16-2003, 10:30 PM
That's a bad analogy, but i see what your saying.

So you think people incapable of handling a fire arm should be allowed to have one? does this include the mentally handicapped? We should give assault rifles to anyone with enough money? .50 calliber sniper rifles should be in the hands of the general public?

Maybe I missed something, but it sounded like you were advocating this.

Edit: I said I was joking. and in gun control, you do seem decidedly conservative.

07-16-2003, 10:45 PM
>So you think people incapable of handling a fire arm should be allowed to have one?<

When I was a corrections officer we went to the police range,my supervisor's boobs were so big she couldn't sholder the Remington 870 shotgun,I thought that we needed a new supervisor.

>does this include the mentally handicapped? <

If you're talking about "The Willow Sword" then no,I don't think he needs one.

>We should give assault rifles to anyone with enough money?<

No,I think we should SELL them so we can make a profit.
(of course not,see above)

50 calliber sniper rifles should be in the hands of the general public?

Yes,why not??(you tell me why not)I own a Barrett Model 82A1 (just like the ones they use in Iraq).

The Willow Sword
07-16-2003, 10:56 PM
Oh blow it out yer hippie arse willow sword,the thing about people like you is once the facts hit you straight in the face ya got to resort to name calling.

typical white trash mentality, never changes. and BTW i am not a hippi you moron.

And what does me advocating owning a gun have to do with me having a severe anger problem and war mongoring???

oh i dont know maybe you are trying to compensate for having a
little brain and a little d!ck. or maybe you are paranoid of da big black man dat might take yo sista. or the messican jacking yo car.
stupid red neck. oH goodness am i being harsh?:eek: ohh am i name calling here? oh jeez im so sorry. :rolleyes:

just you and black jack go burn your crosses and shoot yer guns and wave that flag and be proud little conservatives. proud little fundamentalists. proud gun ownin gun advocatin klansmen.

it would be useless to post to you both in any other way for anything truly intelligent isnt going to register,,so i will just appeal to your almighty patriotic fundamentalist rhetoric. :rolleyes:

to everyome else here,,sorry about all this. not my finest post but maybe some of you get the jist of it.


shaolin kungfu
07-16-2003, 11:04 PM
When I was a corrections officer we went to the police range,my supervisor's boobs were so big she couldn't sholder the Remington 870 shotgun,I thought that we needed a new supervisor.

LOL. poor you.:D

If you're talking about "The Willow Sword" then no,I don't think he needs one.

That was uncalled for, but i'm going to assume it meant the mentally handicapped should not own guns.

No,I think we should SELL them so we can make a profit.

That's what i meant. My question was do you think there should be restrictions on who is elligible to buy these weapons, whether or not they should take a gun safety course, or have to license the weapon.

Yes,why not??(you tell me why not)I own a Barrett Model 82A1 (just like the ones they use in Iraq).

Seems a bit large for hunting, don't you think? What possible need could you have for such a weapon, other than the joy you get from having and shooting it? Could you not get the same joy by firing a smaller rifle? Semi-automatic, large calliber sniper rifles seem better suited to the military, if you ask me.

I actually don't disagree with you as much as it may seem. I just think there should be some restrictions on who can own what kind of gun. No reason for military issue machine guns and the like to be available to your average, ill trained person, that doesn't know the difference between a safety and a light switch.

just my opinion, naturally.

07-16-2003, 11:40 PM
Well willie ole chap,ya sound like a hippie or like ya wanna be one,lol

>Humbly walking the path the best way i know how,learning from my mistakes,and loving each new experience that comes my way be it positive or negative. This is the way of ALL things,living and evolving,becoming who we are.<

Ya mind if I call ya willie?(you guys are so alike)

>oh i dont know maybe you are trying to compensate for having a
little brain and a little d!ck.<

Don't let thoughts of my d!ck cloud your mind.

>or maybe you are paranoid of da big black man dat might take yo sista.<

My sisters married to a cuban man,whats your point???
If your liberal you're more racist than moi.

If I were trying to utterly destroy the black race, and keep them down on the plantation, what would I do? Hmmmmmm.
I guess I would force them to attend the crappiest schools in the world, so that I could keep them dumb.
I guess I would make them dependent on the government handout, so they would never accumulate wealth.
I would constantly foster the strident, screeching "You owe me!" mindset in order to ensure they cannot live and mix with white people.
I would undeservedly promote incompetent blacks into positions for which they weren't prepared. That way, even the competent blacks have a shadow cast on them.
I would vote for every policy that would destroy the black family, bringing the illigitimate birth rate up.
Now if I did all these things to keep the blacks down, I would most assuredly be a racist. But would I be a conservative, or a liberal?

And how the HELL do you know that I'm not black?????Because I own a gun??(several).

> just you and black jack go burn your crosses and shoot yer guns and wave that flag and be proud little conservatives. proud little fundamentalists. proud gun ownin gun advocatin klansmen.<

No cross burning going on here,why don't you go wank off to Micheal Moore's movie and tell us what you've learned.

>it would be useless to post to you both in any other way for anything truly intelligent isnt going to register<

If you can then please try,theres others that read these forums that might have a clue.

Willow,you need to calm down and do some slow breathing exercising ,calm down and get back to your center,maybe we can talk then,when you call me names I just laugh:D :D

Fred Sanford
07-16-2003, 11:48 PM
just 3 more days until I can go pick up my shiny new Glock 19. Stupid 10 day waiting period.

I'm hoping that the federal assault weapons ban is allowed to expire, that would be totally sweet.

A gun can go off without you wanting it to, it is hard to control the amount of damage you can do with it

Ok lets start with this. there is a reason why a gun going off without you wanting it to is typically called a negligent discharge.

hard to control the amount of damage? A gun is considered to be deadly force. there's only 1 reason you should be using one and that would be if you life is in imminent jeopardy.

people study martial arts for various reasons, ask 10 people and you might get 10 different answers. people shoot guns for lots of different reasons as well.

Laughing Cow
07-16-2003, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Fred Sanford
just 3 more days until I can go pick up my shiny new Glock 19.

Hope you enjoy it, one of the best things that my country produces.

shaolin kungfu
07-17-2003, 12:01 AM
I thought glocks were black polymer?

Does anyone know why wingtsun addressed his post to me? he didn't quote me once, or mention anything i said. I feel kind of left out.:(

Fred Sanford
07-17-2003, 12:03 AM
the slide is metal.

Laughing Cow
07-17-2003, 12:05 AM

You getting the 19 or the 19C?

Fred Sanford
07-17-2003, 12:10 AM
19, I would not buy a compensated pistol if their is a chance of me having to use it at night or in the dark. 9mm has a pretty manageable recoil as it is. it's all about being tactical. i gots my extended magazine catch, extended slide lock, extended slide stop lever, and 3.5 lb trigger pull all waiting to be installed once I pick it up on Sunday. Then all I need is night sights and I be all set.

07-17-2003, 01:26 AM
Seems a bit large for hunting, don't you think? What possible need could you have for such a weapon, other than the joy you get from having and shooting it? Could you not get the same joy by firing a smaller rifle? Semi-automatic, large calliber sniper rifles seem better suited to the military,

Are the 10 people killed in the Washington, D.C., area delayed "collateral damage" from the last Gulf War?... John Muhammad cleared land mines and qualified as an expert with the M-16 rifle while serving in the Gulf War before being honorably discharged in 1994... Although there was endless speculation about the psychological makeup of the shooter(s), for weeks most "experts" stayed away from making the obvious connection between sniper training and the armed forces or the police.... So how does the Pentagon turn young people into killers? According to an article in the Oct. 25 Toronto Globe and Mail, David Grossman, a former U.S. military psychologist, says that soldiers are taught to remove themselves from human suffering by a process called "disengagement." This process breaks down the natural human aversion to kill. The military increased these training tactics in reaction to soldiers' hesitancy to kill when commanded. The military implemented this training specifically to increase the "trigger pull ratio." This training is specifically tailored for infantry soldiers, snipers and other military personnel who may have to kill people up close... Serial killings were all but unheard of 50 years ago. Could it be a coincidence that this tactic of "disengagement" appeared at about the same time? A sampling of the most notable snipers shows a clear connection between military training and the propensity to take innocent lives. Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, and Robert Flores, a 41-year-old nursing student who recently opened fire on several professors and classmates before killing himself in Tucson, Ariz., were both Gulf War veterans, like John Muhammad. During a six-week period this summer, four special forces soldiers returning from the war in Afghanistan brutally murdered their spouses. Two also killed themselves... Jeffrey Dahmer; David Berkowitz – dubbed by the press the Son of Sam – and Charles Whitman, who killed 16 people and injured 31 others in a 1961 sniper shooting rampage from the top of a tower in Austin, Tex., were all military veterans... In fact, the very first documented serial killer, Howard Unruh, was a 28-year-old veteran of WW II who shot 13 of his New Jersey neighbors in 1949...The federal government was allegedly so anxious to try the case that a federal agent interrupted an interrogation by county prosecutors and whisked Muhammad off to Baltimore. Which raises another question: Were these investigators getting Muhammad to talk about his motive for the shootings? And might that be embarrassing to the military?"


This is excerpted from a left publication, one that has performed a valuable service in doing background research on international affairs and taking principled stands on tough issues. That's why it's a real shame that it's printing this paranoid, stereotyped, opportunistic, polemical drivel.

The above excerpt is a perfect example of what I was talking about in an earlier column ("The Left and the Military"), people on the left engaged in physical improbabilities and self-destructive behavior, i.e., talking through their asses and shooting their own credibility in the foot.

Our movement gains nothing by shooting from the hip... no pun intended, and pardon the mixing of metaphors.

John Muhammed's military training was as an engineer, and his marksmanship training – and qualification – ended with basic training and an annual 40-round re-qualification. "Expert" is one of three qualifications (Marksman, Sharpshooter, Expert) based on a score out of those 40 shots at pop-up silhouette targets. Any soldier in the military is likely to earn this qualification if s/he goes to the range and has a good day. Once a soldier earns "Expert" one time, s/he can wear the badge around for good.

Any "sniper" **** Muhammed came up with, he came up with without the assistance of the US military.

No one with more than two weeks experience in the military will take the above piece seriously, and many will use it to dismiss everything they hear by socialists thereafter. As a socialist who used to be a soldier, I take issue with that.


I was a "sniper" – as my primary job description – for two years, and I designed, coordinated, supervised, and taught Battalion Consolidated Sniper Training for 2nd Battalion, 7th Special Forces. It is a specific skill set and role, and when the media, even leftist media, starts using the term interchangeably with anyone who shoots people without warning, it's the equivalent of calling everyone in an auto factory a millwright welder.

I've lept my rifles and wll continue to,when I'm needed nen abd my bro can stio punching papper

07-17-2003, 02:07 AM
srry shaolin kungfu,the luv of my life has pulled mr into bed:D

talk tommorrow

Black Jack
07-17-2003, 08:52 AM
Lets get this off first as their seems to be some confusion. I was speaking about Shaolin Do not the other Shaolin. Reread the flow of the post.

Next for the beatnick traitor Willowsword-

You really should be ****ed off at your parents for raising you to have no sand. Its their failure for not instilling in you and people like you with respect for the Bill of Rights, our inherit freedoms and this Nations history. As you can see by your own words your parents actions produced a anti-self defense-american hating traitor-elitist flowerpot offspring who believes that our great constitution is something that should be rewritten and changed to suit your own shade of what is "right" and "wrong".

As if you know any better................. :mad:

This is not about questioning government. Its about certain people thinking they know better then everybody else and their agenda of control. People like you.

Here are some people just last week who were saved by a handgun traitor boy. If you had your wish these people would be graveyard ornamentation.

Women in Texas attacked with a Machete kills attacker with firearm. (Kinda a ming dynasty verus a real life thing)


Texas Home Invasion stopped by firearm


Memphis Home Invasion stopped by firearm


If these links don't connect I will fix them shortly.

The Willow Sword
07-17-2003, 09:26 AM
Quoted by black jack
"This is not about questioning government. Its about certain people thinking they know better then everybody else and their agenda of control. People like you."

Take a good look at your own statement you beetle brained red neck white trash piece of sh!t.

i am NOT anti-america. i am Anti Gun. and being anti-gun is NOT being anti -america OR anti bill of rights.

You're real STUPID if you think that not being able to have a gun in your posession takes away some sort of control or freedom you have. or that the big bad mean government wants to control everything you do. for a guy who spouts off freedom and rights you sure do have a contradictory way of showing that you believe in it.
it just all comes down to your testosterone and the need to get your rocks off by having a gun in your shorts.
you call me a traitor. well how sir am i being a traitor to my country by questioning the very nature of this countries views on gun ownership and citing that the 2nd amendment was utlized in times of the colonial war and the civil war?

the truth is Black Jack you have no real voice of your own,,you are just another robot out there with a little taste because you come here and talk about martial arts. You have no real intelligence black jack. you look at your gun and ohhh boy does your wanger get hard. im sure you strut around SO PROUD. that you have the ability to take another human life so that YOU can be free and live FREE in the little world you create for YOURSELF.

well let me enlighten you to the world Black Jack. A gun in your house or your shorts is NOT going to save YOU and your precious offspring should the terrorists decide to ram a plane in to your house. or send you a nice envelope stuffed with anthrax and your child opens it and you have to watch as your precious offspring dies a horrible death. where will your gun be then black jack?
and when you are going around calling people traitors because they want to live in a world FREE from the threat of having a gun pushed in thier face by some hoodlum. i really do hope it comes on to you ten fold becuase thats what it is going to take to get you to "POP". the pop being the sound you hear when your head comes out your a$$. but it will never happen for you black jack. i know this to be true. you will have this "from my cold dead hand mentality" till the day you finally free the world from your red neck stupidity. and i hope and PRAY that your ignorant war mongoring violent generation dies with you.

ive got nothing more to say to YOU,,,,have a nice life.


07-17-2003, 10:11 AM
Hey, I did not mean to imply that all people who own guns are bad. I am sorry if some of you took it that way. At any rate, I must say there are good arguments on both sides of the issue being presented here. Like I already said, I am well aware of people's lives being saved by guns. I personally find them scary, but that's me. Peace.

Fred Sanford
07-17-2003, 11:22 AM
All that I'm going to say is that I think that if you want to carry a gun you should be allowed to do so. As long as you follow whatever laws there are in your state regarding carrying.

and when you are going around calling people traitors because they want to live in a world FREE from the threat of having a gun pushed in thier face by some hoodlum.

and here's the flaw in your logic. IF gun laws are made more restrictive the only people it will apply to are the law abiding citizens. you really think criminals go down to the sheriff for their CCW(carry concealed weapon) permit? LOL

..and this is just stupid......

well let me enlighten you to the world Black Jack. A gun in your house or your shorts is NOT going to save YOU and your precious offspring should the terrorists decide to ram a plane in to your house. or send you a nice envelope stuffed with anthrax and your child opens it and you have to watch as your precious offspring dies a horrible death. where will your gun be then black jack?


07-17-2003, 12:34 PM
Oh bj...
How intelligent.
Couldnt think of any other retort so you resort to the oh so mighty name calling?
D@mn... sure hurts to be called pothead.
Not really....
Ignorance to you is the voice of a differing opinion. Maybe you are just obtuse and dont realize it.

07-17-2003, 12:36 PM
I will possibly 1 day own a gun, and I have shot and enjoyed shooting guns. I just dont shoot them at living things, or leave one on my hip so I can think my c*ck feels bigger.

07-17-2003, 02:38 PM
If you're worried that you might have to face someone with a certain kind of weapon, would you prefer to just have a vague idea of what it anecdotally does? Or would you be better off being familiar and competent with it yourself, as to understand what it's needs, abilities, and quirks are?

07-17-2003, 04:26 PM
I've read what "The Willie Sword" said so I looked at my firearms for along time.

My D!ck didn't get hard.

The above post was a quote about how the left-wing press reports wrong on many matters,I will leave it incomplete because I feel its getting alittle off track from this thread.

But I stiil know that......................

Willie,you're a traitor:p

07-18-2003, 07:11 AM
I do realize that guns are only for when your life is in imminent danger. But you can use it to merely discourage someone from attacking you. For example, one fellow classmate of mine in a speech class in college told me how he did just that. Some guy broke into his house, he warned him that he had a gun. The guy said, " Yeah, right." So the kid intentionally shot at one of the steps on the the staircase above the intruder, which scared him away. As far as negiglent discharge is concerned, a criminal who ran away from the cops had a gun in his pants which went off while he was running, which enabled the cops to catch him. Being the bad guy, you could argue that he deserved it. However, the same thing could happen to you if somebody attacks you from behind and you try to run away with your gun in your pants. I think that is more an issue of lack of judgement for what a gun is capable of doing than a case of negligence.

07-19-2003, 08:33 PM
One New Yorkers take on "The Anti-Gun Male"


07-19-2003, 09:47 PM
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State"

how come people ignore this part of the 2nd Amendment, but just see this part:

" the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

it means if you keep a regulated militia that is for the protection of a state, your guns will never be taken away.

cracker jack and his neighbors shooting watermelons is NOT a regulated militia. a militia maybe.....
is the NRA a regulated militia? it's regulated sure, but they're not soldiers. Since they're from "all walks of life" how many of them would be willing to die for his country once he sees a comrade's brains blown out, if the Chinese should suddenly feel the need to invade?

Another thought: how come 2nd Amendment thumpers don't speak out against the banning of some swords and nunchaku in New York (or was it New Jersey) ?

07-19-2003, 10:22 PM
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State"

Do you feel free?
Do you feel that your freedom could ever be taken away?
Of course not in this safe world we live in,I TRUST MY GOVERMENT!
State is more of a local term than a federal one.

" the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

I do not understand why people take the first part of this Amendment to the letter but throw out the other part.

If a goverment out of control doesn't concern you then maybe this does?

My first Amendment rights are nothing without my second,history proves me right.

"cracker jack and his neighbors shooting watermelons is NOT a regulated militia."

I do not shoot watermelons,I cut them up so I can hear them scream longer.

Do you feel close to the guy that girl wrote about?

What is the Right to Keep and Bear Arms anyway?
Three things (IMHO )

A human right: Every human being by having the human rights of life and liberty by definition has the right to defend that life and liberty and to own the tools to effect that defense; a human right to keep and bear arms (HRKBA).

A civil right: Every citizen of the US is guaranteed the uninfringed right to keep and bear arms by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution; a Civil Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CRKBA).

Most other nations do not guarantee the RKBA as a civil right.

A legal right: As defined by the law itself; the Legal Right to Keep and Bear Arms (LRKBA). The law can provide for the private, that is to say "non-state" ownership of firearms without guaranteeing that ownership as a right (as many countries do), or in the United States, Federal or State law may be in conflict with the Second Amendment in spirit and practice. For example, the Second Amendment to the US Constitution clearly states "uninfringed", while the National Firearms Act (1934), Gun Control Act (1968), and Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (1994) are clear "infringements" to the 2A and to the CRKBA.


For Americans, this means that your duty is to make sure that the LRKBA is as close as possible to the CRKBA established in our Constitution. This means voting at every opportunity; it means writing, calling, faxing, and e-mailing your representatives as a voter; it means being vigilant against those at home and abroad who fail to recognize the HRKBA, and wish to strip Americans of their civil and legal rights to keep and bear.

For Internationals, it means that you have to start spreading the message that the human rights of life and liberty are exogenous to the state, and that the human right to self-defense is implicit in their existence.

"Another thought: how come 2nd Amendment thumpers don't speak out against the banning of some swords and nunchaku in New York (or was it New Jersey) ?"

I have spoke out,feel better?

All of the guns in my gun safes have killed less people than Ted Kennedy's Oldsmobile.

"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." - Winston Churchill

07-19-2003, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by tnwingtsun
Do you feel close to the guy that girl wrote about?

Nope. do you? You seem to think you're not free unless you have a gun.

07-19-2003, 11:26 PM
"Nope. do you?"

Not at all,I do not belive in speaking out on something unless
I belive in it,this maybe something your years betray.

"You seem to think you're not free unless you have a gun."

I know that is is my right ,like it or not that is where it stands and to take part in taking that freedom away is to be responsible
for the blood you claim to avoid.

This is no less important than my freedom of speech, press, assembly and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and the implied rights of association and belief.

Do you live in a cartoon??

07-19-2003, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by tnwingtsun
....taking that freedom away is to be responsible
for the blood you claim to avoid.

PLEASE clarify as I've no idea what you mean by "blood you claim to avoid".
Basically, whenever you're asked "why do you need a gun?" you keep repeating "it's my right! it's my right!", so would you feel oppressed if you gun was taken away? It's the same question because I haven't received an answer. you just said "it's my right! it's my right!"

<I extrapolate and make assumptions, probably wrong>

Are you afraid if you say yes, you'd feel oppressed, you might think I'd say you're insecure and are that guy in the article?

</ I extrapolate and make assumptions, probably wrong>

Do you live in a cartoon??
What makes you think I do?
Because I can visualize protecting freedom without guns?
Ghandi and MLK weren't cartoons.

07-20-2003, 12:36 AM
I will answer you tomorrow young one,its time for night fire at the range,loc and load,1 in 5

The Willow Sword
07-20-2003, 12:57 AM
Hey man you arent gonna get anything real out if this guy. He goes on the notion that he really is intelligent and can manage an intelligent discussion about guns and "rights" he has because the government gave it to him. so in effect he is more of a slave to the government than you or i for he suckles those bill of rights like his mommas teety.

It is what i was stateing before about not having any real voice on the matter of things. to think that a piece of metal that has the ability to kill a human being makes you "free" and establishes rights that you have. haha i may as well think the same thing when i operate my electric razor. " man i am so free i can shave with this electric razor,, the government gives me the right to do it to" WOW i FELL SO FREE and AMERICAN Too. :rolleyes:

and i love his link post to the new yorkers viewon the anti gun male. hahaha i got bored with it after the first sentence. no offense to women at all but she didnt strike me as a well educated and even funny as her bio says she is.

but have fun bantering with the robot. remember Cho. Robots dont have a mind of thier own. they only do what you program them to do.

07-20-2003, 03:17 AM
Willie Sword!! Now let that young man have a mind of his own.

I know that this is my right ,like it or not that is where it stands and to take part in taking that freedom away(YOU WILLIE) is to be responsible for the blood you claim to avoid.

You sound like the thought police!!

Willie,do you feel safe with Bush?????

Fred Sanford
07-20-2003, 08:12 AM
I like guns and not a one of you anti-gun fools can stop me from owning one. Haha.......:D

The Willow Sword
07-20-2003, 08:19 AM
by tnwingtsun

I know that this is my right ,like it or not that is where it stands and to take part in taking that freedom away(YOU WILLIE) is to be responsible for the blood you claim to avoid.

Here we see a pre-programmed response based exactly on what i was stateing earlier.
Here, again, the robot, expresses his girly fear of having his "freedom" taken away if his precious gun is taken away from him. he will feel so vunerable and infringed upon as one does when you have that dream,you know,where you are naked in front of everyone and they are laughing at you. The fear is so great that the robot will blame those who advocate peace and do not own a gun(or got rid of thiers) of the blood shed by those who DO own guns and have more than not irresponsably used them. ie: columbine: paduca Ky; oregon. and a myriad of other places in this country.
but that is another trait of brainwashing, DENIAL.

im sure this triggered some other pre-programmed responses and it will be fun addressing them as well. you will all get to see the difference between a true rational thinking being, and a undereducated brainwashed robotic mindset that is so dead set on believing the freedom and rights are dictated by whether or not you own a pistol.

oh and in answer to the (extremely wise and intelligent question):rolleyes: "do i feel safe with Bush?"

answer: well sure i do little gipper. im sure the repubs knew what they were doing when they activited thier freedom and right to steal an election and place Mr, Bush in office. hey ill admit that i to was getting real bored of the clinton scandal thing and i was as equally as bored with al gore and his rhetoric.
im sure the repubs saved us all from that horrible fate if gore got to be president. :rolleyes:

07-20-2003, 08:52 AM
Well becuae martial arts need to evolve. Well if it didn't we wouldn't have adopted the swrd and staff would we?

07-20-2003, 10:53 AM
you will all get to see the difference between a true rational thinking being, and a undereducated brainwashed robotic mindset

a true rational thinking being was a very nice thing for you to say about tnwingtsun TWS.

The Willow Sword
07-20-2003, 11:48 AM
i am reminded of third grade. when someone made an idiotic attempt at being funny and the other idiot said "oooooo burn,,,oooo burn". :p

07-20-2003, 12:47 PM
Willie,you're chasing your tail like a dog on this one.:rolleyes:

The Willow Sword
07-20-2003, 06:28 PM
are callin me, "willie" reminds me of ole Willie Nelson,,an Austin original here,,AND another peace lovin dope smokin liberal.

hey man its better than clutching your glock 7 and getting a hard on,,and visualizng that you are creeping through the bushes, ooooo you gotta be quiet,,the enemy is near,,, you can hear them chatting,,oooo its so close now. you move in even closer, the heat the fireants,,they dont distract you at all,,because you are FOCUSED. you clutch your glock(your Willie begins to raise up a bit) you click off the safety. you make your move and then you..............POP UP OUT OF THE BUSHES AND YELLING LIKE STALLONE IN A BAD WAR MOVIE YOU SPRAY THE ENEMY WITH EAGLE TALON BULLETS!!!!! PEOPLE RUNING AND SCREAMING,,THE SOUNDS OF GURGLING AND CRYING (because you are a great shot
and you hit 5 people with that execution of fine gun marksmanship) . you stand in the blood of your enemies you walk amoingst their corpses. YOUR willie is hard now. you pick up the picketed sign that reads "Peace,Love,and little puppies". "hahahah" you think to yourself, " i showed them"(in a very thick almost incoherent hick drawl) "those dang liberals wont take awuy mah raits." the klan drives by, cheering.


07-20-2003, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by cho
would you feel oppressed if your gun was taken away? It's the same question because I haven't received an answer. you just said "it's my right! it's my right!"

the exact same question, tn.

07-20-2003, 08:47 PM
Hey Willie,I got a kick out of that movie,did you get beat up alot in school or something?

The answer to your question to is yes of course.

Same question back at cha,OUCH!!

D a m n fireants!!

07-20-2003, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by tnwingtsun
Same question back at cha,OUCH!!

Nope. b/c I don't own a gun. even if by law my knives were to be taken away, I would not feel oppressed b/c when it comes down to it, I don't really need them.

The answer to your question to is yes of course.

So, I guess you ARE the insecure, scared guy from the article by the unfunny comedian.

Maybe when you were little you had your ass handed to you and from then on you were determined to make sure that never happened again. and whoever wanted to screw w/ you would have a hole in their face. Perhaps you feel insecure still after learning some, I assume, wingtsun. After all, how do you fight someone while leaning backwards?

you show your insecurity by the name calling (both you and TWS, actually). You don't know anything about me so you click on member profile and try to attack anything that sticks out to you. In this case, my age. Oh no, some young punk dares to challenge to you? Please, cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it, people of all ages will be smarter than you.

Yung Apprentice
07-20-2003, 10:15 PM
I didn't read much past the first page (got bored), but I like guns, own one, and would NOT like guns to be banned. It's my freedom to own a gun, and I wouldn't like it, if one of my freedom's were taken away. Each individual in the U.S. has the right to choose, wether a gun is for you, or not. If guns were banned, your freedom to choose wether a gun is for you or not, is taken away. It seems as if the government wants to take more and more of our freedoms away. The more they regulate our lives, the less freedom we have. Unforunately, the saying about women applies to the government. Can't live with one, can't live without one.

The original thought behind giving the people the right to bear arms, is, after the revolutionary war if the government had become corupt, the people could revolt. Had there been need of a revolt, more then likely they would have fought against soldiers. In order to fight them, they needed their guns.

Of course this probably wouldn't happen in our time, but if guns are taken away, it does leave us defenseless. I don't like the thought of being defenseless, hell thats one of the reasons I take martial arts.

The bottom line is, as with anything, guns have their uses, given the right situation.:)

07-20-2003, 10:57 PM
Cho,nice try but no cigar.

"Nope. b/c I don't own a gun. even if by law my knives were to be taken away, I would not feel oppressed b/c when it comes down to it, I don't really need them."


If I ever need superman you'll be the first one I think of.
And I don't care what you need or what you want,its not all about you or what you think,if you disagree with me then fine,I didn't drag you by the ear to this thread and feel the need to know what you think,wether it be guns or wingtsun,its just not that important.

You my son are insecure by your own definition,this is after all just mouth boxing,have some style and quit leaning backwards.

BTW,what do you cut onions with,your chi-ball razor palm?


07-20-2003, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by tnwingtsun
I didn't.... feel the need to know what you think,wether it be guns or wingtsun,its just not that important.

:confused: you asked me....

judging by the added name calling, i think i struck a chord. and of course no cigar, i don't smoke.

07-21-2003, 12:09 AM
You don't know anything about me so you click on member profile and try to attack anything that sticks out to you. In this case, my age. Oh no, some young punk dares to challenge to you?

Oh, I found ya real good cho


Keep working on that belly and you'll go far!!!:p :D :o :eek:

07-21-2003, 12:20 AM
yeah, I'm now very sure I got you pegged down in your place. You know it so you just avoid directly answering and just do something weird.:rolleyes:

hey TWS! givin' a shout from across the block, i'm an Austinian too.

The Willow Sword
07-21-2003, 01:31 AM
you show your insecurity by the name calling (both you and TWS, actually).

i am now all of a sudden your pal your chum? well whatever, i told you that you werent gonna get anything real or genuine form this guy. same ole broken record.

Here is a bit if insight. the GOVERNMENT is not set up to govern people(now i know what you're thinkin') it is set up to govern the law and to dictate the laws set down to keep order of the masses. The government has NOthing to do with Freedom or rights. rights are what we as human beings are born with.
what the government gives us are PRIVILAGES. i know we call them rights but if you look at history and the true human rights that were violated to african american,,Native american(to which i share heritage with) you will see that what all you gun totin nimrods think are rights are actually PRIVILAGES.

see kids, you cant be given rights and they cant be taken away from you. but you sure as hell can have your toys and things taken away from you. and these toys that you cling to sooo much and that represent your FU#@EDUP ideals and values are getting out of hand. you are abusing them,,and you are barking out more violence and hatred than I Am when i call you a bunch of war mongoring white trash peices of sh!t.

,There are countless Americans out there who do not have a gun and they dont feel defensless, hmm i wonder why? well maybe because they have better CONFIDENCE and SELF ESTEEM and dont need a gun to feel safe and secure.
now i dont think you are a bad person for owning a gun,,im sure there are nice people out there who do not go around spouting off that they have one and love em and think all those liberal pot smokin hippis should be shot. i havent met one yet though. so right now,,like you, in your prejudgment of who you think i am,, i am gonna lump most gun owners and users in the category of paraniod delusional freaks that should have zoloft and paxil injected in to thier bloodstream on a daily basis.

peace love dope. tws

Yung Apprentice
07-21-2003, 11:08 AM
I love 'em, just as I love martial arts. It's fun to go target shooting, just as it's fun to go sparring. I liked your line about toys, and you are right about that.

all you gun totin nimrods

Was that necissary? I think that was a bit harsh.:(

im sure there are nice people out there who do not go around spouting off that they have one and love em and think all those liberal pot smokin hippis should be shot.

Was that aimed at me, or someone else from this thread? I don't remember saying something about wanting people shot.

i am gonna lump most gun owners and users in the category of paraniod delusional freaks that should have zoloft and paxil injected in to thier bloodstream on a daily basis.


We're you reffering to my post or to that other guy who doesn't make much sense when he's talking?(tnwingtsun)

Everyone has choices. Right now, I still have the choice to own a gun. (you had a point, so I changed my wording;) ) I choose to own one. You chose, not to own one. Thats your choice, and it should be respected, just as mine should.:)

Black Jack
07-21-2003, 12:55 PM

Willow you should be ****ed off at your parents for raising a estrogen lapping anti-self defense traitor boy. As Fred stated so perfect in the start of this thread that it is pointless to take the time to educate your ilk. Somepeople are just to f@cking wacked out to get the concept of freedom. You are one. Go blow Micheal Moore.

Just for your knowledge Willow "the pro rapist" Sword their are now excellent testosterone replacement therapy systems available to the the nutless.

When you type do you pencil in the mustache to go with the armband and uniform?

07-21-2003, 01:33 PM
Historically, groups who are persecuted have their most effective weapons taken from them by their persecutors. In this day and age, that would be a firearm....as it was in the days of WWII...and the reservation Indians...and Castro's rise to power in Cuba... If you want to rule people who disagree with you, you take away their firearms. Then it's easy to see who's against you...it's the guy still holding on to his weapon.

Yung is right on in my view.

And willow, the original intent and purpose of the Second Amendment was to preserve and guarantee, not grant the pre-existing right of individuals, to keep and bear arms. Anyone who honestly addresses this topic would come to the same conclusion, I think. So, the trick to your statements come in when you re-name a right as a privilege...which can be withdrawn. Our founders specifically named this "self-evident" RIGHT.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the main argument against people owning guns (not counting tyrants and criminals...who want the power isolated within themselves), is a fear that a gunowner might MISUSE his firearm. Go crazy, shoot up a bar, kill a man for snorin' too loud, etc. The fact that MILLIONS of folks own guns in this country, and (in fact) violent crime DECREASES in areas where concealed carry is introduced, does make that argument simple insecurity. People are scared, not by FACTS but by a "nagging feeling" or...insecurity.

Finally, it's sickening to me to hear the "why can't you REALLY be tough and drop the gun?" argument. Put a typical 110 pound woman against a raging 250 pound man intent on hurting her, she'll be hurt. Now, put a .357 in her hand. It's not a lock, but she's got a chance now. Outlawing firearms would be taking that "one last desperate chance" away from those smaller, weaker, or older...unless some "wandering hero" happened by to save the day. :rolleyes:

Well...that's the end of my rant. Take care all. :)

07-21-2003, 01:37 PM
rights are what we as human beings are born with.

excuse me for busting in on this thread so late but I read BJ's last post and almost blwe pop out of my nose!

Willowsword, you are not born with any rights. Rights are granted to you. If there is no one there to take them from you or to give them to you then you are truly free however if one more person exists in your world your rights are only given or taken. What rights do you have at birth that stop me from locking your ass in a basement the rest of your life? What rights do you have in my country as a dictator to anything I don't allow you to do?

see kids, you cant be given rights and they cant be taken away from you

Why yes, they can. You have no rights that I don't give you if I have a gun and you do not. The law may give you back your rights, by killing me or taking me out in some way but until that happens your rights are as I determine them.

Also willowsword, why don't we also make martial arts illegal? Would that bother you at all?

Fred Sanford
07-21-2003, 01:39 PM
...and lets not forget some of those democrats who are rabid anti-gun proponents such as Senator Feinstein actually have a CCW permit...and I seem to remember hearing that her bodyguards got in trouble not too long ago for trying to board an airplane with their firearms.

Hypocrite? Hmmm...........

07-21-2003, 02:16 PM
So is this thread about our god given and state given rights now?
Or about calling each other names?


The legitemacy of this thread was lost somewheres along the way...

"see kids, you cant be given rights and they cant be taken away from you"

Ever been arrested?

"Put a typical 110 pound woman against a raging 250 pound man intent on hurting her, she'll be hurt."

I think most of the "anti gun concealment" argument is more aimed towards the 160+lb Trained male martial artist with a Colt .45 held snugly against his pubes. Im not going to bash people for carrying one... But I do not agree with it.

"I choose to own one. You chose, not to own one. Thats your choice, and it should be respected, just as mine should."

Exactly. But then what fun would it be? :D

Black Jack
07-21-2003, 03:42 PM
Willow Sword a anti-self defense supporter of the lay back and enjoyed being raped party should feel free to move out of this grand Constitutional Republic and head for the Great Socialist North from where his publess political bunny hugging can be more enjoyed.

Ahhhhh........the taste of taking away a persons basic fundamental human RIGHT to defend their lives, property & liberty.........joie de vivre!!!!!

Fred Sanford
07-21-2003, 03:57 PM
I think it's entertaining to read the outlandish comments made by the willie sword. :D That boy funnier than a mofo.

07-21-2003, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by The Willow Sword
non gun owners should watch the documentary film made by Micheal Moore "Bowling for columbine" this will open your all s eyes to some realites here in this country and the gun ownership.
Bowling for Columbine was the poorest excuse for a documemtary ever made. A lot of this film was out right fabrications, in order to push Moore's agenda. Check out this link if you want the truth behind Bowling for Columbine. http://www.hardylaw.net/Truth_About_Bowling.html

or here: http://www.nationalreview.com/kopel/kopel040403.asp

Fred Sanford
07-21-2003, 09:57 PM
i went shooting earlier today. i was thinking about gum drops and lollipops the entire time. what a happy day.

07-21-2003, 10:05 PM
Shooting gum drops & lollipops? :D

Fred Sanford
07-21-2003, 10:11 PM
Shooting gum drops & lollipops?

no that seems very violent to me. why would i shoot innocent gum drops? they might know sam chien and try to grapple with me.

07-21-2003, 10:24 PM
Ahhhh, but do they know the tension sam chien, or the no-tension sam chien? :D

Fred Sanford
07-21-2003, 10:28 PM
yes, now that's the question isn't it? :D

Fred Sanford
07-21-2003, 10:40 PM
...and what if the gumdrops know enough about every martial art that exists to post on every section of this forum like they are an authority? what then?

07-21-2003, 10:51 PM
The question - as Serpent so colourfully put it :D

Well, if the gumdrop is an authority on every MA then I guess you must wait until the question is answered.

Or you could shoot it :D

07-21-2003, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by The Willow Sword

i am now all of a sudden your pal your chum?
I wouldn't go that far. as this is the faceless internet, i haven't met you.

Now, do the "pro-gunners" (i'm lumping people into categories now) actually think that 110 lb woman can actually, in the heat of an attack, take out the gun, load it, and blast off that attacker? And if so, not freak out and shoot her own foot? I'm not trying to be sexist, but most of the women I've met don't have the mentality to do something like that. of course, a trained woman is a different story. There are those stories of paranoid people (and police officers) blasting away at someone near themselves. Like that one case in Harlem when the cops shot one guy, I think it was 15 times, because 'they thought he had a gun'. If it was 1-5 shots I'd see how, but 15? People who go off like that shouldn't be allowed in cars.

Fred Sanford
07-21-2003, 11:08 PM
think that 110 lb woman can actually, in the heat of an attack, take out the gun, load it, and blast off that attacker?

no offense there chief but by this comment you reveal that you know nothing about carrying a handgun.

Anyone who carries, if they are not a fool carries their gun with a full magazine loaded and one in the chamber.

so that makes it a matter of properly presenting the weapon and eliminating the threat. to put it simply.

I think it was 15 times, because 'they thought he had a gun'

... and just think about it for a second, if someone is acting strangely, maybe the lighting is bad, whatever......you have maybe a second and a half to analyze the situation and act appropriately. After all it's your life or theirs when you get right down to it and those police officers would prefer to live (I'm pretty sure)

07-21-2003, 11:13 PM
Here is some more info about Michael Moore, the fictitious celebrity who stood for fictitious issues. :p

Hollywood Halfwits.com : Michael Moore (http://www.hollywoodhalfwits.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=18&t=3947)

Laughing Cow
07-21-2003, 11:18 PM

Agreed, that is if they are properly trained.

I have seen some of things that people did with guns that make your hair stand on end.

1.) 38 special: rounds in chamber for 3 years and going "green". (IT-Professional)
2.) Lady walking into a gun shop and asking the shop attendant to reload the gun as she doesn't know to. Friend was said attendant.
3.) Ladies carrying gun in handbags, hey it only takes them 5 minutes to find the lipstick in said bag.
4.) People don't even knowing what are the right caliber bullets for their guns.
5.) Person complaining that their gun didn't fire when needed, safety was still on.
6.) people on the shooting range, acting like reading the instrucitonal manual during firing practice:
Step 1: Unholster gun.
Step 2: See if safety engaged if so disenegage(Takes about 20 seconds, need to find safety first).
Step 3: Assume stance as in book and prepare to fire.
Step 4: ....

To be honest I trust the average gun-owner very little, seen and heard way too many horror stories to make me feel safe around the average gun-totting person.


Fred Sanford
07-21-2003, 11:32 PM

Yung Apprentice
07-22-2003, 01:00 AM
think that 110 lb woman can actually, in the heat of an attack, take out the gun, load it, and blast off that attacker?

If the gun is already loaded, and put on safety, it would save her half the time.;)

but most of the women I've met don't have the mentality to do something like that. of course, a trained woman is a different story

I've seen people at Mcdojo's who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag, yet think they are invincible. With anything in self defense, you need training. Why do you train martial arts? So that if you do have to use it, at least you would be more prepared then the average joe. I mean, if someone stopped by your kwoon or where ever you train at, saw a class, and then thought he was Bruce Lee and tried to fight some huge guy, he would get his @ss fed to him, in an eight course meal. So why would a powerful tool, such as a gun, be any different?

To be honest I trust the average gun-owner very little, seen and heard way too many horror stories to make me feel safe around the average gun-totting person.

Unfortunately, that can be said about many things, I think ppl in general, are stupid. People are becoming more and more careless, and it makes things less safer out there. It doesn't just stop at guns. A careless person behind the wheel of a vehicle, can be just as deadly, if not more. Idiotic parents, who leave their childeren unattended, are jeopardizing their kid's safety. You can't tell if someone is going to get careless with their car, just as you can't tell if they are going to be careless with a gun. Either way, one can kill you.

Ppl are stupid.:mad:

Fred Sanford
07-22-2003, 01:49 AM
If the gun is already loaded, and put on safety

that's what I like about glocks. No external safety, just squeeze the trigger.

1.) 38 special: rounds in chamber for 3 years and going "green". (IT-Professional)

I've heard this one, I've also heard the anecdotal story about the revolver that sat around for 50 years and yet when someone in need pulled the trigger the 50 year old bullet killed the bad guy. true? I dunno. I've been taught that it's a good idea to get new duty/defensive ammo every 6 months to a year.

2.) Lady walking into a gun shop and asking the shop attendant to reload the gun as she doesn't know to. Friend was said attendant

this IS scary. At least in my state (California) with it's restrictive gun laws, it's mandatory that you be shown proper loading and unloading of your weapon before you take it home.

3.) Ladies carrying gun in handbags, hey it only takes them 5 minutes to find the lipstick in said bag.

I'm certain there are a few women who might find fault with this stereotype.

4.) People don't even knowing what are the right caliber bullets for their guns.

this is just stupidity. Unfortunately IQ tests are not mandatory before purchasing a hand gun.

5.) Person complaining that their gun didn't fire when needed, safety was still on

If they bought a Glock this isn't an issue, if they practiced correctly or even had a clue this wouldn't be an issue.

6.) people on the shooting range, acting like reading the instrucitonal manual during firing practice:

Step 1: Unholster gun.

I can't imagine most ranges feeling comfy with someone this lost. most ranges don't let you draw from the holster, at least in my state. I get to do this but..... I know people.

Step 2: See if safety engaged if so disenegage(Takes about 20 seconds, need to find safety first).

this is where training or lack thereof comes into play, do you really know your pistol? if NOT there is nobody to blame but YOU.

Step 3: Assume stance as in book and prepare to fire.

it should all be automatic. If ya carry on a regular basis you are a fool if you don't regularly train with your hand gun. what more is there to say?

07-22-2003, 01:50 AM
wa-ho, you got me.

same question: do you think the metaphorical woman can fiddle through her purse for her gun, safety off, then fire away before she panics or gets knocked out by would-be rapist?

yes, people are stupid. that's why the gov. needs to give you a ticket for not buckling up.

Fred Sanford
07-22-2003, 01:53 AM
same question: do you think the metaphorical woman can fiddle through her purse for her gun, safety off, then fire away before she panics or gets knocked out by would-be rapist?

who are you to stereotype all women into this category?

since you seem to think that any woman that carries just tosses their handgun into their purse willie nilly check this out......


...and furthermore there is nothing stopping a woman from carrying concealed with a gun on her waistband (just like a man might do).

where the f.uck do you get some of these dumb ideas?

Yung Apprentice
07-22-2003, 01:55 AM
same question: do you think the metaphorical woman can fiddle through her purse for her gun, safety off, then fire away before she panics or gets knocked out by would-be rapist?

Chances are, probably not. But if she is trained, maybe she would hide it in a better place than her purse. Somewhere more accessible. The avg. untrained women, more often then not would probably get caught before drawing her weapon.

07-22-2003, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by Fred Sanford
Unfortunately IQ tests are not mandatory before purchasing a hand gun.

now, THIS is a good idea. Better yet, use SAT or high school scores. anything below all A's and you shouldn't get a gun. anything below all C's you shouldn't be able to drive. I think it'd be good for society to limit what stupid people can do, like run for president .

Fred Sanford
07-22-2003, 01:59 AM
I think some of you anti gun peeps need an iq test because y'all starting to sound kinda clueless to me.

Yung Apprentice
07-22-2003, 02:02 AM
now, THIS is a good idea. Better yet, use SAT or high school scores. anything below all A's and you shouldn't get a gun. anything below all C's you shouldn't be able to drive. I think it'd be good for society to limit what stupid people can do, like run for president .

Hey, people like me, who are smart, but slacked off in high school, would be SOL.:mad:

A test would be good. But just because someone is book smart, doesn't mean they have common sense. Or are in a good mental state. A loon could be book smart. And I know many a people who are book smart, and that lack common sense. There are different types of stupidity.:eek:

07-22-2003, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by Fred Sanford
who are you to stereotype all women into this category?

so I guess your answer would be no, the gun, or a knife for that matter, would do zilch.

stereotypes come from preconceived notions. we'd say the average woman drives an SUV, has a job, reads fashion periodicals, and takes care of her children. we call this description average because it just so happens to be the majority.
don't believe me?
visit the grocery store, or some place where everyone from all corners of society goes.

Fred Sanford
07-22-2003, 02:37 AM
....and stereotypes or as you say preconceived notions are often wrong. check this out, maybe it will make you think.....CCW.....CONCEALED carry weapon permit, concealed meaning they will look like a normal person, how do you expect someone to look? should they look different because they are carrying a gun? well?

so I guess your answer would be no, the gun, or a knife for that matter, would do zilch.

huh, what does that mean?

I think your preconceived notions are flat out not correct, I hate to say wrong, but........

stereotypes come from preconceived notions. we'd say the average woman drives an SUV, has a job, reads fashion periodicals, and takes care of her children. we call this description average because it just so happens to be the majority.

sorry but I think these are YOUR preconceived notions. how many woman who carry do you know? and do they really just toss their pistol into their handbag like it's makeup? you sound totally f,ucking clueless.

shaolin kungfu
07-22-2003, 02:44 AM
Could someone please delete this thread. Nothings come out of it but name calling.

Fred Sanford
07-22-2003, 02:47 AM
Could someone please delete this thread. Nothings come out of it but name calling.

shut up stupid.

I got sucked into this thread after seeing some of the ridiculous responses. I told myself I wasn't going to but s.hit happen.

basically people like cho and willie sword have their preconceived notions and nothing can sway them, maybe a bit of reality..noooooooo that doesn't work they cling to their notions which often aren't even based on facts.

I'm done, say what you want I'm not wasting any more time responding to idiots on this thread.

07-22-2003, 03:12 AM
Originally posted by Fred Sanford
sorry but I think these are YOUR preconceived notions.

do you honestly believe anyone who owns a gun would buy accessories for it, practice and perform maintainance on it as they would their car (or more so), and safely store it every time?

gun owners should do all of the above, but sadly some don't. Then there are those like Dale Gribble.

shut up stupid.
Dude, chill. It's the internet, words on a screen. You've got problems if you're upset by it.

there are lots of Cho's in the phone book, don't shoot any of them.:D
Actually, had my family moved here before the pinyin takeover my name would be romanized as Tso.

07-22-2003, 06:32 AM
do you honestly believe anyone who owns a gun would buy accessories for it, practice and perform maintainance on it as they would their car (or more so), and safely store it every time?

Yes. And for the same reasons I won't buy a gun until...and I've posted this a few times...I buy this:

I do have a 2 1/2 year old little girl.

The site would actually be http://www.gunlocker.com but it seems to be down right now

Laughing Cow
07-22-2003, 07:18 AM
Originally posted by ewallace

Yes. And for the same reasons I won't buy a gun until...and I've posted this a few times...I buy this:

Nice safe, I just hope you can punch that 4 digit combo in fast enough when you need it.

07-22-2003, 07:45 AM
"I'm not trying to be sexist, but most of the women I've met don't have the mentality to do something like that."
Dude, I'm glad you're not TRYING to be sexist.

cho- "people are stupid. that's why the gov. needs to give you a ticket for not buckling up."
This, to me, is another example of the RIDICULOUS nanny state we're being forced to endure these days. Laws should NOT be made with the assumption that people are stupid and the government knows best. I know the ridiculous arguments, "If they get hurt with insufficient insurance it's up to the government to support them, so the government has a RIGHT to force them to protect themselves." But where does this end? "You know, you REALLY didn't need to drive to town for an ice cream...henceforth, any driving must be pre-planned and with good reason. Also, no one needs to learn a martial art...you could get hurt and then the government would have to take care of you. Go home, watch T.V." It's a step down the path to slavery, and we should fight against EVERY such step.

And regarding regulating who can carry firearms...
Any steps toward regulation will eventually spin out of control and the "little regulations" will be misused by an administration unfriendly to gun-owners. Quick question, how much that has come under government control in our history gets let go? No government controls that I can think of has ever been released...even after the "threat" that prompted it is gone. Which is why the Patriot Act bears close scrutiny.

Big government screws things up, the less it's involved in the better.

The Willow Sword
07-22-2003, 09:14 AM
experience working with sexual assault victims i can say that a gun wouldnt have done them any good in that situation.

for one thing women are NOT attacked head on face to face. they are blindsided or attacked from behind. alot of good a gun is going to do when they are already pinned to the ground getting raped. oh and this isnt some fabrication this is FACT.
ask some of the women on this forum about it.

and about the comments on bowling for columbine. How in the fuk do you believe that it is all a lie and a fabrication? have you even SEEN the documentary? everything that he is stating in there has either been proven statistically or at one point or another been reported by the news media and regarded as fact. this is all archival stuff that he is putting together. oh you gun advocates dont like it because it in fact DOES put you people in a bad light at times. and it also shows how stupid of an organization that the NRA is.
i especially LOVED the Charlton Heston interview when, Heston HIMSELF, fuked up and stated his racist views. hahaha and the funny thing is that Moore did NOT coax him in to saying anything.
all moore does is ask questions and lets you make a dunce out of yourselves.
but yes moore does get under your skin because he does make some extremely valid and eye opening points. and he does it beautifully. you fundamentalists repubs dont like him and i definately see why. its funny to see you people get all in a stink over it.
oh and meecer this is for you boy, your denial at the truth of moores documentary is almost as bad as your ignorance to think that you are taking a legitamate kung fu style.
:p and here is something else for you meecer9in relation to the religious discussion thread) http://www.normalbobsmith.com/

oh how i love these exchanges that we do here in the forums.
i also cast a vote to have this thread deleted. because this is an age old debate that gets us nowhere. i cant nor do i want to convince you people that owning guns is a violent and war mongoring mindset and that you truly do not need one to feel free and independant and safe. as im sure any of you who advocate such mindset that i am a liberal socialist commie traitor blah blah blah.

i am done with this discussion. its been fun.

07-22-2003, 09:27 AM
I just hope you can punch that 4 digit combo in fast enough when you need it.
I'd go as far as doing stress drills on it (ie, have my wife schedule a friend or family member come into the house in the middle of the night yelling "this is a drill...this is a drill" so I don't actually shoot them). :)

I'll take that added risk for the added safety of keeping it out of my daugthers hands. It would be installed right next to the bed.

07-22-2003, 09:56 AM
"Like that one case in Harlem when the cops shot one guy, I think it was 15 times, "

36... His name was Amadu Diallo.... I was disgusted with that case.... Was way more off than Mumia....

07-22-2003, 10:00 AM
I'd almost place money that in a year or two The Willow Sword will be the spokesman for the Austin NRA chapter. :)

Black Jack
07-22-2003, 10:01 AM
Bye-Bye anti-self defense traitor boy. Take your bullsh!t and go find out if your parents had any children who lived.


Firearm education IMO is often the strongest prevention. I also believe gun safes are a great purchase for many reasons.


07-22-2003, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by The Willow Sword
and about the comments on bowling for columbine. How in the fuk do you believe that it is all a lie and a fabrication? have you even SEEN the documentary? everything that he is stating in there has either been proven statistically or at one point or another been reported by the news media and regarded as fact. this is all archival stuff that he is putting together. oh you gun advocates dont like it because it in fact DOES put you people in a bad light at times. and it also shows how stupid of an organization that the NRA is.
i especially LOVED the Charlton Heston interview when, Heston HIMSELF, fuked up and stated his racist views. hahaha and the funny thing is that Moore did NOT coax him in to saying anything.

oh and meecer this is for you boy, your denial at the truth of moores documentary is almost as bad as your ignorance to think that you are taking a legitamate kung fu style.
:p and here is something else for you meecer9in relation to the religious discussion thread) http://www.normalbobsmith.com/

Yes Willow sword I have seen the mockumentary. It is funny if taken as a comedy, but as factual information it falls short. Did you even read the links I posted!?!? How in the world can you believe this film is true after reading that? I saw the errors in the film the first time I watched it, without the benefit of these sites.

You think Heston is a racist?!?!? The man worked with Martin Luther King Jr. He stood side by side with him in marches. He did this in a time when it was unpopular to do so. You really need to read the two links I posted and for kicks read this speech Heston gave at Harvard's commencement exercises:Heston's Harvard Speech (http://www.ariadne.org/studio/michelli/heston.html)

Ahh .. another cut on my style. Just because you got your wussy butt kicked using my style doesn't it mean it isn't legitimate, it just means you found your superior that day. Honestly, I'm not surprised that you were beat.

And you cap it off with an attempt to be highly offensive to my faith. Wonderful tactic there. You must have learned your tactics from GunnedDownAtrocity.

Well, I am going to finish this off with something that will be highly offensive to you, telling you what I stand for. I'm a bible believing, born again Christian, Shaolin Do practitioner, highly educated southerner, conservative, Fox news watching, pro-military, pro-gun, pro life, Bush loving, American. And if you don't like it you can kiss my big white hiney because I don't really give a care what you think.

07-22-2003, 10:20 AM
My apologies, Diallo was shot 41 times.
41 times.... 3 cops.... 3 clips... thats disgusting.

"Firearm education IMO is often the strongest prevention. I also believe gun safes are a great purchase for many reasons."

The first thing you have said BJ, that I agree with.

07-22-2003, 10:23 AM
My apologies, Diallo was shot 41 times.

sometimes you have to make sure....

07-22-2003, 10:31 AM
That sh!t seriously made me sick...
All 3 of those cops got off without jail time... Diallo wasnt even the perp they were looking for... He was like 54 yr old rasta.... Just a good ol' ganja burnin dude... Shot to death for nothin... And 3 full clips to do so?
Thats just disgusting....

The Willow Sword
07-22-2003, 10:34 AM
:D :D :D :D

07-22-2003, 11:08 AM
Gun law and gun loving Americans. What can I say?

Seems like you get what you deserve. I'm just glad I dont have to live there.

And BFC was a great film.

Black Jack
07-22-2003, 11:20 AM
Maybe....just maybe you should check into your neck of the woods....where you are now basically a serf and find out how much crime has risen since the ban....which is considerable.....IMO the U.K. is beyond doomed. It's swimming in a sea of nutjobs.

Its a place which supports the rights of its criminals over their victims and gives a law abiding citizen no method of self defense or personal responsibility for their own protection.

You reap what you sow.

Yung Apprentice
07-22-2003, 12:18 PM
Good one.:D

07-22-2003, 05:44 PM
Willow...shut up already, its obvious you live in a fantasy world and prolly just watch anime all day....

Shaolin-do you got a problem with cops? Prolly becasue you're just a pothead, hopefully you'll get busted and have to deal with BIG BUBBA for a few years

07-22-2003, 05:47 PM
Willow, you forgot one...

rogue,drunkard,sage,clown(internalist), moron

07-22-2003, 06:01 PM
Blow me.
I dont care who you are or who the hell you think you are... You are what BJ would call an "armchair master".
I almost started reading your posts and putting thought into what you said, but you are obviously an ignorant prepubecent f*ck with nothing better to do than troll.
Go learn some kung fu or something.

07-22-2003, 06:04 PM
And btw, you ignorant piece of sh!t,
Oh my f*cking god.. I just realized where your post came from. I hate cops like that who shoot an innocent man 41 times for no f*cking reason, boy. Why dont you go to bed, son? What about the footage of the man who was shot 21 times in the back by louisiana policemen for pulling out his cell phone?
Its that the kind of cops you want patrolling near where you live... Son. Go back to bed and quit ****ing off us adults.

07-22-2003, 06:23 PM
Shaolin-do - I took criminal psychology at SUNY, it's obvious you were sexually abused as a child, perhaps by your father?? Seek counselling, you won't escape by smoking pot...

Northern Stylee- I guess the same could be said about yourself, concerning other martial arts? Or does it only apply to when you say it...

norther practitioner
07-22-2003, 07:08 PM
Northern Stylee- I guess the same could be said about yourself, concerning other martial arts? Or does it only apply to when you say it...
What are you talking about?

I don't hate other martial arts... I think some people have some misconceptions...

Why are you posting this in this thread?

What is your malfunction? Have I said anything bad about hung gar? I have had issues with Shaolin-Do, not knocking the art in of itself, but I've had this discussion.

07-22-2003, 07:24 PM
Child... Go to bed.
I took Neurophysiology at Harvard.

That was easy! I can be an E-Genius!

If you arent here to talk about kung fu and the like, why are you here?
If you think you have a legitemate opinion, why not demonstrate some sort of intelligence.....

07-22-2003, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Black Jack
Maybe....just maybe you should check into your neck of the woods....
dam straight, since they've had school shootings, day traders going nuts, trigger-happy cops, and McVeigh came from......nevermind, that all happened in here.

If you get statistics from pro-gun sites they'll only show how crappy countries are w/o guns. Vice-versa for anti-gun sites. I won't go into the statistics battle, because both sides skew them.

edit: I'd also like to take a moment to apologize if any comments I made sounded sexist, I was just trying to point that a gun won't turn anybody into a soldier.

07-22-2003, 08:20 PM
OK, Northern Stylee, since you put it that way, and maybe I was just in a foul mood, I apologize to you for singling you out.

I do not however, have the same feelings for that kid Shaolin-do. He's still a moron...

norther practitioner
07-22-2003, 08:36 PM
I do not however, have the same feelings for that kid Shaolin-do. He's still a moron...

And you have only been here for 9 posts...
I have to say, you come off on the wrong foot, and SD is the type to really jump on you for that... he says some good stuff, it just takes him 10-12 posts to get to it (;) )

07-22-2003, 08:40 PM
Geez, Northern Stylee, why so thin-skinned. I figured after growing up in NY you'd be used to us Yorkers spouting off and being a smart-a$$. Maybe Colorado had made you soft :-)

norther practitioner
07-22-2003, 08:43 PM
I grew up upstate, spent a lot of time down in the metro though... it did make me thick skinned...
I'll always be a NYer... :D

You can usually read some NY type sarcasm into these posts as well....

07-22-2003, 08:45 PM
Good to hear, NY forever...

07-22-2003, 09:18 PM
Thick skinned and hot blooded.

ergh... why no straight face?

07-22-2003, 09:28 PM
Well.... Time to go to bed........... Goodnight...

Oh yeah.... I also sell grills np.

norther practitioner
07-22-2003, 09:30 PM
Propane accesories... is your name Hank by chance?:p :D

07-22-2003, 09:35 PM
no no no... Grills.
Charcoal grills. :)
No true texan uses propane... When you barbeque you use Hickory and charcoal d@mnit. :)
But yeah, the guys I work with are some straight redneck mofo's... NRA Gun toatin good ol boys... hehe...

norther practitioner
07-22-2003, 09:48 PM
Even in the oil state... or did all that go out with JR...

07-22-2003, 09:49 PM
Nah, theres still a lot of coke heads here... ignorant f*cks.
Just like bush!

Im a master barbeque cook. :)

norther practitioner
07-22-2003, 09:55 PM
It seems to be a trend.....

Oh, and I'm one of the usual grill masters as well.

07-23-2003, 12:17 AM
Nice post

07-23-2003, 12:30 AM
Why thank you, tnwingtsun. Nice to see another person out there that sees Moore for what he really is. :)

07-23-2003, 12:58 AM
The Heston at Harvard link was a good one too,I don't read much of ths SD thread but from what little I've read it seems that you put yourself in the lions den because of what you belive in.

And to say you're a Christian is **** fine by me,alot in here will slam you for that but most of the ones that do(I said most)
don't know what to belive in so they're mad as hell at the people that have something to belive in.

Hey willie,pulling out that race card is weak,**** weak.

Laughing Cow
07-23-2003, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by phantom
Some martial artists feel that it is so necessary to learn how to use a gun. Some martial arts discussion forums show pictures of people pointing guns. Well, what is up with this?

Ok, time to get this thread back on topic.

Personally, I agree with Phantom a MA school should teach MA primsrily and focus on other aspects secondary or offer them as additional training.

I understand that a lot of what he complains about is bad propaganda by some schools.

Personally, I got to my Kwoon to study my MA style, if I want to learn gun defenses/control I will join a school that specialises in that.

IThis I think is truer to traditional concept of MA study rather than trying to learn everything in one package.
From what I hear it was quiet common for a Sifu to send a student to another Sifu to round his skills of or to continue his study under the new Sifu.

Why did the Sifu do this, because the other Sifu was better at that fighting aspect.

Nobody can have all the answers.

Even at the turn of the entury this still held true, even in Japan where Funakoshi, Kano and Ueshiba send their students to take lessons from the others.

Just my thoughts.

07-23-2003, 01:51 AM
Back to the gun part of this,I'll try not to rant,I was brought up to respect firearms and the Ocean,neither are to be played with.

Since alot of ya'll/youins non gun owners out there in wonderland are worried about the gun owning other part of America at least make sure you know the basic safety rules about firearms so the next time you go to a "Save Gay Whales Rally" and Senator Dianne Feinstein wants to hire ya as a body guard b/c your Tai-Chi looks really cool you'll be able to stand tall and tell her you can't because you don't want to carry a firearm,BUT,you know some of the basic safty rules.

If you don't go to those "Save Gay Wales rallys" and you know someone who owns a firearm ask her/him what the safety
are,if they don't know you can tell them you read what they are on www.kungfumagazine.com

The first action you should take when you pick up a firearm is to check to see if you have a hot weapon(is it loaded?)
Know the firearm so you know how to load/unload,if you don't know how ask someone to call grandmah,maybe she knows how to.

Trigger finger should at all times be off of the trigger untill you have your target acquired.

Don't stick muzzel up your butt.

Those are just a few,firearms owners out there please feel free to add to this list and get this thread back on a constructive track away from all of the name calling those queer bait commie loving *******s like that ***got "The Willie Sword" and "Cho" AKA-Tso have drug this thread down with silly mud slinging.

Add to the list,I know alot of us have heard these rules a million times but it NEVER hurts to hear them again.

07-23-2003, 02:43 AM
Originally posted by Laughing Cow

Personally, I got to my Kwoon to study my MA style, if I want to learn gun defenses/control I will join a school that specialises in that.

Like this school? (http://www.dojo2000.com/seishin-do/movies.html) :D

07-23-2003, 04:02 AM
Since alot of ya'll/youins non gun owners

he said youins:D

07-23-2003, 04:39 AM
No true texan uses propane
Wrong wrong wrong. If you are starving, it's better to fire up the gas grill and cook up a big slab of beef, instead of eating a salad or something girly.

Now if were talking having a good barbeque, it's charcoal all the way. Personally, I only own a charcoal smoker.

07-23-2003, 08:06 AM
This is not intended to be a flame, but, at the risk of possibly sounding stupid, wouldn't it be less risky to bring your dog with you for protection when you go out?

Fred Sanford
07-23-2003, 09:52 AM
you took the risk and unfortunately you do sound stupid.

bad guy has a gun, first he shoots your dog then he shoots you.

Black Jack
07-23-2003, 09:56 AM
Ford- LOL!

"less risky"......what the hell is that. The problem really sits within that statement.

btw- I hope to see you all at the "Save the Gay Whales" rally in San Fran. Bring your rainbow flags and bellychains. A good time to be had be everyone.

07-23-2003, 10:13 AM
I bring both of my large trained male chows with me. I guarantee I will have triple tapped you with my series 70 before you can shoot both of them. I seriously dought anyone would be able to get the first shot off before they rip you a new one anyway.

Yung Apprentice
07-23-2003, 11:57 AM
Depends on how far off they are.

BTW, someone who has put in enough time training in shooting, and drawing their weapons, as you have with your dogs, might want to argue that statement. Every man is different.

07-23-2003, 02:40 PM
Why the obessesion with guns?

Because - some guy just killed two women at the real estate office I bought my house at 4 months ago. It's in a nice part of town too. I probably know the ladies who were killed, and I've seen the shooter before. He Just walked in and started shooting. That could just as easily been the day I was there with my wife and daughter. I've been there at 3 pm before, which is when the shooting occured.

Because - although I wish there were no guns, the reality is that there are, and they get into bad people's hands. And those bad people may have been good people yesterday.

Because - in the above situation, kung fu, mma, wrestling, fencing, knives, axe throwing, spear chucking...could have done jack crapola to stop what was happening.

It's not an obsession, it's a reality.

07-23-2003, 02:58 PM
btw- I hope to see you all at the "Save the Gay Whales" rally in San Fran. Bring your rainbow flags and bellychains. A good time to be had be everyone

BJ you have got to be one o fthe funniet fukkers on this site!

07-23-2003, 03:57 PM
Yeah, That ****s ****ed up...

Fred Sanford
07-23-2003, 03:58 PM
I guarantee I will have triple tapped you with my series 70

wow, you must be good. forget those weak double taps. you are going to triple tap someone with a .45, cool.

07-23-2003, 04:57 PM
guns are a reality, but it is an obsession when you either want to kill someone, or feel you can't walk outside without one.

07-23-2003, 05:37 PM
So is that really an obsession with guns, or an obsession for wanting to feel safe?

07-23-2003, 05:40 PM
Now they are saying one of the deceased is a male. I'm waiting to find out if it was our real estate agent. :mad:

07-23-2003, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by ewallace
So is that really an obsession with guns, or an obsession for wanting to feel safe?
It's an obsession with guns if one thinks it's the only way to feel safe.

Laughing Cow
07-23-2003, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by ewallace
So is that really an obsession with guns, or an obsession for wanting to feel safe?

I am not so sure that you will feel safer with a gun.

Remember the Bullet that kills you is the one you don't hear.

07-23-2003, 07:09 PM



07-23-2003, 08:45 PM
I live less than 3 miles from where that happened... :(
One of the women was shot in the head... The dude shot himself in the head while driving up I35 and crashed into a median...

Edit... Why do I hate guns?

07-23-2003, 09:52 PM
I am not so sure that you will feel safer with a gun.
I Agree 100%. I am just a big believer in the law of the 6 P's. I don't personally need a gun to feel safe. I don't have one now and usually feel pretty safe. I do feel unprepared though.

07-23-2003, 09:53 PM
You probably live pretty close to me then. It's about 5 miles from casa del wallacio.

07-23-2003, 11:16 PM
To have an "obsession" with guns.

Theres a difference of owning a firearm and knowing that firearm and everything about it than to have an "obsession" with firearms.

Just by owning a firearm you have that responsibility to yourself and others around you.

This is just common sense.

Glock: The original point and click interface

07-24-2003, 11:27 AM
I agree, tnwingtsun. Thanks again, guys.

07-24-2003, 11:40 AM
"casa del wallacio."
hehe... I actually have a very close friend who lives in there... and the secretary at my office... In fact I will be over there later today.

07-25-2003, 08:00 AM
Dang, one of the ladies killed in that Century 21 incident was a co-workers mother-in-law. That really sucks.