View Full Version : USCKF tournament July 27th-28th

07-16-2003, 03:25 PM
Anyone going?:)

norther practitioner
07-16-2003, 03:44 PM
link? info?

07-16-2003, 03:50 PM
The USCKF site is: http://www.tienshanpai.org/usckf/index.shtml

The direct link to the tounament info is here: http://www.tienshanpai.org/usckf/events/index.shtml#TournamentInfo



07-17-2003, 06:23 AM
I WAS going to fight in it… but I'm gonna have to pass on it this year… I'm exhausted… so I'll just focus on the Wushu Union in August… so i'll just be a spectator...

07-17-2003, 06:26 AM
wussy :p

don't forget to hit up the wong tournament a week later:

*because I'm shaaaameless*

07-17-2003, 06:43 AM
wussy :( :p :D ... just make sure RAY stocks up on the kit kats and snickers... those are my favs...

07-17-2003, 06:50 AM
SunTzu, have you fought there before?

How about you Jowbacca?


07-17-2003, 06:56 AM
Yeah I'll be doing lei tai

07-17-2003, 07:00 AM
ShifuBinks, what weight divison? Have you fought there before?

07-17-2003, 07:20 AM
I fought at 175 last time I did san shou, gonna try to get down to 169 by the kuoshu tournament....never fought kuoshu before, me and some buddies will be the first people from our school (US kuoshu) to do it AFAIK

07-17-2003, 07:21 AM
nope… this woulda been my 1st… next year I'm shooting for Born to Fight… so it may be a while b4 I step on THAT lei tai… I have a sword I need to collect…

07-17-2003, 07:36 AM
ShifuBinks, that's a great division from what I recall in the previous years, action is usually fast and furious. Maybe we'll run into each other at the tournament.

Best of luck!

SunTzu, good luck at Born to Fight, I hear it's a great event.


07-17-2003, 07:50 AM
Binks will do well... BTF is an awesome event... biggest crowd i've ever gotten my azz whooped in front of... i can still hear the crowd from when i was waiting in the locker room... unreal... but my focus is on the WU... and i might have the VIP after joint at my crib... MIGHT!!!!...

07-17-2003, 09:51 AM
"not I" said the pig...
My nose and the kuoshu face mask don't get a long... usually they fight and there's lots of blood...

norther practitioner
07-17-2003, 10:06 AM
You guys are lucky, you have a lot of the tournies in your neck of the woods this year. Arnold was on the eastern side of the midwest, USWKF, USCKF, and USWU are all on the east coast, the NJ tourney, etc..

07-17-2003, 10:22 AM
That would be funny if it wasn't so true Jowbacca, I know exactly what you mean. :D

NP, actually we're in the same boat as you are, our team travels from Wisconsin to compete every year. It's a fun time though, well worth it.


Golden Arms
07-17-2003, 01:08 PM
I usually go, but no dice this year. One of my school mates is going there for some Banquet though. Its a fun place to fight..decent competition, and no dumb pads :) Its hard to feel like you can take yourself seriously in blue or yellow sweats and matching shirt though ;)

07-17-2003, 01:17 PM
Looks like a very cool event. Do you have to be part of a school or hold any type of rank in KF, etc?

07-17-2003, 01:40 PM
GoldenArms, your school mate will be going to the awards banquet, huh? I'll be at the banquet as well. Do you know if he was nominated for anything? The blue doesn't bother me that much, but the yellow!? pleeeezzz... :D

Truewrestler, if memory serves me right (to quote chairman Kaga) the only requirement is that you have to be a member of the USCKF (there's an annual membership fee) and your application has to be postmarked before July 15th (sorry...). If you have a chance check it out.


07-17-2003, 01:43 PM
Are you positive?

That's disappointing.... but I'll definitely check it out even if I can't compete....

07-17-2003, 01:45 PM
red & black is soooooo much cooler...

07-17-2003, 02:06 PM
Truewrestler, if memory serves me right (to quote chairman Kaga) the only requirement is that you have to be a member of the USCKF (there's an annual membership fee) and your application has to be postmarked before July 15th (sorry...). If you have a chance check it out.

I found this "All Kuoshu fighters must be I.C.K.F./U.S.C.K.F. members, BE REGISTERED BY JULY 15, 2003, and show proof of personal insurance, plus a physician's certificate dated after June 28, 2003, stating the competitor is fit to fight at this tournament"

Here: http://www.tienshanpai.org/usckf/events/tourn-arrangements.shtml

....does "fighters" mean just those competing in Lei Tai and San Shou... or would that also include others like Shuai-Chiao?

I looked at the Wong Tournament page and it didn't look like there is any full contact striking or grappling :rolleyes:

07-17-2003, 02:10 PM
i'm really reachin with that one... probably out of luck

07-17-2003, 02:14 PM
TW, The USCKF is pretty strict about the cut-off. There's been occasions in the past the international competitors thought they could register on-site and they turned them away.

The other requirements is to have proof of insurance and a physical with a doctors signature dated after 7/28/03.

SunTzu, red and black, ahhhh traditional colors. :)

How about puce and mauve? :D

I actually like the way they did it at the Pan-Ams, team uniform with either a white or red sash.

Good stuff!


07-17-2003, 02:22 PM
Wong does not officially have full contact but the light contact can be brutal for 3 30 second rounds...heard they were going to try to prevent it from getting out of hand this year but the past two years I went I saw guys get busted up...

07-17-2003, 02:25 PM
By fighters they mean Lei Tai fighters.

Keep in mind when they use the term "San Shou" there, they are not refering to San Shou as the full contact format that most tournaments hold. The "San Shou" at that tournament is the equivalent to light-contact sparring.

Suai-Chiao is also separate from the Lei Tai restrictions (even though it's done on the Lei Tai).

So Suai-Chiao might be a good event for you to enter since the Lei Tai cut-off is past.

Give it a go?


07-17-2003, 02:39 PM
ShifuBinks, I never understood why the aggressive "light-contact" fighters never make the transition to full-contact.

At the USCKF event there's plenty of agressive "light-contact". During one match, a few years ago, a competitor stuck a pretty hard punch to his opponents rib making the guy fold. We separated the fighters and I said to the puncher "if you want to strike like that you need to be in the Lei Tai division" and his reply was "sorry about that, but I don't think I can stand one round up there". :eek:

Golden Arms
07-17-2003, 02:51 PM
Heheh..yeah..the Lei Tai stuff has gotten pretty rough..last year I had to fight with a shoulder that had been dislocated 2 days before...taught me a lot about building character, stepping in a ring knowing you have a major disadvantage and all. It also changes things quite a bit when its full contact with no pads.

SaekSan: My teammate is a girl. Her name is Tyler, and she is nominated for Female Fighter of the year or something along those lines. She beat Melanie Dumont (the womens UFC champion last year) in the last fight of the night last year as that tourn. Look for her, and feel free to introduce yourself..she is a really cool girl :)

07-17-2003, 03:05 PM
GoldenArm - Yeah, the Lei Tai can teach a lot more than just fighting. If you were there last year you might remember one of my fighters, he broke his arm after the second exchange in the first round. He had an operation and has 14 pins and a couple of plates in his arm now, he has recuperated and he'll fight again this year. People like you and him are testaments of "ren" (perseverance).

I have her fight on tape, she's very good! If I have a chance I'll say hello.


Golden Arms
07-17-2003, 03:08 PM
OH yeah..was he a lighterweight guy, popped his arm backwards, then stood up for a second before they grabbed him? That was rough..but he looked like he actually stuck to his stancework and stuff instead of just going nuts up there. If that was him..cool..do you guys do Hsing I or what? It looked like San Ti, but maybe that is just his personal pref for a stance. Yeah....The best thing about it is that whether you win or lose in lei tai..just doing it makes even san shou seem like a game cause of all the protection :) I will be there next year again.

07-17-2003, 03:23 PM
I'm impressed! Actually we do Northern Shaolin, but my Master also knew Hsing I, as you can see his fighting method was an amalgamation of the styles he knew.

The tale of the tape was that Kimba broke his arm when he fell, then hearing Alex Czech (the ref) do the count on instinct went back to the line (arm dangling and all), got to the line and said to the ref "my arm is broken, may I be excused?", then collapsed.

It was pretty ugly he stayed in the Baltimore Hospital for a whole week after surgery.

I hope to see you there next year then.


Golden Arms
07-17-2003, 03:31 PM
:D Cool, I thought I saw a hing of that Hsing I :) Well you can tell him that he earned the respect of myself and my teammates at least for getting back up, because we all heard that arm crack and some of us were more than 50-70 feet away! I hope he fights again :) See you there next year as well!

07-17-2003, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by SaekSan
By fighters they mean Lei Tai fighters.

Keep in mind when they use the term "San Shou" there, they are not refering to San Shou as the full contact format that most tournaments hold. The "San Shou" at that tournament is the equivalent to light-contact sparring.

Suai-Chiao is also separate from the Lei Tai restrictions (even though it's done on the Lei Tai).

So Suai-Chiao might be a good event for you to enter since the Lei Tai cut-off is past.

Give it a go?

:) Seriously? I can show up the day of the tournament and compete in Shuai-Chiao??

Wong does not officially have full contact but the light contact can be brutal for 3 30 second rounds...heard they were going to try to prevent it from getting out of hand this year but the past two years I went I saw guys get busted up... I've never been interested in point fighting. I really don't understand the point of a competition where you have to hold back like that

07-17-2003, 06:05 PM
well Truewrestler, this kind of sparring isn't the kind where you get three points and you win a la the karate kid...they let you fight for 30 seconds then pick a winner for that round....my problem with it is they hardly ever disqualify anyone so whoever breaks the rules the most usually wins...

07-17-2003, 07:15 PM
ShifuBinks, I just can't take it seriously as a competition.

07-17-2003, 08:53 PM
Its really stupid...its so pansies can feel good about themselves and forget about the fact that they are scared to do full contact...then when they win they go around talking about it like its the UFC oh yeah I beat this dudes head in man it was awesome!
The other thing that is dangerous about it is you get some mid 30ish father of 3 who started training 6 months ago who wants to test his techniques in a competitive and yet safe atmosphere: "Hey look this tournament offers light contact, that should be fun and I will learn a lot!"
He signs up and when it starts he is like oh boy this is so neat little does he know that the 23 year old punk across the ring should be in full contact but he doesnt have the balls and wants that little plastic medal so bad he can taste it. To make a long story short, dad steps in tries to do a technique from his form, punk moves forward catches him with a cross to the chin dad quits martial arts and become a manicdepressant alcoholic kid acts like he just won the world series and goes on the net talking bout how he tooled some dude and now he is the "national champ" or some such B.S.

07-18-2003, 06:08 AM
lol, exactly... I mean imagine a football league/competition where you are not allowed to run fast and points are scored not by touchdowns but the most firstdowns.

I'd rather be all padded up than have to hold back.

07-18-2003, 06:31 AM
Truewrestler - Last year they allowed registering for all events (except Lei Tai) up to 9:00am, they call it late registration.

All of our team pre-registers so I'm not 100% sure how it will go this year but you can always give them a call to confirm.


07-18-2003, 06:39 AM
will do, thanks for the info.

07-25-2003, 11:10 AM

Here is a schedule of the events...evidently there is suppose to be 100 fighters in lei tai this year...

norther practitioner
07-25-2003, 01:21 PM
I'm just mad all these tournies are so close date wise.. I don't think we'll be missing this one next year... I think my teacher will be doing some stuff and competing with the USCKF when they go down to Brazil in November.

07-29-2003, 07:01 AM
Was 740 competitors. 105 were Lei Tai fighters.

NorthernPractitioner who is your teacher?

I might be going to Brazil too taking some of my students.

Good times!!!

:) :) :)