View Full Version : WTF is this?!

07-18-2003, 08:11 PM
Ok, besides deserving the award for one of the worst desinged websites ever, most especially towards martial arts, what the heck is this supposed to be, really? I got it offa Rouge, and I can't stop watching the little video. Supposedly this system's founder can punch faster than Sijo Bruce Lee (I think they said that he was 3 punches/sec and the dude that created this system can do 5/sec). Explanations? Thoughts? yeah, I think I killed my mind on this one (mostly due to the multi colored and bolded text!!).


one thing I noticed in the opening video is that his hands don't seem to be closed like a punch, they're just kinda semi-closed to almost a flat palm. Wouldn't this count more as a general strike than a punch?

07-18-2003, 08:20 PM
In exercise physiology, there is something known as the force/velocity curve. After you get past a certain point in terms of velocity, your muscles actually decrease in force production capability. What that means is that if your punches or kicks are too fast, they will become less powerful.

07-18-2003, 08:24 PM
very interesting. So they are sacrificing power for speed. That's good and bad I guess. I mean, you can probably throw in a lot of good combinations. Hm, that's real neat.. I never heard about that. Thanks!

David Jamieson
07-18-2003, 08:44 PM
his web kungfu is no good...a hahaha...aha...mmmm, so then, well...we shall see! a ah haha!!!!

That site still exists all these years later is whack!
It's like a schizophrenic nightmare!

Now, don't get me wrong, I have some consideration towards the 'paper bag' style of fighting :D heh heh, but this goes waaaaay beyond "language barrier" kids.


07-18-2003, 09:21 PM
Oh no the dreaded "ACAMAC" makes its appearance on kfo... just don't say it three times (as in beatlejuice) or Mr. ACAMAC himslef will appear. This is one of the ma forums he has not yet graced with his incoherent babble...

07-18-2003, 10:56 PM
Ill sh!t on that wevp

07-18-2003, 11:36 PM
Shaolin-Do is stoned again...

oh they are made fun of all the time on E-Budo.

Odd, I watched the video again, and again, and again, and I counted 5 punches in 2 seconds, even timed it. Strange, I can throw 4 punches in a single second with chain punching, and those actually hurt, not those ***** slaps this guy does.

07-19-2003, 07:23 AM
Originally posted by PHILBERT
Shaolin-Do is stoned again...

oh they are made fun of all the time on E-Budo.

Odd, I watched the video again, and again, and again, and I counted 5 punches in 2 seconds, even timed it. Strange, I can throw 4 punches in a single second with chain punching, and those actually hurt, not those ***** slaps this guy does.

That's what I'm talking about! Those sissy slaps. What I think is funny is when the "mystery guy" in all black bumps into the wall while he's bouncing around and then puts his guear up. it's like *bounce bounce bounce doof*

07-19-2003, 09:25 AM
No no, I was drunk when i wrote that last night.

"Shaolin-Do is stoned again..."

I just didnt feel like backspacing for some reason... hehehe
Im stoned right now like usual, it never affects my typing or thinking abilities.

07-19-2003, 09:49 AM
I can picture this guy having at


on a high table, like at eye level

oh, I forgot to say what!!:o

a Chihuahua

What a match! I wonder if it would appeal to the same folks who attend Westminster?

Train Doggie, Train! Lift weights. I bet they'd knock each other out.


P.S.: The dog would be faster.

07-19-2003, 10:22 AM
yea, the mystery man just kinda throws his hands out there..not really punching

07-19-2003, 10:56 AM
He pulls back about 2 inches and punches again... blah...

Id like to let him hit me with a few of those. Then stomp on his face for being a fraud.


That webpage made my head hurt...

Its the WORLDS FASTEST most DOCUMENTED the worlds ALL TIME FASTEST of all in the entire WORLD ever in II Millineum 2000 years CREATORS of martial arts 1960s ueshiba tae kwan do hapkido karate do WORLDS FASTEST even JUN FAN Fastest and CLAY ALI fastest in the world

07-19-2003, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Shaolin-Do
Its the WORLDS FASTEST most DOCUMENTED the worlds ALL TIME FASTEST of all in the entire WORLD ever in II Millineum 2000 years CREATORS of martial arts 1960s ueshiba tae kwan do hapkido karate do WORLDS FASTEST even JUN FAN Fastest and CLAY ALI fastest in the world

yea........i could understand it too.........:( :mad: :confused:

07-19-2003, 01:05 PM
click here (http://www.martialart.org/ACAMAC_AristoAgon_Martial_Art___CREATOR_MARTIN_GAL E.jpg)

is this the same guy as here (http://www.martialart.org/ACAMAC/ACAMAC.jpg) ? Seems to be a slight build difference? Not to mention how did th emask fit over that beard? :confused: :D


07-19-2003, 01:06 PM
Its the WORLDS FASTEST most DOCUMENTED the worlds ALL TIME FASTEST of all in the entire WORLD ever in II Millineum 2000 years CREATORS of martial arts 1960s ueshiba tae kwan do hapkido karate do WORLDS FASTEST even JUN FAN Fastest and CLAY ALI fastest in the world thats one way to get your page on to a search engine? :eek:


07-19-2003, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by dezhen2001
thats one way to get your page on to a search engine? :eek:


yea it is LOL

shaolin kungfu
07-19-2003, 08:20 PM
thats one way to get your page on to a search engine?

I think I remember seeing the same trick on a shuai chiao page, but they had the good sense to make it the same color as the page, so as not to be read. And they just listed a bunch of words instead of trying to say something.:D

Edit: here's the page. Scroll down to the bottom, and highlight it to read. Clever, aint it? (http://www.combatshuaichiao.com/)

07-19-2003, 09:19 PM
If only it was just a trick to get into search engines... this ACAMAC guy has actually posted on a few ma forums and he's just as incoherent and schizophrenic in real life as on his website.

07-20-2003, 05:44 PM
...and i thought that page was a joke. kinda scary that its not... :eek: :p