View Full Version : lau gar kung fu vs kickboxing

07-23-2003, 11:34 AM
hi i been practising lau gar kung fu for 3 months odd now.
im only a white sash.
but while ive been at the school its seems to have to seperate "factions" in it.
what i mean is that the lau gar kickboxers have thier class after the lau gar kung fu class and they seem to think that thier martial art is superior to lau gar kung fu.

what i want to know is.... who would win in a fight between two equally trained martial artsist. one who studys kickboxing and the other who studys kung fu....

07-23-2003, 11:54 AM
Training time and intensity being equal, the one with the most talent should win, regardless of style.

07-23-2003, 08:44 PM
What is Lau Gar Kickboxing? As distinguished from Lau Gar Kung Fu? :confused:

07-24-2003, 02:32 AM
lau gar kickboxing is basically kicboxing , with the name of the school in front of it. (i think)

07-24-2003, 02:57 AM
Lau Gar is an old traditional style of kung fu. Is that also the name of the school?

07-24-2003, 03:00 AM
yes it is
lau gar is the british name for a style of old kung fu which has steams from hung gar.
it is also the name of the school i go to.
do you understand now? ;)

07-24-2003, 03:15 AM
ummm nope, not really... Lau Gar is a distinct style as old as Hung Gar itself, it is one of the original southern family styles.
True there are some elements of Lau Gar incorporated into Hung Gar, but not the entire system (as far as my knowledge of Hung Gar goes). Lau Gar (though not common) is still called Lau Gar in other parts of the world where it is still practiced as an entire original system as opposed to "stemming from Hung Gar"

But you answered my question (I guess) in that your school is called Lau Gar ...

07-24-2003, 11:13 AM
Fu-Pau the Lau Gar system white_sash is talking about is not the same system that was incorporated into the hung gar system. The only thing the tow systems have in common is that they are both kung fu and come from southern china. Jeremy Yau brought his lau gar system to the UK in the 1970’s.
I believe they don’t even have the same forms.
The kickboxing aspect usual refers to semi contact points sparring.

07-24-2003, 07:36 PM
oki now I got it :)

07-25-2003, 10:41 AM
Hi.My first post on this forum.
White sash i assume u r with the BKFA?
I'm with scotland Lau gar.
Kickboxing has been taught a long side lau gar for a long timne.In my club there is no seperation now.There use to be though i believe.

As for the orogins of lau gar i'm njot 100% sure.I was told that the system that master yau brought over was mostly composed in the 70's.Ido not know if this is true or not.
I have also heard as fa pu said that they r two styles.
Scotland lau gar is now more similar to the lau gar associated with Hung gar.

This is not my own personal views just wht i heard.

07-26-2003, 05:27 AM
yes thats right i am a member of the bkfa

but i was just wondering do they like mix some things from kickboxing and intergrate them in some techniques used in lau gar kung fu?.

07-26-2003, 10:35 AM
Tahe answer (in my case anyway) is yes.BUt the kickboxing is taught as semi contact separately nad only optioanly form you're syllubus work etc.

07-26-2003, 12:04 PM
i think it is good that some kickboxing techniques are intergrated. what about you?

07-26-2003, 02:57 PM
Yeh defo.I think it's one of reasons why Lau Gar does so well at competitions.(aslo that we use our hands more than other styles)
It also gives us another edgeto teach with.
An optional comeptition one.

07-26-2003, 04:54 PM
Hi Subzero - I'm also with Scotland Lau Gar.

FuPau - Just to clarify - Lau Gar (UK) has been heavily and very successfully associated with competition sparring for many,many years. This brought much publicity to the style which has proved to be a double edged sword. The willingness to take part in competitions has raised awareness of the style and kung fu in general but has also led to criticism that the style is not "traditional CMA."

However, I am lucky to be in the priveliged position to be studying both UK Lau Gar and Hung Gar in parallel. In doing so it is clear that the UK Lau Gar forms are not the same as those found in the Hung Gar system. However, the general principles and techniques of UK Lau Gar are very much similar to Hung Gar. I have found that my previous Lau Gar studies have made the transition to Hung Gar relatively simple. In this respect you would have to conclude that the essence of the UK Lau Gar system is that of a traditional CMA.

As regards "Lau Gar Kickboxing" - there is no such thing. It is only kickboxing with a Lau Gar T-shirt on. It should be kept and treated as an entirely different aspect of training. The Lau Gar kung fu syllabus/forms do not contain "kickboxing" techniques. The forms all emphasise low level kicking and short hand techniques. This is not kickboxing.

The Scotland Lau Gar syllabus now has some crossover to Hung Gar embodied in the syllabus (Hung Gar's Lau Gar Kuen form). This is not the case with BKFA schools who continue to follow the exact syllabus laid down by Master Yau.

07-26-2003, 05:35 PM
May i ask youre name?
What club do you train at?
I'm jamie brown and i teach teh dunfermline club.I'm a brown belt.I'm waiting ot go up to dundee to get some training off of graeme.
Unfortuantely my club has not been able to get up to train with graeme in a longtime.
I learned the first hung gar form but that was it.How far have you got?
Sorry for all the questions.

07-27-2003, 07:48 AM
thank you for the explaination!
the kickboxers contiually try to convince me to turn to the "dark side" and study kickboxing.
but i prefer to be different , i like the emphise of counter-attacking etc in kung fu.

07-27-2003, 03:42 PM
See this is odd to me.
In my club we simply teach semicontacnt fighting aswell and while we may not go as in detail as the kick boxers we use alot of their tehcniques.

07-28-2003, 09:04 AM
well my name is anthony and i go to a lau gar martial arts center in derby.
im only a white sash and im thinking of taken my blue august the 15th.
i was wondering, as a brown belt, do u think you could handle ure self much easier against, lets say a strong person?

07-29-2003, 03:30 PM
I thought i posted my reply but it doesn't seem to be here.:confused:
Oh well.Probably m fault

Ne way i think icould.It all as always depends on circumstance.The thing to remeber s that if u train hard and have good tehcnique u should be able defend urself no matter what person a build is.

Instead of being danted by someones size, take it into accont.Chances are he wouldn't be as fast as you.But again u never no.Try and use his physical chractaistics against him.

But remeber although him being big can be a dsiadvantage for you it can also be an advatage.
BUt th same is true for you if ur say thin.
Personally i think i'm too thin and light.

However U can never expect to come out of a dangerous situation un scaved.No one should nomatter how proficent they are.That would be arrogant and u would be understimating ur oponenet when u know nothing about him.

Sorry got a bit side tracked there.I love lau gar.Hope u do too.

Who r u scotland lau gar man?
I want to know!:D

07-29-2003, 03:32 PM
BTW there seems tobe a few lau gar people on www.martialartsplanet.com on the forum.
Go have a look.

07-30-2003, 02:28 AM
thank you for the words of wisdom.:D

07-31-2003, 05:30 AM
Hi sub zero

I'm paul - one of Graham's students in Dundee.

I've been doing Lau Gar for the last 3 years after doing various other martial arts. The one style I really wanted to study from very young (after seeing articles in Combat magazine....) was Hung Gar but there were no teachers in the area. Naturally, I was amazed and well chuffed when Graham told us he had been certified by Kwong Wing Lam to teach the beginners syllabus.

As I've mucked about with various systems I feel I've lost a lot of time and want to get stuck into the Hung Gar style.I've therefore been working really hard - in and out of class - to learn as much of the Hung Gar stuff as I can. Graham has been correcting my forms at our normal classes and at the Sunday classes.

Did you manage to get to the Monkey King Staff seminar with Sifu Lam last year? It was excellent. I was also lucky enough to do a further morning session with him on Lau Gar Kuen set. Wow! It's amazing how much difference the small details can make...

Maybe see you in Dundee sometime. There'll be a Sunday class sometime in August I would think....

07-31-2003, 12:05 PM
I think you willl see me after freshers week in dundee:D
I'm strating at the uni and can't wait to start training with graeme.

I'm brown belt just now but my standards ihave fallen dramaticly.Mainly because i've been teaching alot but also because i haven't been able tog et up to train with graeme due to lack of transport.In fact i fully expect to be take dow a grade when i get to the club.

I didn't come to the seminar because there was a mix up.I thought that it was another shaolin one but when it turnede out (after) it was sifu lam i would have loved to go.MOney was tight that month and i had already been to a shoalin one.
:( Oh well.

I don't have to tell u graeme is an excellent teacher.Stay with him.And i hope to see you in mid september at the club.


08-01-2003, 04:38 AM
Nice one mate. You sure you'll be able to walk(never mind train) after freshers week?

See you sometime in September.

If you need to know anything about class times etc just post up here and I'll see it.

08-01-2003, 08:20 AM
Thanks alot.
I'm actualy planing to come back to dunfermline the saturday after freshers week for a ju jitsu seminar:( .That'l be........fun.
Ne way i'l ask u closer to the time about class times etc.

ursa major
08-01-2003, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by white_sash
... what i want to know is.... who would win in a fight between two equally trained martial artsist. one who studys kickboxing and the other who studys kung fu....

How do you match the two ? Kick-boxing typically works with fewer techniques and lesser number of targets according to stipulated rules. Kung-Fu is without rules.

The minute you take kick-boxing out of the ring it is no longer kick-boxing. If you put kung-fu in the ring it is no longer kung-fu.


08-03-2003, 06:15 AM
BUt this is in a fight.I guessd he didn't mean with ne rules (ie semi contact etc).Maybe he didn't
While semi contact is obvisouly a kick boxers fortey, when it comes to street defence they take every target they can get.Infact becasue they r not a traditional MA (Modern kick boxing) they can bring things in form many different styles which other stylists may be afraid of doing.Giving them an edge.(This goes for the kick boxers i have met ne way.....most of them)

I think that alot of people don't see Kung fu as a brutal martial art. BUt as someone said in another thread (not eexactly but the just of it) MOst of our moves are so brutal that they are banned form our own competitions.(Ie eye gouges, grabs etc)