View Full Version : kungfu training

07-23-2003, 01:40 PM
people in kungfu will train forms and stances. But then they say that they don't fight that way at all. They say that they come up out of their deep stances and don't use the form's techniques.

This is why kung fu doens't work in real life. The way they train is not used. So all the time training forms and drills is a waste.

Boxing on the otherhand trains in the same way that they fight. they Never train punches in an incorrect way, then execute them in a real fight a different way. Everything is the same. Trained punches are the same as punches during a real fight. Also boxing has a superior strategy of keeping Both your hands up and slipping punches.

Boxing doesn't worry about the "looks" or flashy kung fu forms. it accepts what fights really look like and trains that way. the way that works. And for punching boxing is the best. But you need wrestling for after you are clinched or for shooting for takedown. And BJJ is the best on the ground as BJJ is undefeated agaisnt kungfu.

And kung fu people can't fight without first learning BJJ, boxing, Wrestling, ect. That's why Wrestlers and BJJ'ers are the only ones who can fight without learing other styles first. BJJer's don't need to learn kung fu to fight. But kung fu's need BJJ before they can fight.

it's really funny that a TKD black belt and boxer guy Cung Lee has been whipping up on the kung fu guys in San shou. lol.

07-23-2003, 01:43 PM
think i'm gonna go kill myself now...

07-23-2003, 01:48 PM
ever seen a boxer fight outside the ring without gloves on? they break their hands half the time.
so yes, they DO train punches one way, and then when called upon to use them, they can't (in a real-life fight) unless they execute them differently.

ever seen a bjj guy fight multiple opponents? some of his techniques aren't real wise to use in that situation.

your argument is flawed.

norther practitioner
07-23-2003, 01:53 PM
Welcome back Ralek.. glad to see you spewing the same crap.

07-23-2003, 01:54 PM
actually training deep kung fu stances is teh worst thing you can use for multiple opponents. Try to use that one legged crane stance when 50 sumo wrestlers are all around you, and then your going to get sumoed.

BJJ fighters practice escaping multiple opponetents by running away(the only real effective way) and training boxing to pick people off. And if you hit them in the jaw area you won't break your hand. you only break hand by hitting their top of head with overhand crosses.

07-23-2003, 01:57 PM
and the original boxing matcheds were bare hands. Boxing is a bare hand style that has evolved to gloves

Christopher M
07-23-2003, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
But then they say that they don't fight that way at all. They say that they come up out of their deep stances...

Not all of us. Many of us train in very moderate stances, just as we might wish to use martially, and find the above position as puzzling as you do.

Water Dragon
07-23-2003, 02:10 PM
Why are you talking bad about Kung Fu? Are you racism against Chinese?

07-23-2003, 02:11 PM
shaddap d o o f, that argument's flawed.

old time boxers used to pickle their hands to avoid breaks (sound familiar?). Also if you hit a heavy bag a few times a week for at least a round, without gloves it shouldn't be a problem.

And the "grappler's stink vs multiple opponents" hoopla; I gotta go with good ole MP. You realize what can take your balance & how to keep it real well when you actually train full out in having someone try to take it. Plus, if yah don't train on the ground, what do you do when it goes there beyond your control? How do you move, so you can get back up, so you can end the rain of kicks to your head?

Not to mention that you got baited, hook, line, and sinker by the forum's oldest and most prolific troll.

I'm so depressed right now I think I'm just gonna tune everything out and go back to dreaming about vegas.

old jong
07-23-2003, 02:15 PM
Enough!... (http://www.alcofielen.com/pics/forumpics/gay/toughguy.jpg) ;)

Laughing Cow
07-23-2003, 02:17 PM
Ralek is back.

Time to go and hunt me some Bambi.

07-23-2003, 02:20 PM
Why are you takin the clown serious? He's the most famous troll ever. He rules :D Your all idiots if u start a discussion of this crap. That's what he wants. :rolleyes:

07-23-2003, 02:23 PM
deep stances extend your root, help you to grip when you need it. not made for fighting.

Laughing Cow
07-23-2003, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by Kristoffer
Why are you takin the clown serious? He's the most famous troll ever. He rules :D Your all idiots if u start a discussion of this crap. That's what he wants. :rolleyes:

Naah, he has nothing on ACAMAC.

Now there is a TRULY EXCELLENT Troll.

07-23-2003, 02:35 PM
This place has actually been LACKING trolls lately. Kinda weird when u think about it

07-23-2003, 02:44 PM
First, i'm not a troll. I'm a fighter. And i have fought people from this forum in real life. the posts offend people becuase i say what i see.

I'm hearing from the replies that you guys don't use these stances and forms when you fight. Red5angel, you said the stanes are for "roots" and "not for fighting". If the stances are "not for fighting" then why do you train them. That is a waste of time that could be used for training to fight.

I think that many kung fu people see a kung fu movie that fights in a "flashy forms" way, and then assume that they can use thier forms to fight just like the guys use Forms to fight in the movies.

But in real life fights look like boxing/wrestling matches.

I want to meet some of you in real life who live in the Maryland area to talk about fighitng and to do some fighting.

Laughing Cow
07-23-2003, 02:47 PM

You are an "Agenda Troll", face it and admit it.


07-23-2003, 02:51 PM
Ralek, sometimes the things you train aren't directly related to the fighting techniques you use. For example, many people also weight train and do some sort of aerobic work to stay in shape. This all works to hone you down to a good fighter. The stance in kungfu is important, boxers have it toa lesser degree but their approach is different for the most part as well. It's not something that is specific to TMA by any means much less kungfu.

old jong
07-23-2003, 02:52 PM
Now this is getting really funny!....;)

07-23-2003, 02:52 PM
First, i'm not a troll. I'm a fighter


Volcano Admim
07-23-2003, 02:53 PM
Well, Ralek one, obviously you no not live in tough neightborhood, rich and spoiled train martial art dad pays i know you do, is dress like mailman and have sex with some guy on your dads bed, i dont know you rich trian martial art for have dad pay everything for you, brazilian naked man (jistu) kick table for you i know you do

07-23-2003, 02:56 PM
odd that volcano admin and Ralek show up at roughly the same time.....

07-23-2003, 03:00 PM
volcano. I have no formal martial arts trainign. And i live in an apartment and i'm definatly not rich. Alhtough i do have a computer and a car.

and red5angel. Odd that you show up at the same time as i do. Check my IP address if you want to verify anything.

Volcano Admim
07-23-2003, 03:01 PM
Well, pink24angel one, is conidicence many peoples here
sholintrigger also too

07-23-2003, 03:01 PM
so what about the training ralek, see the point to the deep stance in training yet?

07-23-2003, 03:04 PM

Basically your saying that the entire linegue of kung fu forms and techniques are just exercises to the likes of "wieght lifting".

This is the evidence to complete my thesis that kung fu is more of an aroebic dance or "ballet"

07-23-2003, 03:04 PM

That's it...
(throws "DON'T FEED THE TROLLS"-sign on the ground)

I'm outta here :rolleyes:

07-23-2003, 03:05 PM
uh no, we were discussing the deep stance you sometimes see in kungfu training.

Volcano Admim
07-23-2003, 03:05 PM
sorry i is just wnat friends :)

Well again, Rolls one, obviously you no not live in tough neightborhood, tv set on with console pennis (coins, not rich) you trian streets fight 2 dad pays vido game machine know you do, is dress like post officer and have sex with stranger (guy) on your bed, i dont know you car have you cant drive, i would kick your pelvis

07-23-2003, 03:06 PM
So are you implying that kung fu has seperate fighting techniques that are outside of the forms and stances realm?

07-23-2003, 03:31 PM
Boxers do many things that are useless when fighting. Situps, pushups, jumping rope, wrapping their hands. Pagan wrasslers do even more worthless randomness.

The only way to be ready for a fight is to cultivate your chi, and then shoot it at people.

Bite! Tasty.


Chang Style Novice
07-23-2003, 04:27 PM
Deja fu...

Laughing Cow
07-23-2003, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
Deja fu...

OMG, the treated "Deja Fu", a disciple of Lu Tze.


07-23-2003, 04:47 PM
Boxing is much easier to master than kung fu. The way I see it (this is just my opinion) is that if the power of a practitioner of kung fu and a boxer was plotted on a graph, the boxer's power would be a straight line going diagonaly up (the x axis being time spent training), while the kung fu guy's line would be a curve. This means that a boxer novice would be much stronger than a kung fu novice, and let's face it, most of us are novices. Novice being anything less than about 5-6 years of diligent training.

The reason people come out of their deep stances is because it is harder to fight in a deep stance than it is in a boxing stance. Most people do not put in the extra time to really learn to fight in true kung fu stances. If a boxer trains 2 hours a day and a kung fu guy trains 2 hours a day, the boxer will come out on top, simply because he trained in the high stances, while the kung fu guy hasn't (or at least not as much).

Us kung fu guys need to put in the extra effort and train harder, and those that do are much MUCH more powerful than boxers.

I use some low stances when fighting, but not as much as I am afraid of getting kicked in the crotch. But then again, I am still a novice.
This is all just my opinion.

Christopher M
07-23-2003, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by ComeToJesus
The reason people come out of their deep stances is because it is harder to fight in a deep stance than it is in a boxing stance. Most people do not put in the extra time to really learn to fight in true kung fu stances.

Are you associating "deep stance" with "true kung fu stance" here?

What about those of us who train kungfu with quite moderate stances - in fact, more moderate than many boxers'?

Chang Style Novice
07-23-2003, 05:03 PM
Ai-yi-yi. The more things change around here, the more they stay the same.

1 - Kungfu fighters fight
2 - Kungfu non-fighters don't fight.
3 - Boxers and wrestlers are pretty much all fighters.
4 - When fighters fight non-fighters, fighters win.
5 - When fighters fight fighters, fighters win.
6 - Therefore, in any given kungfu guy vs. any given boxer or wrestler match, the chances are the boxer or wrestler will win, because he is more likely to be a fighter.
7 - But, if the kungfu guy is a fighter, too, things aren't so easy to figure out.

8 - (unrelated) kungfu has lots of stances for different uses, some for fighting, others for conditioning. So what? Boxers don't jump rope in a fight, they jump rope for conditioning. Same diff.

Laughing Cow
07-23-2003, 05:09 PM
I as told that we should always train in the 3 heights for stances, as they provide different results and benefits.

07-23-2003, 05:19 PM
Well when I wrote that, I was mainly thinking of my style which is Hung gar. As for the moderate stance training people, I don't know what to say for you guys :eek:

07-23-2003, 05:23 PM
although some people don't like Ralek I find this to be a very important thread

07-23-2003, 06:00 PM
emphasis of proper posture in key positions
leg and core strength/endurance
pain tolerance
qi cultivation, if you're into that.

stances are not used as static postures or a "fighting position", and only in certain circumstances are they used as deep as they are trained.
for instance, i'm not going to root down in a thigh parallel horse stance in front of you and try to fight you like that. that's impractical for both body mechanics and endurance. but if given a chance for inner thigh lifting (firemans carry throw), you bet your sweet a ss i'm going thigh parallel and slamming my arm or shoulder into your crotch and lifting you with all of my leg strength.

07-23-2003, 06:35 PM
Us kung fu guys need to put in the extra effort and train harder, and those that do are much MUCH more powerful than boxers.

This is complete bull.

Neither fighting, or "power" have anything to do with what you call yourself, or what otherpeople call you.


07-23-2003, 06:43 PM
I have no clue what the hell you're talking about.

07-23-2003, 07:07 PM


Christopher M
07-23-2003, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by neigung
emphasis of proper posture in key positions
qi cultivation, if you're into that.

Some people use moderate stances for this as well. Not sure if you meant to imply otherwise.

07-23-2003, 07:18 PM
Christopher -

I didn't mean to imply that moderate height stances don't work or anything of that nature. I was just stating that low stances are for all of the things I listed.

Christopher M
07-23-2003, 07:20 PM
For sure... well, they can be for those things. My only point is that there's nothing specific about those things which require deep stances. Some people/styles/lineages use deep stances for those things as a training tool; other people/styles/lineages disagree with that approach.

07-23-2003, 07:25 PM
Could he be European Boxer in disguise? LOL. If no one knows what Im talking about, then proceed to "steet/reality fighting section" and click on the "Read This" thread.

Royal Dragon
07-23-2003, 07:46 PM
Hey Ralek!!

What happened to your fight with Nick Monticello? Did you get your ass kicked? It seems to me you got reeeaaaaalllllllyyyy Quiet around that time. I think he moped the floor with you.

Do tell, I want to know how your Gracie CD Rom traning worked out for you.

07-23-2003, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by Chang Style Novice
Ai-yi-yi. The more things change around here, the more they stay the same.

1 - Kungfu fighters fight
2 - Kungfu non-fighters don't fight.
3 - Boxers and wrestlers are pretty much all fighters.
4 - When fighters fight non-fighters, fighters win.
5 - When fighters fight fighters, fighters win.
6 - Therefore, in any given kungfu guy vs. any given boxer or wrestler match, the chances are the boxer or wrestler will win, because he is more likely to be a fighter.
7 - But, if the kungfu guy is a fighter, too, things aren't so easy to figure out.

8 - (unrelated) kungfu has lots of stances for different uses, some for fighting, others for conditioning. So what? Boxers don't jump rope in a fight, they jump rope for conditioning. Same diff.

This post is the only good thing to come out of this thread.

Chang Style Novice
07-23-2003, 09:37 PM
Thanks FatherDaaaaaaaaawg. It's lonely being a voice of reason sometimes.

07-23-2003, 09:52 PM
sorry… but this whole thread is the biggest load of wank!

Boxers are better at 'boxing' than most because that is what they specifically train for, but fighting is not a sport with rules. it is all about injuring the oponent more than he can injure you by whatever means available to you.
if you are not a boxer and you limit yourself to a 'boxing' contest with a trained boxer, chances are you will come off second best.
However, few if any boxers practice defending against anything below the waist, because they have a referee and rules to protect them.

07-24-2003, 02:41 AM
ralek i only been here for a while and i an alredy tell you are a big ass yes!
why diss out kung fu????
i would like to see a fight between bruce lee and mike tyson!!!
bruce lee would own him!!!
DOMINATE in fact.
and im not even gonna talk about a fight between hulk hogan and bruce lee.........

07-24-2003, 05:13 AM
Uhm.. Tyson would mop the floor with Bruce compadre

07-24-2003, 06:07 AM
Tyson would move in and bruce lee would kick him in the temple before tyson even saw it. also bruce lee is alot more flexibe so he could avoid tyson and go in underneath....
End Of Story

07-24-2003, 06:42 AM
but fighting is not a sport with rules.

Just to warn you fu-pau, this forum is going to destory you if you keep making comments like this. It's an often mis directed and misunderstood implication that has been well beaten out here and most good martial arts realise that rules or no rules, anyone at anytime can be a "good" fighter.

07-24-2003, 06:56 AM
of course ralek is a troll, he's one of the most famous oldest and best around here. still doesn't preclude him getting smacked down with a few short sentences :D

i still stand by the argument that boxers can and DO break their hands if they hit the same way outside the ring as they do inside the ring.

i also still stand by my argument that bjj players cannot and do not use the same tactics in single combat as they do in multiple combat.

i made both of these points to refute ralek's simpleminded claim that both aforementioned systems do not change from the way they train to how they fight in real life, which is simply not true...

07-24-2003, 07:30 AM
ever seen a boxer fight outside the ring without gloves on? they break their hands half the time. i get a good laff everytime i read crap like this... :D

07-24-2003, 07:49 AM
What is this crap about boxers not using their gloves and breaking hands? You people do realise they do some training without gloves right? You also realise that like kungfu peeps, some of their training has to be modified for use on the street and most of them are aware of this?

07-24-2003, 07:51 AM
ever seen a boxer fight outside the ring without gloves on? they break their hands half the time. I'll remind a boxer next time I'm in a street fight with one so he doesn't break my face at the same time.

07-24-2003, 07:59 AM
I'll remind a boxer next time I'm in a street fight with one so he doesn't break my face at the same time. I know… right… like KF guys are unbreakable… and a broken hand is the end of the world…

07-24-2003, 08:02 AM
Suntzu, truewrestler, didn't you know that we kungfu guys are the onlyones who know how to really hit someone without braking our fists?!

07-24-2003, 08:08 AM
I would rather have a broken hand than broken face :)

07-24-2003, 08:32 AM
I'd rather run… most fights I've witnessed/heard of were 10 against 1… Timbs and steel toe'd… bats and bricks… knives… and the 'occassional' small or large calibre firearm… and every now and than… once in a while… a military grade, rapid fire assault rifle... the last one on one confrontations that *I* am aware of were between 'friends' or folks that 'knew' each other and it was a ****ing contest... basically... and i am surprised that it didn't escalate into more... which it somtime does :( ...

norther practitioner
07-24-2003, 09:20 AM
I'm the only true inheritor of nobreakyour fist chuan..... All your other systems don't train right, everyone will break there hands...:D

What have we learned on this thread... csn had some good coments...neigung had a good thing to say.. oh and ralek is still the grandmaster of tjj.....................................

trolling jujitsu

07-24-2003, 09:38 AM
of course KF guys aren't unbreakable...d@mn you guys sure are touchy :mad:

here, let me be pedantic and spell it out for some folks since they seem to take things a bit too far...


i don't see what the big deal is with that statement, jeez... KF guys are the same way. anyone is, when they don't use protective gear.

maybe my initial assertion "half the time" was overstated, but i don't think the core of what i said was wrong...

07-24-2003, 09:46 AM
I would much rather be punched by you twice than once by a pro boxer :p

07-24-2003, 11:04 AM
Chang style novice has said most kung fu guys are "non-fighters".

What about the kung fu guys that are fighters? What techniques do they use? Considering that real fights look like boxing and wrestling the only way they could be a "fighter" would be to use boxing and wrestling.

Why does san shou look like boxing and wrestilng? how come a sport TKD black belt is dominating san shou?

Chang Style Novice
07-24-2003, 11:08 AM
The techniques and principles of boxing and wrestling are also used in kungfu. I've said this already, nitwit.

Cung Le is dominating San Shou because he's a phenomenal athelete, not because he used to study tkd.

Again, I ask - why do sombo, judo, bjj and wrestling groundfighting all look pretty similar? Gonna answer the question, idiot?

norther practitioner
07-24-2003, 11:09 AM
Why does san shou look like boxing and wrestilng

Hmmmm chuan means boxing, and cma's include the likes of sc throwing tech.... I don't know why it would look like that

07-24-2003, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Ralek
Why does san shou look like boxing and wrestilng?

3 factors:

* the rules
* the gear
* the training

i wont bother to explain, cos... you're Ralek hahahaha :D

07-24-2003, 11:14 AM

On a completely different note, I just wanna say that I know who "Ralek" really is now. :D (And "he" only has one IP address I'm sure.)

But I guess I can't tell you guys who "he" really is or how I came to find out about them......I mean him.


The myth was fun while it lasted though.


07-24-2003, 11:18 AM
it dont matter who he is, his myth doesnt compare to the myth of the mythically mysterious mastermind dark figure of Volcano Admim, a true troll hero

07-24-2003, 01:28 PM
"you gotta hate the SOB MF and WANT him UNDER the ground not on it."

Sounds like homicidal motivation.

norther practitioner
07-24-2003, 02:11 PM
separates the pansies from the pepper spray.

pepper spray is pansy

I like the coherent thoughts though.

07-24-2003, 03:27 PM
Things must have been really slow here for Gene to re-hire ralek. I wonder how much he makes on these flame posts.


In addition, a new flame thrower, berserker, seemes to be on the payroll too. Maybe the economy is improving.

Ok carry on, see you in the fall.


Chang Style Novice
07-24-2003, 04:42 PM
Last edited by berserker on 07-24-2003 at 07:34 AM

Cripes, I'd hate to have seen that before the edit.

07-24-2003, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by red5angel

Just to warn you fu-pau, this forum is going to destory you

:eek: Really? Should I warn my insurance company? Am I personally covered for "Forum Destruction" or is that an exclusion?
Now I'm really scared…

07-24-2003, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
people in kungfu will train forms and stances. But then they say that they don't fight that way at all. They say that they come up out of their deep stances and don't use the form's techniques.

This is why kung fu doens't work in real life. The way they train is not used. So all the time training forms and drills is a waste.

it's really funny that a TKD black belt and boxer guy Cung Lee has been whipping up on the kung fu guys in San shou. lol.

Firstly Ralek, when a boxer trains, he doesn't just stand around punching all day long. He does sit-up, press-ups, skipping etc. Kungfu forms are no different to a boxer studying those drills. We learn deep stances only as a way of strengthing our legs, we do long punches (called "yoke" punches) simpy as a way of learning to drop our shoulders and to learn our limitations.

But to catagories "boxing beats kungfu" or "tkd beats San Shou" is not very wise, simply because the style of the fighter has absolutely no bearing on how well he fights.

There is a saying in China "After one year, Boxer beats crap out of Shaolin; after 7 years Shaolin beats crap out of 4 boxers". The learning curve in kungfu is enourmous.

Kungfu is very hard to learn, it is not likely you will ever come across someone who can fight using kungfu. But do not look forward to the day you do, I have met people from T'ai Chi to Pak mei who could put 8 men down without breaking a sweat. But those people are few and far between, and certainly aren't going to be entering competitions.

07-25-2003, 04:46 AM
Originally posted by berserker

You guys are right kung fu guys are mostly painsywaists. They are just too REASONABLE like the flying flags and gorgeous uniforms and the soft life and thumping people with their finger chi and their evil eye. if you want to fight then you JUST fight and prepare to fight and be ready to fight and don't worry where and when.
So fighters fight and nonfighters not fight so like when i was in line in the bus station and someone was bothering me i slammed my shoulder into their head and like if they were close enough to get slammed then he deserved it and stunned he was and if he was short enough that my shoulder could fit into his head he deserved to get stunned done, which he did.
So i just use whatever whenever but if i was a pansywaist kung fu guy i couldnt do that but i am berserker the kungfu fighter guy so i can do that so do you think you can? think about it, do you have fire inside and your body on lock and load, i sure do!

Like you prepare, like prepare a steel bar wrapped in a newspaper i know about this i can show you and every strike breaks a bone, believe me i know, i really know.
DECEPTION and MISDIRECTION its all kungfu and the iron bar newspaper is one of the best deception, it looks so harmless and deception at one of its best looks so light and harmless and with the kungfu low crouching and whack his knees or shins for the first strike or break a forearm that doesn't know any better.
So MAKE it you know, have it ready when your troublemaker comes round or carry it around as REQUIRED reading. So secure only one sheet of paper with lots of pics to shown its a newspaper securely with celotape to the bar before you roll it, then you must COVER the newspaper with cello as well or the print comes off it your hands and it loses it's look and you must leave an overlap at each end and then cut and glue some rolls to guise the ends so they don't gleam and there you GO!!! No one can know.
Use it! That's the point for a fighter. That's what its for, to fight, thats what kungfu is for for a kungfu fighter.
So i'm a kungfu fighter an anything fighter a fighter in fact. But you really sound like you were kicked in the head by a mad cow Mr. R caz you sound so confused about fighting. What's the problem? Just do it any way you want.
Never mind about not getting hurt i always get hurt. All that punching in the air and on the bag then on one job i did bagwork on my bosses head and i cracked my wrist. How's that for uselessness? Always get hurt. He rushed me to strangle me and i got a good one circular to his jaw and he went over his heels then i turned his face into a golf ball like. Like he was so mad he wanted to kill me har har i wonder why? thats another kung fu tecknique, get to their minds. Anything goes. Anyway i only got a seven day suspension so it was wellworth it, he being an oppressor of the masses and an oppressor of me, so don't worry i gave him a few good ones for all the little guys who couldn't fight back, like don't worry trust me, he was the BAD guy, i'm the good guy, i did it ffor all of us.

So there you know! CAN YOU GET IT? answer is motivation. Fire in the brain, berserker in the heart.
IF you don't believe you'll never find NEVER NEVER LAND AND TINKER BELL WILL DIE!!!! understand me? you gotta hate the SOB MF and WANT him UNDER the ground not on it.
Then you don't have to think about anything or worry about anything or get confused like Mr. R.
WANT not THINK, separates the pansies from the pepper spray.

like can u make that more clear.:confused:

07-25-2003, 05:05 AM
this forum must be onthe brink of death to bring back Ralek and some new trolls :D


David Jamieson
07-25-2003, 05:13 AM
Kungfu training is kungfu training. Do it, or don't do it, that's really all there is to it.

As for trolls, what kind of life are you living when this trolling is your source of communication. It's pathetic really. I picture a group of nerds, who have banded together because they lack the ability to communicate with other human beings and have decided to use their combined nerd powers to attempt ticking off people on the net.

hee hee. ridiculous.


07-25-2003, 05:56 AM
"tkd beats San Shou" :eek: BULLSNOT!!!! :mad: ..................... :rolleyes: .......... :D

07-25-2003, 06:03 AM
I think white_sash is Rolls :p
Anyone who writes this crap must be a troll

Tyson would move in and bruce lee would kick him in the temple before tyson even saw it. also bruce lee is alot more flexibe so he could avoid tyson and go in underneath....


07-25-2003, 06:04 AM
...coz we all know that Bruce aint all that 'flexible' these days

:p :D

07-25-2003, 09:19 AM
yes your right
but when he was at the peak of his fitness, bruce was certainly amazing. (i mean doing press ups with one finger) i dont think i will ever be able to do that.
he was the symbol the kung fu strength.

07-25-2003, 09:19 AM
"TKD beats san shou"

Well. there is some convincing evidence to suggest that this is true. Such as the results of actually san shou fights where TKDer's mopped the floor with the san shou guys. Sport TKD black belt Cung Le has moved on to become the champion of San Shou and has defeated many chinese fighters.

TKD may be stupid compared to BJJ. But what is stupider? The stupid? or the thign that gets defeated by the stupid? TKD champion Cung Le is kicking ass and taking names.

And another thing. Your all saying that the traditional techniques and forms are not for fighting, but for exercise. OK, i got it. Now what techniques do you use for fighting? Can you describe some techniques that are for fighitng (not excersies).

07-25-2003, 09:22 AM
yeah this trolls have no respect
i think they should all be tortured
all of them people that trolls
and have more than one name

07-25-2003, 09:22 AM

go to the link above and bask in bruce lees greatness.
(especiallly you ralek)
let it load by the way it is worth it.

07-25-2003, 09:26 AM
yeah this trolls have no respect
i think they should all be tortured
all of them people that trolls
and have more than one name
I agree, Ral... er....Xebby.

07-25-2003, 09:35 AM
I use only one name. Ralek. The only time i've changed names is when i was banned. Check my IP address if you think soemoen is me.

And what techniques does kung fu use that are for fighting?(not exercise)

07-25-2003, 09:38 AM
Elbows, punches, forearms, kicks, knees, finger strikes, joint manipulation, grabbing, clawing/raking, choking and sometimes biting.

07-25-2003, 09:43 AM
that won't front
braggin' on your stunts
coke in ya nose
knock out ya gold fronts

Here comes the Nazarene
look good in that magazine
Haile Selassie
they look after i
god will recieve us
got me like jesus
god will recieve us
got me like jesus

mary magdalaine
that'd be my first sin
being with this temptress
it's a mongrel rage
it's a new age
as long as you're humble
let you be the king of jungle

we run everything
always and ever
has been has been
heard there's german-jamaicans
with twisted faces
same as it ever was
tell me what the race is

it's surreal
they're not real
i put them on their places
they used to call me tricky-kid
i lived the life they wished they did
Lived the life, don't own a car
and now they call me superstar

tell'm where you at baby ahhhh!
they used to call me tricky-kid
i lived the life they wished they did
i lived the life don't own a car
and now they call me superstar

are you disturbed? i'll be with..
everybody wants to know what my momma did (where my mind is)
i'll tell you everything
i'll tell you lies
look deep into my mongrel eyes

tell me what you see
tell me what you see
tell me what you see
when you look into these mongrel eyes... ahhhh!

[repeat all that stuff again]

look deep into my mongrel eyes
everybody wants a record deal
and everybody wants a...
and everybody wants a record deal
(**** it the deal)
everybody wants to be naked and famous
naked and famous!
and everybody wants to be naked and famous
naked and famous
and everybody wants to be just like me
i'm naked
and famous

they used to call me...
what'd they call you, what they call you
they used to call me
tricky-kid tricky-kid
they used to call me tricky-kid
i lived the life they wished they did
tricky-kid tricky-kid
they used to call me tricky-kid
i lived the life they wished they did
Lived the life, don't own a car
and now they call me superstar
i lived the life
you lived the life tricky-kid

07-25-2003, 06:21 PM
Ralek, I have a great idea, first, why don't you go play in traffic. Go out to the nearest major highway and just start playing with a nice shiney ball. Do us all a favor, ok? Secondly, why don't you go up to Pan Qing-Fu and tell him that his kung fu is useless against you? Why don't you go to a kwoon and prove all this? Oh yeah, that's because your sole reason for existing is just to troll. The Kung Fu that I have seen in MMA competitions is rather mis-represented. You can troll and troll all you want, but the fact of the matter is that we all know the effectiveness of Kung Fu. Since not every single movement doesn't have a direct, simple, 2 yr old appliication, you choose to label it as inefective. You are such a worthless moron it's not even funny.

07-25-2003, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
I use only one name. Ralek. The only time i've changed names is when i was banned. Check my IP address if you think soemoen is me.

And what techniques does kung fu use that are for fighting?(not exercise)

how do I do that? I'd love to have your IP adress! You're stupider than i thought. And that's pretty bad man.

07-25-2003, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by Ryu

On a completely different note, I just wanna say that I know who "Ralek" really is now. :D (And "he" only has one IP address I'm sure.)

But I guess I can't tell you guys who "he" really is or how I came to find out about them......I mean him.


The myth was fun while it lasted though.


you should auction off his IP on e-bay. lol.

07-25-2003, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by white_sash
Tyson would move in and bruce lee would kick him in the temple before tyson even saw it. also bruce lee is alot more flexibe so he could avoid tyson and go in underneath....
End Of Story

Most likely, he would either try to trap him or use Kali footwork to avoid the punches. Bruce Lee would deffinately beat Tyson, or any boxer for that matter. Wanna know why? It's not cause he's bruce, it's cause his way of fighting is more versatile than a boxers. He could kick them and keep at a longer range. Simply based upon the principle of versatility, he would win.

07-25-2003, 07:59 PM


lets just do what we did one of the last times he started yappin away, and just post this pic every time he has something to say.

Ralek: look up dense or thick headed in the dictionary, you may find your picture there. Oh yeah, another nice thing to say to a japanese girl is "Bokuno wa tanshou c h i n k o", but you gotta say it with a smile!

07-26-2003, 12:07 PM
ok... could someone explain why the word troll is used to describe ralek?
remember im new!

07-26-2003, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Kymus

Originally posted by white_sash

Tyson would move in and bruce lee would kick him in the temple before tyson even saw it. also bruce lee is alot more flexibe so he could avoid tyson and go in underneath....
End Of Story
Comprendez?Most likely, he would either try to trap him or use Kali footwork to avoid the punches. Bruce Lee would deffinately beat Tyson, or any boxer for that matter. Wanna know why? It's not cause he's bruce, it's cause his way of fighting is more versatile than a boxers. He could kick them and keep at a longer range. Simply based upon the principle of versatility, he would win. One word for you.... Bullfvckingsh!t

07-26-2003, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by truewrestler
Most likely, he would either try to trap him or use Kali footwork to avoid the punches. Bruce Lee would deffinately beat Tyson, or any boxer for that matter. Wanna know why? It's not cause he's bruce, it's cause his way of fighting is more versatile than a boxers. He could kick them and keep at a longer range. Simply based upon the principle of versatility, he would win. One word for you.... Bullfvckingsh!t [/QUOTE]

seeing as both of your responces towards me have been with some sort of smart @ssed comment, I'm not going to even bother getting into this with you.

07-26-2003, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Kymus
lets just do what we did one of the last times he started yappin away, and just post this pic every time he has something to say.

good one. i prefer this pic when dealing with trolls :D

07-26-2003, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by neigung

good one. i prefer this pic when dealing with trolls :D

I like that one. Maybe we should first post the stfu one, and then next to it, the troll, so it's like a sentense basically? hehe

07-27-2003, 03:44 AM
good idea!
using big easy letters and pictograms to get the message across is probably the best way. we all know they can barely read and type.

07-27-2003, 03:55 AM
ha! i had never seen that stfu pic before - its a classic! :D


chen zhen
07-27-2003, 04:17 AM

07-27-2003, 07:27 AM
i pity the fool

chen zhen
07-27-2003, 07:38 AM
Mr. T or Arnie for president?


07-27-2003, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by truewrestler
Most likely, he would either try to trap him or use Kali footwork to avoid the punches. Bruce Lee would deffinately beat Tyson, or any boxer for that matter. Wanna know why? It's not cause he's bruce, it's cause his way of fighting is more versatile than a boxers. He could kick them and keep at a longer range. Simply based upon the principle of versatility, he would win. One word for you.... Bullfvckingsh!t [/QUOTE]

you are troll eh?

07-27-2003, 04:21 PM
No.... simply, Bruce would not beat Tyson 99 out of a 100 times. I wouldn't take Bruce against top pro-boxers at his weight let alone Mike Tyson.

07-28-2003, 09:00 AM
omg i dont think u understand how good bruce lee was.

07-28-2003, 09:03 AM
Bruce wouldn't beat De La Hoya.

norther practitioner
07-28-2003, 09:05 AM
How many documented fights did Bruce have? Can you honestly say, other than his movies, that you know how he fought? He was a good cha cha dancer from what I understand...lol:rolleyes:

07-28-2003, 09:09 AM
think about it....
he does press ups with one finger..... thats a sign of power.
also people who have been hit by one of his side kicks said it was like being hit be a car at 100 miles per hour.
bruce lees unique jeet kune do style would prevail over a boxer, i dont care how good the boxer was. the boxer would come to hit bruce lee and bruce would either block it or move out of the way and counter attack them.
oh lets not foget bruce has abilty to jump up and kick people...
boxer= pwned

07-28-2003, 09:10 AM

Tyson would have a chance against the top K-1 fighters at his weight in my opinion. He would fair much worse against a fighter who could take him down but I don't think Bruce can.

So I don't think 1) Bruce could beat him with striking... hell, Tyson is a 100lbs heavier 2) that Bruce could take him down, keep him down, or beat him on the ground.

07-28-2003, 09:12 AM
who says bruce has to put tyson down?
he could just kick him in the head and tyson wouldnt know what to do.
tyson would be a fat heff and bruce would take advantage of this by getting shots in and getting out of the way.

07-28-2003, 09:13 AM
lol, keep believing that... TKD 4 Life!!

07-28-2003, 09:15 AM
Obviously, white_sash, your limited martial experience has made you an expert at defeating trained, hardened fighters. When you actually get into a fight and come out on top, or get laid, whichever comes first, come back and let us know how it went.

07-28-2003, 09:24 AM
when you actually watch bruce lee in action , plz post again

07-28-2003, 09:37 AM
I saw Bruce in action in a sparring competition just last night on an A&E Documentary. What is your point?

He would lose in my opinion.

07-28-2003, 09:49 AM
I though for sure WS was trolling until I read his posts on the Southern Forum. He really believes what he's saying.:(

Judge Pen
07-28-2003, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by weightvest

There is a saying in China "After one year, Boxer beats crap out of Shaolin; after 7 years Shaolin beats crap out of 4 boxers". The learning curve in kungfu is enourmous.

Kungfu is very hard to learn, it is not likely you will ever come across someone who can fight using kungfu. But do not look forward to the day you do, I have met people from T'ai Chi to Pak mei who could put 8 men down without breaking a sweat. But those people are few and far between, and certainly aren't going to be entering competitions.

07-28-2003, 10:59 AM
IMO u are both "trolls" to be on this thread and even on this site dedicated to kung fu enthuisiats.

master killer may i suggest the mike tyson fansite.
and as for truewrestler i think you should be looking at www.wwe.com or sommet

07-28-2003, 11:02 AM
yeah, True Wrestling means Fake Wrestling... you are an idiot

07-28-2003, 11:03 AM
i hope u get kicked off this forum

07-28-2003, 11:04 AM
"also people who have been hit by one of his side kicks said it was like being hit be a car at 100 miles per hour."

The only person I know that was hit by a car going 100 miles per hour is dead. :( (3 months ago) :(

"when you actually watch bruce lee in action , plz post again"

indeed, when YOU actually watch bruce lee in action , plz post again.

But they arent ever going to fight, so none of you will ever be right. Oh darn.

As far as Bruce fighting mike... Who knows, but one hit from mike would destroy bruce. He may hit like a 200 lb man, but he can only take a hit like a 145 lb man or whatever the hell he weighed.

Even if little guys hit hard, they still are little guys. Bigger people can get hit harder. Period. Unless its one pansy ass mofo of a big dude... :)

07-28-2003, 11:06 AM
i give up

07-28-2003, 11:11 AM
Well... it is a kind of endless, redundant, pointless argument.
Anyhow, I would avoid the name calling as of yet if I were you white sash, until you have made some sort of name for yourself...
But then again, this is just an internet forum, so you may really care less, but a lot of the people here have a lot of good to say, and it would be unwise to make ill relations so early on....

07-28-2003, 11:12 AM

07-28-2003, 11:13 AM
i give up!!
chill out !!

07-28-2003, 11:30 AM

07-29-2003, 06:29 PM
Bruce Lee had his ass kicked several times in real fights. For example, Gene Le Bell(a wrestler and judo guy) beat Bruce Lee druing training and made him tap out like a beotch several times.

Bruce Lee got beat up by Wong Jack Man. A totally unknown guy off the street named Jack Man put Bruce in the hospital.

Bruce Lee also got a back injury fighitng a muay thai person.

07-29-2003, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
...Wong Jack Man. A totally unknown guy off the street named Jack Man put Bruce in the hospital.

LOL totally unknown. :D Sheesh;)

shaolin kungfu
07-29-2003, 07:10 PM
Bruce Lee also got a back injury fighitng a muay thai person.

I thought he hurt his bacl lifting weights or something.

07-29-2003, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
Bruce Lee had his ass kicked several times in real fights. For example, Gene Le Bell(a wrestler and judo guy) beat Bruce Lee druing training and made him tap out like a beotch several times.

Bruce Lee got beat up by Wong Jack Man. A totally unknown guy off the street named Jack Man put Bruce in the hospital.

Bruce Lee also got a back injury fighitng a muay thai person.

for the last time, Bruce and Gene simply went over a few things with eachother. Gene is quoted to have a lot of respect for Bruce Lee.

and please Ralek, if you're gonna open your mouth, atleast talk about something you know to be true, not the stupid BS you usually babble about. You are a stupid pathetic moron who obviously knows nothing, and if your source of experience is from a book, then you deffinatly can't talk about how one art is inferior to the next.

07-29-2003, 07:37 PM
"for the last time, Bruce and Gene simply went over a few things with eachother. Gene is quoted to have a lot of respect for Bruce Lee. "

That's disappointing... Bruce could have learned a lot from him.

07-29-2003, 07:38 PM
Sounds like more than going over a few things:


07-29-2003, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by Ralek
...as BJJ is undefeated agaisnt kungfu...

Actually if I remember, Bullshido did a story a few months back about a Wing Tsun guy who defeated a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu guy in a match.

07-29-2003, 11:01 PM

Its a shame you can't use that single minded idealism in a more constructive way.

07-30-2003, 02:26 AM
Originally posted by Ralek
Bruce Lee had his ass kicked several times in real fights. For example, Gene Le Bell(a wrestler and judo guy) beat Bruce Lee druing training and made him tap out like a beotch several times.

Bruce Lee got beat up by Wong Jack Man. A totally unknown guy off the street named Jack Man put Bruce in the hospital.

Bruce Lee also got a back injury fighitng a muay thai person.

thats the most bull**** i have heard in a long time.
he didnt injure his back fighting. he forgot to warm up properly once and his back injury left him in a bed for 6 months where he studied using books and defied doctors who said he could not train anymore.
ralek dont open you mouth it smells of bull****.

07-30-2003, 02:50 AM
I don't think there is such a thing as the best style or whatever.
In real combat there's also a lot more than technique you can use to win a fight. Speed, strength and skill aren't patents of only one style or something. But it are 3 factors that do matter and don't have anything to do with a certain style but with the individual itself.

Arguing about who could have beaten who is in my opinion irrelevant.
And sh#tting on each others head about "this is the best style" and "we definitly will kick your or your as#" is not only irrelevant but also childish.
I would not even bother arguing with such kind of guy(s)

Every style has pros and contras. We could discuss them in a respectful way, i'd like that.


07-30-2003, 02:55 AM

07-30-2003, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by SifuAbel

Its a shame you can't use that single minded idealism in a more constructive way. Please explain... thanks

07-30-2003, 08:21 AM
:rolleyes: :D

07-30-2003, 04:04 PM
Geez man, ever notice how whenever Ralek posts, not only does it get hundreds of replies, but alot of the new members pop in to post? We got white_sash with less than 30 posts over here and 3 months of Kung Fu training plus many others.

And wtf is Volacno Admin talking about?

07-30-2003, 07:01 PM
Bruce Lee is a movie star who is a great fighter only in the minds of deluded fans. In reality his fighting record is not very impressive. i have more respect for Fred Ettish (at least ettish fought instead of doing movies)

This thread isn't about Bruce Lee though.

I want to fight someone from the forum again. If you live in the maryland area and are interested just let me know. This is not a bullish challenge match, rather a learning experience. I want to experience fighting against kung fu in a real fight again. I haven't been in any fights since i fought shaolin tiger. It's been like 2 years sicne i've been in a fight.

07-30-2003, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by PHILBERT
Geez man, ever notice how whenever Ralek posts, not only does it get hundreds of replies, but alot of the new members pop in to post? We got white_sash with less than 30 posts over here and 3 months of Kung Fu training plus many others.

And wtf is Volacno Admin talking about?

Thats why gene pays him the big bucks.

07-31-2003, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by SifuAbel

Thats why gene pays him the big bucks.
i only post when ralek posts because i i find his comments intriging and funny.
especially in his last post when he said "bruce lee is only a good martial artists in the minds of deluded fans"
i almost fell off my chair laughing at that.

Judge Pen
07-31-2003, 07:39 AM
Originally posted by Ralek
Bruce Lee is a movie star who is a great fighter only in the minds of deluded fans. In reality his fighting record is not very impressive. i have more respect for Fred Ettish (at least ettish fought instead of doing movies)

This thread isn't about Bruce Lee though.

I want to fight someone from the forum again. If you live in the maryland area and are interested just let me know. This is not a bullish challenge match, rather a learning experience. I want to experience fighting against kung fu in a real fight again. I haven't been in any fights since i fought shaolin tiger. It's been like 2 years sicne i've been in a fight.

I though you had another fight lined up. Whatever happened to that fight?

07-31-2003, 07:59 AM
You talkin barefisted?
Video would be excellent... (said in mr. burns like tone while tapping fingers together....)

Judge Pen
07-31-2003, 08:06 AM
I think he just talks smack, but who knows? I was just curious to see what happened to the last fight he lined up here. Apparently it didn't happen because he says ST was his last fight. For a good time, do a search and read their posts describing that fight. Hours of entertainment.

07-31-2003, 08:09 AM
Yes. Barefisted fighting. When i fought shaolin tiger there was a lot of blood becuase of cuts. The police were even called and a bicycle police man came. We had stopped fighting by the time the bicycle police man came and he just rode right by us.

I punched shaolin tiger in the mouth and cut my hand on his tooth.

07-31-2003, 08:10 AM
Anyone who thinks that fight really took place is insane in the membrane.

Anyone who thinks Ralek isn't the secret identity of someone else on this board is insane in the membrane.

Anyone who takes anything he says seriously is insane in the membrane.

Judge Pen
07-31-2003, 08:13 AM
I didn't say I believed him. I just thought it was a good read.

Besides, things are a bit slow today. Trying to find some way to entertain myself. :)

07-31-2003, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by Ralek
The police were even called and a bicycle police man came. We had stopped fighting by the time the bicycle police man came and he just rode right by us.

Well hello Josh how you been:) did the bicycle of a squeaky wheel

07-31-2003, 10:07 AM
"Trying to find some way to entertain myself"

You do work in an office building, yes?
Theres a whole lot to do in those... hehehe
*evil grin*

08-01-2003, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by MasterKiller
Anyone who thinks that fight really took place is insane in the membrane.

Anyone who thinks Ralek isn't the secret identity of someone else on this board is insane in the membrane.

Anyone who takes anything he says seriously is insane in the membrane.

Well then, chalk me up in the 'insane' category. I've talked with Shaolintiger about this at great length in person. I have no doubt that it happened.

However, I'm not suggesting that's any reason to take Ralek seriously.

Stuart B.

08-04-2003, 03:00 PM
Yes. The fight did happen. Ask shaolin Tiger.

08-04-2003, 03:06 PM
If memory serves, he said he just toyed with you and didn't get really serious. You, on the other hand, made it sound like you made him gush buckets.

It may have happened but the facts of the encounter are sketchy at best.

08-04-2003, 03:15 PM
no. didnt' exagerate. there really was cuts and blood.

08-04-2003, 05:13 PM
Bruce Lee Was The Best Of His Time
by Gene LeBell
Both Bruce Lee and Gene LeBell incurred the wrath of traditionalists because they attempted to modify the arts they learned to create a more functional way of fighting.

I met Bruce Lee for the first time during the filming of the television show The Green Hornet, on which he played a butler. He was a nice fellow. The stunt coordinator hired me, and I worked on quite a few episodes. During that time, I was able to get to know Bruce a little bit, and we even worked out together. He was the best martial artist of his time.

Bruce and I had a bond with the martial arts, and we would get together frequently. We worked out about 10 to 12 times at his place in Los Angeles' Chinatown and at my place. When I went to his place, he showed me what he did, and I showed him what I did. Although he seemed to love the finishing holds of grappling, it just wasn't commercially attractive at the time. Actually. it was because of my grappling and tumbling background that I was hired to do the television show-because I could take falls for Bruce.

Bruce is more famous now than he was when he was alive. He was an entertaining fellow who was very knowledgeable and very good at what he did. People may wonder just how good a martial artist Bruce Lee was. Well, as I said earlier. he was the best of his time. Also, many of his former students are doing very well today. That's a sign that he was a good martial artist and that he was able to make his students into good martial artists.

Bruce developed and performed his own style of kung fu. and a lot of the traditional guys didn't like it because it broke from Chinese tradition. I know what that is like because I had the same trouble when I tried to improve different martial arts by changing things for the better. I believe that anytime you can have an open mind and learn something new, then add It to Your repertoire, it's a good thing. It will only make You and your students more knowledgeable.

At first Bruce was not particularly receptive to the grappling art that I practiced, but he eventually warmed up to it somewhat. I thought that was great. I've always been a big believer in crosstraining, and I've practiced most of the major martial arts, as well as boxing and wrestling. I believe that a person who is involved with the martial arts should know as Much as he can about all styles. The martial artists that I disagree with are the ones that know only their art ' they don't know anything about other styles and they don't like anything else.

As I said, Bruce started out with sort of a negative opinion of grappling. but after we worked out. he demonstrated that he had an open mind when he acknowledged how practical it was for certain things; in certain situations". Some of the techniques I shared with him were leg locks, arm locks, hold downs and judo throws.

Bruce and I didn't agree on everything. For example. I've always been a believer in bobbing and weaving to avoid an opponent's punches - instead of blocking with your hands. Bruce's theory was to block a punch and then, strike back with your open hand or fist. My point of view was that it You can avoid absorbing blows in a match or a fight. - and then come in with offensive moves, You'll live a lot longer.

Although no one in the martial arts community today seems to have the same charisma that Bruce had, there are many great martial artists Out there teaching and competing. This statement is not intended to take anything away from Bruce. He was a leader and trendsetter. I wish he were still with us today.

End Article.

It's amazing that people really have such little knowledge of what Jeet Kune Do actually was back then. The actual art had nothing to do with his movies. His movies were HK film stuff without the wire garbage. Nothing more.
People on both sides chalk Bruce's acting career up to the criteria of what his art was about. LOL.

It's almost amusing to read at times. JKD was literally a "mixed martial arts" philosophy which incorporated western sport training with eastern fighting. Bruce continued to find his weaknesses and addressed them one by one. That's how he trained.
By the end of his life, "Jeet Kune Do" was a strong mixture of boxing, muay thai, wing chun, judo, and wrestling.

For God's sake everyone, talk to the original students, or Dan, or Linda, or SOMEONE other than the people who watch his movies LOL.


08-05-2003, 10:06 AM
Been there done that. The people that haven't sparred with one of Mr Lee's students really need to shut up! Because if they had they would'nt be selling wolf tickets.

Ray Pina
08-05-2003, 11:04 AM
Ralek, there is an open Kung Fu tournament being held in NJ next month -- Sept. 27. There will be both External and Internal martial artist there. This could be a forum for you to base your claims, being that I'll assume those kung fu guys signing up for fighting, will be, uh, fighters. You can stay with me the night before if you want.

You should understand a few things: Good kung fu is not so easy to find -- even here in NYC. Chances are the local kwoon in your small Maryland town is a place for people to learn some forms, wear cool uniforms and do some light to moderate chi sau. Nothing wrong with that, but don't confuse it with guys who are banging around, testing their techniques and modifying them.

Another thing: Who's going to drive to Maryland to fight you? You're a 20 year old from no where who learned BJJ from a CD ROM ... I can roll at Gracies gym in the city for $20 and save myself gas, toll and legal bills.

I don't strongly disagree with some of your points, actually. But you're purposely pushing buttons. You know what, I don't think too highly of TKD as a "fighting art", but I don't waist my time going to a TKD board to talk smack. And I'm wise enough to know there's some good TKD guys out there that have powerful, sneaky kicks.

Think about it. What are you tryign to achieve? One photo of you holding a trophy from a Kung Fu tournament says more than all the post you've ever made or will make here. Consider it. NJ is just a short car ride away.

Dragon Warrior
08-05-2003, 11:25 AM
Are You talking about the Wong Fei Hung Tournement?

I'll be there this year fighting in the advanced division

A while ago, me and ralek had some words on here and were supposed to set up a match, of course he *****ed out but I would love to see him there.

White Sash, i trully admire Bruce Lee, he was an amazing martial artist, but i do not think he can stand up with tyson. the only way bruce can beat tyson is if he took him to the ground. I dont really know how good Bruce's takedowns and ground skills were though, but i dont think tyson's takedown defenses are that great either.

De la hoya vs. Bruce would be fun to watch though. I definetely think in a real fight bruce would take out De La Hoya. He would probably throw some sidekicks and wait for the opportunity to take him down. Only a moron would stand up and fight with a pro boxer, ecspecially tyson.

Didnt Butterbean beat a k-1 fighter recently, with k-1 rules. I heard he just ate the kicks and came in throwing punches.

Ray Pina
08-05-2003, 11:37 AM
Yea. I'm going too. I just reinjured my carpal tunnel banging around earlier than I should have so I'm cutting out all contact training unfortunatly -- great stratagey before a fight, huh? I guess I'll just keep surfing (doesn't bother it thank God), biking and work on walking, and other training. I'm only hoping not playing for two months will get me fired up when the time comes. It's just not easy to stand around and watch when others are sparring. Sucks.

Dragon Warrior
08-05-2003, 11:54 AM
i know that feeling, it really sucks. that's why i always spar and train injured and i never heal.

what school do you train at???

08-05-2003, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by EvolutionFist

I don't strongly disagree with some of your points, actually. But you're purposely pushing buttons. You know what, I don't think too highly of TKD as a "fighting art", but I don't waist my time going to a TKD board to talk smack. And I'm wise enough to know there's some good TKD guys out there that have powerful, sneaky kicks.

That is exactly the point. Serious martial artists who actually train in an art would not do that. Ralek does. He/they go from forum to forum talking smack to get a rise. Ha ha. It works. Some people are actually foolish enough to debate with him. Some actually think they can convince him by calling him out. ralek will never fight. He's a troll, not serious enough to follow through on anything. There is a major Kou shou tournament in Baltimore every year right near where he/they live. I have been there. The fighting is pretty good and there are always many schools and style represented. If he really wanted to he would of by now.

Are any of Mr. Chans students competing in Bagua this Sept.? To bad about the ?elbow. Hope you get in there.

Ray Pina
08-05-2003, 12:43 PM
Dragon Warrior: I trane with Master Bond Chan on Bowery Street in Chinatown. I noticed you're from the Island. If you ever want to check it out give me a call, just to see.

I initially poped the wrist back in Oct fighing at a TKD tournament of all places. You could kick the head but not punch it so going off on the side of the guys gear (red dot) forced him out of the ring but in the end my wrist was worst for wear. I'm of the punch the head school. I believe if you're hitting something solid like a body, heavy bag, tree or wall and not hurting your untaped wrist you might not be punching hard enough (sometimes). Learned a lesson there: Don't play by other people's stupid rules.

Really screwed it up at a March tourny in Philly and it "popped" last Monday. And of course I rolled with a BJJ friend who stopped by last night. So that was the last straw. I'm done for at least 5 weaks.

Count: My master doesn't really like tournaments. His thing is to take some of us back to China to fight the Beijing team. You met him. The down side of having a teacher who fights, nobody is ever pressured to step up. Master handles everything! While it's cool, it's also embarrassing. At the same time he's the best man in the building so what can ya do. I'm training so I can stand in for him oneday. I've improved a lot over the past year but still lots to do.

I'm not sure what I should enter in Sept. I'd love to play with some Ba Gua guys for the experince but I have to say, my technique is mostly Hsing-I. Though my kicking is E-Chuan and Imperial Palace Ba Gua.

Training with Master Chan is an experience. He always makes you think and reexamine yourself and technique. I go out to play and from time to time get hurt. His thinking is you shouldn't go out to fight, just beat somebody. I'm young and foolish and think if I'm going to be that way I have to fight now. Secretly I think he agrees, just prefers not to know about it, doesn't wan to encourage it. There a lot of smart, professional folks at the school -- doctors, lawyers. Black eyes are alright for the Cuban kid though, no big deal.

08-05-2003, 02:29 PM
Another Cuban kid :D :D :D