View Full Version : Video of Chiu Chi Man

07-24-2003, 09:05 AM
Got a message from Shifu Kai-Uwe-Pel :he told me about a video of Chiu Chi Man -I guess showing the staff-form performed in the way Kai-Uwe knows it- maybe he just wanted to make fun of me also- who knows- but I'm curious about this video though.. ;) Does anyone know it? I'm sorry I don't? Maybe Kai-Uwe himself wants to tell us more about it....;)

07-24-2003, 10:06 AM
maybe he doesn't want to tell us more ? Another p.m. but no post that helps any further :confused:
except: Lee Kam Wing is said to have it also as I heard now.. thx for help, Kai-Uwe..
And a question off-topic: anyone from the LKW-lineage except us germans "on board" ?

07-24-2003, 11:22 AM
Hey german cousins,

I am on the LKW lineage as well. My sifu is Sifu john cheng.

07-24-2003, 11:29 AM
Thought here were only WHF- people around...I'm curious how your training looks like and especially if you have the bang-bo as a partner-version also-? It's because we don't have so in germany usually.. though we train the applications of each form with a partner again and again, but not fixed in a form..?:)

07-25-2003, 07:47 PM

i did ask sifu cheng and he said there is actually a form. I have not learned it but we do the same thing. we practice the applications as well. the interesting is when sifu plays beng bu out, while playing chi sau. when he touches hands with me and is practically playing beng bu from one movement to the next and all im trying to do is defend and I dont even realize he has just finished beng bu. From what I understand, if the form is executed correctly one movement sets the next movement up for the next move. Wang Lang was a great master to have created somehting like beng bu. With all the new forms I am learning i still go back to beng bu and is still amazed.

07-26-2003, 06:05 AM
Yes, you're right. Still amazing for me also..allways find out something new.. refering to the partner-set: There was a discussion about it in another thread.. It's said that the great LGY taught the form as a partner-application-form for drilling the techniques and the twelve main-principles.. but in our lineage LKW doesn't teach it as a form, he only teaches the applications..though it makes sense to train applications in a form, also.