View Full Version : Bodybuilding comp qigong?

07-29-2003, 10:36 AM
Do bodybuilders do some kind of chi kung when they are on stage to really get those veins popping, besides seroids. I mean they must have to have alot of qi.

07-30-2003, 05:31 AM
Not necissarily
muscular stregnth and qi are two different things. Blood vessels and meridians are also two different things. Two much muscle may actually be considered excess Yang by TCM, and would be considered harmful to health. Some qigong/internal arts masters look as though they are weak with no muscles, however they have great internal strenth. I'm not saying it impossible for that to be true, I just dont think many of them practice qigong.

Repulsive Monkey
07-30-2003, 06:30 AM
Why on earth do you think that bodybuilders have a lot of Qi????
Most of them are very qi deficient due to the damage that they do to their bodies FROM bodybuilding. I've taken pulses of loads of bodybuilders where my brother does his trainig and all I can say is they were all totally drained with very poor quality pulses.
Do you know what Qi is? You do know surely that is has nothing to do with body mass don't you?

Overexertion always leads to Kidney Qi deficiency, and Liver Yang excess, steriods weaken yuan Qi and Kidney qi, I'm sure their diets will have some kind of weakeninf effect on their Spleen qi too. All the bodybuilders pulses I took all had strong levels of Liver qi stagnation too and very weak Lung qi/Wei qi.

Bodybuilders are not a good example of healthy people unfortunately.

07-30-2003, 11:00 AM
hahah I was being somewhat facetious. Just pondering the act of flexing and it's supierficial similarities to chi kung

Repulsive Monkey
07-31-2003, 07:31 AM
And what similarities are there between flexing and Qi Gong, I certainly don't of any?????

07-31-2003, 06:49 PM
Are you one of those anti musculature tai chi guys? Shaolin has the most chi baby.

Repulsive Monkey
08-01-2003, 04:04 AM
Shaolin is a mediocre internal art.
It is not a pure internal art in the way that Taiji, Bagua Xing-I are.
I have nothing against muscularity I was just stating a fact thats all.

08-01-2003, 12:29 PM
chi is not just for internal styles (http://www.shaolinwolf.com/morechitrainharder/chi1.htm)

Repulsive Monkey
08-03-2003, 07:31 AM
Tpp true every living person has qi in them and activates on a daily basis (mostly without any awareness of it though) and they engage in neither internal or external arts.

But body building STILL does not generate any qi, it is not a qi-gong.

Cheese Dog
08-05-2003, 11:29 PM
I think Jun-erh meant the muscular flexing bore a superficial simularity to certain dynamic tension and hard chi-gong practices. IMO, without intent it wouldn't have much good effect. And as RM pointed out, alot of bodybuilders are too yang anyway.

Former castleva
08-20-2003, 04:55 PM
"Do bodybuilders do some kind of chi kung when they are on stage to really get those veins popping, besides seroids. I mean they must have to have alot of qi."

I have been stating these simple requirements for a time or two around here,you will have to make predictions about it,and be able to measure it...

For an example of dangerous,misleading and unfounded information,do read...
"Bodybuilders are not a good example of healthy people unfortunately."

Hodgy podgy...
"Why on earth do you think that bodybuilders have a lot of Qi????
Most of them are very qi deficient due to the damage that they do to their bodies FROM bodybuilding. I've taken pulses of loads of bodybuilders where my brother does his trainig and all I can say is they were all totally drained with very poor quality pulses.
Do you know what Qi is? You do know surely that is has nothing to do with body mass don't you?"

Such aside,bodybuilding will hardly encourage hypotethical energies (unless shown) but has many great benefits.

Repulsive Monkey
08-22-2003, 08:54 AM
Why you say that that single comment was dangerous and misleading I will never know, and that it was unfounded information-wise especially as I had gone on to research it informally by doing baisc diagnosis of a number of bodybuilders.

Good Lord that almost sounds like a Scientific means of testing and research doesn't it? I better watch myself as I'm sure I'll end seeing the folly in TCM and come to my senses to realise that that Western Science is the only true perceivable God that we should worship.

Don't get me wrong FC, you are totally needed on this forum, you always put a smile on my face!

Former castleva
08-22-2003, 04:32 PM
"Why you say that that single comment was dangerous and misleading I will never know, and that it was unfounded information-wise especially as I had gone on to research it informally by doing baisc diagnosis of a number of bodybuilders."

It would be all the same,practically,considering that it is unlikely that you would be backing this up.
If you still manage to remember,you did also recommend other junk therapies to me (unless you were just letting out steam?)
I wonder if this diagnosing would have to do with such? (Unless you are a medical doctor,which would rule that out)
You might also want to invest in your spelling.

"Good Lord that almost sounds like a Scientific means of testing and research doesn't it? I better watch myself as I'm sure I'll end seeing the folly in TCM and come to my senses to realise that that Western Science is the only true perceivable God that we should worship."

Is there a thing called Eastern science? There are scientists in China too,and they use the same means of health care and research as,say,Europeans for an example.
I am not trying to "convert" anyone who buys all that,but I encourage critical thinking,and should I spot something unfounded represented as science (where nothing´s taken for granted) I may express doubt.There´s no need to get all emotional about it.

"Don't get me wrong FC, you are totally needed on this forum, you always put a smile on my face!"

That would be good?

08-22-2003, 06:05 PM
Being vascular (having lots of veins pop out) is just the result of having low enough bodyfat that you can see the veins. When a muscle gets "pumped," as bodybuilders refer to it, it gets filled with blood. This happens because as you work a muscle, your body pumps more blood into it. The blood causes the veins to expand and bulge out. If the bodyfat is low enough, you will see the veins.


Repulsive Monkey
08-22-2003, 11:07 PM
Again the irony is lost on you, so change there!

"Other junk therapies!"? Have you looked into these junk therapies and tested them beyond reasonable doubt to validate the claim that they are junk? I doubt it. FC, I worry about you, and wonder how you're ever gonna make it through life.

There certainly is an Eatsern science if you will. However its your narrow pedanticism and anal retentiveness that cannot comprehend. Still again, whats new?

Does not critical thinking occur in other models of science and medicine? If you don't think so then again I fear for your emotional safety in the remainder of your life. How on earth can you persist will a dogged narrow linear thought process, which obviously never seems to deliver the results or satisfaction of which Science tries to aim for i.e. an exspansive and open mind to what unfolds into our understanding of the world?
Your a poor scientist!!

Former castleva
08-23-2003, 08:20 AM
Fallacies,lies&foul language.

08-29-2003, 11:11 AM
what about that shaolin stuff where you hug a tree. that's sort of the same thing