View Full Version : two strength training book reviews

07-30-2003, 08:53 PM
I was at the library today, looking for Supertraining and instead I found

Serious Strength Training by Tudor Bompa et al

The book begins with the physiology behind hypertrophy, motor units, adaptation, and compensation. It then builds up periodization, and includes a few periodization schemes for max strength, body composition, and weight loss. Next comes nutrition, praising the "metabolic diet" and three separate recommended supplement stacks. Then on to the exercises, which reached a peak as two buttery bodybuilders in striped spandex were sitting on each other for donkey calf raises.

Overall I was dissapointed. This is a for the most part a bodybuilding book, and not an insightful at that.

Explosive Lifting for Sports by Harvey Newton

Good information about the Olympic lifts, including: technique, safety, suggested programs for athletes, and more. Well organized and well photographed.