View Full Version : WONG Tournament

07-31-2003, 08:21 PM
well friends, we're off tomorrow to drive down to DC and play at Sifu Raymond Wong's tournament. It should be fun, that tournament is always good, good people, good competition, great food! I hope to see some of you there. For those who don't know me, I'm pretty easy to recognize-just look for a guy who looks like he's into Hung-Ga,Electric blues/rock guitar, and Harleys. (someone once told me that I look like my profile, I guess so, I dunno, yeah sure, maybe) I will probably be judging most of the time, unless they serve beer. See Ya!

08-03-2003, 07:35 PM
Yeah, I saw you at the tourny. It was a good tournament. and I hope to go back next year. lots of good people and competition.

08-04-2003, 07:16 AM
Much thanx to all the competitors and judges who showed up! Hope everyone who came enjoyed themselves and we're going to work hard to make next year even better.

Je Lei Sifu
08-04-2003, 11:37 AM

It was a pleasure meeting you sir. Hope we can get together and discuss Hung Kuen. BTW, email me at siulummaster@aol.com or holaptinhungga@earthlink.net


My man, good looking out this weekend. I hope you enjoyed the two hobbits and the one elf....hehehehe. Hope to see you again in September at the WFH tourny. The weekend was fun there's only one complaint that I have. I didn't get what I was hoping for. I guessed I hoped for it too much. Maybe in September...lol


Je Lei Sifu

08-05-2003, 06:48 AM

Your son's real cute and the other two could be my nephew anytime as well. ;)

I got you an extra pat on the shoulder, which is better than nothin. Plus weren't we still competin over that? LOL

I'm gonna be busy with work in September so you'll have to let me know how that goes. If i'm around in November; me, you, and Uncle Ping need to meet up in NJ. PS- Bring some hobbits. :D

BTW- Gonna be in Penn this weekend, gimme a call if you got time to hang out. Anytime I visit my folks, I'm in strikin distance to hang out.

08-11-2003, 02:21 PM
I'm glad to hear that everyone had a good time at the tournament.

I have a few questions for those of you that did go to it.

Did any of you see the person doing the Chopsticks and Bowl weapons form?

Do any of you know what style or school he was from?

I ask this because i've never seen anyone outside of Black Tiger do this form.And to my knowledge there is no one teaching Black Tiger that would have been at that tournament.Unless they came from Hong kong for the tournament.I also ask because there are some Si Dai's of my Sifu living in the U.S. that he has lost contact with since leaving Hong kong.This could be one of their students.If so we would like to get in contact with them.We are in the midst of putting together a U.S. Hak Fu Moon Assocation and would like to unite all of Grandmaster Wong Cheungs students within the U.S. We have been in contact with the Hong kong Assocation,but they have lost contact with brothers that have since moved to the US and other countries.

Thank's in advance if any of you guys could help me.:)


Je Lei Sifu
08-11-2003, 08:49 PM

Wassup Yo? Sorry I'm just reading this. I had to work this past weekend so it would've been a no go for me. My son wanted your IM so that he could contact you at times. He thinks you're a great guy.


I judged the event inwhich the guy performed the chopstick and bowl. I judge a few of the events he competed in. His forms looked somewhat like Choi Lei Fut. However, he performed another form and I was advised it was a Buk Siu Lum set.

The southern set he performed had lots of Gwa, Sau, Chop in it which reminded me of Choi Lei Fut. There weren't lots of fu jow in the set at all.


Je Lei Sifu

08-11-2003, 09:04 PM
Je Lei Sifu,

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.

The funny thing is alot of Black Tiger favors Choy Lay Fut,Hung Gar,Wing Chun,Bak Sil lum and other styles.Black Tiger is a mixture of northern and southern styles.So why we do have many techniques that use Tiger Claw.We also use alot of snake,crane,monkey and other fist techniques.We pretty much use every fist technique seen in northern and southern China styles.

As well as the kicks.

although we rarely kick above the waist.we do have all the kicks of Bak Sil lum as well.I was told it resembled a Wu Shu form a little.

Did you think so?

I know there is a Wu Shu chopsticks and bowl form.Jackie chan did it in one of his movies.I can't remember which one though.


Je Lei Sifu
08-12-2003, 10:28 PM

The set that was performed did not look like wushu at all. It had a very traditional flavor to it.


Je Lei Sifu