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View Full Version : Ding Chi Choi and Jyun Choi

German Bai Lung
08-02-2003, 04:34 AM
Hi there,

I hope someone can help me:

how does that techniques look like in your system! Ding Chi Choi and Jyun Choi (chuen choi)?

Or how do you call these techniques:
1.) Block with open hand and than a punch in ma bo, the shoulder is moved with the blow. the open hand is at the shoulder of the striking arm! Yi lou Ja yiu kuen: 2 and 3 road after tong choi before bang choi!

2.) block the coming attack with the forearm above the head and at the same time a horizontal punch at the belly (like cho choi). last technique of the 3d road of bung bo kuen!

08-04-2003, 08:57 AM
If I understood a helping-e-mail(thx again..)right, deng tsi cho CAN mean the same as lo bu choi-compare to pan an revised-thread,it's mentioned by Robert there..:Lo Bu as Mantis 108 explained me in his mail, means low filling, but still, he gave 2 examples, the first is deng tsi choi as we know it, but refering to the second example:even after his explanation I can't imagine exactly which kind of punch he means.. maybe he wants to help us again by himself..?
Mantis 108 in his mail had a version of deng tsi choi like this in mind: A deng tsi choi he said can be a deng tsi choi, but usually is a navel-propping punch( new LKW-book, page 128 figure 254-255) . What we know as deng tsi choi is translated with drilling fist and is shown above in the book .. maybe someone thought the text about navel-punch refers to the pictures of drilling fist and this is the reason for a wrongly used terminology? Or does LKW call the drilling-fist-movement( what we both think is deng tsi choi) deng tsi choi himself, Jochen? Do you know?

08-05-2003, 09:03 AM
To make sure: it's the movement in LKW-book on page 67 also called Chuan = roundhouse-punch as U.M told me..do you call it huen choi, too? This is what German bailung means..
We have a dai huen choi also, shown in LKW book on page 65, roundhouse-punch to the genitales- how do you call it ? Also dai huen choi?

German Bai Lung
08-05-2003, 01:02 PM
So, I work with my online Cantonese translation! ;)
It told me:

Drilling fist: jyun choi (Not Huen choi! speak like dchuen choi) is a punch like we know as deng tsi choi! Open hand block and punch in ma bo

Novel propping punch: deng chi choi is a punch with a kwa-like block and a fist to the opponents abdomen: part over the navel.

So: referring to the chinese charakters and the pictures in the newer Lee Kam Wing book, everything is now clear!

We can close this thread now ... thank you for reading! :D :p

08-06-2003, 06:41 AM
O.k: then everything clear now! thanks for posting!;) :D
P.S.: I'd like to know chinese also...:(