View Full Version : kung fu and fights

08-06-2003, 07:46 PM

I'm a practitioner of Li Jia Kung Fu, and I was wondering if anyone has any real instances where they used what is considered to be TRADITIONAL martial arts in a fight and it was effective? With all the bashing of TCM, it would be nice to hear from people who have used their art effectively, and truly believe that it will work in a real self-defense manner. I truly believe in my art, and I have yet to be proven that I am wrong in believing TCM are effective for real fight situations.

Laughing Cow
08-06-2003, 07:56 PM
Pls, define what you call "using a traditional martial art in a fight".


08-06-2003, 07:58 PM
i mean like traditional kung fu, or karate. Or somethiing that a lot of people tend to bash in these forums.

Shuul Vis
08-06-2003, 08:03 PM
I did a reverse oblique kick from a traditional form to a drunken guy on a porch once. The kick is one where you look like you are checking your shoe for dog yuckies, raising the kicking leg behind your standing leg and kind of sink down for power. It looks real sneaky and "traditional" and it worked. The guy lunged in at me starting to throw a big haymaker just like the cliche and the kick took his leg right out from under him nearly sending him on his face giving me just enough time to circle behind and back away so i could try to calm the dude down. He gave me a funny look afterwards as if he wanted to say "hey that was cool."

And onother time i projected my "chi" right up this guy' a$$ and turned him gay.

To me its all tradtional. If you dont agree then you simply havent met a good traditional teacher. Why havent most people met a good teacher? Because most people are a$$holes.

Laughing Cow
08-06-2003, 08:08 PM

A punch is a punch, regardless if it is thrown by a street-fighter or a CMA Master.

I think your questions should be more along the lines:

Have you used techs from your art in a real fight?


Did you fight using your styles principles and was it effective?

In my style we tend to concentrate more on correct body alignement, movement and power generation, rather than trying to get techs looking like the form.

To be honest we got plenty of different applications for each movement/posture in the form.

I can use the same movement to punch you in the head or drive my elbow into a prone target, just need a bit of readjustement.

08-06-2003, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by apeters28

I'm a practitioner of Li Jia Kung Fu, and I was wondering if anyone has any real instances where they used what is considered to be TRADITIONAL martial arts in a fight and it was effective? With all the bashing of TCM, it would be nice to hear from people who have used their art effectively, and truly believe that it will work in a real self-defense manner. I truly believe in my art, and I have yet to be proven that I am wrong in believing TCM are effective for real fight situations.

Bashing of Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Traditional Chinese Medicine effective for real fights?



08-07-2003, 06:35 AM
Never been in a real "fight for my life" type situation before. People pretty much allways leave me alone :P My friend's older brother came after me once and I used a takedown from Di Tang while lying down... it's a modern wushu form, so I don't know if that counts :P Plus random attacks from my dad used to turn into living room sparring matches :D

Water Dragon
08-07-2003, 07:06 AM
My boy threw a bully with Diagonal Cut last year. The bully doesn;t bother him anymore :cool:

08-07-2003, 07:11 AM
my traditional TKD training helped me to defeat the dude who lived across the street… a front snap kick to the gut… and he was on one knee… and it was over… we would go on to have many skirmishes over the years… BTW I was 12….

my traditional track training has also helped me out on a couple of occasions… one in particular when a few of the local roughs jumped out on me from a car… that later I found out was stolen… in an attempt to kick my azz…needless to say… that dat I was not to be beaten... my traditional track techniques has also saved my hide against various kanine threats... but alas... during actual track meets i was always a few steps behind :mad: :rolleyes:

Dark Knight
08-07-2003, 09:32 AM
It depends on how you train. Any style can be effective or worthless.

Try alive training as much as you can. Get together with your friends, buy some gloves shin and insteps and head gear, then a couple times a week spar with limited rules and contact. In a few months (Or even weeks) you will be fighting better and prob fine for the streets.

(Grab each other, throw each other, hit kick, fight on the ground, give one a stick...)

norther practitioner
08-07-2003, 12:02 PM
Well, I've used a front kick, a sweep, a palm and a throw in two different scirmishes... all of which I learned in class...

08-07-2003, 12:03 PM
H20Dragen: Judo doesnt count.

People dont use styles or techniques when they fight.

They use arms, legs, hands, feet, knees, elbows, heads, hips, shoulders, etc.

Smash your opponent.


08-07-2003, 12:06 PM
People dont use styles or techniques when they fight.

Yenhoi, has anyone ever told you you are a JKD pimp? :)

08-07-2003, 12:07 PM
I just send out my chimp brandishing his wolf tooth club. Real crowd control that one is.

08-07-2003, 12:33 PM
Yenhoi, has anyone ever told you you are a JKD pimp?

My b1tch rogue did once.


08-07-2003, 12:54 PM
LOL! Whose beyotch isn't rogue?!