View Full Version : Emei

norther practitioner
08-07-2003, 09:50 AM
What styles and systems came from this area? Anyone study any of them here...
I've heard of Snake and some Dragon system but thats about it....any info?

08-07-2003, 10:01 AM
Style: Emei Quan
Description: Emei is the name of one of the four major Buddhist mountains (the others being Wutai, Putuo, and Jiuhua).

Emei is also one of the major martial mountains, being located just behind Song Mountain (Shaolin) and Wudang Mountain. Just like these other mountains, a wide range of kung fu styles have descended from this venerated sacred place.

Since the Emei mountain range is renowned for its abundant wildlife, it comes as no surprise that Emei Quan is famous for its animal styles, most particularly monkey style and its unique southern styles.

Low stable stances with little hopping are characteristic of this style. Jumps are executed very lightly and quickly and its movements are very diverse. Many of its most lethal techniques are derived from the use of the wrist.

Cited : http://www.shaolinwolf.com/maguideindex/emeiquan.htm

08-07-2003, 10:14 AM
You do realize that Shaolin Wolf cited that from an article I wrote in our Jan 2000 issue (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=107). Scroll to the bottom of Shaolin Wolf and you'll see our citation. Get to the real source ;) If you want to find our more about Emei (aka O-mei) check out our O-mei special Sep 2000 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=124) or our line of O-mei videos (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/omeikungfuvi.html).

Judge Pen
08-07-2003, 10:14 AM
That website cited Gene's article published here:


Hope this helps.

Judge Pen
08-07-2003, 10:14 AM
I type too slow Gene. I was trying to give you some credit, but you beat me to it! :)

08-07-2003, 10:17 AM
"our line of O-mei videos."


Yeah, I just dug it off webcrawler real quick. Didnt read through the whole thing.

Kudos gene :)

08-08-2003, 09:48 AM
We're working our way down:
Songshan (Shaolin) (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/shaolinvideos.html)
Wudang (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/wudangvideo.html)
and O-mei (above)
Who else offers you that? :D

norther practitioner
08-08-2003, 09:54 AM
Gene, working your way down has too many conotations associated with it... you are supposed to work your way up...:D

08-08-2003, 11:34 AM
Yeah, and Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming wrote a book on Emei Baguazhang (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/b-ym300.html) as well as produced 3 tapes covering the book. Sadly, Martial Arts Mart only has Tape 1 (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/pr-ym280.html) and Tape 2 (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/pr-ym299.html) of the series.

norther practitioner
08-08-2003, 11:36 AM
Cool, I'm supposed to learn a form my teacher calls Emei sword... it is a straight sword form..

08-08-2003, 11:41 AM
Check out ymaa.com
Has all yangs stuff.

norther practitioner
08-08-2003, 11:47 AM
that might just be because it is his website.....:rolleyes:

08-08-2003, 11:52 AM
The Yang JwingMing association is his!?



08-08-2003, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Shaolin-Do
Check out ymaa.com
Has all yangs stuff.

I know that, I was simply doing plugs to Yang's stuff on Martial Arts Mart, line Gene does, in case someone buys stuff. Plus Martial Arts Mart discounts some stuff, including YJM material so it is cheaper.

08-08-2003, 12:13 PM
Genes rubbin off on you :)

Anyone checked out his book on baguazhang?
I was about to buy that and the book on taiji applications the other day, but was low on $$.

norther practitioner
08-08-2003, 12:39 PM
I like his longfist book and taiji book, don't know about the bagua...

08-08-2003, 12:41 PM
The longfist book is excellent :)

Favorite yang book to date is still comprehensive applications of shaolin chin na however... and Im currently reading the root of chinese qigong. Its a slow read when Im trying to remember everything...

Dale Dugas
08-08-2003, 03:48 PM
The Emei Baguazhang book was written by Liang Shou Yu Shifu and published through Yang Shifu's publishing house.

It is a very good book with a lot of theory in both the esoteric and training drills which many bagua books ignore.

Though in my opinion it is more geared to someone who has some background in Bagua theory and training.

Lots of photos of various masters of Baguazhang.

In Boston,

Dale Dugas

08-08-2003, 05:23 PM
Thx for the info. I plan on buying both when I have the $$....

08-08-2003, 08:58 PM
I have his QiGong for Martial Arts and Health books as well as his Taiji Sword book (the red one). The only reason why I got the Taiji book was because it was on sale for half off, so I was like "Can't beat that...". When I get my birthday money Im thinking of getting his Chin Na videos.

Edit: Well so much for that freaking plan. I just got my clothes outta the washing machine, apparently my keyless entry for my car broke off and went through the washer, meaning, it doesnt work now. So I got to spend my birthday money and buy a car alarm.

08-08-2003, 11:47 PM
Havent seen the vids, but the book is excellent.
For a while I had excessive $$, but right now im kinda broke.
Got bills..
Anyhoo, Thats definately on my "things to buy" list...
If you do get them, lemme know how they are. I have lots of Dr. Yang books... I have lots of MA books in general... hehehe.... :)

08-08-2003, 11:48 PM
Car alarm?
Just dont keep expensive sh!t in your car. If someone wants to steal the whole car, the alarm isnt going to do sh!t. Keep cds under seats, remove faces...
Dont really need car alarm, ft. worth isnt even as bad as down here.... hehe
Mines broke... f*ck it!

08-09-2003, 12:01 AM
Dude, its because Im too lazy to open my freaking door manually. I liked just walking to my car, hitting a button and my car door unlocking by itself.

08-09-2003, 08:55 AM
Yeah, mine did that for a while. Then all the doors but the driver door worked. So I said... f*ck it. My alarm sits here in my room. seldom to be used... I go around and open the door for females anyways.
Then all my windows quit working... except on my control panel... So anytime anyone wants a window up or down I have to do it on my door... :(

08-11-2003, 10:40 AM
Did you know that since the introduction of car alarms, there has been no change in the rate of car theft and break ins? They're useless, really.

As for Master Liang, one of the great O-mei masters, you'll find his cover story here (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=126). I highly recommend his books on qigong (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/b-ww001.html) & kung fu (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/bw005.html). And for a rare one, check out this (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/b-ww003.html).

Nobody beats my advertising fu! :p

08-11-2003, 10:48 AM
Gene has achieved kung fu in advertising... :D

"Did you know that since the introduction of car alarms, there has been no change in the rate of car theft and break ins?"

Mines gone off a couple of times, and when I look out front theres always some little buggers by my car... Run outside in my underwear and their gone, probably laughing in the bushes somewhere... d@mn my legal blindness when not wearing contacts... d@mn not sleeping in contacts so I can see the little buggers....

08-11-2003, 10:57 AM
Did you know that since the introduction of car alarms, there has been no change in the rate of car theft and break ins? They're useless, really.

This is fallacious logic. The rate of car break ins and theft alone does not provide the complete picture. Is the rate of break-ins and theft of cars equipped with car alarms the same as those not so equipped? Does this hold true when other factors are held constant, such as neighborhood, part of country, etc...?

Anyway, not saying they are definitely useful, just that your facts are non sufficient for your argument.


08-11-2003, 02:00 PM
I might just buy another keyless entry feature for my car.

08-12-2003, 09:37 AM
dwid: True, it's entirely possible that the rate of car theft would have increased since the introduction of car alarms and that the alarms have prevented this, keeping it the same. Point well taken. I guess when I heard that, I had so much disdain for car alarms that I just accepted it despite it's faulty logic.

I do like the panic button feature on my key chain that allows me to set off the alarm from a distance. You see, our office window faces our parking lot and there are always these guys putting sales flyers on our windows...

s-d: This may be more fallacious logic, but I bet they just want to see you in your tighty-whities. Maybe other forum members know what your car looks like...:p

08-12-2003, 09:54 AM
hehe... Im a boxer briefs kinda man.

Makes me irate... Went out neanderthal style last time, toothpaste in my mouth toothbrush in hand yelling unintelligable garble at the top of my lungs....

Panic buttons are fun, went in the store the other day (before my crappy alarm broke) friend waited in the car... hehe... Apparently its REALLY loud when you're inside the car....

norther practitioner
08-12-2003, 12:59 PM
All the clubs we go to flyer cars, at one you can see where I park from one of the windows, whenever one of the flyer kids walks near I'll panic button them... then later they'll tell me my alarm is too sensitive, you should see there face when I tell them I don't have an alarm.:D

On another, on topic note, I went through a couple of moves in the Emei straight sword form I'll be learning, seems pretty bad ass, but I have to learn a new broadsword form first...:D

12-28-2017, 01:08 PM
Challenge the cold at Mt. Emei and enjoy more this winter (http://www.china.org.cn/travel/2017-12/25/content_50162680.htm)
China.org.cn, December 25, 2017


A total of 100 "ice warriors" from across China participated in an extreme challenge--Ice and Snow Magic Power--on the Golden Summit of Mt. Emei in Sichuan Province on Dec. 23, 2017. The participants challenged the cold weather in the same clothing and those who stood in the specific posture for the longest time won out. The event, the third edition of its kind, kicked off the 19th Mt. Emei Ice and Snow Hot Spring Festival which will feature a variety of interesting activities, including Emei Wushu performances, ice and snow sports events, spa, gourmet food tours and new snow viewing routes. The Leidongping Ski Resort has been expanded into a 20-hectare ski paradise with a theme park offering packages of parent-child activities. The festival, hosted by Leshan Municipal People's Government, will run for four months. [Photo from CRI/Translated by Zhang Junmian]

I'll add the fact that the 7th World Traditional Kung Fu Championships (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70539-7th-World-Traditional-Kung-Fu-Championships) were just held here to this thread. :cool:

09-10-2018, 09:19 AM
Fitting for today as it is World Suicide Prevention Day.

21-year-old woman jumps to her death on Mount Emei in front of tourists (https://shanghai.ist/2018/09/05/21-year-old-woman-jumps-to-her-death-on-mount-emei-in-front-of-tourists/)
Tourists are seen trying to convince the young woman not to kill herself, but can only watch in horror as she leaps backward off the cliff
by Alex Linder September 5, 2018 in News


On Tuesday, tourists at Sichuan’s Mount Emei watched in horror as a 21-year-old woman leaped off a cliff to her death.

Footage has gone viral on Chinese social media showing tourists trying to convince the distraught young woman not to jump. Instead, they can only shout in dismay as the woman throws herself backward off the cliff.

That night, police confirmed that they had found the woman’s body and that her family had come to claim it. The family told police that the young woman had left behind suicide note in which she wrote that she was suffering from depression.

This tragedy comes after footage went viral back in July of a man unhooking his own safety harness on the infamous cliffside plank path of Shaanxi’s Mount Hua and leaping to his death, leaving fellow tourists stunned. The man’s body was not found until three days later.

Located near to Chengdu, Mount Emei is one of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China and an extremely popular tourist site. Back in 2015, a suicidal young man also jumped off a cliff at the top of the mountain after stopping a passerby and asking the tourist to take a photo of him.

What to do if someone you know exhibits warning signs of suicide:
– Do not leave the person alone
– Remove any sharp objects, alcohol, drugs or firearms that could be used in a suicide attempt
– Take the person to an emergency room or seek help from a medical or mental health professional
– Call the following hotlines for help: Lifeline Shanghai: 021-6279-8990 (English speakers; 10am – 10pm daily); HopeLine: 4001619995 (Chinese speakers; 24/7 toll-free access)

06-10-2024, 08:14 AM
China kung fu girl group praised by Chinese diplomat for martial arts routine with modern twist (https://www.scmp.com/news/people-culture/china-personalities/article/3263336/china-kung-fu-girl-group-praised-chinese-diplomat-martial-arts-routine-modern-twist)
Top diplomat describes performances of nine-member group as ‘stunning’
Group demonstrates martial arts discipline that embodies strength of femininity
Zoey Zhang
Published: 9:10am, 6 Jun 2024


A new all-woman martial arts ensemble in China has found friends in high places despite only making their public debut a few weeks ago.

The Emei Kung Fu Girls Group, which blends traditional skills with modern dance, has been praised by a top Chinese official and lauded on mainland social media.

A notable group member is Lingyun, a renowned Emei martial arts practitioner. She is joined by eight other women, including trainers and film directors who specialise in the ancient fighting genre, to complete the nine-member team.

Lingyun, 25, from Sichuan province in southwestern China, is adored by 13.4 million fans on Douyin for her superb swordsmanship and martial arts ability.

The group’s first video was posted online in early May and it has been an instant hit. Photo: Sohu

She began training at the age of four, joining one of the three major schools of Chinese martial arts, the Emei sect, aged 10. The style of the sect embodies feminine strength.

In a video posted on May 3, the group was seen wielding swords, fans, calligraphy brushes, long spears, and Emei hairpins as weapons.

The Emei hairpin is unique to the sect, and as the name suggests, evolved from hairpins used by women. It has pointed spikes at both ends of a round stick.

The group has blended modern dance with traditional skills to deliver a 21st-century edge to their work. However, the style remains firmly rooted in traditional martial arts novels, a genre which combines history and fantasy.

In The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber by renowned martial arts novelist Jin Yong, the woman-dominated Emei sect is said to have been founded by a nun, men only occupy lower positions.

The sect originated in the Emei Mountain area of Sichuan province more than 3,000 years ago.

Its kung fu style blends the Buddhist concept of meditative tranquillity and the Taoist idea of harmony between man and nature, integrating the strength and flexibility aspects of other martial arts from a female perspective.

“What is Emei kung fu? Swift as clouds, flexible as water,” says the martial arts group’s introductory video.

In 2008, Emei martial arts was listed as an intangible cultural heritage by the Chinese government.

On May 11, a Chinese official recommended the group to the world on social media platforms.

Respected Chinese diplomat and spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, wrote on Facebook: “Heroes out of Chinese martial arts novels! See how Emei kung fu girls present stunning moves.”

The team showcases a martial arts form that epitomises the power of femininity. Photo: Sohu

“These girls are the pride of China! Millennia-old Chinese kung fu comes alive again,” said one person on Weibo.

“Are they accepting disciples? My daughter also wants to learn Emei martial arts,” another said.

There are two other major schools in Chinese martial arts, the Shaolin and Wudang sects.

The Shaolin sect originated from the Shaolin Temple in central China’s Henan province and is known for its powerful martial arts.

The Wudang sect emphasises Taoist philosophy and focuses on utilising flexibility to defeat strength, with Tai Chi as its representative martial arts.

Zoey Zhang
Zoey Zhang is a multimedia reporter who covers ranges of topics including China culture, education, social trends, and Asian human interest stories. She previously interned with the Post on the video desk over the winter of 2022-2023. She holds a master’s degree in Journalism from the University of Hong Kong.

We need more of this...:cool:

06-10-2024, 08:19 AM

This might need its own indie thread soon...

06-10-2024, 09:13 AM

Great combination of snake and fan moves!