View Full Version : Which is your fav nhb video?

04-20-2001, 09:12 PM
I'm gonna be getting my load for college soon so i'm gonna get another nhb video. I've only got 3 ufc vids (3,4,5).

What's your favourite of all time?

Nothing is to be feared, only understood....

04-20-2001, 09:14 PM
I like the best of UFC tape that they put out after about UFC 12 or so. I think it's called 'Night of Champions', but I am not exactly sure.

Lots of good matches.

"Deep down inside of all of us is the power to accomplish what we want to, if we'll just stop looking elsewhere."

Mr. Nemo
04-20-2001, 11:59 PM
Pride Grand Prix. Some of the videos have the full and uncut 90 minute Royce/Saku match at the expense of the early rounds. I'd avoid these as the early rounds had some good fights and 90 minutes tends to drag on even for a Sakuraba fan like myself.

Japanese Shooto videos can be hard to find, but they're great fights. My other favorite fighter, Hayato Sakurai, is one to watch for in the lightweight division.

The "middle period" UFC's with Tank Abbot and those guys are always fun to watch.

04-21-2001, 01:00 AM
Pride for sure. Pride is the best MMA show right now. Top fighters in the world.

I have the Pride Grand Prix DVDs and its awesome. Really really smart NHB fighting.

04-21-2001, 08:28 PM
My favorite is UFC#2. It's just a classic. I like the early UFC's becuase there were actually people who practiced different styles. Now it's all crosstrainers.

UFC#2 has some very interesting fights. I think it's more interesting than UFC#1. The early UFC's are classics. UFC#2 also has the legendary Fred Ettish fight a kickboxer. It's just a classic. Right after UFC#2 the gracie mystisism was at it's hieght. It was the time when it seemed bjj was invincible. It's a classic.

You have to watch UFC#2 to understand all those Fred Ettish jokes. It's just such a classic. I remember when i first saw it. It's what turned martial arts upside down and got me into martial arts.

And all of the prides are auwsome too. Of course.

"Then he was above me. He attacked critical point very well. I was near death." --- Takada after his fight with Rickson

04-21-2001, 09:21 PM
So would you say that ufc2 is a classic?

I'll probably get that because i think there are 16 competitors in there instead of the normal 8. Value for money and all that

Nothing is to be feared, only understood....

Mr. Nemo
04-21-2001, 10:10 PM
Mat le-Kat:

If you only get early UFC's, you're missing out on a whole lot of good fighters. Royce, Kimo, and Shamrock are the only ones in those early UFC's that can compete with the new guys, and I'm not even sure about Kimo.

If you already have UFC 3,4,and 5 I would suggest getting something more recent to get a look at the new guys.

Verder: The new fighters do have different styles, it's just that those styles don't necessarily have names other than "Coleman style," "Rutten style," "Mezger style," and so on. Even two bjj guys can fight very differently (Renzo and Royce).

Crosstraining doesn't make all the fighters the same, it just makes them at least competent in all ranges. Are there is some variety of styles (wrestling vs. jiu jitsu, for example).

And concerning Fred Ettish: I see him get made fun of so much. And it's true, he did recieve a brutal, humiliating beatdown. However, I have at least a little respect for anyone with the guts to step in the ring period in the UFC's, which back then had much more of a "bloodsport, no rules" mystique to them. Fred Ettish may have gotten beat down, but at least he stepped up to the plate. You can poke fun, but don't talk too much from the bench.

04-22-2001, 12:39 AM
I don't JUST go for the earlier ones, it's just that they're the only ones i was able to find around england.

Know an english supplier for videos?
amazon.co.uk only has the first 5 ufc's excluding number 2

Nothing is to be feared, only understood....

04-22-2001, 01:53 AM
They don't have #2?
That is messed up. #2 is the coolest of the early tournaments. Do whatever you can to find one. Try buying tapes off of www.ebay.com (http://www.ebay.com)

Oh and don't get UFC#2 confused with Ultimate,Ultimate Fighting championship#2. They are two different tournaments. Let me make it clearer:

Ultimate Fighting Championship#2
Ultimate Ultimate Fighting Championship#2

They are two different tournies. Notice the latter has 2 ultimates in the title.

UFC#2 was the first NHB competition i ever saw. When i first saw it i almost **** myself when I saw Royce beating people. It's like i had always thought that all that martial arts crap about smaller people beating bigger guys was all fake. But then i saw the UFC and i thought WOW i want to do that.

"Then he was above me. He attacked critical point very well. I was near death." --- Takada after his fight with Rickson

04-22-2001, 05:46 AM
I'm not sure. Is UFC #2 a classic? You weren't specific enough...

K. Mark Hoover