View Full Version : Thick Face, Black Heart

08-08-2003, 06:41 AM
I just found this artice, I think I got it off of Matt Fureys site or something a while back.

How about a prediction that I am willing to guarantee? A prediction that is timeless and true? A prediction that will repeat itself every single year, at every single combat sports event in the world? In fact, how about I guarantee that this prediction that will repeat itself in EVERY arena known to man.

Here it is: In all arenas, the person who WINS will be the one with the thickest face and the blackest heart.

Thick face-black heart is a term coined in the 1911 book, Thick Black Theory. Written in China, Thick Black Theory was banned the day it was published - and still is. What does this mean? It means that there must be a message inside the book that gives POWER to people - and those in power don't want them to have it. In a nutshell, it must be one amazing book.

Thick Black Theory has never been translated into English, but the essence of it was summarized in Chin-Ning Chu's book, Thick Face, Black Heart. Let me paraphrase some of the particulars:

Thick Face: The quality of being immune to the criticisms or negative opinions of others. The ability to set aside your own doubts and fears, and proceed as if victory is inevitable.

Early on in any highly successful person's career, whether the person is a combat athlete, a business exec or a politician, he will endure criticism from others. Some people will criticize the art he competes in; others his dedication; others the choice of career or his ideas, whether they are radical or mainstream. Of course, some will even question the successful person's abilities, skills and intellect.

I don't know of a single "success" who never had a moment of self-doubt or fear. Moreover, I don't know of any who did not have detractors. It’s the nature of the game. In fact, the more successful a person becomes, the more detractors he will have.

Truth is, many of the greatest champion athletes have become great because they feared losing. This fear drove them to train harder than anyone else - so when it was time to take center stage - they were ready. In business, many great decisions are made only when you mix a "burning desire to succeed" with a heavy dose of caution.

A thick-faced person isn't crushed by others’ criticism. Although, like anyone else, a successful person likes approval ... he doesn't need it to survive. I am fond of saying, "Eagles don’t fly in flocks. They fly alone." You cannot rise high in life if you depend upon the approval of everyone. You CAN however rise as high as you want or need with the approval of the right people.

What separates the champion or the "success" from the pack is the willingness to run on his own gas. If you believe in him and his dreams, fine. If not - his dream is more important than your opinion.

A thick-faced person does not lose sleep over another person's negative comments. Criticism bounces off his face and goes elsewhere; looking for a thin-skinned person to slap around.

A thick-faced person is undeterred in the face of defeat. He does not let "inner battles" absorb his energy. If he is nervous or fearful, he channels this energy into productive power by focusing on a vision. In short, when negativity comes from the outside, it bounces off; if it comes from within, it is trapped, gagged and suffocated.

Black Heart: The quality of being passionately committed to the actions you must take to achieve a goal - while simultaneously showing no compassion or concern for how others are affected by those actions.

A combat athlete with a black heart is a ruthless person. He may think highly of his opponent, but when the referee starts the bout, he is a competitive animal. He does not care how much his opponent wants to win. He does not care if his opponent cries when he loses. He does not care if his opponent has worked for many years to achieve the same goal. He wants to win more than anyone else - and he is going to win as impressively as he can ... and if his opponent is physically or emotionally crushed afterward, tough luck.

When I tell people about the importance of having a thick face and black heart, I occasionally hear comments like, "I disagree. You don't have to be mean in order to win."

"It's not about being mean, although it could be," I answer. "Truth is, one of the meanest things you can do is whoop someone with a smile on your face; to destroy someone with kindness."

Thick face, black heart can be used for good or for evil. Naturally, I believe it is better for society when a person uses the principles of Thick Face, Black Heart for good purposes. But never lose sight of the fact that this is a quality that is used by saints as well as sociopaths.

All champion fighters have a thick face and a black heart. And so do all successful people.

In boxing we have Roy Jones, Jr. Do you think he feels a bit of remorse when he brutalizes one opponent after another? Not a chance.

In the NFL we have the Tampa Bay Bucanneers and their totally focused head coach, John Gruden. Tell me, do you really think Gruden cares one lick about the feelings of the team he beats? No way.

In the forthcoming recall election in California we are about to witness mud-slinging at its finest. It may end up being the most ruthless campaign our country has ever seen, especially with Larry Flint and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the race. Sit back and watch the show.

Just remember, when all is said and done, the person who emerges as Governor will be the same type of person who emerges as champion in an athletic event. The winner will be the person with the thickest face and blackest heart.

08-08-2003, 06:56 AM
I ignore everything Matt Furey writes...period.

Did you hear his story a few years about about how he used his elderly chinese mother-in-law as bait, while he hid in some bushes, to catch the local black mugger and break his leg as he screamed for mercy?

08-08-2003, 07:11 AM
LOL! Generally I ignore what he has to say as well. I was looking for some exersises and his name kept coming up so I checked out his site and found this article. I don't know about the rest of what he has to say but this stuff made sense.

08-08-2003, 08:01 AM
His Combat Conditioning stuff is pretty top notch for training. I, myself, do it, and combined with a strict diet, it works wonders for your body.

He says what he wants I guess. Some people love it, others hate it.

I think some of his stuff is hyped up. :) But this particular thing sounds more like a "business man's killer instinct."

It is true though, that the most successful people are the ones who are bent solely on accomplishing their goals.
They may objectively look at criticism to see if there is any beneficial points they can use from it, but if there is none, they just brush it aside.

As far as not caring about others feelings, well taken too seriously that's just silly. I'm sure he's talking about competitive aspects and business success.
If your first priority is to care about your opponent's feelings, or your business competitor's feelings, then chances are you're not going to push yourself forward enough to win out.

I think that's all it means.


08-08-2003, 08:21 AM
well, I guess he is learnin from the ghost of Farmer Burns so he must know his stuff :rolleyes:

08-08-2003, 08:36 AM
truewrestler, his combat conditioning stuff seems to be pretty popular. I have never bought any of his stuff personally but I came across a few of his concepts on his website and they seem pretty sound. He may be kind of crazy but atleast in that respect he seems to know what he is talking about.

As for the above article, to me it is common sense, if you don't "feel anything" for your opponent, it is easier for you to destroy them in the ring. My only issue is that some people don't know how to turn that on and off.

08-08-2003, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by truewrestler
well, I guess he is learnin from the ghost of Farmer Burns so he must know his stuff :rolleyes:


Ground Dragon
08-08-2003, 12:50 PM
His combat conditioning stuff can be found in other places, usually for free. Check out some of Scrapper's stuff.

08-08-2003, 12:53 PM
Ground Dragon, where would I find scrappers stuff?

08-08-2003, 01:15 PM

08-08-2003, 01:48 PM
thanks tw

Repulsive Monkey
08-08-2003, 01:54 PM
I've never so much rubbish in all my life. It totally generalises one mans opinions which on the face of it seem pretty rank.

So many of the things mentioned in that article are just so untrue. Please tell me you either got it out of a comic book or at least one of Ashida Kim's (comic) books???

08-08-2003, 02:08 PM
Good site. :)

A note on pull ups. You know, I've been doing pull ups, chin ups, etc. now for a couple years, and they are one of my favorite bodyweight excercises to do. There's so much variety you can do with them, and I really think (at least for my body anyway) that they have been one of the #1 things I've done to really tone and expand my back, shoulders, traps, etc.


08-08-2003, 02:09 PM
I've never so much rubbish in all my life.

Which book do you c/p the garbage you post here from?


08-08-2003, 08:33 PM
Sorry, but "Thick Black Theory" sounds like a porn to me.

Mr Punch
08-12-2003, 07:33 AM
Man, you so stoopid it hurts.

Keep watching the movies, fool.

An' since we're talking middle-class bull****ter, hows about giving your daddy back his computer, son.

Mr Punch
08-12-2003, 07:39 AM
LOL, just checked your profile to see what the latest internet squit 'really is'. My mistake, says you were born '67. Looks like your mother shoulda stopped with the drugs sometime before your retard body was shat out.

'Karate kungfu 5 years'. Punk.

Try 13, boxing, aikido, jujutsu, karate, kungfu... and that's no Sci-Fi.

Still laughing


08-12-2003, 08:20 AM
See, now if I was a mod, Beserker would be long gone by now. :D

But you guys talk amongst yourselves about it.
hint hint.


08-12-2003, 11:17 AM
Beserker, Ive brought you a gift.

. , ! ? " ' : ;

Look at the above symbols, and learn to use them, please.

08-12-2003, 11:30 AM
No, I just don't like purposely offensive posts that attack races, nationalities, talk about killing people with no remorse, etc. I've always been like that here. ;)

I still double leg kung fu guys, and groundpound them into submission. :D


08-12-2003, 11:32 AM
Royce will choke you out.


Beserker : why on earth would anyone want to use a knife and fork and eat off a plate? thats about as acenine as wiping your @ss or washing your hands...

08-12-2003, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by Shaolin-Do
Royce will choke you out.


His brother and cousin have, so I'm sure he could too. :D


08-12-2003, 02:00 PM
I'm here to have fun on the computer. :D

The people who talk about "killing the bad guys" without remorse, etc. are people who haven't been involved with the type of environment they're preaching about.

Real world violence makes you a bit more humble in reality.


norther practitioner
08-12-2003, 02:07 PM
Real world violence makes you a bit more humble in reality.
Amen to that...
Just takes one sucker punch to get 20 stitches and 6 staples (happend to a friend two weeks ago).

Mr Punch
08-12-2003, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by berserker
My face is armour like Abrhams tank, i'll listen to everyone but i wont blink and ill just change what needs to be changed.

My hard is black as the bottom of a 30 year used wok. If Mat dying on the street in front of me, i wont call an ambulance, ill just lean over and say i'm happy the bomb was dropped and im glad the Hiroshimans died and all yer baby whining will never change the hard emotions of War and Victory, and ill scream ****e at the innocent kick the weak if my security is threatened and i wont trust any mf caz everyones got an angle, life is hard and the simple get squashed and killed, let em! it serves a purpose, takes the heat off me, theyre Gods little joyride roadkill, but if i want to i'll dance drunk in the streets with a bottle of Mekong or ill empty my wallet for a good cause caz i got a BIG BIG AND FREE heart, yees i am free, but it is BLACK as the ace of spades.
GOOD POST! GOOD INFORM! I'll harry and pursue that book and read all about myslef as i am my biggest fan.
GOOD STUFF! Mate, you're wrong again... I'm your biggest fan! I couldn't write this ****, it's so hot! :D

I deleted my thread because... oh wait, let me see, you must have read that I deleted my own thread, rather thanKung Lek, and you must have read it here (http://martial.best.vwh.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=24424) ... but I notice you didn't join the discussion there, because it was for grown ups... TrueWrestler and I don't agree at all on that one, and nor do Laughing Cow and I, but read get your Mom to read that thread to you carefully (if she's finished rehab yet) and see if you can spot any insults or lack of tolerance... er, no you can't, which must be a first on this forum...!

And while we're here on Earth, you're such a ****ing cliche you're a writer's dream... please don't ever leave this board... mods, don't listen to that poor PC ***** fool Ryu (;) ) and don't delete anything this genius says!

Berserker, Frother, Dribbler, Ralek, Donkey's Cock, whoever you are, yes I've staggered around ****faced after a double in every bar across town, not knowing who I am, and then downed a bottle of cheap blend scotch, before staring death in the face of a smack-head cancerous death-cheating gypsy, who then proceeded to dance with his obnailed boots on my bleeding head while he kicked it down the gutter... yes, I've been awake alive for days on chems off chems fighting drinking screwing seeing visions hell becoming a living vision even written without punctuation, even insert oh-so macho move-over-Earnest-****ing-Hemingway cliche here

and then ****, if I didn't just grewed up all on my own...

Good luck. I make my own, but if I had any to spare, I'd scrape you off the bottom of my shoe and give you some...

08-13-2003, 08:42 AM
Spoil my beer? I don't drink beer (I'm a goody two shoes, remember? :D )

That's quite a long post of wind for someone who is having fun on the net. I'm glad people like myself offend you. People like me have the most passion for taking action in the world. I'll be changing and fighting lots of things in this society, and I'll dedicate it to you, Beserker. ;)

Prisoners do have a humility when it comes to violence because they know whatever violent action they do will come back to them. (Haven't you talked to any??) People who grow up streetfighting know that you constantly have to look over your shoulder after you've "beaten someone up" and that walking around with a chip on your shoulder is a good way to have your windows shot out at with automatic weapons.

Competitors who fight for a living in the ring know how difficult fighting can be and don't underestimate any opponent simply because they know it is not a smart tactic for victory.

Being a person who has experienced, seen, been involved with, and stopped a number of violent situations, I've developed a "respect" for what violence is and can do.

The pseudo-tough guy who thinks he can kill people is the person who studies Starbucks streetfighting 101.

The people who actually fight and have experienced violence see things differently.

..........and Beserker...if you can't fight for real, you won't be able to stop me from imposing my morality on you. LOL. ;)

It's been swell.

Oh and P.S. LOL at "giving kung fu a bad name" ........ I don't do any sort of kung fu. I'm a MMA/JKDC instructor.


08-13-2003, 08:46 AM
Oh and while I'm online here...

People experienced in real violence neither feel "guilt" or "pleasure" when they are stopping an opponent.

You don't feel anything.

After the fact, that's the time to feel whatever it is you're going to feel. Joy and triumph usually makes you careless.

Having that healthy "fear and disgust" of violence usually keeps you grounded in reality.



08-13-2003, 08:58 AM
Even in personal self defence, take me, the first time i beaned a rapist with a iron, later giving statement to the cops i shaking all over,so sure i was bothered, violence is by definition bothersome, but i got used to it and i NEVER FELT GUILTY ABOUT WHAT I DONE TO SCUMBAGS I TOOK OUT IN SELF DEFENCE

Who is saying you need to feel "guilty" about defending yourself? Or the life of someone else? :confused:

What you said up there is indicative of real violence. "so sure i was bothered...violence is bothersome.. I was shaking all over."

That's real violence. That's what it does emotionally to someone. Been there and done all that. :)
If you use that feeling to avoid trouble, keep your head legally, etc. it serves you well.

If you try to cultivate this "I love to hurt people." garbage chances are you'll get in bad situations, react without thinking of legal consequences, etc.

This is how I know people are either "talk" or "experience."

Real fighting and violence has backlashes, and a whole lot of aspects to it that inexperienced people don't realize.

No one EVER said you should feel guilty for defending yourself. You should not feel guilty for protecting your life or the lives of others.

You should, however, understand that violence used (even in that situation) is unfortunate. Necessary, but unfortunate.

You'll probably live a lot longer.


08-13-2003, 01:05 PM
hmmmm, you kow, berserker may have a point here. I mean, proactive defense. If you get jumped, should you do something about it, maybe in the hpse of deterring your attacker from hurting someone else in the future who can't defend themselves? I might have to post on a nother thread or soemthing....

08-13-2003, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by berserker

"The people who talk about "killing the bad guys" without remorse, etc. are people who haven't been involved with the type of environment they're preaching about."
- RYU again

YOU DID you non-integrated fool!
Defending yourself, protecting your society and culture is a wide scope, and a big potential argument. Deciding to fight rather than run is proactive defence, and defence of what? an entire society, a culture, individual liberty, the right to walk on a street.
You think to snal, even your idea of " defending yourself" you probably have no clue, Hitler was defending himself when he betrayed the Brownshirts and had them executed, i'd be doing the same if i took out all the crack dealers, america was doing the same when it wiped Hiro and Nagasaki. You should think about who survives and who doesnt not whos right and whos wrong.

So answer the question!
"So do you prefer to kill people and THEN have remorse and guilt, or prefer not to kill them at all (and thus prefer to play victim to Saddam, Hitler and the local mugger?) In either case, with your PC brain you are as much in tune with the real world as a dingleberry in the antarctic."
gotta go, looking over yor stuff, you have a 1000 assumtions not grounded in reality, you keep dishing out statemnet which you attribute to me and actually i would never utter as they are too general and have no meaning. and you have a miniview of the universe which you try to project on a wider world which you dont understand.

If I had to I'd prefer to kill them and THEN feel remorse for it. :)
Killing someone shouldn't make you feel good.

I did NOT say you should feel guilty about defending yourself or others. I said that the people who talk about "killing the bad guys without remorse" (i.e. people who walk around talking the talk of the mighty streetfighter) are living in a fantasy world, and have never really known real violence.

"killing the bad guys without remorse" does not mean you feel guilty for defending yourself (even if it does end in death).
Instead it means someone who claims to feel "vindicated" or "pleasure" from killing a "bad guy."
That's pure fantasy.

I don't think I can make this any more clearer for you :D

It's funny as hell that you think of me of all people as some kind of "hippie hug the bad guys" sort of person! :D

Anyone who knows me (and even a lot of people on this board) know I have very little tolerance for "bad guys." ;)

Nothing wrong with stopping the "bad guys." Just make sure you don't turn into one yourself.


08-13-2003, 08:15 PM
Next you'l be bringing me knives and forks and eatin off a plate, putting the cuffs of civilization on me?


08-19-2003, 03:12 AM
berserker is mind-numbingly stupid.

Repulsive Monkey says

I've never so much rubbish in all my life. It totally generalises one mans opinions which on the face of it seem pretty rank.

While Matt Furey is a tard, RM clearly has absolutely no idea what it takes to be at the top of whatever it is you are doing. I'm still learning about it but rest assured that I'm learning:

1. You have to be committed to being a champion with a single-minded intensity.
2. EVERYTHING is done from the perspective of "How does this help me be a champion?"
3. The will to prepare is more important than the will to succeed.

Everything else is just static on the radio.

Laughing Cow
08-19-2003, 04:05 AM
The more I read of berserkers post the more he reminds me of Acamac with better grammar and better spelling.

Don't know if I prefer him or EuropeanBoxer.

Said that there are a few other candidates I met over the years on Boards that he could a new incarnation of.

I reckon that there are only a few real professional trolls(mental cases) on MA boards maybe 4 or 5.


08-19-2003, 05:02 AM
Stupid seems to be a popular rebuke!

Perhaps the masses, then, are on to something.

Perhaps i am single-mindedly brilliant.

I've met a few. You strike me as dissimilar. Most had a passing familiarity, at least, with their own tongue.

Perhaps what i have to say is far to new, too radical for you to digest.


Perhaps you have no will no indomitable spiriit to pursue obvious conclusions in spite of the resistance of all the mental failures around you.

I can say with the utmost confidence that this is not correct. My track record speaks for itself.

Mindnumbingly to you it is the great truth, it wil cure you of your diversions, you can come back form the glory flags of the fakes.

Nihilism is bunk.

Mr Punch
08-19-2003, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by berserker

Stupid seems to be a popular rebuke!Yes, especially when rebuking stupid people.

Perhaps i am single-mindedly brilliant.No, you're not.

Perhaps what i have to say is far to new, too radical for you to digest.No, it isn't.

Perhaps you have no will no indomitable spiriit to pursue obvious conclusions in spite of the resistance of all the mental failures around you.My god, you're right. I see it now, yet I am blinded by your brilliance.

No, but you are right about me having no will to live... not after reading one of your ****ing posts anyway.

It's even getting boring answering you. I'd get better dialogue at the veg market.

I would like to see you duke it out with European Boxer though... tard vs table anyone!?:D


The Happy Fool.

08-19-2003, 09:10 AM
LMAO!! This thread is still around?? :D

Beserker is being cornered by everyone it seems.

Beserker.....buddy, your posts aren't even making sense anymore. They're just jibberish and capitalized words. It's giving me a headache trying to even follow your grammatical errors and amateurish writing style.

From all the stuff that you have said on this page alone, it's obvious that you are not any kind of fighter at all. You are the kind of person who gives CMA a bad name.

You're the kind of person we MMArtists look at and say "gee, these CMA people are looney and don't know the first thing about fighting."

You're making it painfully obvious to the whole forum that you

1. Really have no idea what you're talking about (you're barely making coherent sense anymore)

2. Haven't been in real altercations before (outside from schoolyard slap fighting perhaps)

3. Don't know the first thing about war tactics (any soldier with the mindset to go off and "kill em all!" is tactically very useless to his brigade in that victory in war comes from proper strategy and proper communications. Charging in without thought or planning to kill people gets your brigade killed.)

4. You really don't seem to have any self-confidence at all in your chosen style or your skills.
I'd recommend gloving up and sparring full contact with some other people. Namely GOOD fighters.
If you still have no confidence about yourself you could compete in any number of reality MMA tournaments, etc.

But, I'm sure you're too "deadly" for that stuff. :cool:

As MP would say.
"EEEEH! Wrong answer! But thanks for playing our game!"


08-21-2003, 05:01 AM
Oh my god you write so much crap that my eyes bleed. What the **** are u trying to say, really?

(could you try answer with less than 10 sentences please?)

08-21-2003, 07:24 AM
LMAO at the notion that a "real martial artists" has concentration to follow an internet thread for days on end!!!!!!!!! Bwahahahaha!
That's gotta be the funniest thing I've ever heard on this forum!

Beserker, no one here is reading all your posts because no one here thinks you are making any sense any more. You're just throwing words out.

I'll try it ONE more time. The world is made up of is's and isnt's, but is innovated and continued by should's and shouldnt's.

You are talking about enjoying violence (whether it be in war, or trouncing "bad guys" or whatever.) I have said that this "enjoyment" of violence usually leads to negative traits in human beings. The people who "enjoy" violence are the "bad guys" simple as that.
Vets of wars feel "happy and relieved" that the war is over...not that they've killed thousands of people. Both my grandfathers were WW2 vets, so don't think talking to a few people outside your family gives you an idea of what that war did to its soldiers.

Loving "violence" is not a trait of most normal functioning human beings. (Like it or not). It's reserved usually for psychopaths and serial murderers.

Most of your posting now is filled with Red Herrings and Straw Man fallacies. This means that you throw in irrelevant and at times made up "points" in your posts to try and avoid the issue.

Stuff like this. "Also, i can see your concern is social popularity and that will take precedence over rhyme, reason and logic of course. In other times and places you would have joined the NAZIS with Hitler or Saddam Militia, whatever is socially popular becausee that must be true.and thus in some sense your go-with-the-crowd-no-thought-of your-own type is the reason why we all march to war."

This is simple nonsense. Because of the fact that no one is agreeing with you or able to understand anything you write doesn't mean that you have magically been martyrized into the realm of "going against the crowd." :D
It simply means you're not making good enough arguments.

I'm not projecting my thoughts unto you (LOL!) I'm stating my own thoughts on the subject.
I've been around violence, my father grew up in it, and I've known many people who lived and died by it. My family has and had many war vets in it, and I am saying right now that when someone is constantly involved with violence.......they get tired of it.
They start understanding that 'violence" is not fun or enjoyable. No matter if you're killing a bad guy or what.

People who rave about "loving violence" or "enjoying killing bad guys" etc.
are people who usually are

1. mentally and emotionally traumatized in some way.

2. lying about their involvement in violent situations.


08-21-2003, 07:48 AM
well I gotta give props to berzerker for answering in less than 10 sentences :D ...still confused about this thread though, atleast it's fun to see Ryu battling the trolls. So props to Ryu aswell.

Well, OK! life is something like an orange tree, just dont **** with it.

I get turned on mostly by palm trees mind you

Now take two valium, a beer and some rest.

I'm not like yo mama

Wouldn't you prefer the Simpsons to reading me?

I would actually

Sorry about your eyes, you any relation to Jesus?

Nah, but your wife screams his name while I'm givin it to her

08-21-2003, 12:55 PM
Sigh.... :rolleyes:

Dude, you're just making me repeat myself over and over...

All right. You have said you "don't love violence, you love fighting"

"How can you be a fighter if you don't love fighting?"

Do I love fighting?

Well I fight full contact with sticks, and smash helmeted heads and wack legs and hands and ribs.
I've suffered lacerations on my hands and elbows, black knots on my wrists as big as golf balls, etc.

Do I love fighting?

Well I put on gloves and headgear and fight pretty full contact with others. We jab, cross, and hook each other in the head, we kick each others shins, thighs and stomachs, we close in and clinch where we headbutt each other, use elbows and knees. We tackle each other down to the ground and try to submit each other with chokes, armlocks, and leg locks. We incorporate groundpounding and kino mutai in the mix of the groundgame.

Do I love fighting?

Well I train 6 days a week, follow a perfect diet, lift weights, do bodyweight calisthenics, go through rounds of shadowboxing, jump roping, running, etc.

Do I love fighting?

No, I hate fighting. I hate streetfighting. Every streetfight I've ever been in has involved anger, fear, pain, risk of losing jobs, people giving you reputations you don't want or don't deserve, your family is disappointed in you, your girlfriend looks differently upon you, your friends are shocked at what you did.....

I hate fighting. I don't love it one bit.

I love training. I love being a martial artist.


08-21-2003, 01:16 PM

All you're doing now is just calling me names and insulting my "martial spirit". You're not saying anything anymore.

I never once said you shouldn't be ready for violence or that you shouldn't finish a war and take responsibility for it.

Like I said....."straw man" :rolleyes:

I don't believe that you ever did anything "bad" to the "bad guys." I think you're talking out of your rear when it comes to real life personal situations.

But that's just me. It's rule #78 of "Ryu's Rules" :D (or whatver you called it)


08-21-2003, 01:41 PM
IME the kinds of people who 'love fighting' are the brain-dead, Chelsea Headhunter-loving, lager-loutish England football fan esque brand of humanity. The simple minded "I think I'm 'ard so f*ck you" kind of moron, who's base instincts are only satisfied by fighting, beer and porking his overweight, tarty missus.

Sorry to be semi-elitist here, but a love of fighting are psychologically connected to IQ, emotional intelligence and intellect.

Kid, go and read Robert Graves' 'Goodbye to All That'. It's his autobiography, where he describes the deaths of hundreds of his friends in the trenches of France, in WWI.

This is the work of an intellectual man, renowned for his bravery during combat, describing the complex ambiguity of his feelings; his staunch patriotism juxtaposed for his unerring love of humanity.

To be honest mate, don't bother. You just sound like a total dip****.

08-21-2003, 01:54 PM
Maybe you're not too literate. To be honest you don't seem to intelligent.

Rent 'All Quite on the Western Front'. It's black and white I'm afraid, and doesn't star Steven Seagal, but try to watch it through, esp. the ending OK.

Then think about "remorselessness killing" or "pre-emptive strike" or whatever sh!t you were spewing.

To be honest, you're probably just a lonely 16 year old boy, who's taken a few Karate lessons and watched Enter the Dragon twice and thinks he's a killing machine, after he beat up Wayne Jennings outside the PE Block shower room.


Everytime I post on this board I wonder why?.....

08-21-2003, 02:20 PM
Yo D-Sound, long time no see! :) Step by the Other Related arts were I'm mostly at.


Mr Punch
08-21-2003, 07:26 PM
You know Berserker, when you're not preaching on talking bollocks like you're on a mission, being insulting to people, putting words and feelings into their mouths and accusing them of doing the same, a lot of what you say makes sense.

You would be the worst ****ing preacher/motivator/trainer in the world however.

And I'm not asking you to moderate your tone because it's offended me, or because the content of what you're ranting on about is too difficult or radical or long, or any of that **** that you've already transposed onto me from your cultural standpoint, and presumption unmodified by actually digesting anything I've written...

I'm asking you to, because you make a lot interesting points when you're not sounding like a cocky, ignorant, sanctiomious, precocious, patronising 16-year-old arse. Sticking to one topic is only useful (as a martial characteristic or anything else) if you're learning something. Otherwise, you may as well be sticking to toilet paper.

Internet forums are exchanges of info. Are you honestly gonna tell us that you don't get anything useful from this board?

If not, how about some of that exchange, if you've got anything real to offer other than tired jaundiced rants painted up to look new and original.

If so, **** off, cos with your tone, not many people are that interested in what you say.

There's no ****ing way I, or most other people on this board are going to admit that you're right about anything while you take such a ****ty tone with everything. Call it cultural restriction if you like. I prefer the old Chinese saying: if you talk like a ****head, nobody listens.

08-21-2003, 09:35 PM
Posted by Beserker.....

"Also, as i guessed correctly you really dont understand the word "enemy". Its not in your life. So you have a good life, well protected and not too cross cultural or inheritance of horror or suffering. So great for you, but theres little way you can understand the wider world outside of that cirlcle especially with your attitutes. So all the unexplainables or unlikeables go into the "psychotic, mmass-murderer, tramatized" bin.

But i say that bin is the wider world and more fully experienced world and you feelings would change if you were forced to commit in the larger world and no longer be able to care about grilfriend, friends and family think.
So its just as i said , your idea of human reality is excessively colored by the disapproval and approval of others. You have just admitted it all.
Hey! i dont deny your right to a peaceful life, go take it. But you deny my values and by wilikers, this is a martial arts forum where those who profess the martial way are scorned and pilloried. Go figure!"

Also posted by Beserker (to me)
"You are constantly telling me what my thoughts are when they are projections of your own thoughts and fantasies. "

Posted by Beserker
"What can we believe about what people say about themselves? "

Nothing I suppose. Now how many "bad guys" have you trounced? :cool:

Posted by me.
"Well I fight full contact with sticks, and smash helmeted heads and wack legs and hands and ribs.
I've suffered lacerations on my hands and elbows, black knots on my wrists as big as golf balls, etc.

Do I love fighting?

Well I put on gloves and headgear and fight pretty full contact with others. We jab, cross, and hook each other in the head, we kick each others shins, thighs and stomachs, we close in and clinch where we headbutt each other, use elbows and knees. We tackle each other down to the ground and try to submit each other with chokes, armlocks, and leg locks. We incorporate groundpounding and kino mutai in the mix of the groundgame.

Do I love fighting?

Well I train 6 days a week, follow a perfect diet, lift weights, do bodyweight calisthenics, go through rounds of shadowboxing, jump roping, running, etc."

Posted by Beserker:
"You dont have motivation to take on an enemy."

Also posted by Beserker:
"But why on earth would i want to compete in SPORT COMPETITIONS to PROVE myself?."

Uh huh. :) You only prove yourself on da street! Sure.

Someone posting here IS devoid of martial spirit.
I'll let the KFO members figure out who it really is.


03-07-2004, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by berserker

[b]I've said it before, but i think you keep missing it ryu. So i'll say it again just to make sure you are hearing it.
None of what you are talking about there is "fighting".
It is "competition".

Let's look at the definition of fight:

1 a : to contend in battle or physical combat; especially : to strive to overcome a person by blows or weapons b : to engage in boxing
2 : to put forth a determined effort
transitive senses
1 a (1) : to contend against in or as if in battle or physical combat (2) : to box against in the ring b (1) : to attempt to prevent the success or effectiveness of <the company fought the takeover attempt> (2) : to oppose the passage or development of <fight a bill in Congress>
2 a : WAGE, CARRY ON <fight a battle> b : to take part in (as a boxing match)
3 : to struggle to endure or surmount <fight a cold>
4 a : to gain by struggle <fights his way through> b : to resolve by struggle <fought out their differences in court>
5 a : to manage (a ship) in a battle or storm b : to cause to struggle or contend c : to manage in an unnecessarily rough or awkward manner

Quite obviously, we are considered fighters. You are confusing the term fighter with the term warrior. A warrior implies a person that is/has been in a war. Very few of us on KFO are warriors, but several are fighters. you sound as if you are neither.

It's not fightin, nor fighting spirit.

Do tell then... what spirit is it?

To take on an enemy you need courage and courage of conviction.

It takes the same to step into a ring and be humiliated in front of hundreds or even thousands.

You won't win anything in your social culture so it's of no interest to you.
You can jump up and down and beat yourself black and blue 24/7 and it doesn't mean a thing. Fighting is when you face an enemy with a real risk of losing something. You do not need this kind of courage for sport and you cannot get it in sport.

What kind of training are you doing that will prepare you moreso than us?

But i am not in your caste or group.

what group or caste do you feel you belong to?

Of course a person can only prove their courage under fire, where ever that is.
As i said you do not know what "enemy" means. There is "Enemy" on every street and in every walk of life. It sounds like your idea is of punks who go out and pick fights for fun. That's the only idea of fighting you have. But the truth is you can hardly go by a day without having to fight for your right to exist in someway. I can't imagine what kind of protected illusion some people are living under. I think they are just as the blind sleeping in a burning house.

Let's refer once again to the dictionary:

1 : one that is antagonistic to another; especially : one seeking to injure, overthrow, or confound an opponent
2 : something harmful or deadly
3 a : a military adversary b : a hostile unit or force

Everyone can live as they like and practice as they like but don't try to pretend your are a "fighter".

See above definition of fighter.

Yeah all those sports guys run this forum and they censor others so i don't waste time here anymore but i came back and saw your answer from last summer, ryu.

That's not true at all. But let me guess - posting on KFO is just a competition between CMA and MMA right?

03-08-2004, 08:23 AM
But the truth is you can hardly go by a day without having to fight for your right to exist in someway.

I don't. Unless of course you refer to eating, going to work, and sleeping. Sometimes I have to fight for the sleep I want, but not physically. I pay for my food, I do that by working. When I lived in a more rough neighborhood I got jumped once, but it was no big deal.

berserker, you really just aren't getting it. Are you "fighting" everyday? I don't mean sparirng or competing, I mean going out into the back alleys and the streets and fighting? What qualifies you to determine that sparring is not "fighting"? I would agree with anyone if they were to say sparring is more limited then fighting on the street, because I would certainly be more interested in doing real damage on the street and in self defense then in sparring but that doesn't trivialize sparring. Anyone who is getting in their, pads or no, and hitting, and being hit, has martial spirit in my opinion.

you said : "fighting is fighting it's not warrioring"

That's right, someitmes it involves freinds, protective equipment and rules, and sometimes it don't, but it's still fighting.

03-08-2004, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by berserker
I don't have a great deal of time fo yer hostility sevenstar but i'll do as quick as i can.

There's no hostility here, but if you think you sense some, then deal with it. You're supposed to be a fighter, right?

"What kind of training are you doing that will prepare you more so than us?"

I already said it in my previous, look again, you are not really reading to understand are you?
"prepare"? what have you already decided to do?
It's in the wanting we are talking about.
It's a free world, i am already fighting, it never stops. What have you decided to do? to be not fighting?

you fight traffic every morning - who gives a hoot. Gimme a specific. What fight are you fighting everyday? Trivial everyday nuances don't count as fighting.

"But i am not in your caste or group.
what group or caste do you feel you belong to?"

And yours sir? Does the fish understand the ocean, do you people know yourselves? Do you see that there are many fish swimming in different oceans? I doubt it. Because you come from a particularly well self deluded system. It would be unusual if you didnt.

The social world is not uniform. And also the martial art world.

But i refer to a type of grouping where a practice is for the purpose of social competition among its members. It doesn't matter whether it is knitting or martial arts, the purpose of the group is to produce a top dog to urinate on lower dogs. The actual activity of the groups does not matter.
In fact this is the exact structure of most of American Martial Art.
I do not belong to these types of groups.

I saw exactly what you were getting at, which is why I asked the question.
fighting is fighting it's not warrioring
it's not boxing and reading dictionaries
it's really simple.
It's just fighting.
It's not training, it's not beating your friends black and blue.
It's not flying flags and handing your wallet to giving your wllet to some master dude.
It's just fighting.

Neo....Wake up!

Don't get in too much of a huff ,7*,take yer time, i'll come back next fall and see yer reply. It dont matter much anyhow.

Cool. see ya next fall. No huff here. Since I'm "only a competitor" I'll here, waiting for the next round.

I think yer the guy with 6.2 billion posts aren't u 7*?
Guess that's one way to stay out of fights.

Not that many, but I'm working on it. That what posting from work and posting late at night will do for you. I've posted several accounts of stopping muggers, woman beaters, etc. - the punks you refer to that don't count as fighting in the real world.
take it easy

... [/B]

03-08-2004, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by berserker

But the truth is you can hardly go by a day without having to fight for your right to exist in someway. I can't imagine what kind of protected illusion some people are living under. I think they are just as the blind sleeping in a burning house.

You do have somewhat a point there, I'll give you that. To say you do it EVERYDAY is likely a tad exaggerated though. But that point will only apply in certain cases. As for the blind, they will still smell the smoke...

03-08-2004, 09:31 AM
Holy thread necromancy, Batman!

Mr Punch
03-08-2004, 10:57 AM
Looks like Gramps forgot to lock the attic again.