View Full Version : Liu Kwei (sp) Axes

Judge Pen
08-13-2003, 01:30 PM
Anyone here know a form with the double axes?

08-13-2003, 01:31 PM
No, but I plan on buying some anyways.

Do we have double ax forms in our curriculum?

Judge Pen
08-13-2003, 01:37 PM
We do, but I've never seen it performed.

norther practitioner
08-13-2003, 01:39 PM

Of course you do, and if you didn't, it will be added soon...


Judge Pen
08-13-2003, 01:42 PM
Serioulsy, anyone here know the form or a link to a performance. I'm curious to see a good representation.

08-13-2003, 01:43 PM
I dont know which NP likes more, dissing SD or hitting on margie....


08-13-2003, 01:46 PM

Not sure if any of those have one, but may as well look.

norther practitioner
08-13-2003, 01:55 PM
It's all in good fun.:D
Oh, and SD, there is a big difference between conversing with and "hitting on" a person.... If I were to "hit on" someone, it wouldn't be on an internet forum. I just try to be nice.

08-13-2003, 02:07 PM
And I my friend, am just talking sh!t.

Judge Pen
08-13-2003, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by Shaolin-Do
And I my friend, am just talking sh!t.

:eek: SD talking sh!t. Who would have imagined? :D

Anyway, I don't want to get off topic here, I was reading the Media and Martial Arts Culture forum and someone mentioned Liu Kwei there and I was curious. I also read an article once (probably written by Gene) on Liu Kwei and wondered if anyone practiced with the double axes. Anyone?

08-13-2003, 02:27 PM
wouldn't "Li Kwei's Double Axes" have some special form for Li ? Kinda like a Kwan Dao form for Kwan, even though many styles have their own Kwan Dao.

I only read part of Outlaws of the Marsh, and Li Kwei seemed like a ***** to me.

08-13-2003, 04:00 PM
I have some video of of the liu kwai axes performed at one of our tournaments a few years ago JP. Do you have any video of events or seminars? If so, maybe we could do some trading? Same offer goes out to any other SD ppl, if you have some video of past tournaments, events, seminars, etc.

Pm or email me.

08-13-2003, 08:38 PM
Check your PM box, Evad

08-14-2003, 10:32 AM
I did an article on Li Kwei in our Jul Aug 2002 (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=234) in our special about Outlaws of the Marsh. OotM is a famous Chinese novel, sort of a Robin Hood tale, where Li Kwei is a main character. It is also the basis of many martial arts movies.

When you're ready to buy a pair, we have two versions: wushu (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/45-75wu.html) or manly man (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/45-75cs.html).

Judge Pen
08-14-2003, 10:51 AM
Thanks Gene. I read your article long before I started posting here on the forum. I was hoping to find a video of the form as well, but that appears to be fairly rare. anyway, I doubt that I will be learning the form anytime soon, but if that changes, I'll invest in a pair.

08-14-2003, 11:19 AM
I once saw sifu Art D'Agostino do an axe form.


Judge Pen
08-15-2003, 06:22 AM
Originally posted by Evad
I have some video of of the liu kwai axes performed at one of our tournaments a few years ago JP. Do you have any video of events or seminars? If so, maybe we could do some trading? Same offer goes out to any other SD ppl, if you have some video of past tournaments, events, seminars, etc.

Pm or email me.

I lost most of my tapes in an apartment fire about three years ago. Sorry.

Hey are you going to Radhnoti's kwoons opening in September? I'm planning on being there and my sifu may come along too.

08-15-2003, 07:09 AM
Rads opening a kwoon? Cool. Congrats to rad. :)
I want the "manly man" axes... their cool as f*ck. :)
Ill have vid of one of our tourneys in a couple weeks that Id be more than happy to trade for some of your vids evad...

Judge Pen
08-15-2003, 08:10 AM
Originally posted by Shaolin-Do
Rads opening a kwoon? Cool. Congrats to rad. :)
I want the "manly man" axes... their cool as f*ck. :)
Ill have vid of one of our tourneys in a couple weeks that Id be more than happy to trade for some of your vids evad...

Oops. It read that way didn't it? Rad's teacher is moving his kwoon to a new location. My understanding is that Rad will train and help teach there.

08-15-2003, 08:30 AM
Sure did :)
Oh well, still good :)
we move to a new kwoon in... December i believe?
Gettin new tires on the jeep... yay.

14.4 lbs?!!? ****... those are manly man axes. Jah, Zupa Cooly!

08-15-2003, 09:15 AM
Thanks for reading me. Beleive me, double axes are on my list of videos to acquire for the company. My goal is to have an instructional vidoe for every weapon we carry someday. So far, this is where we stand - master kits (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/tck.html) Many of our exotics (http://store.yahoo.com/martialartsmart/chinese-martial-arts-weapons-exotic-weapons.html) are tricky though - hard to find something good and authentic, worth videotaping - but we're working on it.

06-15-2020, 11:09 AM
Chopfit (www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71795-Chopfit) uses one axe? We use two (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?24561-Liu-Kwei-(sp)-Axes).

Get a workout by pretending to swing an axe? Sure. Okay. Fine. (https://mashable.com/shopping/june-14-the-chopper-fitness-sale/)

https://mondrian.mashable.com/uploads%252Fcard%252Fimage%252F1344899%252F47ce16b 5-8530-400f-b67e-3e25d9ac0881.webp%252F950x534__filters%253Aquality %252880%2529.webp?signature=jqVVY-K3XOjd-B62M1v7MRNfCIs=&source=https%3A%2F%2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com
Image: ChopFit
By StackCommerce
1 day ago
Work on your fitness from the comofort of your home with THE CHOPPER for $429.99, a 13% savings as of June 14.

Many have been forced to get creative with their at-home workouts. Some chose to pick up roller skates for the first time since childhood. Others decided to start jumping rope. These are weird times, you guys. So weird, in fact, that this strange piece of equipment called the Chopper exists.
The Chopper is basically a weighted axe-shaped workout tool you can use to spice up your workouts. What's cool about the Chopper is that depending on where you hold it, the weight will feel heavier or lighter (between six to 16 pounds) even though the Chopper itself only weighs four pounds. Rather than just pretending to chop invisible wood, you can use the accompanying app to find legit workouts that last about 20 minutes and can be done pretty much anywhere. Plus, you can easily customize the intensity levels by upping the reps or switching up your grip.
From core stability to cardiovascular endurance, the Chopper can help you get a full-body workout without hitting the gym. It's just about as simple (and weird) as it sounds.
Typically retailing for $139, you can get a full-body workout with the Chopper for just $119.99.