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View Full Version : Tai Chi Chuan Self Defense Videos

Empty Fist
08-15-2003, 06:39 AM
Can someone recommend a good Tai Chi Chuan instructional video for self-defense? I practice Yang style of Tai Chi Chuan. So a Yang Style oriented style video would be ideal. However, I’m open to other styles of Tai Chi Chuan as it pertains to self-defense.

Laughing Cow
08-15-2003, 01:06 PM

Try looking here Wayfarer publications (www.tai-chi.com) there are a few there.

In general the "Chinas Living Treasure" series is good.

You will find quiet a bit of application videos for Chen style.

Haven't seen much of the Videos there as I only buy what pertains directly to my Chen style and 95% of that is still only available in Chinese.

Hope this helps

wiz cool c
08-15-2003, 05:12 PM
Doc Fai Wong push hands and 40 movement form tape has some good self defence stuff in it.

08-24-2003, 07:12 PM
Shum Leung of the Wu Style has 2 tapes on self defense. Espy Video (find it in IKF magazine)

There is alot of good stuff coming out of china on VCD but sorry not in english though.

Laughing Cow
08-24-2003, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by ngokfei
There is alot of good stuff coming out of china on VCD but sorry not in english though.

I have to agree with this, got myself a few of the TJQ DVD and VCD from China and they tend to be way superior to the average stuff released in the west.

I also know that a few Books are currently being translated into English at the moment.


08-25-2003, 07:24 PM
don't get bk frantiz's tape on tai chi applications. - it $ucks donkey balls.

also, that rob guy in the u.k. is a donkey raping uncle phucker. - vincent chu is one of those, hit you without touching you ppl. psh!

the china's living treasures tapes don't really show applications. - unless the tapes being refered to are the ones by george xu. - i can't really say how he is, but he has tapes on yang, chen, xing-yi, and bagua. - i've only seen one of his bagua tapes. - basically shows the postures and a very simple application for each.

the best martial applications tape i've ever seen was some silat guy from the inosanto school (not one of the big name guys. - some guy i've never heard of. - not rick tucci or burton richardson) - he showed a lot of good stuff... but it's more in a demonstrational style rather than teaching. - won't do a beginner much good.

08-26-2003, 02:51 PM
there's some awesome stuff on vcd. check out the chinafromtheinside.com. I have an old video tape I got in chinatown here in Bos that has a ton of yang style apps. they still have like 10 copies of it there. But you are going to see more and more vcds

http://www.chinafrominside.com/ma/store.html (china from inside)

The introduction to wudang kung fu one is onew of the coolest things I've ever seen.

Also, I have one of Vincent Chu's tapes and it is also one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

and I'd agree with whoever said the best stuff on any format is in chinese as I've found that to be true. Some of the DVD's have subtitles / dub though

08-29-2003, 11:39 PM
They're awesome, and u can sample clips here for application videos for internal and external arts.

his organization's at www.ymaa.com

just click on a video, and go down to 'quicktime clip.' a few videos don't have samples, but most do. hope this helps.

Empty Fist
09-03-2003, 03:23 AM
Thanks everybody for your suggestions. I’ve recently purchased Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan and its Applications video by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. Not a bad tape but I’d wish Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming would have also explained the body mechanics behind the applications versus just doing them.

Empty Fist
09-03-2003, 03:24 AM
Thanks everybody for your suggestions. I’ve recently purchased Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan and its Applications video by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. Not a bad tape but I’d wish Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming would have also explained the body mechanics behind the applications versus just doing them.

09-03-2003, 11:16 AM
Dr Yang gives these seminars you may want to check out

09-08-2003, 04:41 PM
How are you doing,EmptyFist
First of all,I want to say that I`m also a Yang student (I know that`s not really important,it`s just that I`m proud,that`s all).Second,most people will probably laugh at my post when they read this,but I got my 2 Tai ji videos at kazaa.It has some good videos there,but very few Tai ji videos.It has A LOT of kung-fu videos,if you`re also interested.The 2 Tai ji videos I have don`t teach movements nor anything.it`s just kati,but it`s nice to watch.